Thursday, June 14, 2007

Today's Blind Items--With A Little Help From AP

A certain message board (not CDAN) on the internet has made a very important connection between the news and a VERY juicy blind item from this site.

The blind item from the NY Daily News today reminded me of this first one.

#1 This actress you have never heard of was very popular with a certain kind of guy and was often stalked. She started keeping a knife under her pillow at night. One night, her boyfriend, who is a foreign A-lister came into her room when she thought he was out of town. As he bent down to kiss her, she brought the knife up and stabbed him. Our actor was in a committed relationship at the time so nothing was said about where he was or who he was with. BUT, if you see him now with his shirt off, there is a scar along his right pectoral area that is about 2 inches wide.

This one comes from AP

#2 At a thing last week, AP was in the bathroom and a C list actress starts talking about what she had done the night before. Turns out she was hanging out with this defnitely not ugly A list film actor as far as name recognition, but in reality B list because he needs a strong cast to open well. He is heroic though. Anyway, the two of them were enjoying some adult activities and she started to do move down and do something with her mouth, when he practically screamed, "No." In all her many experiences, she had never got that type of reaction and so decided to take a much closer look at the member in question. A raging case of warts. It was so bad that she puked right then and there and got out of the bed and room like lightning.


Anonymous said...

#2 - Tobey Maguire

Anonymous said...

Tobey Maguire? James Franco?

Anonymous said...

But Tobey Maguire is ugly
No clue for #1

Anonymous said...

The news/internet message board connection/blind item - - I wonder if it has to do with Matt McC. and the extras on the set ofhis film.

Or the split of the Grazers..?

Anonymous said...

#1 Not a clue.
#2 Something said Orlando Bloom to me for this one... Dude definitely is good looking, his name is well recognized.... hell even my Dad knows who he is which is like the true test. Heroic = He does a lot of movies where he plays the hero. But he can't open a movie on his name to save his life anyways.

Anonymous said...

What about Colin Farrell for #2; I've read that he has some nasty things going on in his private area.

Anonymous said...

2 -Tom Cruise.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, Orlando Bloom is a good guess.

Anonymous said...

Is there a lightening type character from the Fantastic Four movie...or could it be the surfer character, bc he's so fast like "lightening?"

just brainstorming...


Anonymous said...

Orlando Bloom

Anonymous said...

Val Kilmer

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys wrote this down below, but don't know if anyone saw it.... a pic with Nicole Ritchie and Samantha Ronson is tagged with "ghostly".... I found this B.I... has to be her

"So the other night AP was at this party and she saw a blind item mainstay who is a very well known female reality star with some past and present problems. The most pressing problem the other night was how to keep our subject from ingesting the coke that was in her purse. There was nothing else in her purse except coke. No keys, no cell phone, no nothing. Despite two nose bleeds during the evening and an appearance that was ghostly, our subject couldn't be stopped and literally had to be carried out the door at the end of the night by friends because she had passed out. She was also blabbering away during the evening about how her current relationship is over because her boyfriend hated seeing her destroy herself."

Anonymous said...

good fined Anon 12:33. That's probably the one. Hopefully the girl isn't pregnant. When was the last time we had a celebrity crack baby?

Franco did Lohan who did Paris who has spread herpes throughout hollywood. But franco isn't "heroic". Could be Chris Evans given the F4 opening this weekend?

Anonymous said...

So I did a simple Google on celebrity abdomen scars and came up with Keanu Reeves - who is single/dating. It said that it was froma motorcycle accident. Cover-up?

Anonymous said...

Franco did not "do" Lohan becuase Franco likes men.

Anonymous said...

Owen Wilson's character in "Cars" was named Lightning, but does he play heroes that often?

Anonymous said...

The first one - the connection to the juicy BI - perhaps this from Gliteratti Gossip? The woman that gets paid the same as A-listers?

Felicity Huffman Made Jessica Alba Cry
You better do your homework for Felicity Huffman.

The "Desperate Housewives" star ripped Jessica Alba a new one 10 years ago. The then-aspiring actress attended an intensive six-week acting class run by Huffman and her hubby William H. Macy (the same place the couple met when she was one of his students) and was ill-prepared when it came her turn to impress the teachers.

