Thursday, July 05, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #34 - Mr. Hedge

May 15, 2018

This mogul was an investor in a pedophile-front entertainment company back in the day.

A few years ago, he financed a film.  The film has the sort of story you would expect.  The film was written and directed by former lovers / current friends of that disgraced A-list director.

Disgraced A-list Director
Director’s friends / film’s writer & director:

Michael Huffington
Geography Club
Bryan Singer
Gary & Edmund Entin (aka the Entin twins)


LooksLikeCRicci said...

Out 'em, Enty. Out them all.

Brayson87 said...

"film a 1998 pilot for Digital Entertainment Network described as a "gay pedophile version of Silver Spoons," starring an as yet unknown Sean William Scott."

Thonker said...

Just watch An Open Secret. It's all about these vile people and their pedo-ring front DEN

Unknown said...

Now, now, we've been assured by people who LOL a lot that pedophile rings don't exist. Wealthy pedophiles may hire others to drive them around, maintain their yachts, and tend their mansions; but when they want another victim, they obviously go down to the park alone with a bag of candy, just like their poor equivalents. Only crazy 4chan types would think otherwise.

Dr. King II said...

yeah, this was reported in An Open Secret. They really fucked up those kids.

Halloweenie said...

Thank god victims are finally feeling empowered to speak up. Nothing in the catholic church's rampant rape of children changed for decades and decades until grown victims became empowered to speak the truth. Nothing can change without being exposed first. In Hollywood. In politics . In the various world religions. A safer world for our kids begins with us and with dragging it all into the light.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Wow. Michael Huffington is the shocking part of this reveal.
I see someone got it, but I'd stopped checking comments by that time. Well done original solver.

Sara, Making It Work said...

I haven't gotten around to watching Open Secret, so if he's in there I don't know.

Rosie riveter said...

Phew. The voice of reason here.
Crazy wackos believe anything

Mo said...

Was this Geography Club the real life inspiration for South Parks Super Adventure Club?

Easy Peasey said...

I like this reveal, but I noticed something that bolsters a theory about some of these reveals- that they are written to be potentially about more than one situation or group of people. When I read this reveal in my rss reader (yes I’m old and still use one) it shows a competent different reveal than is shown when I click into the web version. Very weird, right?

Easy Peasey said...

I just looked back in my ‘read items’ to check if there were any more comments here yet and I noticed that the ‘error’ had already been corrected. I re-edited the original screenshots to include the time and took an additional screenshot of the correction. It’s a little strange that it was corrected so quickly based on a random comment by a complete nobody...

T. W. said...

@Easy Peasey

Wow. Which is the true answer?

What is an RSS reader?

PS - Going to bed, may not see your reply tonight.

non-metaphysical stephen said...

The Geffen/Chad's World reveal makes more sense --Geography Club is too recent to be "back in the day", and does anyone call Huffington a mogul? Is his company a pedo front? Are the Entin twins former lovers of Singer?

Unknown said...

Indeed. An extra layer of obfuscation, maybe, giving us a quick glimpse at the true answer and then saying, "Oops, here's the 'correct' version"?

Jonathan Matthew Gilbert said...

I'm irrationally happy that I got this one right in the original blind :)

Silent H said...

These kids lived in my town. They were always desperately fame-hungry, even as 13-year-old drama kids.

Unknown said...

You have that a little off man. The only member of den who had a real issue was marc collins rector. Shackley and Pierce were innocent.


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