Friday, December 29, 2017

Blind Item #2

Perhaps this one named A list rapper/producer/sexual predator/statutory raper/child molester/sometime reality star should worry that the parents of the teen he got pregnant will file a police report against him and throw him in jail for a decade instead of threatening her. He recently told her he would cut off the money he was paying her if she said anything negative about him. Umm, you raped her. She can be as negative as she wants and you should be in jail.


TownChica said...

the game

Boldblonde said...

The Game is obsessed with teenage girls.

Glue said...

Whoever this is needs to go down in flames and fast! I hope the girl and her parents go to the police and I truly hope that the officer they talk to will take the girl seriously and not get paid in secret to make it disappear.

Tuesdi said...


Colonel Blake said...

Jesus Christ....Those lowly rappers live wayyyy beyond their means. His payoff money will run out.

houstonbch said...
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RudeScorpio said...

yup its The Game, he tried saying he was with the girl in the uk, scared/threatened her into saying it was in the uk, when really it happened in miami. hes paying for her silence and shes scared enough to stay silent. oh and he got her pregnant too.

Barbara RiceHand said...

She needs to come out. If she’s just depending on his money to stay quiet she needs to realize people will pay for her story.

Anonymous said...

Is The Game A-list though? Even amongst the rap community?

This has to be R-Kelly.

Glue said...

MKL - I thought of R Kelly at first too, but the blind says "one-named A list rapper" which removes R Kelly from the list of guesses.

Although, now that I think about it, the main guess: is it "The Game" or just "Game" because again, the blind says "one-named A list rapper."

Irish Londoner said...

Does The Game count as one name? I thought one name means one word, like Sting, Zendaya, Rhiana, Bono etc.

One named rappers would be Eminem, Drake, Nas, Ludacris, Common, Future, etc.

Glue said...

re: R Kelly he's also an R&B singer, not a rapper.

Do Tell said...

Usher? But the rap part is off.

Noelle Dash said...


Bitters said...

If it wasn't for the A list rating I'd have said Nelly

asb said...


BayAreaGirl said...

@asb, it's not diddy b/c the victim is a female.

R Kelly would be former A list singer. He was never a rapper. Enty generally refers to Usher as almost permanent A list singer. Has Nelly done any reality TV? I'm leaning toward the Game.

Mstyles said...

What a POS (and I agree this does sound like some R Kelly ish and I am sure he has done some ish like this)

Aaaah88L said...

Game...Urban blogs have been reporting that he got a 14/15 year old pregnant

Irish Londoner said...

No point in him saying it happened in the UK then. Age of consent is 16 here.

Schneiderisnext said...

"Statutory Rapper"

Crazycatlady said...

Who does Game produce for? I see the reality piece fitting but its the “one name” - I’d say Diddy but doesn’t he like dudes? Unless the one name is Enty-speak... Game is known for loving under age girls, same with R Kelly. Future? He is one name but only know of him loving his percocets, molly, percocets.. sorry couldn’t help myself there - wasn’t there just a blind about him being a shit father? There are so many one named rappers but not many who also produce on the regular and who are on reality tv...

Teaching in the trenches said...

@BayAreaGirl Nelly did a reality show, it was so awesome, I don’t remember the name. I still love his music, although , not enough to go to see him at one of the many Casinos, here in Oklahoma.

Peopleknow86 said...


Unknown said...



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