Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sean Penn Is Now Free To Date Hookers - Oh Wait. He Already Does That

According to Extra, Sean Penn filed for a legal separation from his long suffering wife Robin Wright Penn. I say long suffering which she no doubt has been, but it is she who decided to stay with Sean despite the fact he was having sex with two Russian hookers in the same hotel in which he and his family were vacationing. I mean at that point, my sympathy kind of goes out the window. You just end up looking really foolish and he learns he can do absolutely anything he wants and you will take it.

I guess Sean Penn must either want to get married again or he thinks he is going to make big bucks on Three Stooges and so wants to establish that date of separation so he doesn't have to share any of that money with Robin. I mean why not right? She has stuck with him for 13 years and now he is dumping her so he can focus exclusively on hookers, strippers, and porn stars. Oh, and Madonna. You don't think he won't? Please. I guarantee you they will have at least one reunion f**k and think of all the photographers following them around. It will be just like the old days except now they are older and if possible, even crankier. Hey, maybe they can go in halfsies on an adoption.


mooshki said...

I hope Robin can find some self-respect once she's free of the prick. Madonna and Sean should re-marry, they're a perfect couple.

MISCH said...


whole lotto luv said...

He's repugnant. I'm sure I've missed seeing many good movies because I can't stand to watch anything with him in it.

Anonymous said...

I know it's petty, but I'd feel better about it if Robin had filed.

Please please please let Jesus and Sean get in a fight, Sean get arrested and Jesus dump Madonna for the "model/actress" Sean will be dating at the time.

Bad of me...It's so hard to remember that they're real people.!

jax said...

a man will only do to you what you let him.

Carrie L. said...

I agree AnnMarie, Robin definitely should have been the one to file. For her to let Sean do it just further supports the fact that she doesn't have the respect for herself that she should have. To stay with him after the hell he's put her through and then to let him file...what an a**. Sean and Mel should go set up a Russian compound where they can just hang with Russian hookers and talk about how great they are all day long. I don't want to see or hear anything else about their pathetic lives, but I definitely wish their soon to be ex-wives well.

Kim said...

"so he can focus exclusively on hookers, strippers, and porn stars"

Well, that's got to be an answer to a blind or two.

Poor Robin. Why she's stayed with this guy I have no idea. He's such a douche.

ItsJustMe said...

Jax, I agree with you, but after all of Sean's antics, I think Robin's self-esteem must be in the SHITTER.

RocketQueen said...

I'm with AnnMarie and Carrie - I'm very disappointed it wasn't Robin to finally file. As much as I like his movies, I think he is a disrespectful pig and at times like this - MUST believe that karma will eventually find him.

sunnyside1213 said...

Wonder if Jason Patric will try to get her back again? He's an idiot too, but he was crazy about her.

FrenchGirl said...

Enty,you're angry! i like that!

Jeannies Bottle said...

I say this is Robin's lucky day...she could have lived the rest of her life with this dirt ball. I hope Penn and Madonna get re-married...they deserve each other.

Maja With a J said...

No matter who filed, she is better off without him. I hope she knows that.

canadachick said...

umm why do we assume these hollyweird marriages are any better than real life ones ? we all know couples who are like this....

AprilinParis said...

Back in the day there were rumors that Sean Penn used to beat the hell out of Madonna and there is rumored to be a detailed police report to prove it. They say he even hog-tied her ass to a chair and just left her there after one of the beatings. Yuck. I'm glad Robin is free and god only knows what the kids have seen.

sherri dee said...

Longime Lurker... First time Poster!

I live in SF and Sean Penn is known for hanging out in certain bars and picking up women. Has for years. Is never seen with Robin in Marin (where they live).

On one hand I feel sorry for her... on the other, she's been a doormat, prob waiting for him to "come to his senses." I hope she gets alotta good therapy for both herself and their kids!

If he filed could it be because he got someone preggers?

littleoleme said...

I hope her family steps in, hires a deprogrammer, keeps her in a house with no access to the doors, cell phones or any outside commnicaiton and breaks this woman of like for this pig once and for all. My sympathy can only go so far to women who go back to the same horrible man over and over again. Don't get all over me for saying that. I know a few women who love a relationship with drama.

Nice job they've both done on screwing up their kids.

lutefisk said...

I love the idea of Sean & Madonna getting back together. They certainly deserve each other.

jax said...

Anon mom, and what better reason to leave...been there,done that.
if a man cheats on you and you keep taking him back, i dont have a lot of sympathy.

we teach people how to treat us.

Anonymous said...

Jax -
I am guessing from your comments that you have never been in an emotional, verbal, or physically abusive relationship. As someone who has, unfortunately it is not as easy as you say to get out or whatever.
Sometimes the abuse (verbal especially) is gradual and it is stacks up and reaks havoc on your esteem before you know what happened.
I am so tired of people blaming the woman who is the victim in the relationship! Getting out of that situation is not black and white and it takes more courage than most people EVER have to have in their entire life.

Dijea said...

Robin should have gotten out long ago - her self esteem must be shot.

I am not a fan of Sean Penn.

nancer said...

in my perfect world, sean and madonna would get back together and kill each other. then i'd never have to read about either of them again.

Linnea said...

This is what, the third time they are talking divorce? I agree with you all about who should have left who, etc, but I also think that she will take him back in a heartbeat if he decides to do so. Anyone willing to bet against me?

ItsJustMe said...

faithy - you're correct. It took me years to get the courage to leave my ex-husband ... when your self-esteem is in shambles, you start to believe your abusers lies and truly believe that you'd be better off with them than without them.

