Monday, April 28, 2008

The Police Never Looked In The House

In one of the most shocking stories I have ever read, a woman was freed after spending 24 years as the sex slave of her father. 24 years ago, Josef Fritzl locked his daughter up in the basement of the family home and told his wife and the cops that his daughter Elizabeth Fritzl had run away from home and joined a cult and that no one should look for her. No one ever did. Over the 24 years she gave birth to seven of her father's children. 1 died at birth while 3 were adopted by Josef and his wife, while the other 3 lived in the basement with their mom. Until this week, none of the three had ever seen daylight. The daughter and the three kids were freed, when the oldest child who lived in the cellar became seriously ill and had to go to the hospital. Elizabeth slipped a note into the pocket of the ill child and doctors saw it, and alerted the cops.

You really need to read this whole thing and then wonder how the hell anything like this could have happened. How can someone just say to the police, "oh, don't bother looking," and they don't. This is insane.


PotPourri said...

"Bloke" can be either British or Australian, so I'm not sure where to look on this one.

Chatty Cricket said...

What? I'm only on my first cup of coffee (Nice early posting today Enty!), and so imagine the WTFitude rattling around in there at the moment.

This is horrendous. Did the wife know? Where did she think her adopted children came from? Must go read this article.

schneefloeckli said...

"Bloke" can be either British or Australian, so I'm not sure where to look on this one.
He's from Austria. It was all over the news over here yesterday and I still can't believe that no one noticed anything - not even the wife. Maybe she was forced to do this silent birth thing Scientology does, because you'd think you'd notice someone having a child in your house.

And don't even get me started on the Austrian Police. This is the second case in a week where they managed to look like trolls just standing by letting shit happen.

Reverend Ramona said...

Unbelievable story, but why is the victim's photo being splashed all over the Internet? A better choice of image would be one of the guy who did this to her.

SHE SHE said...

This is beyond horrendous. Her father is obviously possessed by satan. All the lives he's destroyed - it makes my stomach churn. If there is a HELL and I believe there is, this pathetic excuse for a human has a first class ticket to go there. Some crimes just automatically deserve the death penalty. This would be one of them.

lutefisk said...

I am speechless--the wife didn't notice her husband disappearing into a dungeon for hours, didn't notice an apartment down there? It had to be built at some point. Who shopped for these poor people and brought them food & clothes? Was it soundproof?

selenakyle said...

I read about this last night online and it actually ruined hubby's and my "date night."
Neither of us had the urge after reading such a sick story.
This old f*cker needs to be hanged by his balls in the town square.

Jesse D said...

Agreed, reverend ramona. In the article, the kids names are freely given, as well. Strange.

So I guess we're not the only crazies here in America. Something like this defies imagination. I can only think of funny, flippant things to say because it's so horrible.

Anonymous said...

This is the sickest shit I've read ever. No trial, just take him out and let society have a crack at him or get those kids and the daughter well and let them get their revenge on him. I read that he explained the 3 kids that he adopted as being the daughter's kids but that she dropped them off on the doorstep for him and his wife to raise. 3 friggin times? How that didn't get investigated is unreal! It would be interesting to see what the wife had to say. Apparently she is not the mother of the daughter but who gives a shit? No human being would be able to sit by and let this shit happen. Monsters. If she knew, then she should be in the same position as the old man.

jax said...

f*ckin appalling.

sauvage said...

Austrian newspapers protect the family's privacy by just writing the initial of their last name. Can you imagine all the sick phone calls they will receive anyway? Three of the children go to school there! Sorry British yellow press, that was just unnessesary.

As for the story - needless to say anything.

Anonymous said...

I am sure the mother knew she just didn't want to deal with it. Just like a movie I was watching last night it dealt with this woman who had sexual issues. She was a sex addict and when she finally realize she had a problem and went to see a psychiatrist and told her father was sexually molesting her it showed a part where she is asking her mother that they all have to get together to deal with her issues. The mother tells her she can't but she realize with her face expression that she knew why her daughter was in the clinic for.

Anonymous said...

People like this need to have the maximum penalty given. Their is no excuse why they do what they do to their children.

MnGddess said...

He hid them in the cellar and told his wife, what? Not to go in the cellar anymore? And the victims in the cellar made no noise? At all? Where the hell was the cellar located? Bolivia?

Ayesha said...

What Lynn said.

And I don't get why he took the "gravely ill" grandchild to the hospital. I guess he got away with so many other disgusting things, maybe he didn't think he'd be caught. Surely that sick fuck didn't mind burning the body of the twin baby that died. Why didn't he just let the girl die and chop her up and burn the pieces? Or was that too distasteful?

Stories like this convince me that evil is real.

GoGoLola said...

This is quite possibly the sickest thing I've ever heard of...I didn't believe it when I first saw the news story.

Less disturbing, but still creepy, are the Miley Cyrus photos that are all over the place today.

When this horrific nightmare becomes a made-for-tv movie (and you know it will), perhaps Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus will be tapped to play the leads...

Unknown said...

This is like something out of a horror movie that Hollywood churns out every month or so.

Gary T. Burnaska said...

Forget the Death Penality, I do not know about the Austrian Prison System and the inmate social pecking order.

But here in the good ol'USA, some sick incest molester would not last long. In Florence Prison in Arizona the life expectancy for a "Short Eyes" is 6 weeks in the general population. The Police and State of Arizona Dept of Corrections is not shy about throwing these monsters to the wolves.

I say throw this sick freak in a solitary cell but every night on the clock have some big dicked mother fucka come in and Violently and Brutally ASSRAPE him every night like he did to his own daughter.

Arie said...

Dead penalty is too nice for him, I suggest him to get bad treatmen in prison get fuck by those bad guys there and cut off his dick without painkiller and let his wound get rotten so he wil beg for die.....however 15 years punishment not enough nor dead penalty....he's a pure evil and he deserve the heart of hell it self


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