Friday, July 20, 2007

Ford's New Ad Campaign Featuring Paris Hilton

Courtesy of TwistedSister

A skank with every tank!

A 'ho that will make you go!

A fuck with every truck!

A bar in every car!

Step on the gas and she'll light up some grass!


kellygirl said...

Oh, Twisted, I knew I liked you, Sister!

YahMoBThere said...

Ha! Come on people, add to these!

Unknown said...

Hilarious! How bout some Valtrex in the trunk.


Tracee said...

Heee! How about:

Don't hunt for the cunt she'll roll you a blunt.

Coke up the ass, she's goes really fast.

Rim jobs? Sure no prob!

God guys, I could go on and on...Paris is tooo easy! LOL!

YahMoBThere said...

Way to go, Tracee!!!

Tracee said...

Twisted you set the tone and really inspired me! ;)

Hez said...

"Ford: meeting and exceeding the vadge-flashing needs of today's generation of herpetic celebutards."

YahMoBThere said...

That's a good one, because the celebutards will never understand wtf Ford is trying to say.

YahMoBThere said...

Ford! It's not just a sore on your lip anymore.

Tracee said...

Ford, an easy ride with a herpes glide!

We make them big so she'll squeal like a pig.

4 doors to fit all your whores!

Hez and Twisted you're crackin me up!

Tracee said...

One more:

Built tough, to handle that dirty cunt.

Anonymous said...

Just remember, it's a Ford, not Fort Knox. We're easy (to get into).

YahMoBThere said...

LMAO!! Think we'll be hired for the ad campaign?

Anonymous said...

Put the pedal to the metal and get blotchy on your crotchy.

Hez said...

The vehicle boasts heated seats, pre-treated with Valtrex upon request, to fight that "not-so-fresh" feeling... and the blistered anal lesions, of course.

YahMoBThere said...

Now you AND your buddies can check the oil with their dipsticks and feel the difference.

Special alarm feature for break-ins and break-outs.

Tracee said...


Like to spread them wide? We've got your ride.

Like to use the word n****r? We'll protect you, our truck are bigger.

Ford cars are modifeied to see for you just in case you have a cock eye that can't see around your penis nose. Two additional wipers on the driver's seat to help you with those cracking itchy sores because even skanks need to drive in style.

YahMoBThere said...

How about a new model called the Ford Lesion?

Hez said...


YahMoBThere said...

Safe sex will mean three condoms and buckling your seatbelt.

Sadly I'm most inspired when I can't stand total waste of sperm, can ya tell?

So Jinxed said...

It keeps going long after her hoeing.

Won't save ya from herpes but holds the extra large slurpees.

Hez said...

Jinxy, the slurpee one was a gutbustah!

Anonymous said...

the new ford hoe mobile.
18 blow jobs per gallon city
23 blow jobs per gallon hwy.

YahMoBThere said...

So jinxed, LOVE that 'holds the extra large slurpees'! She's a drink holder.

Some said - the 'ho mobile' is a perfect new model name, and oh the mileage you can get.

You guys are sick. In a good way.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The new Ford Escape. Comes with full automatic choke! Te he


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