Monday, November 19, 2007

Today's Blind Items

Don't forget there will be two long blind items this week, or maybe just one really long one in two parts. I think you will really enjoy it. It is something that ended two years ago this week, and I have really enjoyed thinking about it and reliving it, and hope you will as well.

WD has finished her entry for this week, and so that will be coming tomorrow. Usually it will come on Wednesdays but I know that many of you in the US will not be around, and so will post it tomorrow. WD does some snark, answers some of your questions, and of course lets us know what she has been doing the past week.

This B list film actress and her rocker boyfriend have been on and off and on and off. Rumor had it that he broke up with her because he thought she was an annoying twit. As real as that impression may be, it seems that he gave our little actress the gift that keeps on giving. You know that gift that only seems to get better with Valtrex. I heard that she freaked the fuck out. Like freaking out as in I actually typed out fuck. Freaking out as in homicidal rage freaking out. Freaking out as in she checked into a "rest home" for a few days. After concluding that her life was not going to end, she checked out, but you REALLY don't want to mention his name in front of her, and if any woman reading this has ever wanted a lesson on how to get vengeance, you need to get in touch with our actress. It's not Lorena Bobbitt vengeance, but it is really close.


kellygirl said...

I'm going with Drew Barrymore and her ex Fabrizio Moretti. She seems A list to me, but maybe not.

I assume Rene Zelweger is A list, as well. Her ex Jack White might be the culprit.

I really just want to hear more about the revenge, though. I'm kinda' sick like that.

YahMoBThere said...

I was thinking of Kate Hudson.

K said...


YahMoBThere said...

Why does this blind sound familiar? Wasn't there a story of someone visiting her ob/gyn and an actress freaking out in the room near hers because she was told she had herpes??

kellygirl said...

Jamie Burke dated both Keira Knightly and Lindsay Lohan.

Unknown said...

10 bucks says its kirsten Dunst.

Jolara said...

LOL, With all the casting couch calls, I assumed it was a given that pretty much all of "Hollywood" had either herpes &/or genital warts...yes, I know what people say about assuming....

I'm with kellysirkus, I wanna know what the revenge is too!

Andria said...

Kirsten Dunst is so so gross, I wouldn't be surprised if SHE gave it to HIM.

Reese said...

I thought of Justin and Jessica B., but any of the above would also do nicely.

Majik said...

Dunst. No doubt.

Kevin said...

Yeah, I though Kiki as well, with the Razorlight guy. Are they broken up though? And is she still considered B list.

I don't know about Kate Hudson, as she was married to Chris, and I don't think after that many years she would have been surprised by the herp.

Kevin said...

Yeah, I though Kiki as well, with the Razorlight guy. Are they broken up though? And is she still considered B list.

I don't know about Kate Hudson, as she was married to Chris, and I don't think after that many years she would have been surprised by the herp.

AlishaK said...

Uh, probably not anyone and Jack White, since he's been married for a couple of years now, and he and his wife are happily producing babies. I don't think he and Renee Z. were ever on-again/off-again, either... and that relationship would be WAY old for a blind. Hell, even she got married after that.

junglekitten said...

Sophia Monk??? Benji Madden????

The Oklahoma Hippy said...

Why is this not the King of Pee Pee?

John Mayer and Jessica Simpson

Bryn said...

"The Oklahoma Hippy said...
Why is this not the King of Pee Pee?

John Mayer and Jessica Simpson"

Actually they first came to mind in reading this - I can see her totally freaking out, but I have to question if Jessica Simpson could ever be considered a B list film actress?

Kirsten Dunst just looks so icky, I'd believe she's caught more than herpes.

Unknown said...

how about anyone that has dated cisco adler?

byoung said...

Cisco adler and Misca bartan
kirsten is a list if acting skills and not personal opinion of her looks mean anything

melcon80 said...

I am already putting my guess in for the long blind item. Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey - they broke up over Thanksgiving 2 years ago!

GammaGirl said...

