Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Blind Item #3

This A list athlete sexually assaulted a waitress at a restaurant by grabbing hear breasts without permission. Apparently though, our athlete couldn't remember doing this when police asked him about a recent confrontation and why it happened.


Anonymous said...

McGregor again?

Tricia13 said...

Connor McGregor?

filmfanb said...

McGregor for sure. Man, I have stood by him for so long but this past week , I am done. I hope this doesnt give coke a bad name

riffer73 said...


Cocobean said...

Deport him!

IanPhlegming said...

Either his programming is breaking down or he has been given the command to self-destruct.

Unknown said...

Seems like an odd question to come up in an investigation of mob violence and property destruction. "Oh, and by the way, have you copped a feel lately?"

filmfanb said...

Drugs mainly. This is what happens when get everything you want in such a small amount of time and dont know how to control it. The man has been riding a high for years now. Success, wealth, fame, family etc... only thing to keep him on a high is drugs. He is also tied to some dodgy people in Ireland and a lot of yes men. Its going to get a lot worse for him and then he will have the whole redemption story line. The UFC are loving every second of it.

Lurky McLurkster said...

I will go with Tyson or Foreman to be different. Could be somebody whose brain is scramble from being smacked around too much.

Sd Auntie said...

Cocaine for sure. Kind of scary...but he is WOW..and should be deported if guilty.

Brayson87 said...

It should say foreign born if Conor McGregor, probably someone else.

plot said...

Shawn White?

Just to be different.

LadySabreX said...

Cocaine is a helluva drug!!!

cc423 said...

What a mess.

Thonker said...

"groping" and "without permission" don't really go together lol Groping with permission? Also "hear breasts" really?
I had to play grammar-you-know-what, I'm sorry

B626 said...

I thought Sexual Assault involves insertion
Grabbing Boobs is more of a molestation

Sara, Making It Work said...

Could be anyone really.

mdl said...


americanpanda said...

Tiger Woods lol

HH314 said...

Post-tits amnesia, it is real yo

sandybrook said...

MacGregor has been on a drunken\drug fueled roll the past week or so I wonder if he's have a complete breakdown and winds up dead or in a mental facility?

Newbomb said...

This is why we need a wall.

Do Tell said...

Grabbing breasts is assault. Assault doesn't have to be rape or insertion.

plot said...

Ben Roethlisberger can barely walk at this point. Oh, he's a rapist for sure, but can't exactly move in on his prey anymore.

a beautiful virago named hope said...

In NC, any unwanted touch is an assault. Not sure if that is a universal definition. The fact that he touched her breast makes it sexual.

Southern Man said...

Quick tips: Don't do a sport where you get your head battered repeatedly.
Don't do cocaine.
Don't get everything you ever wished for before you turn 30. Rarely turns out well.

Spudmonkey said...

You people truly are Fuckheads. With ZERO evidence (other than Tricia13 saying so - and she's your Hilary, everything she says you braindead retards take as fact...) you make a completely unproven assumption about somebody and tear them to shreds with all your little impotent, bitter, jealous, loser hatred...
Personally I can't stand Conor McGregor, I think he's an overrated arrogant prick and an absolute Muppet. But just because he is in the news for some stupid fuckheaded bullshit he did last week you are now all convinced, with ZERO evidence, that he is a sexual assaulter. Like he is Clearly the only A-List athlete on the planet, right?... Like none of your self entitled, scuzzy NBA players, or Roided-up, brain-damaged NFL scumbags could've possible done it. Or any other of the multitude of the other A-List athletes on the planet... Niggers, Pa-Lease!!!
Wake the fuck up, you pathetic pack of Losers...


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