Friday, August 28, 2009

DJ AM Has Died

DJ AM was found dead this morning in an apartment on Lafayette Street in Manhattan.

Sources said drug paraphernalia was found in the apartment and police are looking into whether it was an overdose.

Nearly a year ago, DJ AM, whose real name is Adam Goldstein, escaped a plane crash in South Carolina.

The Learjet he and Travis Barker were on overshot the runway and burst into flames. He suffered severe burns in the crash.


AvaMore said...

This is SO sad.
SO sad.

Bless you honey.

Rest in peace.

lanasyogamama said...

Wow, that is such sad news. I liked him, and I was so happy he had survived that crash.

Anonymous said...

RIP. How incredibly sad.

Condolences to his family, friends and fans.

selenakyle said...

Noooooo Waaaaaayyyyyyy.

mooshki said...

He had such a hard life. I hope there is an afterlife so he can finally enjoy some peace.

Nosey Parker said...

This world is so crazy. I can't believe this has happened!

Last Dance with MaryJane...
RIP Adam =[

farmgirl said...


sprinkles said...

OMG!!! Soooooo very sad!

B626 said...

Don't know the guy but went to a couple of websites that showed his Vegas d.j. shows at RAIN when contemplating a trip out there.
Seemed to be so comfy with the crowd they all loved his music choices etc.
Too bad.

Jungle007 said...

Oh wow... this is a shocker. It's always so tragic when someone dies so young.

RIP Adam.

Kendel said...

Final destination. :(

Jade, That Girl said...

ive heard him play a few times, including coachella this year when travis and him performed together for the first time since the crash. he wasn't the greatest dj based on skill, but he need how to play for his crowd and he knew what got people mmoving.

so sad. RIP.

Ror said...

The only thing "sad" is the dumb shit lived through a near fatal plane crashed, and pissed his life away doing drugs. People live with pain every day, he's no different. I speak from experience.

Way to NOT learn a lesson on the gift of life.

gay tallywacker said...

Holy crap. Wow. Seriously? But I agree with Ror.

mooshki said...

Yeah, Ror, too bad he didn't go around helping and inspiring people like you do.

peppermint p said...

wow how incredibly sad that the pain was so huge that it overtook him...
mooshki, what happened in his life to cause all the pain?

WBotW said...

Checked out Ror's blog.
Overcompensation would be the most glaringly obvious reason for the content contained therein.
I think it's safe to say that more people will miss Adam Goldstein than would even notice if this waste of space dropped dead in HIS apartment tomorrow.
RIP Adam
Fuck yourself Ror.

Elle Kaye said...

You're right, Mooshki. Why does everyone have to be so hard on everybody else? Sad.

The creepy thing is he was supposed to be on the plane that crashed in Buffalo last year and ended up not getting on it.

mooshki said...

Peppermint, read this article about him.

He really turned his life around, and was clean for a long time. He lost good friends in that plane crash. Between that and the pain of his injuries, how can you blame him for relapsing? I think if he had lived, he would have pulled it together again. He seemed to be a truly kind person, who inspired the people who knew him.

PJ Nelson said...

Very sad...

Ay Mercedes! said...

Seems like this is the Summer that people die due to drugs... this is truly tragic.

peppermint p said...

Thanks Mooshki
I really appreciate it
I knew there had to be a ton of pain to want out so bad
Never met him but in pics he always had a kind look in his eyes

Judi said...

OMG! Just saw this. Very sad.,,20301276,00.html

gossipmonger1 said...

This is such a tragedy. One of my friends who books music recently worked with him and said that he could not have been a nicer person but he was totally and understandably crippled by fear from his accident. She said his stress level about minimizing his flights and balancing work demands really consumed him. He clearly suffered from survivors guilt and so much more then ppl realized. Hopefully he'll be remembered for the kind person he seemed to be and not the circumstances involving his death.

kimi said...

damn it hollywood. enough. RIP

cibele said...

I don't understand why people have to be so mean about a person that just died. The guy is gone, don't need to be defensive.

Damn, I was so glad when they survived that plane crash. Those two faced death really closely and it's so sad to hear about his death.

Now I'm really sad that he got a second chance and didn't use it properly. But i guess it's easier said than done. I don't do drugs, never did, but I guess it's a tough struggle to get rid of it.

PollyPureBred said...

I don't know why I feel so defensive, but to those who are, please don't judge him harshly. He was a nice man and his work was to entertain people and make them happy. He survived a horrible accident, survivor's guilt and PTSD. He battled his demons alone and died alone.
Be nice, and wish him peace.

Dick Insideu said...

what drugs was he shooting?

PotPourri said...

Actually, Survivors guilt is what did him in. It is very hard to survive that. Honestly, I would have expected this from Barker, not from DJ AM. I wonder how Nicole Richie is taking it.

Nicole said...

I'm not sure why, but I've always liked DJ AM. I mean, I never heard his work, and I thought he had crappy taste in women, but he seemed like a really nice, normal guy. I was so happy he survived that plane crash. His death affects me more than a lot of "bigger" celebrity deaths have, just because of his normalness.

momo said...

oh my gosh, mooshki, thanks for posting that link. i knew nothing about the guy past his dating nicole ritchie and mandy moore. that is a really sad life he survived for a while.

blog hopper said...