"Felicity was very hard on me. She's a tough cookie, that one. I just remember her making me cry because I didn't prepare a scene right, or I didn't talk loud enough."

Well, Jess, I'm guessing you didn't do all that well in the class since the range of your acting skills is "Me, Jessica Alba. Me, Act." But who needs acting when your career basically depends on your body?

Anonymous said...

happyb - the BI said his scar is on his pecs - that's his chest. Not his abs.

Anonymous said...

George Clooney? Def A list, may need a cast like the Ocean's to do really well and has been voted sexiest man alive on more than one occasion...but has he really had heroic roles?

Anonymous said...

Isn't the guy that was stabbed foreign a-lister? Also, says he was in a relationship at the time. So let's think of a popular foreign actor who is single.

Anonymous said...

Clooney was Batman but I don't think it is him..

Anonymous said...

George Clooney - A-List Actor, but needs a big cast, i.e., Brad Pitt, Matt Dillon, etc., for his movies to make money. Heroic - he travelled to Africa to bring attention to the crisis and also wrote/directed issue driven movies.

Anonymous said...

George Clooney is NOT B-List at all!

schneefloeckli said...

@ anon 12:33
Well done! Didn't Ent link to an article about LiLo's former bodyguard and his plans to write a book or something? It was this week and Ent's comment was about how celebs should learn to have their employées sign something to prevent such things from getting revealed in the press.

Anyway, the article [yes, I read the whole thing] mentioned the following: SNORTED line after line with Simple Life star Nicole Richie in a TEN-HOUR binge.

"I lost count of the times I thought she was overdosing and had to carry her out of parties. Every morning I'd breathe a sigh of relief she was still alive."

schneefloeckli said...

Just re-read my comment and wanna add that I think it's Nicole and not LiLo, just in case...

Anonymous said...

Robin...I think George is and always will be A-list. He's an Oscar winner and a great actor (even though I don't necessarily like him personally.)

#1-I'm thinking maybe Liam Neeson or perhaps Ewan McGregor? A certain kind of man? That must be a clue, but to what???

#2-I know I say Ryan Reynolds all the time (I know...I've been obsessed since 2 guys, a girl and a pizza place.) I know he's not really A List but is always in the rags. I only say him because it's rumored he will play the Flash in the movie they are going to make.

adore said...

Orlando is a good guess for #2

Anonymous said...

How about Orlando Bloom for #1? He was in a relationship w/Kate Bosworth but was seeing some other actress on the side and was accidentally stabbed by her but couldn't say anything or Kate would find out?

Or Heath Ledger. He's been in 'committed relationships' w/Naomi Watts, Heather Graham and Michelle Williams.

Anonymous said...

"Room like lightning"

Typo or clue?

Anonymous said...

Mary Mac - I have to politely disagree about Reynolds being always in the rags. He has been recently due to Scarlett (and a minor blip about breaking up w/ alanis) but otherwise he seems very domestic and non-tab friendly.

But he's hot, I'll give you that much. ;o)


Anonymous said...

sooo what about Olivier Martinez(?) I hear he's A-list in other countries and he used to date Kylie Minogue I think. just tossing that out there.

Anonymous said...

Foreign A Lister = Antonio Banderas?? Anyone ever see a scar in any of his topless pics?

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys can help me understand this. #2 doesn't want C List to oralise him....but he was planning on slithering that diseased one-eyed trouser snake into other areas??

Anonymous said...

has dominique swaine actually released any sort of staatement that confirms that she was zx or are we still taking ent word for it?

Anonymous said...

brenda, when was the last time you gave a bj with a condom on? Maybe he liked the pain of a herpetic serpent during sex.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:36 - I don't know whether to "ewwwww" or "LOL"

Warning to both girls and guys...check that stick before you lick!

Anonymous said...

#1 is Jude Law!

Anonymous said...

anon 1:19 Oliver was my guess too. he was in a relationship w/ kylie for a long time, but he's pretty it's well known that he's cheated on her in the past. makes sense.