Messed up, but true. I've been there, and done that. That's why I'm anonmom.

Kelli said...

Run, Robyn, run! Take the money and your kids and RUN! You can still reclaim your dignity, just don't let him come back!

Anonymous said...

He treated her so bad at the Oscars.

bionic bunny! said...

i'm sure he's threatened her with divorce and this is a ploy to get her to "behave". i'm afraid she'll take him back.
i remember being told that if i cheated on my diet (the asshole) would divorce me. i said "well, if it's that easy..." and reached for a slice of pizza. of course i already knew i had to get out, but it still took me a couple of years. it's not always easy.
but i really, really hope she comes through this in one piece and a stronger person. and that she has a strong support system.

Elle said...

I read that she was 23 when they first got together. 23. She's been with him for 20 years (married for 13). I can't even imagine how exhausting it must have been to spend her 20's and 30's in an abusive relationship, potentially staying out of some sense of responsibility to her kids and family. Without knowing all the facts it's hard to judge but if he really is a wife beater, then I pray that she finally gets her freedom. While cheating is awful, physical/mental abuse over prolonged periods of time does unbelievable damage on the psyche that some people never fully recover from. This makes me so sad.

Kat said...

Whatever the situation, I really hope that her career starts to take off. I've liked since her Santa Barbara days and feel like she's a decent actress. My feeling is that she's stayed out of the spotlight to raise the kids and allow him to take whichever projects he wanted to while she was the glue who held it all together.

What I hope doesn't happen, which inevitably does, is that the public won't go through the usual 'poor Robin' phase before turning on her completely, as they've done with so many other women who've been cheated on and subsequently dumped by their more famous spouse, like Kidman or Aniston.

Like I said, she has always been deserving of the same accolades as Penn. Princess Bride anyone?

Unknown said...

Ugh. I hope she finds someone that treats her well. He's awful.

jax said...

actually i have been in both a physical and emotionally abusive relationships...and guess what?
i got out. it was hard, but i did it for me and if i had kids, i'd FUCKIN RUN.

save your sympathy for people who deserve it, their kids.
people who keep their kids in these situations and keep forgiving the abuser set horrible examples for the kids and really fuck up their lives.

yes it is hard, but not hard enough to sellout your kids future and well being for.

ardleighstreet said...

I hope the divorce goes through. I hope that Robin doesn't try to harm herself because she can't live without Sean.

It's sad she became his doormat and showed her kids that women should be doormats too.

He annoys me so much I can never see the character he plays. I only ever see Sean and want to slap him upside the head.

Idontwantaf*ckingblog said...

Maybe there are other variables that prompted her to stay with him. Isn't it possible that she has some problems or incidents from the past that Sean has held over her as leverage to keep her in step? And she complies to protect her work rep and her kids? I'm not trying to cast a negative light on her, I'm just thinking that there may be more to this equation. Any way you look at it though, no matter what variables there might be, he's a total prick. I hope she settles into a better life and that we'll get to see her in films more often.

Miss X said...

He makes me sick. I will not be watching anymore of his movies!

Robin, let him go!!

Jasmine said...


No1uNo said...

She should definitely have left him ages ago, and I know from experience that it's pretty useless to feel bad for / try to help a woman in an abusive relationship if she doesn't really want to get out of it, but you know what? None of that means he's not an ASSHOLE. Maybe we teach people how to treat us, but only assholes go around treating people in the absolute worst way they can get away with.

j74 said...

She needs a few good girlfriends who will get her out to meet a really fun, younger man, who adores her! And maybe rich too. If that matters.

stiffkittens said...

bionic bunny - I thought that the moment i read he was the one to file. The term asshole doesn't even begin to describe that 'man'.

My father has used the "I'll divorce you" bully tactic since i was old enough to understand their fights, and it's a load of BS. Such a low move considering those that are threatened with it are the ones that would benefit most from the divorce.
Mark my words, those kids will HATE him (and most likely already do).

"On April 23, 2009 Penn filed for a legal separation. In the filing he requested joint physical and legal custody of their children, and that the court not award spousal support to Wright."

What do you bet she doesn't make enough (or have the savings) to support her life without his help? He'll probably make her beg like the dog he is.

stiffkittens said...

Forgot to add about the blind items: there's a reveal about the 2 friends who have a 'porn film set tour' once a month. I can't find the actual blind though.
Is the hooker reference public knowledge, or was Enty REALLY pissed?!

J said...

Damn, he doesn't want to give her SPOUSAL support?

Why does he despise her so much? He is a hateful man. I was through when he didn't even acknowledge her during his Oscar speech. And after all he puts her through? Spousal support is the least he could do...

What a man, what a man...

Robin you have no idea how lucky you are now, move forward

Judi said...

Thrilled with this news!! Team Wright!

For Fuck's Sake Democrats said...

I used to love actors like Penn, Hopper, Nicholson... now I see them only as trash that abuses women... and Im glad we’re finally living in an era where no one gives a shit if a man is enough of a sociopath to be an actor... we only care how you treat women... that’s the fucking bar. And all Sean Penn likes to do, alone with his other addict pals, Cage, Depp, Jack, Warren and the rest... is buy women, beat women, and humiliate women, and then act as if theyre lovable rogues. Theyre weak fucking addicts who choose cocaine over people every time, and ignored many women around them getting raped, but act like tough guys when they beat up their girlfriends. Fuck them, theyre trash.


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