Friday, April 13, 2007

ZX-Well blog me Happy, Friday the 13th!

Spent this morning debating whether my house was going to burn down or not, eating grilled cheese and Easter See's and considering driving down to the flames to feed them my two foot mail pile. Wondering if you lose all your records if you are still required to do your taxes. I feel like they make it purposefully complicated and I wish I could just install a bar code in my wrist and be done with it. It has also come to my attention that I've been sharing my social security number with a Korean since 1989.

I'm supposed to be snowboarding this weekend but my accountant suggested we do taxes on Saturday. I thought, "Who does that?!," but a good friend pointed out that they're DUE ON SUNDAY.

Also discovered how to airbrush on iphoto and was considering sending my stalkee photos of the two of us with just myself airbrushed and leaving him with his engorged pores and sun damage. What am I, twelve?!

So basically, just diddling my bean when I got the call from my manager that there is an offer coming my way unless something goes egregiously wrong. He wouldn't even tell me what it is because the last time, I was all packed to go to Rome and at the last second, the project imploded and I was apoplectic. But he's completely giddy so I may have something awesome to report imminently. Keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Actually taxes are due on the 17th..Monday is some government holiday so you have 2 extra days!
Go snowboarding-LOL!
Hope you hear about your offer soon...

Anonymous said...

Who is writing this blog??? This is not the original writer.

Anonymous said...

Crossing my fingers you get the offer and just file for an extension with the guvmint.

Anonymous said...

Well, hopefully congratulations! Let us know what it is so we can figure out who you are, I am so curious now!
Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

11:42 they would tell you but then they'd have to kill you! I'm w/ you, no point ing uessing what is not real.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering how someone could go "down" to the fire given where it's located. Doesn't make sense w/ previous apt posts. Fake?

Anonymous said...

Umm... definately no the original poster. People will believe anything!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I really, really, really think you are Zooey Deschanel, ZX. And don't you people start on me about the smoking thing. Just because Zooey says a year or so back that she doesn't smoke doesn't mean she was being honest and it doesn't mean she didn't start. There are not many actresses who have "a few films released already this year" and a "few more that will be released this year". She is award winning, has done indie films, along with mainstream. Has 3 movies that have already come out this year and 3 more that are scheduled to. She doesn't drink or do drugs. And she has a possibility to win an award for one of her movies this year. Her sister is on a t.v show and Zooey has done t.v. so, I don't believe she is above auditioning for a pilot. We all need to watch The assination of Jesse James to see if her character is introduced to Jesse James or the man who kills him at anytime, as they both would be criminals. Because I have a feeling that is the movie she was talking about. Wasn't the guy naked or something? that should be a dead giveaway when the movie comes out. If it's her. I just relly think it is.

Anonymous said...

samarie armstrong...i know it!!!


Anonymous said...

hez...i know it!!

Anonymous said...

The government does not have a holiday on Monday...Taxes are due Monday. Terrific blog....I actually care that ZX gets that job...a girl after my own heart.

Anonymous said...

Mystery Actress - just don't accept any offer opposite Tom Cruise, okay? Career suicide.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you're wrong. It might not be a *government* holiday, but it is a DC holiday - Emancipation Day.

Taxes are due Tuesday. Get it right.,,id=167195,00.html

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the project, and I really hope it works out for you. Oh, and keep up the regular reports. I'm fascinated.

Anonymous said...

Everybody is so starstruck and bamboozled around here and so ready to touch the hem of of celebrity.

Anonymous said...

Accountant not telling you when taxes are due? Probably a fake accountant to go with the fake lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't that be the hez of celebrity?

Anonymous said...

Everyone is so crabby today.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Everyone is so crabby today.

12:54 PM


Anonymous said...

Ok, some of those comments made me giggle.

For the record, I have never used the phrase "diddling my bean" in my life. I've diddled other people's beans, but my own remains woefully undiddled. And the day I write about my taxes is the day I stop finding everything else in the world more interesting, and believe me, that's not today.

