Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Blind Item #1

It looks like the abuse I wrote about several months ago might finally come to light when the marriage of this A list singer comes to an end. She suffered some extreme abuse and I'm still shocked to this day she didn't call the police.


Tricia13 said...

Carrie Underwood?

Tricia13 said...

Is that what caused her mystery accident?

Tuesdi said...

oooo. That might be a good guess. I would like to find the original blind.

E GSM said...

mike fisher and carrie underwood?

Jojo said...

What?! When she FELL on the steps?? Underwood wrote that "I'll be alright...might just take some time...glad I've got the best hubby in the world to take care of me." Yikes!

Tricia13 said...

Thanks Tuesdi... between all that “Jesus Take the Wheel /religious preaching and bible study-they seem to “ wholesome to be true/pureas mom says

Anonymous said...

Whoa. Wait I thought the story was Mike was out of town when it happened and flew to be by her side?

MNWanderlust said...

Maybe thats why Mike Fisher is returning to hockey after retiring.. something shady going on with them

-B said...

Or that Mike just needs out of the house because he's bored of all of her drinking and antics?

B626 said...

Yes he is soon to be off the Underwood ‘DOLE’

pinot grigio said...

Church Bells ringin ringin..Premonition much Carrie?

CJ said...

Carrie Underwood is the only guess? Color me skeptical. Whatever the situation between her and her husband, he played 18 full seasons in a league with a fairly good pension plan and he has a pretty solid family. He won't be indigent.

No other guesses?

melmanson said...

Unless Ike Turner has returned from the dead, this is Carrie Underwood.

Rosie riveter said...

Ohhh good guess Tricia 😃👏

Brayson87 said...

+1 Tricia

I don't know anything about her marriage, but a broken wrist and messed up face? Where did she fall, the Eiffel Tower stairway?

Sarah said...

I’m having a hard time believing this is Carrie.

Anyone know what Enty is referring to when he says” The abuse I wrote about months ago”??

carolinalily said...

@Lyla - I thought the same thing, but I do think this is them. ☹️

Tricia13 said...

Thank you Rosie!!🙏🏻💕

This and That said...

When Carrie “fell down the stairs” it was described as an incident where she found out he was cheating on her and she drunkenly confronted him (or so I thought - perhaps he was the one who was drunk. Or both were. ) and her injuries were the end result of that fight.

Fuchsia said...

Thought she just fell but I guess not. :(

Anonymous said...

Yeah you usually don't get a deep cut on your face from falling down stairs. Scrapes and abrasions yes

TeaMe said...

Based on this blind, I'm throwing Faith Hill into the mix

bleacherbunny said...

Really depends on how hard you fall you guys and whether anything breaks your fall. I tripped over the holidays and really lacerated my face, bruised my chin, arms, legs - god even teeth! You don’t know how gnarly falls can be until they happen to you! For her sake, I hope this isn’t Carrie.

longtimereader said...

pinot grigio - god i love that song.

xyzxyz33 said...

When I was a child, my mom slipped on a coloring book and busted her nose.
Was there blood? No.
Her nose was mangled and she did have to get reconstruction.

Never believed the Carrie Underwood story.

Jeweled Skye said...

Dang... I hope it's not Carrie... she has a tone of songs about domestic abuse and cheating and getting even - church bells, before he cheats, little toy guns, 2 black cadillacs, blown away, etc., Mikey better watch his back, if not Carrie - a hundred thousand people would come to her defense if this gets out... Also, while I hope it's not Faith and Tim, I'd rather it would be - it would be a better match up since Tim has lost all that weight, I think he and Faith are the same exact size - she may even be a bit taller!

Count Jerkula said...

When yer woman turns a buck w/ her face, ya gotta hit her in the soft meat. Punch in the gut, cane the back of her thighs, use yer belt to beat on her ass, grab a hand full of hair while you pinch a nipple a twist until you see tears. When you lose control and leave a visible mark, the broad wins.

CityGirl said...

Count, I'm sure this is your attempt at humor here, but for real dude, there is nothing humerous to be had on this one.

ardleighstreet said...

Doubt it's Carrie and Mike, I just read they are trying for another baby.

Kno Won said...


Kno Won said...

Skiing. People saw it, to the best of my recollection

Kno Won said...

I can buy this before I buy Carrie Underwood.

Kno Won said...

Me too. I don’t think it’s them.

La-Juice said...

I also hope its not Carrie. Actually I wish it weren't anyone, but the circumstances surrounding her explanation never quite added up in my head.

L G said...

I would be devastated if this was Carrie. Mike is known for being a total stand up guy and spends his time and money helping so many charities. He was even Grand Marshall of the Christmas parade. :(

MattDaddy said...

A lot of people here like him, even consider his posts to be clever satire. Yeah, know.

Anonymous said...

I’m getting angry reading him, what a douche. A little trolling here n there is expected on the web, but this is Debbie Downer and not making it a fun space. Sociopath who is loving that I’m flustered. He thinks he’s funny and artistic as others say (puke) but a manipulative bully who thinks I’m just sensitive. I’ll try again tomorrow on this fantastic sight I found a few months ago

BeautyBitch said...

These guys can’t stay away from the rink, though.

Brayson87 said...

I'm pretty sure Count was just quoting 50 Shades.

Mad Hominem said...

@Jeweled Skye —

Mikey better watch his back... - a hundred thousand people would come to her defense if this gets out...

Just like they came to the defense of, say, Nicole Brown Simpson?

I hate to say it, but hockey is a violent sport and hockey players and fans defend the fighting as an integral part of the game. I could easily believe he brought his rage home with him.

Count Jerkula said...

I think it is horrible that some people around here would prefer women be struck in the face, leaving them w/ the embarassment of having their bruises and scars on display for the world to see. Dont you people have any compassion?

Count Jerkula said...

Nah, i gave up reading books before that came out. I jave the Steinbrenner bio sitting on a shelf, if i ever take another vacation, but that is it. Books are a worse time suck for me than the internet.


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