Friday, March 22, 2019

Blind Item #5

The husband of the alliterate talk show host is still pulling the strings and tilting the conversation in his favor while he keeps cheating.


Tricia13 said...

Wendy /Kevin

Anonymous said...

+1 Tricia. This makes me so sad. I hope she gets strong enough in her sobriety so she can finally dump this loser.

Unknown said...

It’s not working because he’s still with the mistress..... it won’t ever work because the public now knows the truth

Megley said...

He's got some dirt on her, that's why she stays.

Roxanne said...

Now, Wendy has found out her husband's mistress is pregnant. Ongoing drama.

:| raven |: said...
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kris said...

I agree with @raven - She needs to get OUT and take care of herself. The guy is a loser - get rid of him Wendy!!!!

americanpanda said...

Wendy is clearly an abused woman. Both physically and emotionally.
It's always easier said than done, although someone with her funds has it way easier than most women. Speaking from experience.
I hope she sees the light soon. Isn't little Kev in college??

Brayson87 said...

Occam's razor teaches us that she probably has a hidden penis. Everything explained.

:| raven |: said...
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Tierney said...

Why/how is this blind - are there OTHER "alliterative talk show host"s? With cheating husbands? This is *always* WW, and "celebrity CEO" blinds are almost always Musk. Why can't we just cut to the chase already?

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Enty has a soft spot for her and is a fan (I like her a lot too).

But I think she’s doing better because she seems more lively/awake now. Before she went on that break, her eyes would be wide open but she looked as if she were asleep behind her eyes (like she’s sleepwalking).

She’s practically paying for her husband’s mistress’ children isn’t she? I feel terrible for her.

I won’t even date/marry men with children from a previous marriage (like at least for my 1st marriage/real boyfriend, I’d like no stepchildren/baby mamas) so I DONT UNDERSTAND THIS.

I know some men have an ego about being cuckhold and would rather suck it up and pretend it’s their own and pay teh for it all the way to uni tuition (or rather not know at all and never ask for a DNA test). But I think Wendy just treats herself very poorly.

Brayson87 said...

Regardless, we don't need daily updates on this woman's self-destruction. Eventually you've got to stop beating a dead horse. She's come out about her substance abuse problems and everyone knows her husband only uses her as an atm to pay for his real family. There's no more gossip, she's down, stop kicking her already.

Anonymous said...

He is my hero. This guy is a gleaming example to all men.

PayThemDust said...

Hopefully she doesn’t have any high paying life insurance policies:|

Aquagirl said...

+1 @Brayson

Aquagirl said...

@Raven: I’m sorry for all you’ve been through.

HeatherBee said...

Occam’s razor- brilliant! 😆

Unknown said...

lol @ Brayson.. Did any of y'all notice she talked about smelly guys in her soberhouse?? Nothing about other females. Also, check out the Pure places website.


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