Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Dancing Boy Update

Here's another update about the forthcoming Dancing Boy short - this one concerns an actor you all know.

As I think I said, the story is told in flashback. It begins though in the present day. After a brief monologue about the public, private, and secret life of Hollywood (this is a story of the latter), we cut to the Chateau Marmont, where the adult dancing boy (likely now played by me) arrives with his boyfriend. They're there to stage a bed-in, thronged by media, to get the former released from his NDA with the studio (so he can tell his story).

This update involves the actor we're talking with about playing the boyfriend. As it happens, his breakout role back in the day was (as with the first update) in a family friendly comedy movie from the same decade, although later. The person with top billing in this movie actually became famous for another movie/franchise a few years earlier, and went on a few years later to be the nominee/winner of an award.

The clue for the actor in question (to be the boyfriend, I mean) concerns an audition - probably the most important of his then young career. In it he performs a song by a now permanent A list band which at the time was controversial for some people in a certain part of the country (who felt it offended their beliefs). That was ironic because the title was really just an expression/saying from that part of the country. There's a video of the actor singing this song, and talking about the audition. When you figure it out it will all make sense about why him for this part/scene.

I don't know if he (as in another person referenced in a blind item a few months ago, and in some way connected with the content of this update) will go through with it, but if we are joined midway through the scene in question by him, it could suggest that a longstanding rumor is true.


Alli said...

Losing My Religion for the song?

Shawny said...

Wish the dancing boy blinds weren’t posted so far apart. I can’t remember the other ones.

PapayaSF said...

Is the song is "Losing My Religion" by R.E.M.?

sandybrook said...

Why do I think the song is Hells Bells by AC\DC? It was Judas Priest who got in trouble with Mrs. Gore wasn't it? Could have been them too, maybe.

filmfanb said...

Ive lost all interest in the dancing boy blind. It feels more and more like some sort of bizarre marketing or larp

Dena said...

If it's losing my religion, maybe the actor is Jonathan Rhys Myers since another blind suggested he was assaulted by Michael Stipe?

Brayson87 said...

It would be easier to believe these if they weren't written as fiction.

TeaMe said...

Anthony Rapp


Tallulah said...

Anthony Rapp as actor who auditioned with Losing My Religion. He discusses it in his book.

alibelle123 said...

These stump me

Sara, Making It Work said...

Ok so..... the last paragraph, is that a reference to Taleisin Jaffe? He was the axtor that was supposed to be in this. What is the rumor?

Song sure sounds like LMR...

Doug said...

It's all promo for the upcoming short, and it doesn't make a secret of that.

Sara, Making It Work said...

And DB is really getting Anthony Rapp to star in his short film?
(The other clue fits for Elisabeth Shue, so it's him.)

Tricia13 said...

It’s Anthony.... between Spacey and these assholes Jesus. Nicest guy ever,btw. Bring me down dude...

Doug said...

Michael Stipe came on to me once, back in the day. But I'm not gay and I ignored him. Very, very overrated music (except perhaps for "Ignoreland" and "Sweetness Follows"). Same with INXS (thump, thump, thump, one chord for sixteen bars; except for "This Time", which is excellent). And so many other musical idols of recent decades, all marking the steady decline since the 60s and 70s.

Thia said...

I feel like I need someone to diagram out the whole DB storyline.

Court b said...

We've all been catfished to make money and garner attention for someone

Sara, Making It Work said...

Ok, probably not Jaffe. More likely a non DB blind. So it could be anyone I guess.

Unknown said...

What "certain part of the country" would have been particularly offended by "Losing My Religion"? I'm not familiar with the song; was it specifically about Mormons or something? If it was anti-religion in general, that doesn't seem like it would offend a certain region.

Doug said...

@Cail Corishev: probably the deep south, where they were also offended by John Lennon's comment about the Beatles being more popular than Jesus, in 1966.

Tricia13 said...