And to the tiresome Santa Cop at 12:45, enjoy a lovely Friday afternoon of whining about how fake this blog is. I'm off to drink beer with my friends for the rest of the day. You might consider getting a few and trying the same. (Beers or friends -- you seem sorely lacking in both!)


Anonymous said...

As of a year ago Zooey was still living at home with her parents. So I somehow don't think this is her.

Anonymous said... in the Fraser Valley where are you???

You must be in BC lol Canucks!

Anonymous said...

12:59 Have you never heard that insults are the refuge of those with no argument? I truly think no one cares about your life or self image except for you. Your denials would carry more weight without the insults and self aggrandizement.

Anonymous said...

Ok. I've long been a fan of this site. I love trying to figure out the BI's even if they are made-up, or plucked from other websites or gossip mags. The disclaimer says that the site publishes rumors, conjecture and fiction- which is fine by me because it's fun to be a detective etc. However, this bloggin actress is obvoiusly BS. It's just an alter-ego of EL. And EL is an alter-ego of the blogger him/herself. I know most of us love this site, and love folling ourselves into believing the things written here are true, but isn't this getting a little ridiculous? It's such BS! Again, I think the guessing thing is fun, but this actress thing is strange. Aren't we a little too intelligent to play into this facade?

Anonymous said...

I also think that some of the commenters are fake and planted here by EL just to get convo's started etc.

Anonymous said...

then why come here? Leave if you dont like it and leave the rest to us. Jesus do you think we give a shit what YOU believe?

No one invites you here or forces you so just scram already.

Take the hate to Perez he gets off on it.

Anonymous said...

" i also think that..."

Start your own blog and piss off.

Anonymous said...

WOW...this blog is getting wierd...I think EL needs to figure out a way to make it impossible to post anonymously or make you sign up, because it seems like we are getting thing is to ignore them and they'll get bored and go one likes to post if they are getting a response from someone, no?

Anyway, the purpose of this post is not to address said trolls, but to address our lovely ZX...good luck with the project...I hope you get it and it's an amazing opportunity.

Anonymous said...

ZX you rock! I love your blogs and I wish you the best of luck on getting the upcoming project! Think positive--it will come to you!
It's so nice to read an intelligent person's blog for a change, and not a lot of the lousy S**T out there! Cheers!

Anonymous said...

mary mac there was a message board that you had to sign in to use but that seems to be gone & honestly it denegerated into a weird personal thing for some of the commenters. I know there was controversy about posts being removed and other silly stuff like whining alot about "poor, poor me" things....

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...I remember that...I had a hard time following it and getting in and everything....I guess I'll stick with the old iggy defense! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I know 1:00 but, that WAS awhile ago. She has lived with her parents on and off, then in a condo with her sister (so I've read at one place) And then with the guy that she dated for over a year, Jason. What I have not run across for sure is that she owns her own place. It's pretty confusing if we start eliminating people on information from a year ago. I am fixing to go find one of the movies she has out this year and prove that it started taping this time last year and taped for 7 months just to show you people :-) It's her!!! Melissa

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone,
just wanted to post a comment i made earlier.
I'm very pleased with Zx's blogging: I don't really care who this actress is, i don't really understand when some of you try to learn who it is though. Personnaly, I'm just glad to get to know a person with a different origin and life than mine, that's it.
I believe that except a few crazy spoiled brat, most ppl in hollywood must be quite normal. The press and even the gossip world always seem to make a big deal out of their lifes... I think that most ppl just try to make a living and to lead a confortable life (of course, 'confortable' is all relative! ;) )

anyway, thanks Ent and Zx for your everyday efforts...
ps: Zx I hope that your potential new job works out! :)

That's it... :)

Anonymous said...

Melissa, I didn't get that one movie filmed for 7 months straight - only huge epics would take that long - I took the gone for 7 months thing as she filmed more than one movie all back to back.

I still don't think was Zooey, though you have a point about the living situation. She has several movies currently in production or hasn't started filming yet, according to IMDB. ZX makes it sound as if she has nothing lined up yet as far as future roles go. Wouldn't Zooey be preparing for the Janis Joplin movie or Barry Munday, etc?

Plus I guess I see her as too famous to be auditioning and getting turned down for a pilot.

