Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Blind Item #7

This A- list dual threat actress who doubles as a reality host is finally getting back at her cheating husband with a guy of her own.


Vivian said...

Kelly Ripa? Hope not, I like Mark on Riverdale.

Troy Dyer said...

Jenny McChildkiller?

Tricia13 said...

Kristin Bell?

Tricia13 said...

Did t she dabble in reality?

HeatherBee said...

Gawd!! Please tell me Jenny is not A list- unless double threat means your kid gets exposed to rubella and measles by hanging out with her kid.

EB said...


Ksmith said...

Busy Phillips

Tricia13 said...

Wow yes that must be it.
A list though:(((

Ksmith said...

I know right?

Thia said...

Kirsten Bell has dabbled in reality type shows. She had "Momsplaining with Kristen Bell".

Ksmith said...

Yep and Dax is kind of a sleaze

Do Tell said...

Just leave him.

lightgirl said...

@Troy, @Heather, herd immunity is a lie put out by the pharma companies and WHO, which interestingly hold several vaccine patents.
If your minds are open even a crack, check out the website for the National Vaccine Information site or search on evidence-based site GreenMedInfo, among many others.
It's all about money, and sickening the population.
We have been lied to since the beginning, mainstream studies are usually funded by the very companies that sell the vaccines.
Research away from the mainstream if you dare.
Autism went from one in 150 in 1992 to one in 25 today, and rising--MMR vaccine suspected.

sandybrook said...

Sup Jenny?!

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Herd immunity is common sense, you utter imbecile.
The so-called link between vaccines and autism was never true, was bad science, totally disproven.
Autism has increased because they can diagnose it now, many people were labeled mentally retarded or with some other sort of developmental delay a few decades ago are now considered autistic

Brayson87 said...

+1 Troy, "Jenny McChildkiller?" hahahaha

The possible side effects of vaccines are bad, but the possible if not guaranteed side effects of not using vaccines are far worse.

Gylly said...

Thank you. My boy is autistic, and so what? He's fucking great. And it was picked up during nursery thanks to advances in child health. He is fully supported at school and is very happy.
I vaccinated my autistic son. Maybe the universe will implode.

Dahling said...

Obviously lightgirl never knew anybody with Polio and Tuberculosis. Gee! I was there. Do you see people walking around coughing blood into a hankie, or walk around your grade school with shock absorbing crutches. My kids are immunized, but go ahead and let yours die from a completely preventable disease. What a fucking nimrod!!

Brayson87 said...

@Low Key, it's funny how nobody talks about the decrease in Down syndrome children. The reason is simple, increasingly prenatal screening tests are detecting Down syndrome and mothers are aborting. Gives you something to think about every time someone blames something on genetics.

theotherginger said...

Tricia - It can't be Bell. I know! I stick up for her way too often, and I don't even know her, but like I've said: NO ONE IS THAT GOOD OF AN ACTRESS. She and her husband are the real deal on Instagram. If not, they both deserve the Oscar for everything. Cheers!

Also, everything is bad for us! We had an air pollution alert in Philly yesterday, and it was 67 and sunny! I went outside and soaked in alllll the pollution, because that polar vortex shit was getting old and I needed some "fresh" air. In the meantime, I will continue to support vaccinations. Shit. If they had a vaccine to cure cancer (I know, it's not an illness, but whatever, just using as an example...) - would we not all get it? Would we make sure our kids were protected from the ravages of potential cancerous cells? Yes. Because we've seen what cancer can do to our loved ones and even ourselves... it destroys the body and rips apart the soul... and so do once eradicated diseases like the measles and polio... and I will do everything in my power to combat those diseases (for myself and most definitely for my child) with what we have now: Vaccinations.

Back to work. Peace out, lovers!

Weekittylass said...

+1 million Dahling. I got every childhood disease and I got it bad. I was bedbound for two weeks with measles and days later came down with rubella. I was out of school for over a month. I am completely deaf in one ear because of the mumps. My mother would tell the horror stories of polio and how they would close public pools etc. to stop the spread of this wretched disease. Two kids in my high school used crutches to walk because of it. If these poorly educated anti-vaxxers were there to experience the horror and deaths from these diseases, their kids would be vaccinated. You don’t want the vaccine, then home-school your kids and keep them away from my grands. I am also the great-aunt of one terrific, beautiful autistic little boy. He, too, is well supported in the community, is high-functioning, well-loved and happy. If herd immunity is bullshit, then how the hell did we basically eradicate these diseases in the US until the last ten or so years?

Gylly said...

Hugs and love to you and yours Weekittylass 👏🏼

Stevie Nixed said...

"Autism went from one in 150 in 1992 to one in 25 today, and rising--MMR vaccine suspected."

