Wednesday, November 12, 2008

No Outrage? No Apology?

When I saw this clip last night I could not believe that no one was talking about it and that Access Hollywood didn't even comment on it. What am I talking about you ask? This is an interview with Lindsay Lohan on Access Hollywood. It is the most kiss ass interview I think I have seen since Larry King every night.

What's the big deal? Well apparently Lindsay Lohan thinks we are back in the times of segregation. In the interview she is really excited to have Barack Obama as President because he is the first "colored" President. Wow. Umm. How come no one has said anything about this or asked for an apology or Lindsay's head on a platter? Does she get a pass because she is ignorant?
And what about NBC and Access Hollywood? Hello Maria Menounos, did you not hear Lindsay say it? Did you maybe not want to follow up on that? No, because you were to busy kissing her ass because you are not a journalist. What you are is a host who is trying to be an actress and you never know when Lindsay could help and so you kiss her ass.

Lucky for all of you, the sentence comes almost at the beginning of the interview so you don't have to wade through much of Lindsay or the worst interviewer ever. If the video does not show up below, then click here.


Sydney in Wonderland said...

Yeah, I saw this video yesterday and had to watch it a few times because I just didn't believe it. She's mumbling that word, so she obviously knew it wasn't the right thing to say -- but it gives her deniability if she can come up with something she "actually" said. She smiles right through that shit.

mooshki said...

I saw this yesterday too, and was shocked. I can't even figure out where she would have heard the term used to add it to her vocabulary. What the f*ck?

jagerlilly said...

I don't really get the problem with using the word "colored". Yeah, it's pretty archaic, but hey, it's Lohan, after all, she can barely form a cohesive sentence, never mind being PC. And honestly, it seems like every time we turn around, there's a new moniker that's on the chopping block.

ms_wonderland said...

No one is commenting on this - except for Datalounge, Holy Moly, ONTD, Popbitch and all.

Some people think she meant 'person of colour' and got tangled. I can't be arsed to watch it anyway.

jax said...

its really not that big of deal IMO.
she didn't say it in a negative way, there was no ill intent there it was a slipup. had she said first President of color it would have been fine.

i saw a 'man on the street' thing here about it and most black folks agreed that given the context it was not an issue. most were glad to see ALL races excited about Obama.

I think the fact that a black man was elected President at all should should give us pause on getting all PC over every damn thing.

twunty mcslore said...

She's on something, right? In the beginning her mouth moves in 4 different directions at once.

KellyLynn said...

When I was little, I lived in a rural area, where there was very little diversity. While I didn't consider anyone in my household as racist, we also never had any discussions about diversity. Our only exposure to people who didn't look or act like us came through the "token" characters on the shows we watched on TV.
Around the time I was 12, my mom became friends with a woman whose husband is African American. I can remember a party when someone mentioned this woman's "colored" husband. She responded by asking, "
What color is he?" A long silence followed before she laughed and changed the subject.
At the time, I thought the question was sooo stupid, because the guy was obviously brown-colored. It wasn't until I was an adult and got to see the world a bit more that I understood the reason behind that woman's question.
In some ways, I think Lindsay has never progressed past the age of 8.

kimi said...

Lindsay just got her words tumbled, I think she was thinking person of color. She is not a very educated gal. Hopefully, the media won't blow it up into some big drama.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking she meant "President of color".

Or she said it knowing that people would talk about it, thereby giving her publicity since no one cares about her and Sam anymore. Playing daddy's little game now.

icywench said...

She looks like absolute hell.

mygeorgie said...

@ Mooshki: "I can't even figure out where she would have heard the term used to add it to her vocabulary."

She learned/heard it from her parents. "Stuck & Stupid" is usually passed on.

Nichole Fisher said...

I was more concerned about her slurring and mumbling her way through the interview.

kris said...

I love watching coked up celebrity interviews...

Emobacca said...

She is high as a fucking kite

Molly said...

I don't really get the problem with using the word "colored".

jagerlilly, it's not just archaic, it's used by racists because it's demeaning. it disrespects black people who don't want to be called colored. so yes, this is wrong and racist and it is a problem.

MontanaMarriott said...

As a person of "color" I am indifferent to the comment. I always call blacks and latinos people of color so her remarks do nothing for me.