Deep South -it as a term there- means “losing my civility/calm cool /manners etc” which “Southern charm is meant to be about

totaji said...

Sure they were the hay day of pop/rock, but there is a ton of great, innovative music nowadays but it’s not on the radio.

Anonymous said...

So that explains “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” https://youtu.be/BBWQchYpjqQ

T. W. said...

These Dancing Boy blinds make no sense to me.

Some people claimed to have revealed DB's identity but when you Google the guy's name nothing comes up.

Whoever DB is I hope he is happy, healthy, & safe now.

Doug said...

@totaji: Not on the radio, not on TV, not "trending". It's hard work to find things. That's true of the past, too. I'm combing through the second half of the 1960s now and finding some really excellent things that I had never heard. But this raises a big question about quality and popularity. Strawberry Fields Forever was in heavy rotation on AM radio for weeks on end in early 1967. Three days ago I went to a birthday party in a huge bar/restaurant with many big screens, with current music videos playing. They are without question a social-engineering op intended to polarize and degrade society to the max. Occultist if not outright satanic. Disgusting and horrifying. As the Sex Pistols said, "no future for you"!

Chug ChooChoo said...

Yep, I am in the Appalachian south, "losing my religion" is a saying/expression here, similar to "bless his heart". Sort of a tongue-in-cheek-but-not idiom.

@doug listen to somafm


Michael Stipe raped River Phoenix so you can figure this one out if you haven't by this comment.

Sara, Making It Work said...

He never did anything major. Commercials and catalogs and things like that. His first real role was in a movie that was never finished.
Possibly he had a stage name, too. But all the other details fit.

SDaly said...

What connection does Elizabeth Shue have to this story, (other than her being in a movie 30 years ago with Anthony Rapp)?

Beyond EMF said...

Kenny and Anthony are about the same age. Their paths may have crossed at some point. I'm sure Anthony is empathetic to Kenny's story, and has had his own NDA issues.

Kenny's FB page bio now says: Self-Employed: writer/director, as Kendrick Schroder, of the forthcoming short filck, "the Dancing Boy". Is that a nom de guerre?

Unknown said...

I reread this blind 5 times and still have no idea what it's saying

Doug said...

@Chug ChooChoo: Thanks, I appreciate the tip.

plot said...

These db blinds aren't interconnecting very well. What's the BI here?


Between me and thee, I'm not understanding all the superlatives in the latest BIs for INSX and their alleged genius musical talent and song writing skills. That's not even how they sold themselves back in the day, because they weren't anything of the kind. ThumpThumpThump indeed for people to bounce to, which is what INSX seemed to embrace and happily produce.

I'll disagree with you about REM. At least with their first album or two, they created a whole new sound that never existed before then. At some point, they became derivative of themselves, repetitions upon repetitions. I still think that their early albums retain their light and audacity though.

Music today? Wretched stuff, all engineered so kids don't learn to sing or play their own music or even invent their own rap, or listen to anything that doesn't have that irritating buzz of autotune. Unless it has that synthetic skin, kids don't think it's really music.

xyzxyz33 said...

Totally agree with @filmfanb
"Dancing Boy" blinds no longer peak my interest.
If it is a marketing ploy, it's a terrible marketing ploy
because there's no cohesiveness or crescendos.
Very random people, places and events.
If someone asked me to sum up these blinds,
I wouldn't have a clue.

totaji said...

Oh no doubt. Pop music is terrible now. And you feel terrible listening to it. Sometime in the 90s it all went wrong.

Sher said...

If this 'short' follows his original story, as he said it would then why is the NDA an issue?

I'm pretty sure a minor can legally sign an NDA but it would not be enforcable if they repudiate it later. He was a MINOR.
And it is definitely not enforcable under conditions of criminal conduct. No NDA covers underage rape.

Signing one later as an adult after taking a settlement might do it though.

Enty posted this, and he should be well aware of the law, so perhaps my NDA assumptions are wrong.


plot said...

