Friday, November 23, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #17 - Anniversary Month

August 30, 2016

This actor was never higher than C+ list. Foreign born and mostly movies he has actually been in some of the biggest movies of all time. Speaking roles in most of them but just a minor character (although one all of you would know). He actually has a chance to be more famous outside of acting in his current career than he ever did acting, despite being in such a huge franchise. He was talking to an interviewer about his new profession and the interviewer asked the former actor why he chose the new profession. The former actor said it was because on the set of the franchise he was scared everyday of getting molested or raped by many of the older men that were on the set. He said this was especially true in the first few films where you learned really quickly not to walk around certain areas of a set or to wander too far away from other people. There were just too many men there who loved nothing more than dragging some 10 year old boy somewhere for 20 minutes and threatening to hit him or get him kicked off the movie if he told anyone. Our former actor said there were only a few older actors who took part, but they were some of the worst. An actor would tell a crew member and the crew member would grab the boy and hold him for the actor and then often the crew member would take a turn too. The former actor said some of the tween girls on the set were bothered, but as far as he knows, none were raped liked the boys. Once the actors got to be a certain age, they could fight or were big enough to get the men to back off, but with new young boys coming in for every film, it was a never ending cycle of sexual abuse and no one did anything to stop it.

Harry Potter


Brayson87 said...

So Harry Potter really was just about buggery? Explains all the phallic sh!t.

notthisagain said...

Ian McKellan as Dumbledore... he associates with Singer, has same taste.

This is disgusting

Lyss16 said...

Soooo is it Daniel Radcliffe? But which older men were the abusers? Please not Gary Oldman.

StreetDeac said...

Ian McKellan wasn't Dumbledore.

Jamie said...

Ian McKellen isn’t in Harry Potter

texasrose said...

So is all of hollywood just a cesspool like this??? Some of these stories are just disgusting and it would seem that everyone (producers, actors, actresses, agents) is complicit in these acts or enable them.

omfg said...

Devon Murray as Seamus Finnegan?

Anonymous said...

Hugh Mitchell?

longtimereader said...

Anyone still consider JK Rowling a nice person?

Joey JoJo Jr Shabado said...

So which minor HP actor isn't an actor anymore?

Anonymous said...

hugh mitchell isnt

Anonymous said...

he played Colin Creevey

notthisagain said...

LOL whoops he was Gandalf. I get my old wizards confused

gauloise said...

Josh Herdman, who played Gregory Goyle , is an MMA fighter now

cheesegrater15 said...

He's in 5 projects in 2018 alone.

Brayson87 said...

@notthis, Old men with staffs/wands, trying desperately to help small young men, yeah there's a lot of wizards on both sides of the pond.

Humor Me said...


gradybridges said...

I don't think you can blame JK Rowling for this. I doubt she was on set much at all. Blame Chris Columbus and the other directors

IanPhlegming said...

Chris Columbus directed the first two Harry Potter films.

Columbus is a Spielberg protege who also directed Macauley Culkin in the two "Home Alone" movies. And Robin Williams twice, including the transhumanist propaganda garbage "Bicentennial Man," one of the worst films Williams ever made (which is saying a lot), and which was also loaded with kids. His last theatrical release was the puerile "Pixels" with that predator pig Adam Sandler.

As for the "older men," my heart sinks at the thought of Alan Rickman being part of this, which seems quite possible. There's also long-time established British thespians Jim Norton, Richard Griffiths (who played a "lovable" pedophile in "The History Boys," perhaps not so incidentally), Kenneth Branagh, Richard Harris, John Cleese and a bunch of others.

It's quite horrifying, really. In the past few years I've grown to presume all those kids were victims, but it's next-level disgust to see it laid out like this.

Anonymous said...

could be Devon Murray with his horse business after he blew through all his HP money

Zeroh Tollrants said...

Never did,actually. I know someone in the publishing world who told me what a witch she is, about 10-12 yrs ago.

flyingtiger said...

I always felt that Harry Potter was a plot to encourage pedophilia.

Don't you ruin Harry Potter for me, Enty! said...

You are NOT ruining Harry Potter for me! No, no, no. This can't be true. Why would so many of the cast members (now grown up) speak so highly of their experience on the films?

TruRes said...

Hadn't there been creepy blinds about John Hurt? Isn't he in HP?