Is the outrage the fact that a white woman called him colored?
If let say a sistah called him colored, would there be controversy?
I am just saying, PLEASE DON'T THINK I AM BY NO MEANS DEFENDING BLO-HAN, TRUST I AM NOT A FAN. I am just curious where the emotion is being directed to?

GauchoGirl said...

I'm sorry, I couldn't get past her twitching and shifty eyes to even pay attention to what she was saying. No sleep and lots of coke isn't the best mix for an interview.

lutefisk said...

Oh, I am sure when pressed Dina will blast off about the accusation that Lindsey could have said this.

Andy said...

Jesus Christ, are we going to have to put up with 4 years of hypersensitivity and anxiousness to be insulted? And by white people, no less?

STFU already and let Obama decide when he's been insulted.

AMD said...

Nobody's talking about it because nobody cares about Blohan.

Rare Avis said...

Totally. Worked. Over. Mess.

The cigarette voice, triple-bagged puffy eyes. She looks like a Laughlin Keno Bar Waitress who just finished a double.

mooshki said...

Maybe the interpretation of the word varies from place to place? Myself, I would consider it at the same level as "negro" in terms of offensiveness. A term that invokes the pre-Civil Rights Movement denigration. I think "colored" was used on a lot of notices involving segregation. I think "black" is still relatively neutral, but I would never use the word "colored."

Unknown said...

If it was said out of ignorance, does that make it any better?

Molly said...

as a person with a biracial background, and a woman "of color" versus "colored", it's demeaning no matter who uses the word. i really don't think i have to explain why. are people that young here, that stupid or just insensitive?

mooshki, no, the word is offensive because it plays to a time where blacks were oppressed and demeaned. it's demeaning - like referring to a black man as 'boy'. there's no excuse no matter where a person is from - the word colored should not be in anyones vocabulary in 2008.

selenakyle said...

She is exactly half my age and looks older, poor thing.

About the comment, she mumbled it so badly I had to rewind three times to catch it.

Around here, people of color refer to themselves as people of color.

Doesn't seem such a big deal but maybe "colored" is not good?

God help us, we are all trying people, we are all trying. We voted the man into the highest office in the land, didn't we?!

He's the second-coming as far as I'm concerned!

mooshki said...

"the word is offensive because it plays to a time where blacks were oppressed and demeaned."

Yeah, that's what I was trying to say. Sorry if I didn't write it very clearly.

Molly said...

mooshki, you said it fine, i just said it differently for those who don't seem to be getting

Cheryl said...

It is offensive but I can't get upset about stupid people saying stupid things. Her family is effed up and she is obviously high. I don't expect much from her anyway.

jagerlilly said...

Molly, it's Lindsay Lohan, she's an idiot. She wouldn't know how to be racist if she tried. That was the point I was trying to make. If someone with more than a box of rocks in her head said it, I'd agree with you completely.

Maja With a J said...

I am always a little shocked/ appalled when people use that word. It just sounds ignorant. But in the grand scheme of things, I don't think it's a huge deal. I don't think Lindsay Lohan is a racist. Somewhat uneducated maybe, but not a bad person.

I am intrigued by the twitching and the seemingly numb lips, though.

lmnop123 said...

Thank you Lindsay Lohan for your heartfelt comment. I love it when people unconsciously reveal their true feelings and in this case ignorance.

I used to give her credit for being a half way decent actress now I just don't have the time or patience to defend this poor excuse of a woman.

At some point in time Lindsay is going to have to take real accountability for the constant screw ups in her daily life .

Molly said...

jagerlilly, i agree with you that she's dumber than a box of rocks. it's kind of like the video of paris hilton tho, being equally racist. it's hard to just shrug it off as them being stupid, because aren't all racists stupid?

in fact, i'm fairly certain stupidity is a requirement for racists, so should we stop being outraged by it? i dunno - i think not.

selenakyle said... too, HH, with the mounds of lipstick drawn Lucille Ball-style around the outside. Nice.

Most of us grew up in the age of full integration but were reared by people who did not...

Whites say and think things that will take another generation or two to weed out because of environment.

Black families need to do the same by stopping what is spoken in their own households and gatherings about whites.