Cisco Adler and Mischa Barton is a good guess. Wouldn't ENT have thrown in a TV clue?
Anyway, Mischa went MIA after they "broke up" and she hasn't been in the press much (other than than the Memorial Day incident)

John Mayer...uggg. Could be him too.

Anonymous said...

I'm throwing my lot in with the Mischa Barton/Lowrider Adler crowd.

jax said...

Im thinking the blind item to come is Jessica too..becasue EL has been thinking about it and reliving it..ala Pimp Joe jokes right?

Currently the BI is Kiki with Razorlight dude..Blist movie actress..on and off rocker..totally fits.

jax said...

Mischa Barton isnt B list anything, she was barely b list tv.

Taryn said...

what about Samaire Armstrong? Didn't she enter rehab a little while ago for "personal reasons" and she was just there for like, a weekend. I have no idea who her rocker bf is/was, but if you look at her imdb page, she does a lot of crappy movies. I dunno, that's my guess

katttt said...

ent says the long blind for later this week is from *two years ago*, not today's blind. i'm on board with the kirsten dunst guess. "twit" is a very british term, right? implies the guy is a brit? sure seems to point to dunst/borrell...

Julie said...

i could see kirsten freaking the fuck out.
but for some reason, i thought Sienna Miller. other than that *shrug*

Farm Girl Pink... said...

I also like the guess of Kirsten D. as the girl who freaks the f*ck out. Hell, I would freak the f*ck out too. hahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

I have no clue. I think we need to make a list of all the a's, b's, and c's and post it on the message board or something somewhere where the list can be updated year by year. And then Ent can keep track with who we think is a/b/c/d/zlist.

I'm not on the Mischa track b-list film, I don't think I've ever seen Mischa in a film except when she was a pre-teen.

Miss X said...

dnfrommn, good idea! Are you going to start the list?

YahMoBThere said...

See, and I think we should just ask EL for HIS list of A's, B's and C's and then post that as our holy grail on the message board. This way we'll know for sure which pool of people he's talking about. We can ask him to update it each year.*

*Idea inspired by dnfrommn's suggestion.

Anonymous said...

ts, I think we tried before and we got this definition for film a/b/c/d-list posted here. He's not consistent though, recall the Eva Mendes A+ list.

I can't find the post where he defined the TV-list (even with my awesome googling powers). A list was something like on a show for 5 seasons, star of the show, etc. TV he's more consistent about.

YahMoBThere said...

No, dnfrommn, I'm not saying we should ask for his definition - we should ask for his LIST. The Eva Mendes thing is a perfect example of why his definitions don't hold water. He thinks Eva Mendes is A+ and we think she's B. His rating doesn't even match up with the definitions he gave us, as you've pointed out. If he would just put out a damn list of who he feels is in each category at least we'd have something real to work with.

Anonymous said...

ts, sorry I guess I misunderstood your message -- no posting for me until i'm awake at least an hour from now on. I don't think he has the time to do it, if we come up with one and give him a reference it will more likely be followed.

YahMoBThere said...

Dn, no problem, I misunderstand posts when I'm

Maybe we can put together lists ourselves and have him move names around when he gets a moment?

Dee said...

My first thought was Mischa, but the rating system confuses me as well. I remember in the Ellen/Portia breakup BI, he called Portia B+, which I don't really agree with, since she hasn't done any acting since Arrested Development, and even when she was on the show, I don't know that she was B+.

Unknown said...

Yep, I think it's Kiki. Twit is British as mentioned above. She has freaked out before at an awards show about her career and she has been MIA lately on the tabloids, last seen working out and doing the healthy thing, visa via PopSugar. I'm wondering what the vengeance was. Although I thought there were rumors about Johnny being gay and that the relationship was for show during the SP3 press junket.

Unknown said...

How could no one have guessed Evan Rachel Wood and Marilyn Manson? She seems like an annoying twit plus he's like twice her age.

Unknown said...

hmmm, this is really hard to guess.

considering their history, most of those mentioned here probably have gotten that already. and long ago.

going with dunst too.


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