Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Random Photos

A real honest to God smile. I'm thinking it's because of the guy standing next to her who refused to be photographed. OR. Brad Pitt's mom gave her some good loving. I will let you decide. You can have fun with either choice really.

Gigi has already dropped the Grazer from the last name and has dropped ten pounds. You think she might be looking? I could be the first 65 year old boy toy.
Hey cheer up!! You're Eva Mendes.
"Awwww. Ashton, you're such a dork." or

"Please don't leave me Ashton. I'll act 18 if you want me too."
Alfonso looks like, well a big fat guy who's is out of shape and probably in bead health but still manages to snag decent looking women because he was on television. You tell me in what other world she even talks to him. and his soldiers. Rumer wore a dress for mom, but no photos with her.
Nice boyfriend. When he makes you dodge cars to be his boyfriend, it may be time to get a new one Rachel Stevens.
Elf? St. Patricks Day? It doesn't matter. It still looks like a big slurpee was dumped all over Kristin.
On her way to John Mayer's hotel at 1am. She's now reduced to being a booty call. He didn't even go to see her. She went to see him. Desperation.


Hez said...

Hey, J.Simp! We have the same t-shirt!

Except mine's not drenched in bimbetic desperation and John Mayer piss.

Anonymous said...

The girl with Alfonso is a porn star! I think her name is Ashlyn Brooke or something... a paid guest of his, perhaps? :)

Anonymous said...

Bibetic desperation? I have a new favourite saying! Many thanks, Hez! I'll raise a big glass of John Mayer peepee to toast you.

Anonymous said...

Rumer is nasty

Anonymous said...

Mwhahaha, HEZ! You know he raining golden showers all over her.

Hey Ent, what Alonso has "bead health"? What the fuck is that? A disease that makes his head look like a juicy walnut? He looks like the stay-puft man from ghostbusters. All that's missing is the sailor hat.


Anonymous said...

Bad health tracee..and not worth the effort you put

Anonymous said...

Uh..this picture was taken at 11pm outside a gas station so not where your source is EL but they lied...


Lulu said...

Would Krisin Cavalleri be a good guess for the 'lovely blond' with the bad habit whose friends are worried about? Just thought her acting career strikes me as fledgling....

And I realllly don't think that Jessica Simpson would be on a booty's not her style

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:59,

Got it! I can stop searching through my medical encyclopedia trying to identify the "bead" cancer that's going around. HA!!!


Anonymous said...

Anon 2:59,

Got it! I can stop searching through my medical encyclopedia trying to identify the "bead" cancer that's going around. HA!!!


Anonymous said...

Jen's smiling cause that water she's sucking back and shilling is full of gin.


Anonymous said...

Woah, that's not Slurpee green....that's CHRISTMAS WRAP green!

Jerry said...

And I realllly don't think that Jessica Simpson would be on a booty's not her style

Jessica Simpson has a style?

Anonymous said...

I think Jennifer A. looks a little high in that picture. I think Jessica S. is desperate enough to be reduced to booty call-status just to keep seeing John Mayer. After all, he wasn't too respectful towards her in the media when they ended their very first little fling, and she still went back for more.



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