Friday, August 14, 2009

Four For Friday - Bad Drug Behavior

#1 - This A list director passed out during a premiere of his latest movie. When people tried to help him out of the theatre they noticed he had wet himself and his seat. Nice.

#2 - This very good looking C+ list movie actor who doesn't work as much as you would think was in a convenience store. There were two people in line in front of him and after waiting patiently for about two seconds pushed them out of the way and said he needed to go first. When the clerk told him he would have to wait his turn, our actor screamed and yelled and then walked out. He opened the door so hard that it broke off its hinges.

#3 - This isn't so much of an example as bad drug behavior but it is drug related. This A list country music singer with a sterling reputation is also a huge meth dealer. Well actually it is his road manager that does the dealing. Our singer just gets the majority of the profits.

#4 - This B+ reality star and sometime actress has her very own diet plan. She is so pleased with it she wanted to try and market it. She actually approached her agent and said, "I have a great diet plan and I want to sell it." "What is it?" the agent asked. "It's this pill called Adderall. I take it and then I am not hungry for days."


RocketQueen said...

1 - Tarantino - apparently he skipped the after-party of one of the premieres and people thought it was strange - I think the one in LA? Also, he's been acting pretty bizarrely lately.

3- I'm thinking Tim McGraw, only because of the blinds about him and Faith having coke problems in the past.

4 - I don't know, but that's hilarious. What a dolt.

.robert said...

What do you mean I can't patent my Adderall diet?

How about the triple latte colonic?

karen said...

#4 Paris

littlemanwhatnow said...

i thought 4 would be tori spelling?

QT for one for sure!

Tim Mcgraw sounds good.

Kathy K said...

#3: wouldn't that be la lohan?

.robert said...

#4 is more probably Lohan

FrenchGirl said...

#1:Woody Allen
#2:Matthew "shirtless" McConaughey
#3:i don't care on country music
#4:the one reality star and actress i know is Paris Hilton or Denise Richard!

Cillman said...

#4 sounds like Audrina Patridge

AvaMore said...

Back up on Ms. Rocket's guess~ ab-so-lute-ly gotta be Quentin....prob recovering from the night before~ getting a little old to do the up all night thing anymore I guess.....

mooshki said...

I like the Tori guess. Paris would never share a diet "secret" with anyone. And I don't think LiLo is even aware that other people exist at this point.

karen said...

Is Tori really such a dim bulb? Oh God, and she has kids.
I like the Audrinda guess though.

Erin said...

#1 - For some reason I thought of Michael Bay.

#2 - dunno, could be MattM, but isn't he higher than C+?

#3 - Toby Keith

#4 - B+ reality star and that freaking stupid has to be Paris.

PotPourri said...

Don't you think Sterling is a clue in the Country Music star?

Anonymous said...

#1 - agree, Quentin on the QT
#2 - I don't see McConaughey for this. He's a mellow-out kind of druggie. Unless he needed munchies.
#3 - Brooks & Dunn did coke with Kelly Clarkson at the CMA awards per Ent's blind a year or so ago.
#4 - I'm on board with the Audrina guess. Spacewatcher clearly has nothing going on between her upward-gazing eyes.

Karmen said...

#1 - Sounds like QT

#2 - McConoghey doesn't seem like the roid rage type. He seems like the, "Hey, let's all smoke a bowl and chill out for a couple hours!"

#3 - The country singer is said to have a good reputation. Not someone who has been rumored to have been doing drugs. Not sure.

#4 - LiLo is a D list actress. Giving her B+ reality is a compliment. Besides, her diet probably consists of coke and fish. Probably some sausage here or there. Eww, that was wrong of me. Sorry.

jenna said...

yeah, i thought of old ceiling eyes when i read number 4. Not sure if she's B+ though. She IS remarkably stupid though - has anyone ever seen this scene in the hills where her co-worker is telling her about the super conductor experiments that were taking place - the look on her face and her reply is priceless.

nunaurbiz said...

Not Tim McGraw for the country blind. I think sterling is a clue, but he was quite a rabblerouser in his youth and still has some tarnish. Ditto with Kinnie Chinnie, who did some raising of the rabble with his pal Tim.