Anonymous said...

How about Hugh Jackman for #2 - foreign, and he played Wolverine - a super hero....

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who's thinkin Bruce Willis for #2? Absolutely A LIST as far as name recognition, though I can't think of a movie he's opened on his own in at least 10 years, can you? HEROIC = Die Hard movies, Unbreakable (M Night movie), Sin City, Armageddon even Pulp Fiction (he cuts an "iconically" heroic pose when he pics up that Samurai sword). May not be the "hunkiest," but i've never seen him be described as UGLY.

C'mon, prove me wrong!

peawry said...

All very good guesses, but I'll throw one out. How about Cuba Gooding Jr. Didn't he just heroically save someone's life? And he's an Oscar winner. In any case, ick.

Anonymous said...

1- Orlando Bloom/ Viggo Mortensen/ Clive Owen?

2- Paul Walker/ Colin Farrel/ Vin Diesel?

Anonymous said...

I think #1 might be Ewan McGregor. In the still from "Down With Love", he looks like he had a scar on his right pec.

Anonymous said...

Can't be Bruce Willis. Ent's clues say that he's an A-List actor who needs an ensemble cast. And Bruce Willis doesn't need other actors to open his movies.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of news could Brian Grazer (or even Ron Howard) be the producer in the B-list movie actress plus sex tape of producer equals A-list salary?

Anonymous said...

for the first one... no to Orlando because has a big ass scar on his back from breaking it but no scar on his pec, Viggo is not foreign and I dunno about Clive...

Anonymous said...

I was thinking Viggo as well, for some reason. Isn't he married? And his role in LOTR is certainly heroic.
Don't ask me why but I have a feeling Orlando is watched so often that if he walked around with his arm in a sling it or even spotted getting stitches it would be noticed. Viggo seems to keep a more low key profile. Could be wrong, though.

Oooooh digging the Bruce willis guess. He did do Courtney Love, after all. Pretty sure he's the kind that will go without a condom if the girl allows it, hence prone to catching an STD.

my .02


Anonymous said...

James - I was also wondering why no one else said Bruce Willis! I was about to post it but maybe pisly's right, he's hardly B list at the worst of times.

Like the Orlando Bloom guess...but he seems so clean cut! lol

Anonymous said...

Yikes you're right anon@2:57. Just checked, Viggo was born in NYC.
Scratch that guess :)
Though he is 'perceived' as foriegn, I doubt Ent would make that mistake.

Antonio isn't a bad guess, but I'm thinking younger for some reason. Someone we would be likely to see on film with their shirt off in the near future.

Anonymous said...

"The actress youve never heard of..." makes me think he is referring to DS since so many people were complaining that they had never heard of her....who has she dated?

Anonymous said...

"A certain message board (not CDAN) on the internet has made a very important connection between the news and a VERY juicy blind item from this site."

Could it be about AV? hmmm...

Anonymous said...

hey guys, any thoughts on the message board at the start of the BI's? I looked briefly on the EOnline board and didn't see much, defamer used to have something where they guess on BI's, but I couldn't find it. Anyone have any thoughts on other boards? I'm dyin' to know which juicy BI they're onto!

Anonymous said...

I think breaker's onto something. Lolita might very well attract a certain kind of creep, and there was that knife in the first of second zx post.

Anonymous said...

cali girl - i was wondering the same thing. I think people are misreading it and thinking it belongs to the rest of the post.

Anonymous said...

LOL meme - great minds!

Anonymous said...

Message board could also be's Blind Items Chatter board.

Anonymous said...

I just keep going back to Perez

Beyonce bashing
Clarkson cancelling
Lily Allen rambling(which I didn't read - too long and I really don't care)

kellygirl said...

Way off topic, but you guys mentioned Ryan Reynolds, go to HuffPost and read his post. It's a story about his brother that is absolutely hysterical. For the first time, I am a fan.
(p.s. while you're there, check out Jamie Lee Curtis' post - not so funny, but excellent)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nevermind - i'm just lazy. i'll look it up. :)

Anonymous said...