Very sad news to hear tonight. Seriously, WHAT is going on this summer? I don't know if it's the increased media coverage, or that it's just been a completely tragic summer for Hollywood figures, but it bums me out. RIP Adam.

blog hopper said...

Mooshki- thanks for posting that article. I read that awhile back and forgot about it. He really had a big heart and meant nothing but the best.

Kimberley said...

This breaks my heart.

Anonymous said...

this death has made me more sad than any of the other deaths this summer, i'm not sure why. I remember reading the article mooshki posted when it was first in the magazine and a lot of what he said stuck with me. It seems like he finally had things together. It just seems so unfair to finally get clean, survive a tragedy like the plane crash and then to have this happen...

Its obvious he was battling some serious demons, i just wish he could have overcome them. This is just so sad.

Carrie L. said...

Such sad news. You can't judge him for his actions unless you had been through what he had. I can't even imagine how a person would begin to deal with something like that. I still think he was a great role model and did a lot of good while he was among the living. It amazes me how people like DJ AM are the ones that pass away before their time, yet the Lindsey Lohan's of the world keep going and going and going.

RIP, Adam, your positive presence will be missed.

jax said...

if you aren't familiar with his stuff.


lanac said...

nothing harder than a reformed drug addict suffering a major injury forcing them to be on morphine etc. i really feel for him and his is really hard sometimes. that really sucks. RIP. i hope his family will be ok

Cute Little Redhead said...

Michael K. over at dlisted called this "the summer of death". I dread it every day opening the internet and seeing what new person has gone from us.

I can't even keep track at this point to the list of those taken.

I am sad for Adam, his family, his friends, all his fans. It's hard when someone dies, no matter how it happens.

Yeah, it's easy to criticize those who do drugs or drink. It's easy to sit back and point fingers. But the truth is, life is hard, and sometimes people indulge in things that are bad for them to get by.

RagDoll said...

Very sad. I agree w/ you Cute Lil Redhead. It's easy to sit back and point fingers, but imagine what that dude must have gone through as a recovering addict: Imagine working hard to get yourself clean and stay clean.....only to end up the victim of a devastating accident that leaves you with third degree burns, an injury which almost certainly requires prescription pain medication....

So, there he was, a recovering addict with a REAL need for pain medication, possibly suffering from PTSD (a plane crash? My God!) not to mention the debilitating mental anguish of "survivor's guilt"

Even if it WAS drugs (and jeezis, how disrespectful to "report" that kind of crap without any official police or Coroner facts, damn!) but even if it WAS drugs, I highly doubt that this man was in a party-party kind of mood.

He was someone's son, someone's brother, lots of people's friend, and as many lulz as it gives me to snark on the dumb things that living celebs do....this guy was just so young and had faced a lot of tragedy and it's sad to see him go so soon. Not because he was famous, but because he was young, and trying so hard to battle some SERIOUS demons and was, from what we saw, doing so with more dignity than some of his similarly-damaged peers. My heart goes out to his family. I hope he's in a better place now.

Linnea said...

You just said everything I feel, Ragdoll. RIP.

cheesegrater15 said...

I liked him, too. Never heard him play but he seemed like a nice guy.

Apparently 2009 is the year talent died. Somebody needs to lock Duran Duran, Clive Owen and the cast of NCIS away some where until this year is over.

Unknown said...

He had obviously been through an awful lot in his life and yet seemed like a really nice person.

This has made me so sad.

tallulah b said...

What a terrible tragedy. RIP Adam.

Pookie said...

eeep. this has to stop. enough tragedy already.

thx for the video link, jax. that was awesome...i get so caught up in travis' ghetto trailer ways that i forget how really talented he is.

rip adam.

Anonymous said...

I hope someone like Ror never suffers emotional pain so crippling that he would do ANYTHING to be free of it, even if only for a little while.

So easy to judge.....

sunnyside1213 said...

You are right brendalove. Some pain is just unbearable.

Unknown said...

seriously; i am so grateful that im enlightened enough to be aware of this site. look at all the encouraging and thoughtful; nonjudgmental ppl on here. im coping with survivor's guilt myself and if my personal circle of friends and fam had been as supportive as you guys(rather than treating me like Ror, who I have a sneaking suspicion might be one of my long lost relatives) I might not be pulling my hair out in arizona, instead of relaxing by the pool in la. LOVE LOVE LOVE you guys, enty, mookshi, badfish and the never know whos reading and can be affected by your words!!!

Parsley Mostly said...

oh, shut up. you don't sound smart or caring by bashing ror. just ignore it, otherwise you're a sanctimonious troll feeder. i have no patience for holier than thou people like you.

on the dj am note, this is sad. i think it was accidental, and it's about fucking time people started to really, i mean REALLY stop giving out pills right and left. i've lost two people personally this year from drugs, and it's not the street kind. all of those people who think popping a hydro here and there because their back hurts or for fun is looking at this end at some point.

it's dumb, and there's no excuse. life sucks, we all have shitty days and experience, but we don't nuke the pain away via drugs. being sad, survivor guilt, etc, is not a unique experience. we ALL go through it, some worse than others. but it's a part of, oh i don't know, LIFE.

