Thursday, August 15, 2019

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

So I’ve got a few friends who are well placed professionally by virtue of our career choices and during a lunch outing whilst visiting my in laws in London it transpired that the nobility is abuzz with a rumour that our favourite naughty royal may have known the former alliterate actress and had a go himself prior to marriage.


Tricia13 said...

Andrew/Meghan Markle

MyDogSmiles said...

Prince Andrew and Markle

Thia said...

Oooh! Obviously MM, but Andrew? And EWWWW.

AListDiva said...

Prince Andrew and Meghan?

MeliticusBee said...

OMG - this is spectacular
Andrew and sparkles

MontanaMarriott said...

Andrew and MM?

AListDiva said...

Prince Andrew and MEghan?

Jimbonius said...

Juicy. Sparkles banged Prince Andrew?

JD said...

Gotta be Andrew and Mirkle, right? Seems too easy.

Guesser said...

Ugh,Prince Andrew and Meghan

MyDogSmiles said...

She was a former Yacht Girl. Harry sure is a genius. They are now being dubbed the least favorite royal couple.

Rosie riveter said...

because... of course one of Enty's readers has juicy gossip from inside a royal circle

MyDogSmiles said...

KGibs said...

Prince William and MM

KGibs said...


Super Comic Fun Time! said...

Keeping it All in the Family, I see.

Raresteamboat said...

Prince William and Meghan Markle

MyDogSmiles said...

Get Woke and Go Broke

PghGirl said...

Oh ew! Markle and Andrew

melissa said...

randy andy _ mm?

Pissoff said...

Ohhhhh Snap. 👏👏

Alex said...

Well, the former alliterative actress is obviously Markle, but ‘Our favourite naughty royal’ would usually be Harry; but this wouldn’t make any sense. So I’m guessing it’s William? Has he been naughty? Was that affair with the Cholmondley woman ever proved?

Chillax said...

Favorite naughty royal? What does that even mean? Is prince pedo andrew the fave naughty royal? WTF?

There’s being naughty and then there is pedo/sex trafficking criminal activity. So, not the same thing.

Gollum's Wing Man said...

Makes sense he banged that ho MM.

Troy Dyer said...

Prince Andrew and Meghan
If true, not surprised and grossed out.

s.s. said...

Ha Randy Andy and Meghan who knows

Snatch and Ladders said...

Hardly a secret when it's currently all over the net, lol. Particularly Tumblr *groans*

Dirty Pearl said...

Prince Andrew + Megan Markle

Zebra Seasoning said...

ooo. Randy Andy and the Duchess Sussex. That would make for awkward family dinners.

BunnyTwoShoes said...

Prince Andrew and MM

Kimberley said...

Prince Harry or Andrew. Not news and neither are my 'favourite.'
Tom Inskip, Harry's best friend, was rumoured to have had her and that is why Markle separated Harry from him and his other close friends.

Ponzi said...

Randy Andy and Meghan Markle.

cheesegrater15 said...

Everybody knows Andy banged Smeg.

Simon said...

Oh, no! Prince Andrew and MM

Unknown said...

Meghan Markle and Prince Andrew perhaps? Awkward!!

Anonymous said...

It makes sense they would have run into each other on the Yachting circuit. Poor Harry. What a waste of a hot man. Such potential the boy had as a lifelong bachelor.

ViraxoLeader said...

Prince Andrew/ Megan Markle

Lulu Filona said...

Prince Andrew/Meghan Markle. She was yachting and he was Randy.

E said...

Please let this be true!

AngelSleuth said...

Sparkle did yacht, makes sense.

gabes_human said...

Randy Andy and Meghan

Anonymous said...

It appears that Andrew and MM knew each other (biblically) from her yachting days. The dirt is it was nothing more than a transaction to both parties. (You have to wonder if halfwit is aware of it). There's a photo on Twitter of Andy with Markus Anderson and some very young topless women on a boat. So Andy's ties to Soho House and Markus Anderson go back a long, long time. Definitely during the period MM was yachting.

AtlantAnne said...