Pisly and Jem, First, a caveat. In the hint, to me, "open well" = big opening box office weekend. Now, let me say, i am a Die-hard (no pun intended)Bruce Willis fan, have been since moonlighting. This is no knock on his acting abilities, because he's aces in my book. So, as I said, in name Bruce is undeniably A list, no doubt. But if you look at his movies over the last 15 years or so,(a) the majority of them were not blockbusters, and (b) any of them that were a hit owed as much to the names around him--be they fellow actors, directors, or even writers/source material--as they did to Bruce himself. Kudos to him for picking good, smart movies (in most cases) where he's surrounded by quality folks, but compare the hits to the duds and the answer is his name alone does not equal "open well." So in that respect, I agree with Enty that he's B list. Anyway, here's a list of his moview per IMDB, pick one and I will tell you to what it owes its box office... :)

1. Live Free or Die Hard (2007) (not out yet, but it will do pretty good business because of the franchise name)
2.Perfect Stranger (2007)
3.Grindhouse (2007)
4.Hammy's Boomerang Adventure (2006)
5.The Astronaut Farmer (2006)
6.Fast Food Nation (2006)
7.Over the Hedge (2006)
8.16 Blocks (2006)
9.Lucky Number Slevin (2006)
10.Alpha Dog (2006)
11.Sin City (2005)
12.Hostage (2005/I)
13.The Whole Ten Yards (2004)
14.Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)
15.Rugrats Go Wild (2003)
16.Tears of the Sun (2003)
17.Grand Champion (2002)
18.Hart's War (2002)
19.Bandits (2001)
20.Unbreakable (2000)
21.The Kid (2000)
22.The Whole Nine Yards
23.The Story of Us (1999)
24.The Sixth Sense (1999)
25.Breakfast of Champions
26.Apocalypse (1998
27.The Siege (1998/I)
28.Armageddon (1998/I)
29.Mercury Rising (1998
30.The Jackal (1997)
31.The Fifth Element (1997)
32.Beavis and Butt-Head Do America (1996)
33.Last Man Standing (1996/I)
34.Bruno the Kid: The Animated Movie (1996)
35.Twelve Monkeys (1995)
36.Four Rooms (1995)
37.Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
38.Nobody's Fool (1994)
39.Color of Night (1994)
40.North (1994)
41.Pulp Fiction (1994)
42.Striking Distance (1993)

Anonymous said...

#1 "a certain kind of guy" - does that mean she was a porn star...or maybe she was a child actress that pervy guys liked? idk

Anonymous said...

as far as the board ONTD? so many ppl post they must have gotten something right? im too lazy to sort thru the posts tho

Anonymous said...

certain msg board, such as hez's? idk, I have never been to hez's site. but it seems obvious, perhaps.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go with Jude Law for #1. Or #2 for that matter.

Anonymous said...

re: people onme about viggo yesterday

am not interested in a lengthy defense or engaging in name-calling... nor in advertising where i earned my master's degree, my journalistic credentials, etc. needless to say, i no longer work a reporter - not to become a stay-at-home mom although that is an amusing thought.

celebrities are flawed - aren't we all? with the fame and money comes the fishbowl. most of the celebrities i have interviewed are not very nice people. you do not succeed in the most vainglorious/narcissistic/corrupt industry by being innocent and humble.

and for the anonymous people that think i am mean, you are probably right. and also, probably on the wrong website.

Unknown said...

so far, (RE: #2) out of all of the guesses, I think Orlando Bloom is the one that needs the most help from a cast to open a movie. He also seems to be pigeon-holing himself into the non-lead heroic roles with the two trilogies *Lord of the Rings and *Pirates of the Carribean as well as a lesser role in *Troy adding up to 7 flicks of being a pretty-faced cipher...

Anonymous said...

Tobey Maguire for #2 because of Spiderman?

Anonymous said...

Here's my question - if someone screams "no" dont they also back away - if so, how do you get "a much closer look" and determine they have warts - which I believe can be unrecognizable. Sorry if you can see them, Im going on pamphlets and such. Maybe it was herpes

two more things:
Would you share this experience?