Audrey said...

He was a human being and young, so for this to happen to anyone is too bad. But on the other hand, you is play with fire, you're going to get burned. And, how do all you know that he started drugging AFTER the plane crash?? He's probably been doing drugs since he was a teenager and the drugs just kept getting harder. I have no sympathy - he was stupid.

rexruther said...

@Claudia Hermione--I completely respect your opinion and experiences, but unless you have experienced an addiction yourself of any kind, you can't blame the addict. The addict is suffering from an incurable disease, and some NEVER get over every day trying to cope and LIVE life while constantly keeping themselves in or out of the addiction. It is always a shadow, the ghost follows us until we die. It is not stupidity or weakness. It is consuming and sometimes people don't have the tools to cope like others. Every single person is different, and addiction affects people differently, but I can't stand for those who judge indiscriminately and blame the addict.

Anonymous said...

It upsets me beyond words to read the negative comments here. A history of addition (drugs and food), a terrible home life and a plane crash with 3rd degree burns. How many of you truly believe you could survive all of that and still be a decent person like AM? Are drugs bad for you? Of course, but I'm choosing to remember the positive aspects of his life. He connected with people and he will be missed.

Anonymous said...

"it's dumb, and there's no excuse. life sucks, we all have shitty days and experience, but we don't nuke the pain away via drugs."

You are wrong, because obviously many, many people have. It's easy to sit back and judge others based on YOUR experiences and what YOU have done...but not everybody has had YOUR experiences.

flwrgurl said...

i agree with ragdoll!!! amen!

selenakyle said...

Way late here, Saturday night on the EC.

I thought about this last night--it is highly possible that taking pain meds during his burns recovery might've pushed him over the edge again.

Just sayin' it could be possible. Isn't that a classic situation for recovering addicts?

Barton Fink said...

One little fact I have to deal with in my recovery from drug abuse is: Drug addiction has a higher rate of fatality than cancer.

Which is a reminder to drug addicts to use whatever small amount of strength they have to battle against the desire to use. I don't have anything against Goldstein personally, but the nightclub scene is supersaturated with x, meth, coke, heroin, and other drugs. An addict needs to stay the fuck away from nightclubs.

JJ said...

This is very sad. I don't know anything about the man's work, but he seemed like such a good person.

RIP Adam.

Bex said...

Drugs suck, but users don't "deserve" to die. Not even a little bit.

It's so sad. RIP.

tina said...

This is from less than a month ago.

Unknown said...

Ror deserves all the f*cking bashing that comes his way. He's a self-confessed murderer. Ror belongs in jail.

Liz said...

RIP Adam- there but for the grace of god go I.

ThoughtElf said...

I have a great deal of respect for him. Sobriety for 9 years is really tough to achieve and tougher still to maintain.

The added stress of the plane crash and need for pain killers was a kick to the groin.

Such a sad set of circumstances.

RIP, Adam and heartfelt condolences out to all who cared for him.

__-__=__ said...

Very sad, very sad. And this country is very sad with they way they treat people who genuinely need help. This is so similar to MJ. Drugs may be the cause, the symptom, but they are not the reason. Why can't some psychiatrist, psychologist, somebody just tell people what they need to do to feel better. These mental issues are what brings people down. Often it's no more than coping with the hypocrisy of life. We all have problems. The answer just can't be that hard. I am beyond sad.

ItsJustMe said...

I was SO sad to hear this ... poor guy, I can't even imagine what he'd gone through since the plane crash. He was indeed a major talent, and may he RIP.

KellyLynn said...

People who become addicted to the painkillers prescribed to help chronic pain are constantly involved in a Catch-22 scenario.

While I'm sad DJ AM apparently made the choice to go down the opiate road, I also can understand how it is nearly impossible to find an alternative.

There are other medications/treatments, but they aren't nearly as effective, convenient or as quick as the medications.

I do hope he has finally found his peace, and that his friends and family can find some comfort.

jax said...

well now that we know more....

it wasn't Adam becoming a drug addict was a distraught and upset Adam who sought out drugs that ultimately ended his life after being dumped by his girlfriend.

he must have been in such a horrible place to be thinking like this...RIP.

and to the sanctimonious people judging from their mountaintops of BULLSHIT...a big fat FUCK YOU.

figgy said...

I agree with others here who have said that this death affected them way out of proportion to his death.

I mean, this is a guy who'd overcome SO much. Don't forget, he used to be morbidly obese and had bariatric surgery. I think that history might have made him more humble and "real" than so many others in Hwood.

All reports were that he was a really nice guy. I'm just so sad about this.

Angie said...

It's really hard to over come addictions.....I am so sorry this young man struggled. It has made me wonder why his life was spared last year and then taken now....?????

FrenchGirl said...

sad to die so young!
be care Lindsay Lohan!


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