I'd even say that the 90s pop groups had more going for them than any artist today.

The taste for completely manufactured artists has waxed and waned but the hits now are ALL manufactured, all have the same sound and songwriters, all squeezed into a tiny bottle of what the youngin's label music. Rap or country or soul or pop or indy, it's all alike these days with the same synthetic skin. It's kinda shocking that kids are buying into all this crap. Who made them think the same noise across the whole spectrum is required for what is listenable? Arcade Fire or Gaga or TayTay or Miranda Lambert, it's an nauseatingly identical in tone and flavor.

BestMan said...

Something rancid this way comes.

Sara, Making It Work said...

That is the only connection. Just a hint to figure him out.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Someone was posting here with that name for a while. I thought it was somebody inspired by DB (since he is a self proclaimed Ricky Schroeder lookalike), but maybe it was actually him.

Kno Won said...

Personal Jesus
Depeche Mode 1989

Starry-eyed said...

Are you kidding? The Swing and Listen Like Theives have so many moving parts. A half:assed musician knows Inxs is a great band.

Kno Won said...

I also gave up halfway through yesterday’s marathon stream of consciousness.
It seemed pretentious in addition to dull.
I realize i’m In the minority, but that stuff, Dancing Boy, & Mr Hedge are not interesting.
It all feels like an amateur writer’s workshop.

timebob said...

these blinds feel like the world's longest sizzle reel. (sans sizzle)

Kno Won said...

I’m old enough to remember when songs had lyrics, not just a repetetive hook.
It doesn’t matter what style, it’s that there’s nothing there. 3 repeating chords or a catchy beat and nothing else.
Like, literally, nothing.

Raspy said...

ITA. The new Himmmmm blinds are so tiresome and try hard, reminds me of a girl I went to school with who's auntie was in the industry so she'd occasionally have some long ass story ending with some random celeb "and it was the girl who played the sister's friend on Seventh Heaven!" (lol he said yesterday "you might want to bookmark this for later" lol nah I'm good buddy) , and this dancing bit stuff is just a mess I have no idea who did what and when...

Sher said...

Dancing Boy-

If you want CDAN readers to get on board, you'll need to tell us, clearly, where your train is going and what bastards you hope get run over by it. The real ones, not the fictional ones in your project.

What first interested the readers was the hope that the secret of those that harmed you would be revealed and justice finally served to the bastards. Since the first story, you havent written more about the people that put you in that hospital and would want to keep you quiet.
Just how are they keeping you quiet? Was there any investigation? Did they pay you off? There are so many unanswered basic questions, and you moved right past them into talking about this 'fiction' project.

Lay out the plan, drop the big "real" clues, and tell us how this project relates to outing the perpetrators. Then maybe we can follow where you intend to go with all this.

All the Best,


Doug said...

@plot, I'll concede that the first two REM albums had some decent stuff on them. But in some way the band sold out pretty quickly and with a few exceptions, I just didn't want to give them any more of my attention.

My sense of a lot of the current pop music, which I only hear in certain retail locations and a few others, is that it is not only overproduced and contrived, but that indeed a lot of it is probably written by software that can come up with "melodies" which the target listeners can't get out of their heads. Most people don't distinguish between knowing a song and liking it, so they "like" these songs and behave accordingly, with clicks and dollars.

@Starry-eyed, yesterday I listened to some of the concert video of INXS in 1991, and yes, they could play. No doubt about it. But when one of the brothers is identified as the band's primary "composer", I sort of have to laugh. I do like one of his songs very much, and admittedly there might be others, but I would have to endure so much thump-thump-thump to find them that I probably won't do the search.

I realized yesterday that INXS is not bad for a dance party. There is a tension between truly composed music and dance music. The latter is usually lengthy and repetitive. It comes on, you dance for a while, and then a new one comes on. INXS's music is thumping and repetitive, and usually dance-able.