Don't deny it happens. I've lived with and have seen both sides do it. Things that one grows up hearing every day become part of the vernacular and it takes a conscientious effort to stop it for everyone.

minnieme said...

I am a "person of color" and maybe I didn't pay attention well enough in English but doesn't that mean the same as saying "colored person". Anyway, that term has never offended me. It is human nature to refer to others by their physical attributes. It is only offensive if the physical attribute is perceived as a negative. So if I think that being "colored" is a negative then I will be offended. I think that the term colored is closer to what I am than other terms. In all my years, I have never used a black crayon to depict my skin color and I have never been to Africa. So being called "black" or "African-American" is inaccurate. However, neither term is an insult and I don't take offense. Most people can tell when a term is being used in a derogatory way. Lindsay Lohan is not trying to insult anyone. I think everyone needs to grow a backbone and stop being so offended by innocuous words. Let's put the word police out of business.

palealebrew10 said...

I don't think she meant it as an offense. She's just ignorant-I mean, she IS Lindsay Lohan.

My god, she is one shady chick. She looks like she hasn't showered or removed her makeup in a month. She has shifty eyes because she's clearly high and doesn't know the first thing about politics. Celebrities helped get the word out?

It really must suck to be her. She once was the rising movie princess, the next hot thing-Hollywood at her fingertips. And she really blew it(no pun intended). Now she's broke and generally hated by everyone.

mooshki said...

"Colored" is the word that was used in the signs for segregation, i.e."Colored Drinking Fountain" or "Colored Bathroom." That's what makes it different from "people of color." It had a very specific historical use that was a symbol of racism.

jax said...

Minnieme- i agree 100%. its time to move forward and stop dwelling on things that aren't mean spirited.

we've taken one persons slipup about her excitement at a black president and tunred it into a freakin race issue. does no one see this is kinda messed up? we're overshadowing a great momment in your American history by policing everyone's reaction and making damn sure everyone is PC up the wazoo.

if you truly want change, BE the CHANGE.

Anon said...

Oh man, someone fucking GAG me.

I respect the opinions of the black and biracial people here, but the rest of you need to be quiet about things you haven't lived. Move on? PC? Fighting racism is PC? Sorry to burden you, but it isn't at all PC and until RACISM is a thing of the past, people need to speak out against racism.

And whether she knows it or not, whether she was stoned or not, using the term 'colored' is racist.

Any white people thinking they have the right to speak on behalf of people of color are almost as ignorant as Lohan.

Actually, forget the almost.

Binky Melnik said...

What Andy said. I'm repeating it because it bears repeating:

Jesus Christ, are we going to have to put up with 4 years of hypersensitivity and anxiousness to be insulted? And by white people, no less?

STFU already and let Obama decide when he's been insulted.

mooshki said...

I wish people would focus more on educating instead of criticizing. :) I agree that LiLo didn't mean to be racist, but I think it would be good for her to learn not to use that word. Words have enormous power, and that's never going to change. I agree that people can go way too far with political correctness, but I still think it's important to be aware of how certain words can have loaded meanings, and can hurt people.

Anon said...

Mooshki, thank you for being the voice of reason and having common sense among a group of people who are just too put out to care about how words impact others. I had no idea there were so many Archie Bunkers among us.

If you're not against it, you're for it. Simple as that.

jax said...

ignorance comes in all shades i see....

Anon said...

Just one more ignorant comment. Come back when you're black.

Those of you who are black and not offended, I urge you to talk to older relatives about whether or not they would find it offensive. If it's offensive to a portion of the population, it's offensive. Period.

Of course, racists here would justify the use of "boy" and "n word", too, I see.

Hey - the trash can is gone? We can no longer delete our own comments? That's great! It will help us bust the people posting under different names and screw up doing it.

Just sayin'.....

Maja With a J said...

"If you're not against it, you're for it."

I disagree. In between, there's "being uninformed".

sa71728 said...

The NAACP says it's no big deal:

Anonymous said...

I always thought others deferred to what black people preferred to be called. Of course no one wanted the "n" word, so I always thought that black people preferred the word "colored". I mean, for heavens sake, the NAACP has "colored people" in its title. I am old enough to barely remember the term "negro" being considered a completely acceptable description because someone at some point stated that was what they preferred to be called. Time marches on and now it is "black" or "African-American". I've never heard the word "colored" used in a racist way. Its just old school as hell and for someone to use it nowadays is just weird.

