Monday, September 22, 2008

This Is One I'll Watch

Don't know why, but I am fascinated with the life of Jodie Sweetin. So, when I read today that she is shooting a reality show with her husband and baby, I knew that I would be tuning in. In an interview, Jodie said it is like Tori and Dean, but edgier. Well, the Pillsbury Cook Off is edgier than Tori and Dean so that probably won't take much.

I just think that if they actually filmed reality, reality and not some scripted, set up crap where one week they plan a birthday party, and the next week they do some other mindless task that we are supposed to love, then I think it has the potential to be great. When you combine a former child star who loved meth, with a husband who looks a little rough and a baby I think you should expect some screaming and yelling. I think there should be gratuitous groping and lots of burping. I think it has the potential to be the most real life reality type celebrity show.

I think the mistake producers make with these shows is they try and give it a formulaic approach just like any other scripted show. The point of reality is to keep it unscripted. If you go back and look at the first five or six years of Real World before it became the same scripted kind of garbage, you can see that you don't need to have a happy ending each week to keep viewers riveted. There is usually enough drama in real life and enough situations that you can take a very good editor and make a very good show. The reason you don't see more of it in celeb reality is for the reason I gave above and because the celebrities themselves often have a say in the final editing process. Instead of fighting and arguing every week about what should or should not go in, the producers just create some bland thing that everyone is happy to swallow.

Jodie's show has the potential to be much more, and hope it follows through on that.


kris said...

personally I think there is enough "reality" on tv - scripted or not...I don't watch tv for reality...I get that in my real life...

lutefisk said...

I lost interest in her after Full House went off the air. Oh well.

mooshki said...

Amen, Kris. Give me some romance, lots of laughs, and a happy ending. (Either kind.)

CDAN Mod said...

another one here who is beyond tired of reality tv!!!

kris said...

So glad I'm not the only one!!! lol...Moosh, I'm with you!

notachance said...

Let's just hope that this reality show doesn't put her back in a bad way....

j said...


lachickforever said...

I think that is why the Osbournes were so popular at first as well. They weren't doing anything for "TV" there were just being themselves.

Anonymous said...

Its just amazing that she was able to quit the meth. Most people aren't able to kick it.

ureallyannoyme said...

Kris, thank you for saying it first. Reality tv? People suck. Shocker.

Jasmine said...

i am actually a bit on the fence about her completly giving her meth up. also her husband looks a little wired and you know they have got to still be doing at least weed and coke or something. she just doesnt seem strong enough for me to believe she can kick that powerful a drug.


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