She is vile, classless & disgusting. They would be wise to sever ties with her (& Harry, if necessary) as soon as possible. Ship them off to Los Angeles to live with the other vapid “celebrities”.

PurplePuffin said...

Obviously Meghan Markle. The "favourite naughty royal" has to be Harry. Andrew is not a favourite in anyone's mind and never has been. Harry, on the other hand, used to be popular and got into a lot of trouble in his younger days. I think this is a different spin on an old blind. Harry was her yachting customer and sampled the wares before they became an item. That's why his friend, Tom Inskip, was supposedly iced out by Meghan. You can't really be in the same social circle as your former customers unless you marry one of them. The "blind date" story is a cover for how MM & Harry really met.

Marie Günduüz said...

Oh please let it be Andrew and Meghan Markle. Harry's very thin-skinned. I can imagine him seething over the fact that his pedo uncle took a ride on his "Kind" wife. He's probably screaming "unconscious bias" at anyone who mentioned they slept with Meghan. Harry is really an idiot to rush into marriage with a woman he barely knew. Meghan slept her way to the top (not hating on her game) and shows how easy men can be led into marriage. The Cambridges are doing right to no longer be part of the "Fab 4".

jetpacksforall said...

They even wrote a song about it!

Scarlet Peaches said...

Unless this was twenty years ago, doubt Prince Pedo would even glance her way

incrediblegecko said...

Ummmm...let me guess...

Sparkles the Whore.
Prince Andrew

incrediblegecko said...

Oh yes, PurplePuffin

I agree with you.

Sparkles the Whore and Harry. Makes perfect sense they met during a yachting expedition.

E said...

Good lord. Read what was written: "our favorite "naughty royal"= due to the amount of juicy gossip he generates. Not literally! And Randy A is the Queen's favorite, as everyone knows...

molly said...


Now! said...

Sorry to spoil the party, but is Markle really Andrew’s type? He seems to aim younger. Like, under age 20. Markle supposedly didn’t yacht until she was done with university.

MZ said...

I'm no fan of Markle's, but it seems Readers can send in random blinds for people they don't like, and if they are popular on this site, they get published. Sorry, I can't take reader blinds seriously.

squirrelmistress said...

well his nickname is randy andy for a reason

Sunkist said...

I wouldn't put anything past that climber Fanny Farkle

AListDiva said...

Hi, where area are u from? I'm less than an hour south of the city.

AListDiva said...

Creepy to think your uncle stuffed your wife, yuuuck!

TeeHee@U said...

Definitely, MZ. I cannot stand MM, but, I am iffy on this one as well. LOL

Samantha the 1st said...

The body language on the balcony of T the C was very strange.

PA was physically blocking MM's eyeline and access to the Queen.

I dunno but I gathered it had more to do with MM refusing to show up for the Pres., making them all look bad when a few days later she's all smiley at the T the C.

And a lot of behind the scenes stuff.

Samantha the 1st said...

IDK If I'd believe Andy + Sparkles but he may have gotten some intel around the time he had to meet w/people bout that 'other situation.' Something making the two stories adjacent?

That or PA might be uncomfortable what *she* might have heard, or reveal.

911 said...

This website is taking the Meghan hate too far.. Andrew prefers them younger and thinner.. and also white !
No way this is true.. Besides there's no way the Queen would let that happen to her favorite grandchild..

Glow W said...

Anyone have the link to the hmmm 3 part blind? Thanks.

Dannette said...

Sparkles and Andy!

Now! said...

The Queen’s favorite grandchild is widely acknowledged to be Peter Philips, Anne’s son.

dunnoreally said...

Nor sure what PH knew but rumour has it that she'd sampled some of his friends and the intro thus came from Skippy, not some half assed blind date story. PH, targetted as the weak RF link, she found him possed out of his head on God knows what, he spilled secrets, got tangled in perverse sex, whatever but all recorded. Tried to dump her Dec 2016, she stalked him Jan - Sept 2017. Captured by the backers' cabal IG Toronto, all pics online.Voila a pension payout for Markle. Who backed her, why? Various theories. RF should have bitten the bullet and come clean, paid the price, got rid of Markle and PH and the dolly Dazza, end of.