Pink Skull said...

Her voice has gotten raspy from smoking and doing drugs. She doesn't sound feminine anymore.

kanonymous said...

I didn't know "colored" was a racist term; I just thought it was outdated. I hear people use it all the time (usually old people) and not mean it in a bad way. I doubt Lohan would have used it publicly if she meant it badly.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I was wondering the same thing, ENT. Where's the outrage? Maybe Lindsay is so irrelevant that no one cares.

BlahFrickinBlah said...

this chick is a total idiot. I hope that since it didn't make a big splash in the news is because no one gives a rats ass what this chick thinks or says. Why even ask this moron what she thinks about the election? It's not like she's a great mind and a moral compass for society.

Geebz said...

I keep reading how everyone says she slurred her words. I heard that crap clear as crystal. She said colored. That word is offensive. If you don't like that I said that, tough. I don't like it. It's rude and a throw back to Jim Crow.

But I thank everyone who tells me that I shouldn't be offended and to "be the change". YOU be the change and be sensitive to the fact that the word offends me and some people of my ilk.

Call and Asian "Oriental". That is a term for an object not a person. "Colored" is for an object, not a person.

My humble and offended opinion.


Geebz said...

*an Asian

shakey said...

They were talking about it on a local radio station yesterday morning. They put it down to her just being ignorant. We're not exactly talking about a high-school graduate here, are we?

If you want to hear something truly insulting - to everyone - check out the video from Atlah. I think it's on youtube. The guy disses Obama (calls him a player and basically thinks of him as an abomination because his mother is white) but LOVES Bill Clinton. The man is a total asshole. People in the background look too scared to move.

trashtalker said...

AP picked it up:

My favorite quote, from an Access Hollywood spokesman:
"We believe the word in question that Ms. Lohan used was unintelligible."

mooshki said...

Trashtalker, that's hysterical. It could be applied to most things she says. :)

kanonymous said...

"That word is offensive. If you don't like that I said that, tough. I don't like it. It's rude and a throw back to Jim Crow.

But I thank everyone who tells me that I shouldn't be offended and to "be the change". YOU be the change and be sensitive to the fact that the word offends me and some people of my ilk."

That word offends YOU. You don't speak for everyone else. Sorry, but we can't just stop using a word because you don't like it. I know people who are offended by the term African-American (they don't think it's racist, just incorrect). There are certain words that offend me, but I don't expect people to stop using them just because of me.

When you actually think about the word colored, there is nothing racist about it. Yes it's a throw back to the Jim Crow era--the people who used that term back then were the people who WERE NOT racist. The racist ones used (and still use sometimes) a much more offensive term.

kanonymous said...

"That word is offensive. If you don't like that I said that, tough. I don't like it. It's rude and a throw back to Jim Crow.

But I thank everyone who tells me that I shouldn't be offended and to "be the change". YOU be the change and be sensitive to the fact that the word offends me and some people of my ilk."

That word offends YOU. You don't speak for everyone else. Sorry, but we can't just stop using a word because you don't like it. I know people who are offended by the term African-American (they don't think it's racist, just incorrect). There are certain words that offend me, but I don't expect people to stop using them just because of me.

When you actually think about the word colored, there is nothing racist about it. Yes it's a throw back to the Jim Crow era--the people who used that term back then were the people who WERE NOT racist. The racist ones used (and still use sometimes) a much more offensive term.

Anonymous said...


I just want to say thank you for having this conversation. I am a person of color and my mouth is hanging on the floor. Not because of what she said and not because of what it means..because alot of you are white and you're kinda salty because she said it. That means something to me - SO, continue to discuss & ask one of your black friends what they think. Not for the "right" answer but to see what THEY think.

Communication is the key yall :) She's a prime example of IGNORANCE, whether it be the Webster's definition or the insult. If you're informed, you won't end up sounding like her.


Kristen Lopez said...

I have to jump on the stupid Lindsay bandwagon. If this were any other celeb I think people would be more outraged and I have no freaking clue why nobody has made a bigger fuss about it...sad!


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