Thursday, October 16, 2008

Billy Bob Huh?

So, I really didn't know what to do with the story about David Duchovny splitting up with Tea Leoni because she was doing the dirty with Billy Bob. I mean to me it seems like a guy who was in rehab for sex addiction and a known reputation for loving the ladies probably had more to do with the split than Tea and Billy Bob.

This is the problem I have with the Daily Mail story. I don't have any issue with the fact that Billy Bob hit on Tea. I mean Billy Bob is basically going to hit on anything that appears is capable of walking. My issue and this is weird is that David supposedly went ballistic when he saw all the dirty text messages from Billy Bob. I'm guessing he must have seen these when he got back from rehab? It would not be the first time that someone got busted for that or their call log although I would hate to see what David's looks like also.

What really bothers me though is that I honestly don't see Billy Bob texting. I don't see him sitting there with a phone in his hands, texting people and doing that. This is a guy who has some of the weirdest phobias in the world and I just don't see him sitting around using his BlackBerry to text people. Hell, I am not sure he even has a cell phone. I mean he must have one, but I can't think of a photo where he was holding one. Look at all the celebrity photos you have ever seen and at least half the time, someone is holding a phone in their hand. Never with Billy Bob. A beer? Sure. A woman? You bet. A stupid grin on his face? All the time. But, just don't see him just texting like crazy.


Cheryl said...

On another gossip website I read that the BBT text story is bogus and is a rumor started by a comment on a blog.

I thought Tea was a lesbian. Ted C. outed Duchovny as they guy who said that his marriage was just for show. Didn't she date Madonna during Madge's faux-lezzie phase?

Molly said...

Hell, I am not sure he even has a cell phone. I mean he must have one, but I can't think of a photo where he was holding one.

there aren't photo's of 90% of celebs with cellphones. that isn't really a piece of data you can draw conclusions from.

icywench said...

Wasn't there a story out there a while ago about Tea being spotted hanging out in a bar where Billy Bob and his band were playing?

BlahFrickinBlah said...

I've read elsewhere that they were separated for months. Who cares if she banging someone else? Good for her. It's not like David was acting the saint. I do question her taste in men though. Billy Bob? Ewwwww. What do chicks see in him? He must be packing something major in those pants.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it was "Billie Barb", not BillyBob that was texting Tea. It would make so much more sense.

Teresa said...

That's fine, David. Come over here and I'll comfort you!

Cheryl said...

From Blind Items Exposed

David Duchovny exposed
Missed this reveal a few weeks ago (sorry!)

Dear Ted:
I had to comb through a lot of old Blind Vices (which was fun, actually!), but I think I finally figured out which Blind Vice is David Duchovny. Is he Sylvester Slimeball?
Dear B.V.-Files:

One Comeback-Cliche Blind Vice (August 2007)

Sylvester Slimeball was a household name years ago when he was a major posh pooh-ba on a long-running boob-tube series. Boyfriend hasn’t done anything really big (well, certainly not as big as the man’s equipment down below happens to be) until now.

See, Sylvester’s coming to an entertainment enterprise near exciting! I’m simply thrilled, and you will be, too, I’m sure! And now that S2’s a hot commodity again in ever-fickle Hollywood, S.S. has supposedly become quite the lothario—again. I mean, you know how a schmuck’s sleaze scale rises and falls along with his pro-meter, doncha? Men are always so predictable that way.

Now, Sly (no relation to Sly Stallone, promise) has been hitting on the hot young thangs who toil at his agency’s office and asking them out, despite the fact that S.S. is very much hitched, with tykes, to boot. Oh, please. Make me barf, already. You straights are even more indiscriminate than we fagolas are, and we can certainly be Slutty Sallys, fer sure!

Now, a little flirting never hurt anyone, but Sly Slime-B totally crossed the line with his recent bad-boy behavior, as Mr. Es actually showed up, unannounced and uninvited, to an assistant’s house—after working hours, natch. Dirty deets be that S.S. was carrying flowers and begged said worker bee to go on a “date” with him. When the horrified hon pointed out the much older S.S. was friggin’ married, his reply was too Tinseltown typical:

“It’s just for show,” he swore, "like all the Hollywood marriages."


And it ain't: Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Denzel Washington

Just in case anyone else missed it and wanted to know!

Goodgrief said...

Or maybe BBT has a great technique that will bring women to their knees, so to speak. Sounds like David must live by the double standard. It's ok for him to sleep around, but not her.