The way I read it, the country star doesn't do the drugs or sell them, just profit by them.

Also don't think you can say Toby has a spotless record. Certainly not Trace Adkins.

I'm guessing Brad Paisley. He's Dudley Do-right for sure!

I'm on the QT bandwagon for the first item. #4 cracks me up (pun intended). Still working on #2.

kitty litter said...

maybe the country star is garth brooks.

Lady J said...

#1 Quentin T was the first to come to mind.
2# gotta think about it - has to be someone who is seen often but doesn't really do much work
3# don't know much country singers but how about Kenny Chesney
4# Paris Hilton

Abby said...

2. Chris Pine? he is always seen walking out of convenience stores.

nunaurbiz said...

Kitty: Garth doesn't tour anymore.

M. said...

Abby, I immediately thought of Chris Pine for # 2, too. He IS always photographed walking out of convenience stores! And I think he'd qualify as a C+ list movie actor.

Lady J said...

great guess with Chris Pine. What has he done besides the Star Trek?

TinselSass said...

Chris P is supposedly a good guy, not much of a drama machine. HOPE #2 is not him.

Enty, please, please, reveal the Director on the next BI Reveal Day. That is the funniest, most pathetic anecdote I have read in a month.

BTW, when is the next BI Reveal Day?! SOON!!!

amazonblue said...

I recently watched Bottle Shock, to see Alan Richman, who had far too little screen time. Anyway, Chris Pine was in the film as the hippie son of Bill Pullman.

amazonblue said...

Sorry, Rickman not Richman.

AIL said...

#2 Jared Leto?

Anonymous said...

So sad drugs are so prevalent throughout the whole of society - not only in the celbrity world.

#3 THat creep Clint Black he was such a loser on Celebrity Apprentice and had such a sense of entitlement I can totally see him for this.

Anonymous said...

God I need to read what I type . Sorry for the typos in the previous comment.

Unknown said...

#3 definitely Tim McGraw.

Amy in MI said...

I thought Zac Efron for #2 even though I don't think he's that good looking.

Miss X said...

2. Chris Klein (or is he D-list)? Chad Michael Murray?
Not Zac Efron as he's got to be B+ at least given his Tween following.

4. Denise Richards though I like the Tori Spelling guess as well

parissucksliterally said...

Chris Pine was in "Hairspray" before Star Trek.
I like that guess.

I like QT for #1.

don't know about the others.

CM said...

I liked the Quentin guess for #1. RocketQueen sold me by what they wrote about him not at the afterparty.

#2 ... I also like Chris Pine. There are very few very goodlooking actors.

#3: I was thinking Brad Paisley.

#4: Any reality star is capable of this as far as I'm concerned, they're all morons. With money, but morons.

ChasingHeaven said...

I didn't think she was stupid enough for this, but to be different, I'm going with Khloe Kardashian for #4, didn't she lose weight recently? Not that she needed to, she's beautiful as is.

ChasingHeaven said...

Wait, it also said sometime actress...Kardashian may not fit for this one afterall...

Quitty said...

@Jamie's Girl...Yep, Sterling is a clue. #3 is Dierks Bentley. Back in June it was announced he'd written a song for his friend Jordan STERLING who died of cystic fibrosis. LINK

nunaurbiz said...

Quitty: Good guess!!!!!! Dierks also has a great rep

sunnyside1213 said...

Chris Pine was in Hairspray?

ana ng said...

I don't think #3 is Brad Paisley. He was at the WH a few weeks ago, and I feel like the Secret Service would have dug through his life with a fine tooth comb before letting him perform.

I like Tori for #4. She is always trying to sell something and make a profit. I can see her thinking she was going to get rich off of her new diet plan.

shakey said...

DN - I was eating my breakfast when I read "Spacewatcher". Almost lost my breakfast on everything around me. That's better than Ceiling Eyes.

My choice for Idiot No. 4 would be Heidi. She too looks that stupid. And lux, that is the reason why I love The Hills so very much. I miss my comedy. I wonder when the new season starts.

Anonymous said...