AbbyRock said...

Apparently they are/were both whores, so I'm not surprised.

My sister-in-law tried to pick up our son before she met my brother and we're not even royal, lol.

Anonymous said...

@Tatty here's the link to the full blind.

Blue Haired Witch said...

I'm not sure if they did the nasty because, if true, I think Andy would have told Harry before he actually married her. But I do think they have been on the same yacht cruises.

Scarlet Peaches said...

@Ann that TheHimmmm blind is a dumpster fire and a half. Who is Princess? Who is the A list actor director? Has this been discussed here on cdan before? If so, I missed it. So many questions. What a horrifying world we live in...

Lexy1984 said...

I just read that and MAN did that take some time, with no type of answers.

Anonymous said...

@Scarlet Peaches that's easy. Princess is Kerry Kennedy who was married to Cuomo.

MARIA: Ghislaine Maxwell

MONSTER: Jeffrey Epstein

MARIA’S FATHER: Robert Maxwell


A-LISTER: Sean Penn

RUSSIAN OLIGARCH: Roman Abramovich


Marie Günduüz said...

Please stop with the whole "Prince Andrew prefers young girls".

Pedophiles come from ALL walks of life. That includes men who have no issues being with adult women. The idea that pedos don't sleep with adults needs to stop. It's dangerous and put children into more danger. It leads others to say "He's married, why would he want a teenager for." Again. LOTS OF PEDOS still sleep with adult women (and vice versa).

Prince Andrew may be a disgusting pedophile but he's not going to (allegedly) rape children 24/7. There are probably times when he is with other men who aren't pedos and who enjoys sleeping with yacht women and prostitutes. What's he going to do? Pull out a teenager and risk being reported or will he go ahead and bang one out with an adult woman?

After all, he married Fergie when she was an adult. And by the looks of their two children, he probably had relations with Fergie at least twice (if their daughters weren't from IVF or the turkey baster).

So it is quite possible Andrew had his turn with Meghan.

At the end of the day, whether this blind item is referring to Harry or Andrew, it really doesn't matter. It simply shows that Meghan lied when she said she barely knew a thing about the UK royal family. If she was banging them before marriage, chances are she was googling them as well. There is also that picture of her holding that tabloid magazine with Kate's picture on it.

Meghan is a liar, Harry is an enabler rushed into a marriage to a woman he barely knew and uses "that's racist" to try and shut people up (or if he was banging her before marriage...maybe he's being blackmailed into keeping her around), and I'm here for the gossip and fallout.

Scarlet Peaches said...

@Ann thanks!

Thia said...

I don't agree (with regards to the Himmm blind) that the dictator was Chavez. There were several articles today about Epstein going to Cuba, so I'm thinking Castro. Otherwise, absolutely!

Dannette said...

I thought about it for a minute, and while Sparkles and Andy together gives a lot of delicious questions, the idiocy of Woke and Broke as ho and client way before their fairytale courtship would be an excellent truth.

d.c. said...

@Jessie, thanks for your clear and accurate comment.
I gotta say, I was 100% Andrew + Sparkles, until I went back and reread the blind.
That last phrase, “our favourite naughty royal may have known the former alliterate actress and had a go himself prior to marriage”, Prior to marriage (not ‘prior to THE marriage,’ but just “prior to marriage”) makes it sound more like Harry (who, I agree, is our favorite, in comparison to Andy). Also, Occam’s razor (simplest and most likely explanation is usually the right one) suggests it’s Harry...
It just fulfills my bias against Andy yo have it be him, but...
Either way, Sparkles seems to have yachted with at least one of the Royals prior to officially joining them.

emeraldcity said...

Very early on before they were married there were quite a lot of British tabloids saying Andrew couldn't stand Meghan, the general notion was because she was pushing his daughters, 'the real princesses' out and taking their rightful place in the firm. Perhaps there was an entirely different reason . Now either Andy had a go or he knows enough people in that world to know she was a yacht girl. Not the first to marry Royalty by the way.......Princess Charlene of Monaco.

