Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Blind Item #13

This A list mostly movie actor from an acting family indulged in a 30 hour coke and booze binge prior to the premiere of his latest movie. I'm sure the studio and producers are thrilled at his professionalism.


Tricia13 said...

Owen Wilson?

Hanniam said...

Yikes, whoever it is. You need a sit down with a sponsor. This never goes well.

Sunspirit said...

Joaquin Phoenix

sandybrook said...

Luke Wilson Rock Dog?

Samantha Willow said...

Someone definitely needs CA. Or NA.

hothotheat said...

I don't this is Owen. That said, I don't understand why he isn't described as a writer also in the blinds. He has an Oscar Nom for writing.

Tricia13 said...

I like him a lot- agree he’s talented and a lot more than just an actor in a family etc. Notvhim- no new film

hothotheat said...

+1 Joaquin was my first thought for this.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Joel Edgerton

Newbomb said...

Doesn't Owen know that coke can screw up the shape of your nose?

texasrose said...

Hey! Who doesn't let off a little steam with a 30 hour coke and booze binge???

Boldblonde said...

His nose is already screwed up @Newbomb

Rafael said...

All of them

Sal Salington said...

Only 30 hours? Amateur.

Count Jerkula said...

I hear ya, Sal. 30hrs is a decent line of speed split between each nostril.

Gordon Scott said...

When your personal assistant is dabbing coke residue from your nostril just before you stumble your glossy-faced self down the red carpet, now that's a proper binge.

J-Mo said...

Well, he showed up though.

Gordon Scott said...

Exactly, J-Mo. And extra points if he actually knew where he was.

Brayson87 said...

Hey, five hour energy doesn't work for everybody, some folks need something more lol

americanpanda said...

@Sal you literally took the words out my mouth

J-Mo said...

Aaw Gordon Scott! I've commented here for years but don't recall being noticed or directly addressed before, thank you. I must be terribly boring and need to figure out how to change my thumbnail photo from some toy logo my kid chose. Btw HIMMMM is in the Elvis blind comments!

Jx-Noelle said...

@newbomb 👍🏼

Lauren said...

Chris Pine at a Wrinkle in Time Premiere

Ligeia said...

Damn.... yet he still showed up, he must be invincible lol

Priviliged White Girl said...

Or AA.

Poppymann said...

I read it as "cake and booze binge." Sounded good to me.

ElleElle said...

Imma say Affleck, just for a shot in the dark.

Eupheme said...

I was thinking Affleck too,not sure what he's in at the mo. Christ on a bike that's a binge.


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