Sunspirit said...

I never have

Don't you ruin Harry Potter for me, Enty! said...

@flyingtiger "I always felt that Harry Potter was a plot to encourage pedophilia."

It's a children's book series that was successful, before being turned into a multi-million-pound franchise. If the poor young actors were molested on set (I sincerely hope they weren't), it had nothing to do with the books, but the sick twisted world of Hollywood and its disgusting predators masquerading as important players.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Hugh Mitchell was only in one Potter film. If true, this is most likely an even more minor character than Colin. I'll dig a bit.

PitbullMama said...

Where TF are the parents? Jesus Christ. Im sick. That poor child. I feel like although more and more of this is being exposed, if you know who these monsters are, why are you not going to the police to try to protect future children?

Don't you ruin Harry Potter for me, Enty! said...

@Zeroh Tollrants said...
"Never did,actually. I know someone in the publishing world who told me what a witch she is, about 10-12 yrs ago."

What did your friend say? I'm quite interested to know. JK has always struck me as being quite serious and business-like, and somewhat closed off in interviews. She's a genius writer, nonetheless.

Paul Saint John said...

Was Daniel Rathcliffe spared from the buggery?

Anonymous said...

The only other character I can think of, would be the person that played dudley. most other characters have gone on to other roles. HP is my specialty and even Enty cant ruin this for me.

what were not gonna do is bring alan rickman into this.

MDAnderson said...

Melvin would have known this immediately.

Anonymous said...

its gotta be devon murray. he had all sorts of issues while filming.

Sara, Making It Work said...

I miss him!

Sara, Making It Work said...

The Dudley actor is still acting. Just on stage. Devon Murray is a great guess. Being small for his age may have made him a target.
But I don't know the other career and he is still doing Harry Potter cons.

Josh Herdman was a good guess, if he's an MMA fighter. He is acting now, but this blind is 2 years old, and there was a gap of a few years at that point.
Also, it makes sense in context that he took up boxing to protect himself.

I'll throw in one more guess, Louis Doyle, who played Ernie Macmillan (actually my favorite minor character from the books). He is a musician now. I don't know how much success he's had. Probably not a whole lot.

I think it is probably Herdman.

Anonymous said...

I still consider her a nice person.

IanPhlegming said...

Ah yes, JK Rowling, who fought so hard to help Johnny Depp get the title role in the new Potter rip-off film. I'm sure she's quite lovely.

Anonymous said...

Josh Herdman is still doing comic cons

Damelon Brinn said...

"Why would so many of the cast members (now grown up) speak so highly of their experience on the films?"

The same reason victims and witnesses always stay quiet in Hollywood: they want to work again in the business.

And depending who the other "older men on the set" aside from the actors were, maybe because they aren't suicidal enough to name names.

Unknown said...

I've been waiting for this for years. Did anyone else ever question why Daniel Radcliffe talks about losing his virginity to a much older woman? According to psychologists, the first time a boy ejaculates is hardwired into his brain, so if the first time he does is while having sex with an older woman (or an older man, or a girl or boy of a specific age) then he'll always want that on some level for the rest of his life. I suspected Daniel Radcliffe was targeted by an adult female executive during Harry Potter. Rupert Grint doesn't associate with Daniel Radcliffe anymore. There's that one former supporting actor who went off the rails with drugs ... Kids go off the rails because of abuse.

Paul Saint John said...

The first time I ejaculated was into my pajamas.

Sara, Making It Work said...

@kfitz, fair enough, but he is acting again.
Herdman still makes the most sense in context. In 2016 he was a former actor who was just beginning his MMA career.
As of 2018, he's no longer fighting and back to acting.
FWIW, I went and read the original blind and Herdman was a popular guess, even without the franchise having been revealed.

If Devon Murray had a new career in 2016, one that could make him famous, then he'd make sense.

MichelleJ817 said...

It suggests many of them were molested and raped
The one who is exposing this may be Rupert Grint, not Daniel

- said...

Or you're just being homophobic by immediately assuming a famous gay actor is a kiddie diddler.

GentleBreeze said...

@paul st. John, so you're still searching for your Hello Kitty? (with respect)

Mr Hollywood said...

All together now: "Total BS"

Unknown said...

Double D, I liked Bicentennial Man. I also liked Toys.

