Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Is Jennifer Garner Pregnant?

Last night, I had a third person tell me that Jennifer Garner is pregnant. She canceled everything recently and has no projects scheduled until 2009 which would give her enough time to have a baby and get back into shape for filming. It's just been so quiet about her on the gossip front/baby bump/is she or isn't she because of all the Nicole Richie and Christina Aguilera drama. You know I suck at the looking at a photo and figuring it out. The people I spoke to say the projects were canceled abruptly but that just as firmly she wanted something for later. It's very unusual to schedule something two years out if you don't have anything going on right now to necessitate that late date.


Anonymous said...

Yeah those infamous people you spoke to. Uh huh. Love those insider tidbits, so real.

Anonymous said...

This would have made a perfect Blind Item.

Anonymous said...

Probably just planning on getting pregnant - she seems like the planner type vs the OOOPs type...

Anonymous said...

So that's why she stopped pimping Violet and even looks annoyed when the paps are around. No more angling at the mommies tv talk show or they decided not to give it her after seeing her pimp her child day in day out?

Anonymous said...

What Former TV lead actress, now a barely B Film Actress but B (possibly A minus) in name recognition, married to a former A list Actor, who's been connected with a few Former A list Actresses in the Past, but is rumored to be involved with his B-plus/A-minus best buddy..has abruptly cancelled all her projects until 2009? Perhaps a sibling is expected for her highly photographed child...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, dont quit your day job 12:39

Anonymous said...

I thought the A list rant was funny

Anonymous said...

12:39 - that was good.

Anonymous said...

I hope she's having another one. Violet is the hotness and you know another kid would be just as cute.

And Violet is going to marry Gwen Stefani's son one day.

kellygirl said...

I don't know if it's morning sickness, but she def looks a bit nauseous in this pic

Anonymous said...

She's always looked nauseous even when we were sure she wasn't pregnant. She's goes out in public all the time looking like some frumpy, dumpy slob. She always looks like she rolled out of bed and is ready to mow the lawn then wash the car. All I can say is that if my appearance was part of my career and I KNEW paperazzi was taking my picture, I'd take the time to pull on some clothes that don't look like they were chosen from my husband dirty laundry pile. Then I'd take the extra five minutes to fix my hair and put on some lip gloss.

kellygirl said...

Well, maybe she's just getting a whiff of a dirty diaper, but she looks like she's about to hurl

Anonymous said...

oh god, if she is lets hope the spawn looks like its daddy. we don't need anymore beedy eyed kids like violet roaming around. her eyes are creepy as fuck! they're black, and it seems like she has no white area around them. scary.

Anonymous said...

2:07, Okay?!! I'm am right there with you. Homegirl could run a brush through her hair. hehehe.


Anonymous said...

12:39 Good one! Hee.

Anonymous said...

Jeez. I admire Jennifer Garner for taking such an active role as a mother. God forbid that she doesn't dress up to par 24/7!! Many moms are more concerned about being good mothers than looking good in public (so what if she is a celebrity). IF we want to talk about her so negatively, lets not forget to mention how sorry Ben looks on a regular basis.

Anonymous said...

That's what you do with kids. You
take them to the park. Strangely,
the kid wants to go every day!

It's as if some of the posters have
never been around a child EVER.

If she were pimping out her child
wouldn't Jen get dressed up? She
is always in that striped sweater.

To me that says she wants to be
boring to the photogs so she can
spend time with her kid.

Hurray for J.G. for not shoving her
kid off onto nannies to raise.

Anonymous said...

I agree 5:50. Geez, some of you are really crusty!

Anonymous said...

Wow...I'm shocked at the vicious, vile posts on here today. What's happened? Everyone used to be so respectful. I recommended this blog to a friend over the weekend, telling her it wasn't tacky like other gossip sites, I wish I hadn't now.

Jennifer Garner is such a great role model for young women and mothers. Violet is a gorgeous child, so happy because she's obviously so well loved. I hope Jen is pregnant, she's a fabulous mother - she looks she might be expecting in some of the pics I've seen of her recently.

To all the posters who have nothing decent to say, go and leak your toxic waste elsewhere. You're obviously desperately unhappy with your own lives.

Anonymous said...

Pimping your child is standing looking at your child swinging while you are wearing a dress and heels and look terrified of getting dirty. I agree, anyone who has ever had a child knows there is no limits to the amount of times they want to go back to the park they were at to play.

I'm Stranger than Fiction said...

Jennifer wears real clothes and no make up like oh, about HALF to MOST moms on days off?

I don't have kids (and praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster, that will not change), but I do love my friends kids, and when I take them ANYWHERE, I do NOT get dolled up!! Who the frig cares whether I'm me or Jennifer G?

As for pimping out her child (whoever said that, be glad I'm not there to bitch-slap you), HOW is taking her kid out, and playing with her, and BEING A MOM pimping her out?? Just STFU!

Anonymous said...

Who in the hell refers to a child as "Violet is the hotness"??
Bizarre sexual inference much?

Anonymous said...

Who in the hell refers to a child as "Violet is the hotness"??
Bizarre sexual inference much?

Anonymous said...

Now it's b*tching about how many times Violet is taken to the park and how Jen looks when she's spending time with her???? Cripes, give her a free pass already. Thank goodness she's not like the other mothers out there who spend the time to get all hookered up only to bring a trainwreck like Lindsay Lohan into the world.

Anonymous said...

So if a woman looks like a slob all the time that means she's a good mother? It means she's too lazy to take some pride in her appearance. Pride in appearance doesn't mean "all dolled up" either. It means not looking like she just rolled out of bed.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I love this blog but I am really tired of the constant "Is she pregnant?" business. If it is not one celeb it is another. She looks great, and she looks like a normal mom that is not obsessed with her looks and would rather spend time with her child than in the makeup/hair chair. Just because someones stomach is not washboard flat, it does not mean they are pregnant. Hell, if that were the case, well then I guess I have been pregnant for 5 years now. Not overweight, just not rail thin.
Those of you that want to comment on fixing herself up, running a brush through her hair, lipgloss etc, how about you post a pic of yourself right now? Bet ya dont look like supermodels...



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