Anonymous said...

Christina Ricci? Already had Black Snake Moan out this year and Penelope coming out later... No future projects lined up after that.

Anonymous said...

Good point about the 7 months. That is an extrodinary amount of time to tape something. No wonder I couldn't find a movie that took that long :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking ZX is either originally a Brit or Aussie. "Diddling my bean" and the phrase she used yesterday about giving a firm "how's your father" are NOT American phrases. Start thinking abroad people.

Also gotta say, this post does seem different in tone from the originals so I'm on board with the maybe this isn't ZX posters.

Anonymous said...

I thought it she was a Brit too, possibly Minnie Driver, I think she surfs and snowboards and she was at LA fashion week. But changed my mind because of the comment about the SS number and the date 1989, unless that's a joke that went over my little Brit head. But that date does mean she's older than some think.

Anyway I agree with some of the others, this blog entry has a different tone, maybe she's feeling flat today, wouldn't anybody who has to do their taxes?

Amber said...

ZX.. listen to Brendalove. No Tom Cruise projects!!

Anonymous said...

virginia madsen!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish you the best ZX. I hope to hear good news in the next few days.

Also do you have any advice to someone who is trying to get into the business but doing the behind the scenes instead of in front?

I wish I could email you directly and we can chat about things.

Anyway take care.

Anonymous said...

charlize theron:)

Anonymous said...

zooey d has been working on a sci-fi channel project. maybe that took 7 months.

Anonymous said...

ZX, why do people like you become actors? what do you like about acting? i am being serious. it seems that it is a cut-throat business.

Anonymous said...

I still think ZX is Scarlett. Even if it seems like I'm schmooozing Enty :o)

Anonymous said...

Amber Tamblyn

Anonymous said...

Amber Tamblyn is a great guess.

She has won an award, and has been acting since a pre-teen.

DOn't know about the smoking thing tho...but really how many people talk about smoking to the public.

Anonymous said...

christina ricci is my guess. esp after her being announced for speed racer.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking Christina as well, but I think I read somewhere she lives in NYC...anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your many updates ZX! Keep em coming. :o)

Anonymous said...

I have no clue who ZX is, and I don't even care. Her posts are fun and engaging, and she's a good addition to an already fun and engaging blog.

I do wish the naysayers would go away. The repetitious whines about disclaimers and fake identity's and 'oh you stupid ass people who actually believe this' get to be a little tedious. If you've said it once, do you HAVE to say it again? And again? And again?

My only contribution to the ZX guessing game is to agree with whomever it was who suggested that ZX is either British/Australian or has a strong influence of that sort in their background, due to their word choices and phrasing. Not worth much, since it has already been stated.

Thanks, ZX and Ent, for all of the fun.


Anonymous said...


Ha, I totally airbrush myself in photos and leave everyone else. Only if they're really bad photos though.

Good luck with your new project!

Anonymous said...

Would the 1989 thing mean that ZX first started working in the states in 1989? When she got her SSN.

Anonymous said...

I would agree with the Amber Tamblyn guess but she has 3 movies coming up according to IMDB. I still think ZX implies she has no projects lined up at the moment, only films that have finished filming.

Anonymous said...

Christina Ricci went to NYU. I believe her family lives in Westchester.

She is very anorexic I don't think she'd ever gain 40lbs.

Anonymous said...

Great reasoning on Christina Ricci and Speed Racer! Really thinking it might be her now...

Anonymous said...

Amber Tamblyns dad was in my favorite 1960's monster movie.

He was a hottie.

Anonymous said...

no one has gotten it.

Anonymous said...

Thora Birch????

Anonymous said...

jessica biel. she surfs and snowboards, did tv and has some movies coming out this year.

Anonymous said...

What about Abbie Cornish? She is young, Aussie, seems athletic and had two big roles in A Good Year and Candy. Plus, didn't Ryan Phillipe hit it when they were filming, then dump her?

Anonymous said...

People, for the last time, get the 40lb thing out of your heads. She didnt literally gain 40lbs...

do any of you know the definition of sarcasm?


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