Have to hand it to the guy, he was cool enough not to let her continue.

Anonymous said...

Very true, James. I always think of Bruce Willis of A but automatically thought of him for some reason for this - highly likely he could be considered B film wise. I don't want to believe it though 'cause he seems so nice! Haha. I say that about everyone.

Anonymous said...

Orlando Bloom certainly fits #2. He's heroic thanks to the "LOTR" and "Pirates" movies. He's a hottie. And he's definitely A-list in terms of name recognition and magazine covers. But his six biggest movies were ensembles. His headlining movies tanked badly.

But isn't Orlando gay? Maybe there's been so much speculation that I automatically assume it's true. He could certainly be bi, I guess.

As for #1, Jude Law fits. He's foreign, definitely A-list if you're talking tabloid fame. A terrif actor, yeah, but a total horndog and someone I can see hooking up with a girl who would stab him, even accidentally.

Antonio Banderas and Liam Neeson aren't A-list, I don't think (Antonio is debatable.) Does Clive Owen seem the type? We don't really hear much about his personal life to really judge. Maybe Daniel Craig, A-list thanks to Bond, but I thought Ted Casablanca had basically outed him as gay.

Anonymous said...

Foreign A list actor in a committed relationship at the time?

Hugh Grant?

Anonymous said...

Hugh Grant is an EXCELLENT guess.

Anonymous said...

and he is shirtless in a scene in Music and Lyrics (which I have not seen)

Anonymous said...

Orly Bloom for #2

Anonymous said...

# 1 no clue

# 2 colin farrell

Anonymous said...

The thought that Liam Neeson wouldn't be considered A list bothers me for some reason. Shindler's List, Star Wars, Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe..(well that's a personal fave..Aslan rocks)

anyway, just wanted to say that.

Not surprising though. Look at someone like Ed Harris. He's paid 3 million or so to be in The Rock as a B lister, yet no studio would dream of approaching him in a starring role for less money.


Anonymous said...

Some great guesses and I don't have it figured out. That said here's a couple of things in my opinion only:
1.) Doesn't say A-lister. It sure sounds like DS, but didn't Ent say that DS/ZX does NOT give BI's??? Maybe she gave him this one tidbit to use? Although, if she did, I doubt she would out herself as the mistress of an actor in a committed relationship. Just my thoughts. Perhaps it is an actress we truly never heard of...
2.) This is the A/B list guy. No way is BW B list in any way shape or form. He is an Oscar winner, opens big movies and even when not the star, he is a major presence on the movie. Also, I wouldn't think Ent would call him "definitely not ugly" as BW, while some may think has got a cute wagger about him, really isn't very good looking, IMO.

Liam Neeson is definitely A-list. An Oscar winner and the star of major motion pictures making big bucks.

I'm still thinking on this one.

Anonymous said...

Looking back my type about Bruce Willis' cute wagger, is pretty Freudian and funny, considering the subject matter of the BI....of course, I meant to say "cute SWAGGER!"


Anonymous said...

mary, on what planet did Bruce Willis win an oscar?!

Anonymous said...

#1. The reporter everyone here loves to hate is the cause of the friction between this gorgeous A/B list star and her boyfriend. Seems back in January and February the money man and the reporter spent some time together which caused some tension in the relationship to say the least.

Ted C. Check out latest BV

tralala said...

Josh Hartnett? He's played the heroic role before. Not really A list.

Anonymous said...

For #2, Cuba Gooding Jr. was in a movie called Lightning Jack and just made a movie called Hero Wanted. He's certainly got name recognition and has been in some big movies with others.

Anonymous said...

Good call on Cuba Gooding, Jr.

By the way, congrats caught me...I'm an idiot...I really don't know what I was thinking...I thought he won an Oscar for 6th Sense...where the heck did that come from? He didn't even win a Golden Globe...

Anyway...I still stand by the fact that Bruce is solid A-list all the way. He's A-list just for being Bruce Willis.

The following action guys will always be A-list no matter what they are up to now...

Bruce Willis
Sylvester Stallone
Tom Cruise
Harrison Ford
Arnold Schwarzenegger

In my book at least...