Statistics can be explained in many different ways. (It could be that we are quicker to label someoneautistic for example.)

Lucky13 said...

The fact that I've known people who were told they had ADHD, bipolar or other ailments that eventually came to be told "actually, it's autism" due to a better understanding and way of diagnosing it gives a big middle finger to you, Jenny.

HeatherBee said...

@lightgirl- I would say the surge in measles alone shows the importance of herd immunity, and the others here speak beautifully to my point.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of unknown variables that could be contributing to the increase in autism et al. We are using more chemicals now than ever before, we are having children later in age, and we are living in a hyper-sterile environment which some studies have suggested may be linked to autoimmune disorders and allergies. Pointing fingers at vaccines alone is infantile at best.

There have been zero scientific studies to date that can support the link between autism and vaccines. Indeed, the "doctor" who created this "link" did so by creating a fake study and its entire purpose was to discredit ONE type of MMR vaccine so that Dr. Wakefield could push his OWN MMR vaccine. But they don't talk about that, do they? Nah. Then you have the drama over "mercury" and "chemicals" in vaccines. Well, the type of mercury that used to be in vaccines (I believe they stopped using them in 2002 or so?) is not the same kind of mercury that you imagine. It's actually similar to naturally occurring mercury in fish (newsflash - eating Tuna one time has more mercury in it than a lifetime of vaccines does). And then the argument about formaldehyde in vaccines (another favorite of mine) - that's naturally occurring too. You get more formaldehyde in FRUIT than you do in vaccines. So that strawberry that you're thinking of eating? Yep, more formaldehyde than that vaccine you're waffling on about.

Also, herd immunity and ring immunizations work beautifully. How the hell else do you think that we were able to successfully eradicate Smallpox from the equation? Because let me tell you, if Smallpox ever rears her head again (and there are concerns that it might with the melting permafrost and viable smallpox scabs - variola major is notoriously stubborn and hard to kill), then you will definitely want that vaccine (good news! They have a new bifurcated needle that doesn't leave such a nasty scar!). Vaccines are VERY important and I get sick and tired of seeing folks trying to tout some secret agenda and conspiracy to suit their pseudo-medical agenda./end rant.

Weekittylass said...

That’s very sweet Gylly! Same to you and yours.

Brayson87 said...

What is hilarious is that most of the anti-vaxxers have been vaccinated. Listening to their bullsh!t is the price society pays for saving their lives. Too bad we can't send them on trips and withhold the usual travel vaccines.

Anonymous said...

+1lucky13 and unknown. I am a special ed teacher and amoften involved in eligibility meetings to determine the educational diagnosis of kids. I am also old enough to have lived back in the day before IDEA was fully formed. There IS a genetic link, even if a small one. I can’t tell you how many times one of the parents are “quirky” or unsocial. They are often great engineers or accountants. Secondly, there are tons of misdiagnosis cases, especially in the past. Autism was the label for more severe cases, not mild cases. After all, who wants their child with mild language and social skills deficits to be lumped in on a label with nonverbal, low is kids? Many of the “symptoms” of autism are the sa,e as adhd. But schools and parents are getting wiser now and trying to find the kids earlier, and get them the social skills, fun motor skills, and language support they need early on, so they don’t need to use that label later in life. Autism is not the plague. Many people have it and lead productive, happy lives. As a special ed teacher, you wouldn’t know or recognize 90% of my kids as having disabilities. When I was a kid, you never saw kids with disabilities because they only labeled the severe ones, and they hid them from the rest of us.

gauloise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I don't criticize anyone's choice about vaccinations.
What goes into your child, is a very important decision.
Parents have every right to be cautious.
One of my closest friends has a son with severe autism. She firmly believes it is associated with his MMR vaccination. "He was never the same after that shot. It was downhill, from that moment."
I also had a severe reaction to vaccination as a child. Extreme lethargy which lasted for weeks.

Junebug said...

I'm with Low Key on the herd immunity. It's really just common sense, if you give it much thought. The current measles outbreaks in the states of WA, NY and elsewhere, are a result of large communities of unvaccinated children in those areas having been exposed to the measles. No herd immunity there, I'm afraid.

Measles can truly be very serious for some folks.

fairylights said...

+1 million Unknown and Teachermom. I've been a speech language pathologist for almost 30 years. In that time autism has gone from a rarely seen condition that no one knew what to do about to a widely recognized condition with well defined criteria and a multitude of treatment options. Early intervention is key!

fairylights said...

I meant to add that some of these diseases that are coming around again (measles) are incredibly dangerous to pregnant women and their babies. Rubella, if caught by the mother when pregnant, often causes severe disabilities in the children.

Anonymous said...

