Friday, April 03, 2009

Peaches Geldof vs. Ed Westwick - Round 1

In what I am guessing will be several rounds of verbal warfare between Peaches Geldof and Ed Westwick, Peaches has certainly made it be known that she will speak her mind. Apparently Peaches thinks Ed is a bit of a prick and accuses him of emphasizing his English accent to win over American women. She doesn't comment on whether he does the same thing to win over American men.

Peaches didn't stop though with just the remark about the English accent. No, remember this is Peaches. The girl who got fired for asking pointed questions of a celebrity on an entertainment show.

"He acts up to this personification of some sort of Pete Doherty character - some really wasted English guy with a poet soul and it doesn't really work. It is a bit like, 'Mate, you're on Gossip Girl and you're in a sh**ty band.'"

Hey, but at least she knows what show he is on and it sounds like she watches it. As for her musical taste. Did you see who she married? Have you heard his band?

"We spoke for a bit and he was quite lecherous. But he was lecherous to all the girls. He's very small, too. Smaller than me. I'm 5'7" and I think he must be 5'6". He's ripped. But when you're small and ripped you get into Tom Cruise territory, like a little overgrown gorilla."

Oh. Ed. Damn. She compared you to Tom Cruise and not in a good way. Well, in a good way in the sense that apparently both of you are ripped, but that you are very similar to a little overgrown gorilla. I don't know if she means Ed and Tom are both excessively hairy or that they have strong bodies in a really tiny frame.

I can't wait until Ed Westwick responds.


Anonymous said...

Wonder what he did to her to piss her off lol.

Courtney said...

Weird. I suddenly like her.

RocketQueen said...

Oh feck. I hope he lets her have it. Who is this spoiled spawn of celebrity to talk? Her life is an utter wreck and she is apparently an embarrassment to Brits everywhere. At least he has a JOB, hasn't yet made a trip to rehab and hasn't had a marriage that lasted under 60 seconds before the age of 25.

Kelli said...

This is the only positive contribution to mankind that she has made in her entire lifetime.

Share said...

I love it!! I suddenly really, really like this girl. LOL.

Maja With a J said...

I, too, used to feel pretty indifferent towards Peaches Geldof, but I like her now.

Anonymous said...

Umm... have you SEEN the shirtless pictures of this dude? Even I'm in better shape than he is. Rippled maybe. Rumpled, definitely. Ripped, no way.

She's high, go away peachpit.

Anonymous said...

I love when people say accurate things with no intention to be liked! And really, I've had enough of these tortured boys in their twenties who are old enough to know better, even if their tweener fans aren't.

dbfreak said...

I have to agree with what Lainey says about Ed Westwick - he's a slimy, disgusting, oily man and I'd do him in a heartbeat. He's my total shamef^ck. LOL.

parissucksliterally said...

DNfromMN, I was thinking the same thing. Ed is mushy and pasty......ripped is the last word I would use to describe him!

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is this brat to talk shit about anyone else? She's like the one person alive who is more fucking useless than Paris Hilton. I mean, as much as I can't stand Paris, at least she has a little mockery of a career. What does Peaches actually do, other than irritate the hell out of people?

Judi said...

ITA with Rocket and Amber... and with DBFreak! And it's totally because of Chuck Bass - who has no Brit accent. Off with PG's head.

mooshki said...

Westwick is a total poser, but he's still a lot higher up the ladder than Peaches.

mooshki said...

(And I love him anyway - he's Chuck!)

ablake said...

Ed Westwick? I'd hit it.

What the hell is a Peaches Geldof?

ablake said...
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Taylor said...

I actually love his "shitty" band.

Eileenie McMeanie said...

I think he's hot


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