I think this is a fake blind. It seems rather out there that basically every little boy on the set was being raped. But who knows.

Sara, Making It Work said...

The "older actors" would not likely include Richard Griffiths. His scenes were all on the Dursley set, not on the Hogwarts set. The Dursleys never even visited.
And just because (IF TRUE) I believe this to be Herdman, it doesn't mean other actors guessed weren't molested. In fact, it likely means they were. He's just the one being interviewed here. The interviewer is probably the source as well. They wouldn't have been able to print the accusations, but they were too juicy not to share.

Mary Lamb said...

Daniel Radcliffe had a meltdown in an interview where he said ALL of this and then backtracked, likely due to threats of being sued or worse. I felt horrible for him.

As far as Ian McKellen? Just google Ian McKellen and Bryan Singer. Fucking please. No, being gay doesn't make you a pedophile but if you're hanging with Singer and all of his underage boytoys, REPEATEDLY, then yes, you're a fucking pedophile.
Grow up.

BonnyPommy said...

What interview was this? As far as I know he was an alcoholic and showed up drunk a lot while filming the last 3 movies, and he’s talked about that but I’ve never heard him talk about that, or have a “meltdown” during an interview.

BonnyPommy said...

I’ve never heard him talk about sexual misconduct on set I mean

tobes the wonder dog said...

I hope this was made up by the Malfoy side kick who got fired for selling weed

inthebriarpatch said...

Homosexual males have an extraordinarily high pedophilia incidence.

RomanHans said...

You have a higher stupidity incidence.

News said...

Not Harry Potter fault, could be sny film in which young children are left unsupervised in liberal trades

Matrick said...

Hamid, you idiot, if boys are being molested by older male actors, the first people to look at are older homosexual actors.

gauloise said...

Herdman says he sees acting these days as playing the lottery, as it is so random if you will get a part. Whereas fighting is something in your control, so maybe in his mind he is not really an actor, but will take parts if he can get them, if that makes sense

Anonymous said...

Not the actor who played Dudley. He's in the new Coen Brother's movie The Ballad of Buster Scruggs. He's in the "Meal Ticket" segment with Liam Neeson.

VikingSong said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
VikingSong said...

For God sake, Donna. There is no evidence that JD hit Amber and the way JKR's statement was written, regarding JD being allowed to continue working on Fantastic Beasts, alluded to the possibility that she might have been privy to information that the public hadn't been which made her confident JD was innocent.

And to the person who thinks the HP novels are about paedophilia: log off and take your meds.

Amartel said...

Noooo, please don’t let this be Alan Rickman! Sigh.
BTW, McKellan’s got his own series of shady blinds and I often mix up those old Brit actors, like McKellan and Richard Harris. They get hired for the same type of old wise man roles a lot.

News said...

i think it was elijah wood who talked about abuse and pedos in hollywood ( yesthe look the same actor)

News said...

elijah wood intreview not daniel

Mary Lamb said...

Holy shit, you're right. It was Elijah Wood and not Daniel Radcliffe.
Don't know why my brain did that. Thanks for clearing that up!

Sus said...

@mary lamb This is how some rumours get started. Some idiot mix people or stories and people reproduce the mistake over and over and innocents are accused of atrocious actions.

AppleThief4Elliot said...

Lol, blaming Rowling for everything thing that happened in the production of eight movies. She may have had more input than many authors, but she probably wasn't on set much, and even if she had been... still only in one place at once. The Depp thing I don't defend, but blaming her for this is staggeringly stupid.

Mary Lamb said...

First of all, I didn't say that anyone was abused in particular, I just confused the person talking about pedophiles involved in the movie business - which we all know is true - so no rumor about any individual would be spread from my confused memory.
Secondly, I sure hope you never, ever make an honest mistake or someone MAY call you an idiot, too.
Have a nice day.

- said...

And you say this even though - and I'll put this in nice block capitals so you understand - IAN MCKELLEN WAS NOT IN ANY HARRY POTTER MOVIE???????????

Unknown said...

Actually it is church priests who has extraordinarily high pedophilia incidence and yes that includes little girls.

Youtoo said...

Don't buy this for a second.

Also, Sus said...
@mary lamb This is how some rumours get started. Some idiot mix people or stories and people reproduce the mistake over and over and innocents are accused of atrocious actions.