"As God as my witness, I always though turkeys could fly!!!"

Anonymous said...

Hmmm I'm going to have to go with Cuba....the film titles along sold it for me. Good job 8:07!

And shit...go to the doctor! It's not like they can't take care of it. *shudder*


Anonymous said...

BTW-BW won MTV Award, Blockbuster Award and some Science Fiction award for Best Actor, but no Oscar, Globe, even SAG...

I knew I remembered seeing him accepting some award for it, but thought it was Oscar. I guess I just remember him being there because the movie was nominated for like 7 awards including HJO for BSA.


Anonymous said...

could this be the answer to the "juicy" BI?

Anonymous said...

Who is L who is L who is L?!!!

And I meant MV not AV. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

Actress salaries obviously vary. An A lister is going to make more than A B, etc. USUALLY. This B list film actress who is thin, usually blond, and has surprisingly good teeth can often be found in A list movies and gets paid just as much as any female A lister. She has been making A list money even when she was just C list or even just doing bit parts. How does she manage such big paydays? Have you noticed how she primarily works with the same studio for most of her films? It could have something to do with the fact that a studio boss was in love/lust with her and she seduced him and did him and filmed it with his knowledge. You can see where this goes. She has several copies of the tape and knows how to get them to his wife. Letting the company pay for your mistakes with a higher salary for an actress is much easier than having your wife divorce you and taking your personal fortune.

OK- I have been researching. I went back and looked at everyone's guesses. Then I looked at the imdb profiles for the following, and I looked at each ones movies and production companies. There were A FEW repeats, but nothing that would seem abnormal or send up a red flag for the following:
Charlize Theron
Clarie Danes
Kate Bosworth
Renee Zellweger
Cameron Diaz

I seriously looked at each, and wrote them down as I went along. I seriously think we can rule out all 5 of these guesses. Who else was a guess that I can look into?

Anonymous said...

"Our actor was in a committed relationship at the time so nothing was said about where he was or who he was with."

Man, he can't be that "committed".

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah- I looked at Sienna Miller too. Not her either!

Anonymous said...

Steel Magnolia's
Mary Reilly
My best Friend's wedding
Notting Hill
Erin Brokovich
The Mexican
America's Sweethearts
Mona lIsa Smiles
Hmmm..... ALL are Columbia Tri-Star pictures. ALL are JULIA ROBERTS?! What is she n=known for? Her huge toothy grin. She MAY be a-list, not b-list- but she can't open a movie. SH'e had ALOT of bombs. Could she be the actress that seduced an exec and taped it? SHe also did a couple Sony movies, which is Columbia Tri-star's parent company (I think).

Anonymous said...

Good detective work, Parisss, but Julia is not usually blond...

Anonymous said...

damn about the julia not being blond part... that was awesome detective work Parisss
i didnt know you had an internet connection in the jail
that's hot

Anonymous said...

About the message board and juicy bi, still talks about the MV item. According to a post today, someone on an AOL site posted a blind about a press party for an upcoming album from a sexy R&B singer and it reportedly sucked.

I could not get to the aol link -, and the original item appears to be dated 6/12.

Anonymous said...

Maybe for the foreign actor/ actress we never heard of we should think bollywood?

Anonymous said...

#2: I can't believe no one has mentioned Ryan Philippe. I think it's him. I mean, he seems to do well in ensemble movies like "Crash", "Antitrust" and "Breach", but his leading man roles for the most part have not always been that good. NTM the fact that his A-list status was contingent on his marriage to Reese Witherspoon. I think it is him with the warts.

Anonymous said...

Mary Mac, I actually do agree that Bruce is "A" list all the way; I'm a huge Bruce fan, BUT his name alone does not guarantee a #1 boxoffice weekend kind of opening. Where that happens, there are other big names in the movie with him, or a built in audience (die hard franchise, though lots of people are pissed off at the PG-13 instead of "R" rating), or something additional to guarantee the BO...go back and look at his movie list above, for the moview where these things are not present, by and large, they tank...see "the whole nine/ten yards" and "striking distance."


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