It's not just about vaccinations.
It's all kinds of procedures, surgeries and chemicals, that some doctor will insist "You Must Have".
I refused 'chemo' after major surgery. That was over a decade ago.
(They gave me the "You Must Do This!" speech.)
To each his own. It's your body. Don't hand it over to someone else.
Sometimes, they don't have the best of motives. I am always amazed at the naivete of people who think that everyone in a lab coat must be A Good Person.
Medicine is business.

Mrs Libnish said...

Vaccines gave my cat cancer, he died a slow and terrible death. I have issues and am creeping towards anti vacc. I will NOT get a flu shot or anything like that. I would do tetanus, if I had to. That's it.

Astra Worthington said...

They killed my dog too.

Susie Q said...

Dear friend's son is vaccine damaged. He was hitting all his markers until his 6 monhs vaccinations. Fever that afternoon, seizures that night, mentally disabled. Seizures still.

I had my first kid a 27 & last at 40. You would NOT believe the increase in 'required' vaccinations in that 13 yrs. Our youngest was not vaccinated until age 2 & was done in singles & slowly. She is 8 yrs younger than the next one up & when I saw the list of suggested vaccinations, etc, it was horrendous. The Vit K shot that is 'required' by hospitals for every newborn? Yeah, the dosage is for a 5 yo. Hint, if they prick the baby's heel for blood & it clots, the baby doesn't need the shot. I ended up fighting with the head nurse over that one & she threatened to call CPS.

I had the measles and still had to be vaccinated when #2 son was born. I was basically crippled for a month & my poor husband had to change his nighttime diaper & hand him to me for nursing as there was a real fear ofdropping him.

JL said...

Tossing this in the ring. There are also those who look at undiagnosed Lyme disease in the mother as a cause of autism.
Lyme has exploded in a similar trajectory as autism since the early 90s. But once again it could just be better testing.
Still, that 5000 year old mummy from the Italian alps had Lyme so it has been around a long time and it is insidious.
My objection isn't to the concept of vaccination, it is to how they are being manufactured. Not like when my generation was young.
Was vaccinated for typhoid before going to India and promptly got a horrible fungus in my eyes. Quite a few people on the trip had the same story--Typhoid vaccination followed by a fungal infection. Would I rather have that than Typhoid? Yes. But something bad is going on in the manufacturering. Have never had a flu vaccine and have never had the flu.

Sd Auntie said...

Wow @kittylass!! So sorry you had to go through that! Polio is a godawful disease and that vaccine should not be ignored ever. Rubella will cause blindness too. But that MMr should be given at three IMO.

JusticeHeatherORourke said...

Vaccination is a SCAM... 5 minutes on the web will show you evidence. Total pharma scam. Autism is caused by giving too many vaccines at once. Mercury poisoning... why is there so much mercury in vaccines? ANYWAYS I HAD TO SPEAK UP WHEN I SEE YOU ASSHOLES BLAMING ANTI-VAXXERS FOR MEASLES OUTBREAK IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST. Are you fucking KIDDING ME? SO you want me to believe the measles were hiding under Buffy's $250,000 Persian Rug in her million dollar condo and Rosa the housekeeper moved the rug and BOOM MEASLES SPREAD? GTFO! IT COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE THE 11 MILLION ILLEGALS THAT ARE HIDING IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST DUE TO SANCTUARY LAWS? I mean 11 MILLION PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER HAD A SINGLE VACCINE THEIR ENTIRE LIFE from a country that still sees MEASLES DAILY? NO... let's blame it on anti-vaxxer BUFFY and her $250,000 Persian rug... GTFO PEOPLE!!!!

rabbit said...

Literally all of this is untrue.

Purplexia said...

Thank you for writing this. I enjoyed your rant!!!!
Vaccines ARE VITAL. All these children with Lactose Intolerance, more asthma etc I too believe is caused by sterile homes and not allowing kids to get out and play in the woods, dirt etc. You are only intolerant to Gluten if you are coeliac.
The doctor who announced the link between vaccines & Autism was discredited.
Autism is a developmental delay disorder, and along with ADHD is a psycho pathological condition. Not caused by any vaccinations. It is genetic and a brain condition.
Obviously the nurturing of those around those with such conditions can lessen or worsen symptoms. I work with children with ADHD/Autism/Developmental Delay Disorders, and also am a researcher in Autism, ADHD etc. I myself have ADHD and Aspergers (ADULT).
Chemicals have nothing to do with Autism/ADHD, but obviously E numbers can worsen symptoms, and a rich protein diet can help the symptoms.
Most of all, acceptance, open mindedness and awareness that if you see a misbehaving child, they are not brats. There are huge sensory issues for those with ASD/ADHD and when one gets overwhelmed with no secure base, of course one's behaviour will outwardly be seen as negative, rather than fear.

Purplexia said...


Purplexia said...



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