100% agree with this. If you're not sure, say so. Or better yet, just keep quiet.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Y'all realize this is a GOSSIP BLOG, right? *Gossip blogs* are how rumors get started. Leave the commenters alone and see yourself out if you can't handle rumors.

AppleThief4Elliot said...

@Sara, Making It Work
I, fo sho, am here for the gossip. But... it is annoying that people leap to Sir Ian because they know he's gay without, you know, confirming that Gandalf isn't in Harry Potter. Or that Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood could be confused is pretty weak sauce, imho. That said, sometimes I don't do my due diligence. But, I try to have the right franchise in mind.

plot said...

@Mr Hollywood @Youtoo

Totally agree! Such horse shit.

We all know Enty will eventually besmirch any movie with kids cast in them. It's old. It's stupid. It points to him, and his loyalists being thrilled by pedophilia themselves, to the point of inventing it.


Nothing of the sort ever happened with Daniel Radcliffe. Stop trying to be the inebriated purveyor of Truth.

plot said...

Oh and if JK Rowling is a bitch, I only like her more.

No authors make the demands on film adaptations of their work like JK. Kudos to her!

Mary Lamb said...

Let me clarify a few things for those of you who can't read.

I didn't bring up Ian McKellan, that was @notthisagain, however, @Hamid accused her/him of being homophobic and I advised @Hamid to check out the hundreds of photos of Ian and Singer with arms around underage boys - that was the point I was addressing.
What movies he's been in doesn't matter.

I am not a fangirl of Radcliffe or Wood. I've only seen clips/commercials of Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, but the two young men look an awful lot alike to me. I thought they were both British, also, due to Wood's accent in LOTR.

BUT, and most importantly, the only fucking MORTAL SIN I'm guilty of is confusing the two in an INTERVIEW. I never said anyone was abused, I never accused either one of them of abuse and I did not create this blind.
JFHC, do you really think Radcliffe would be losing his mind over being confused with Wood being in an interview? Nah, that's what you people are for.
Did everyone have a really nasty Thanksgiving? Too much stress? Geeze, take it easy!

I almost forgot why I would never exchange comments with you but thanks for the reminder.
You're undoubtedly projecting with your 'inebriated' comment. Sober up and learn to read, you know, where I immediately acknowledged my error, before you open your big mouth.
Besmirch. Too funny. And yeah, again with the 'we're all getting off on pedophelia', you sick fuck.
Have at it, I will not respond.

Paul Saint John said...

Did Gandalf the Gay ever get frisky with the hobbitses on set?

Paul Saint John said...

No, I didn't get a teddy bear or hello kitty fixation during my first ejaculation. My point was that the theory whereby the first ejaculation has any meaning is stupid on its face. I can't even remember the name or the face of the first girl I banged. She was 4 years older than me, but most of the women I've dated have been younger than me. Sometimes, an orgasm is just an orgasm. A release.

Black Tiger Steals Heart said...

I always laugh at the double standard. Say that all priests are pedophiles and you get a round of applause.

Then you point out that most victims of pedophilic priests happened to be boys, and make the obvious connection of the priests also being gay, and people start doubting.

Make the statement of 'All gays are pedophiles' and THEN you'll get an earful from hypocritical people who think making blanket statements is only good when they agree with them.

Paul Saint John said...

Satanists help each other out.

BRAD PITT said...

richard harris was an IRA supporter

he said the murders of civilians was "understandable"

Unknown said...

This has been happening for years in Hollywood. How many actors have come out about it? Corey Haim, Corey Feldman , Elijah Wood, Amanda Bynes have all claimed to be raped molested on set by these sick fucks or say it is a big problem in Hollywood. And the documentary An Open Secret pretty much proves it. I would not be surprised if Daniel Radcliffe and Tom Felton were both victims. Dan had a huge alcohol problem while filming and for what? Because he couldnt handle fame? I don't buy that lie from the media. Most of the reason why these child stars go off the rails is because they were severely sexually abused and cannot talk or do anything about it without severe media backlash or losing their jobs/career in Hollywood ad forced to go to the rehab centres. These Hollywood rehab centres really are just reprogramming. MK ULTRA reprogramming for these stars. Tom felton is definitely a victim of MK ULTRA MONARCH programming. There's photos of him doing the blatant symbolism for it. A butterfly over one eye.


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