But from the outset I always felt that INXS was using the very hard-driving simple rhythm to aim for the larger lowbrow audience. Many acts have done that kind of thing with cynical and manipulative methods. David Lee Roth was another one, and it's unfortunate that the Van Halen brothers' excellence was tethered to Roth. The psychology and physiology of music is an interesting domain, and the industry masters have always used it. Since around 1980, they have done so in an increasingly degrading and demoralizing way, and it's just sad that it has worked so well.

Dusty Fairy said...

“This Time” is my favorite INXS song @doug

plot said...

"that indeed a lot of it is probably written by software that can come up with "melodies" which the target listeners can't get out of their heads."

Yes!!! Absolutely. You can hear it especially in the Swift songs but she is not alone, only the most obvious use of software for writing songs.

"Most people don't distinguish between knowing a song and liking it, so they "like" these songs and behave accordingly, with clicks and dollars."

As well as unable to distinguish a good product from a bad product, they are offered so much, told what is good is up to each individual...but they are all listening to the same damn shit.

Doug said...

@Dusty Fairy, so it's not just me! Thanks for that! Great song.

Sher said...

Yesterday I stumbled on a video of Alison Moyet signing with an orchestra for a Burberry show. It's wonderful! (I mean the models and fashion is shit, but the performance is great! Took me back to the 80's in a new way)

What a fantastic voice. Cannot manufacture or copy that sort of thing. We don't get many 'unique' talents like that now.

These days, I cannot tell if a song was made this year or 10 years ago anymore or which person is singing it. I think autotune sings a lot of them!


Anonymous said...

I hope whoever wrote the dancing boy stories didn’t write the script for the short. Run on sentences without of order wording. Confusing as heck and I teach second graders how to write.

Anonymous said...

With out of order.

Sal T said...

Wasn’t DB talking in another one of these blinds about wanting Mac Culkin to play the lead?


Michael Stipe is still a pedophile despite the noise posting

Unknown said...

@sandybrook it was many w/Tipper.Dee Snider(Twisted Sister),Prince,Ozzy (Black Sabbath),& even John Denver.Thanks to Tipper is why music started getting Ratings...I say 'Thanks sarcastically' it made me want to listen to those artist even more🤔

Unknown said...

@ geeljire I really hope you check this thread again...I have heard this for over 10 yrs now but can't find much on it other than his mom & Stipes connect & he was @ Viper Room that night.If you know resources on where to look Please do tell💋

Sara, Making It Work said...

No. Some commenters guessed that, but no.

Unknown said...

@geeljire please see my reply to your River/Stipe post from above-really want info on this

Teaching in the trenches said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

@plot I hope he's not but in @geejiles defense I have heard this story for a long time & am interested if there's any truth to it & what literature it comes from??-Thank you for responding to me:)

plot said...


All I know is that REM, as a whole, are very concerned about sexual abuse and harassment. They took a stand on it, and lived by it, long before anyone else in the music industry even talked about it.

Unknown said...

@plot I saw R.E.M. In life's rich pageant tour b/4 their really big stuff.Andy Kaufman hits home w/me I use to work w/Jerry Lawlers x wife-man on the moon was a big deal here/don't go back to Rockville /straight to hell high school.I just want to know where the rumor stems from-oh & partied wMike Mills Illegitimate son a couple of yrs ago.Im a fan;Not a fan fav but they hold memories for me.

Unknown said...

Crushed with eyeliner was 1of my go-to happy mood songs in college.

gauloise said...

wasnt there was a blind a while ago about the REM video for the End of the World and that boy in it is was molested by Stipe?

lucy said...

everytime I read "dancing boy" I think to obscure YouTube video of u2 concert them playing angel of harlem and morphing into cover of dancing queen. say what you will of u2 but that bit is fantastic

Schneiderisnext said...

Michael Stipe collects "artistic" photos of naked and injured children.

He collects the artwork of photographers who have repeatedly been accused of pornography


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