Molly said...


cheryl, thanks!

bbt is supposedly hung like a horse, but i wouldn't let him near me for any reason. he's disgusting. i find nothing appealing or attractive about him. YUCK!

jax said...

well that's funny cuz i happen to see shit loads of pictures with celebs holding their phones. you're right El, none with BBT.

like they are so popular the phone can't possible go in a purse,its only going to ring immediately. lol.

Molly said...

i don't have time to read twenty gossip sites. all i know is if you go thru the random pics, 10% or less have people on cell phones. not a good argument to use and a lawyer would know that.

Anonymous said...

he's a lawyer being fecetious. I wouldnt take it so seriously. Sherlock Holmes we are collectively not.

I find the story bogus because if they were really separated all that time, what the fuck would he care if she was sleeping with someone else or not? Would love to know which gossip site it was on that someone started the rumor in the comments.

nunaurbiz said...

Given that its Hollyweird and BB is so busy with acting/writing/band etc., maybe he had his PA send the texts! :-)

Judi said...

Thanks, Cheryl, for finding all that. I think it's B.S. BBT is not some hot hunk all the ladies want. He's disgusting and Tea's not stupid. And, yeah, the source for this is FAR from credible. Someone's trying to paint Tea as "just as bad as DD." Nuh-uh. Doesn't fly with me.

Dead Angel said...

Tea is not gay, and Madonna is not a faux lesbian she's completely bisexual, why do you think she's still close friends with Ingrid Cesares, they've been close for over a decade.

I think Tea and David hit a rough spot in the marriage at the same time, it will probably take a miracle to save the marriage but since he is in NYC where Tea moved with the kids, he must be at least trying to work things out. For all we know, both of them are friends with Billy Bob.

Molly said...

bad fish, i don't get why he'd care either, unless he's a hypocrite with double standards.

lutefisk said...

Why would she keep the messages & not delete them?
I feel bad for their kids--how ould you like those 2 to be your parents?

Maja With a J said...

Sexecution, I have several lesbian friends that I have known for many many years, does that make me bisexual?

I used to think BBT was hot, before he had whatever he has had done to his face. The veneers and the chemical peel or whatever it is. Wasn't there a blind item a long time ago about an actor who had weird phobias, by the way? A lot of people guessed Mike Myers for it but I'm thinking something was just revealed here...I'm going to have to go diggin'.

Anonymous said...

Probably they r just making fun of their separation and what better way than to say she and Billy Bob are an item LOL.

Sinjin said...

I've always wanted him. I'll clean him up and glue a low jack to his ass, so I know where to track him down.

Anonymous said...


Molly said...

maybe she just has a thing for dogs.

Cheryl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheryl said...

From today's Lainey. Yes, I have too much time on my hands.

Coincidence or conspiracy?

As for what really led to their breakdown of the marriage – online buzz centres around Billy Bob Thornton. He and Tea starred in a movie together and there are now suggestions that the two became intimate.

Supposedly it all came to a head when David found out about the affair after breaking into Tea’s blackberry and reading their illicit text messages.

Please note however that this has been circulating for weeks, largely disregarded by many, including the low ranking American rags because it’s believed that the story originated through a message left on a comment section of a fan site… not exactly the most credible source and something to be aware of as you’re standing in line at the Gossip Buffet.

Molly said...

cheryl, very interesting. thanks for posting this.

Dead Angel said...

**Sexecution, I have several lesbian friends that I have known for many many years, does that make me bisexual?***

No it doesn't make you anything harriet, but she's been really open about her sexuality, and she's still very close to Ingrid.

But I am retracting my stance on Tea cheating with Billy Bob, it appears she pretty much admits it in an interview from More Magazine. So it indeed looks like splitsville for the Leoni/Ducovney household.

D said...

and in other news, Jodie Marsh is claiming to be lesbian. I remember a BI about someone looking for a comeback by going gay. Anyone here think we have a winner?

Kim said...

I just can't see getting into anyone named "Billy Bob". His being a little more freaky with the vials of blood around the neck is icing on that cake. T.L. always seemed a little more straightlaced.

captivagrl said...

btw - one of BBT's strange phobias.........he's totally creeped out by antique furniture. he can't be anywhere near it.

jax said...

jesus christ not everything on this fucking blog is LITERAL!

sorry but this shit is getting old and severly tired.

mooshki said...

"...getting old and severely tired."

Just like me. Sigh... ;)

kanonymous said...

"I'm guessing he must have seen these when he got back from rehab?"

Maybe, but they said they split up several months ago, BEFORE he entered rehab.

shakey said...

David looks like Scott Thompson in this picture.

slappywhyte said...

if i knew tea leoni and knew that her and her husband were splitting up ... i would def take a shot at her ..

thats funny about billy bob texting ... maybe he has his assistant do it


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