<> said...

Cuba would sense for the Himmmm BI. The text below is from a book about Cuba in the 50s; still lots of pretty white Cuban girls on the island.

Historian Neill Macaulay also recounted his time in Havana: "The whorehouses I visited ... The girls, all teenagers, were dressed in shorts and halters. All were white and several blonde, though their eyes were unmistakably Latin. It was a place where American high-school and college boys of the 1950s came to relieve their sexual tensions in surroundings that were not forbiddingly foreign." This must have been what John Sayles had in mind in his novel Los Gusanos (1991) when he wrote of the "Casa de Rock, "where boys from the University of Miami would come to fuck little blonde Cuban girls who spoke good English and wore ponytails and blue jeans just like the little blonde girls they were afraid to fuck back home."

<> said...

Many of you seem to forget MM is very well educated and made it to the top on her own wit and ability to use men; hardly an out of control fool many of you paint with your words. The SF Valley girl made who took on the world.

Team MM 100%

Glow W said...

Thanks, Ann.

Glow W said...

I was thinking Cuba and Castro as well.

I buy my crack my smack my bitch right here said...

Himmmm blind attorneys are Gerald Lefcourt as the attack dog and of course Alan Dershowitz.

not a libtard said...

Anyone surprised Sparkles is a skanky hoe? Anyone? Bueller?

Anyone shocked to learn Harry doesn't have 2 braincells to rub together? Anyone? Bueller?

Sd Auntie said...

too old for porky Andrew. maybe Phillip is the one..that viagra works pretty damn good these days!

Samantha the 1st said...

Markle wasn't a Valley Girl. L. A. girl, yes.

Her Catholic school was beneath AFI.

AFI (American Film Institute) sits atop a hill on land sold them by the Catholic church. I think it used to house religious of some sort.

So MM grew up literally looking up at Hollywood dreams.

Now! said...

I'm amused by the poster above who thinks that Andrew (or any other man) looks for the same thing in a prostitute that he looks for in a wife.

Also laughing at the poster who thinks "MM is very well educated."

A BA in Communications/Theater is nice, but I wouldn't call her an intellectual. Packing your word salad with long words you found in the thesaurus doesn't count.

Anon.4 said...

I am gong w/ Prince Harry and Lindsay Lohan.

Samantha the 1st said...

Why was MM giving Piers Morgan the full court press when she was taking an Uber to meet Prince Harry immediately afterward? He said he literally put her into the Uber she took to Harry.

PM said MM told him about her entire life, over tea; even the "writing the ad company at age 11" or whatever. The whole canned speech.

Sounds like Piers fell for her because of it, hence the bitter grapes today.

But was it a rehearsed patter she fed every punter? If so it sounds like she had it down pat.

Annie said...

call her "Target" Markle cuz everyone's had a shot at her

Samantha the 1st said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dtfan said...

Hahahahahaha so obviously fake. If the "reader" who sent this in has ever stepped foot in my city I'll eat my hat.

gabes_human said...

There are photos of Andrew surrounded by topless women on a yacht and MeGain is one of them. I rather thought that might be a part of what she used as her blackmail material to force her marriage to Harry.

Samantha the 1st said...

gabes someone said that's not MM it's a model.

not a libtard said...

Now now ladies. Surely for some, Meghan Markle appears to be highly educated.
Perhaps the same people have only finished 3rd grade and can barely spell their own names, so for them, being able to read tv scripts and memorise 17 lines per episode, sounds like a monu-mental intellectual challenge. Who knows.
Whenever somebody makes a preposterous statement, always consider the source.

Goodau said...

There's a reason why Prince Andrew's face shows contempt for MM whenever she's near him, watch his face/eyes/jaw at Trooping the Colour. Fergie detests her. The thought of MM using the threat of blackmail to achieve her goals within the RF is not far fetched. Prince Andrew and MM have had Markus Anderson and yachts in common for quite a while. Prince Harry and Meghan's multiple early "dates" at Soho Farmhouse are not news.


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