Re #4: Read the clue "sometimes actress." That can't be Heidi. As well, none of the Hills people are B+. I don't think Tori is that stupid so it's probably Paris or Denise.

nunaurbiz said...

ana ng: There would have been nothing to find in Brad's life. And unless the road manager had been caught, he'd have a clean record too. I'm sure they would have done a cursory background check, but for a performer to come to the White House for such an event, it wouldn't have been with a fine-toothed comb. Believe me, I've been to the White House more often and they didn't do that with me! (Not that there was anything to find! Hee hee!)

Jim said...

I thought of Jesse Matcalfe for #2 but he may be more known for TV.

telesma said...

#3 - My money is on Clint Black.

Just because, but if you google - country singer "sterling reputation" - Clint Black is right under this CDAN entry. :)

In a search minus the quotes, Dierks Bentley is most prominent.

Tia C said...

#1. Agree with the Quentin Tarantino guesses.

#2. There are so many good looking C+ list actors to choose from, it's hard to pick lol

#3. I can't believe nobody else has guessed Willie Nelson.

#4. Has got to be NY housewife Betheny Frenkel (or however she spells it).

libby said...

Catharine I hope you were joking about Willie. He talks about his potsmoking in Every. Single. Interview. He also had a dramatic love life, back in the 70's. Beloved as a national treasure, but not 'sterling.'

And it's SO not Garth Brooks. As someone pointed out, not only does he not tour anymore, it because he is LOADED!!! He gets to do nothing but sit and eat the rest of his life, which is totally MY dream, if it includes reefer 'n' the innernets...

Seriously, though. Garth does not need the money enough to ruin what he has ($plenty$) already.

Christyn said...

1. I have no idea but it's pretty disgusting.

2. A very good looking C+ actor? That's a shame. In any case, do we really think Chris Pine is strong enough to break the door from the hinges? Might as well guess Josh Harnett, Chris Klein and Sean William Scott too.

3. I don't know who this is but it's horrible either way. I doubt this one will be revealed, but I hope they get caught. There's too many drugs out there as it is.

4. I almost wanna say Jessica Simpson, but seriously...what reality star is B+??

gotfolked said...

#4 Used to be spokesperson for jenny craig. What is her name?

Joe said...

Number 4 is right about the diet thing in a way. Adderall was originally created specifically for weight loss. Then the drug company discovered it worked well for the adhd/add hyper brats that overrun this country now and so it was marketed aggressively to this market, only because of a huge profit margin.
What actress isn't on adderall would be a better blind...That's been the shizzit for years and it does work well for obesity, but that's not why Nicole Richie and others love it.

ali said...

@Quitty - I don't know anything about Dierks Bentley or his music, but I got teary reading that he wrote a song about Jordan Sterling. I went to college with Jordan and he was just the nicest guy.

SnowCherries said...

How about Jason Lewis for #2?

I really hope #3 has nothing to do with Brad Paisley or Dierks Bentley. But I guess Dierks might make the most sense.

caydian said...

Handsome Chris Pine was in Princess Diaries II with Anne Hathaway. Guess he needed the work, eh?

Nicki said...

#3 might be Randy Travis...he was looking pretty meth facey on AI last season.

Anonymous said...

Agree with Snow Cherries Jason Lewis choice - he is incredibly good looking and would be C+ and even happier that for # 2 - I think I would snap standing in a queue sayng "is he" isn't he" and sniggering or asking him how Samantha is or Kevin for that matter and so glad Telesma agrees Clint Black for #3 - yuck.

Greg Wroblewski said...

#2 sounds like Matt Dillon to me.

Anonymous said...

Yea McGraw and Hill def are cokeheads they have been caught using at parties here in Nashville by plenty of people...they dont hide it anymore..wouldnt doubt them

Leah said...

No way is Zac Efron #2. He is so nice and down to earth, he would not have the sense of entitlement to not wait in line.

amanda rae said...


As someone who sits at home smoking and using the internets, I must say, it's a wonderful thing to aspire to. But I'm extremely lucky because I have a wonderful man who works hard so I can sit on my ass. We're not rich, but that's OK, I'd rather be happy than rich. I hope you get there one day!

As for Garth Brooks, doesn't he like to pick up male hookers? I can't remember where I read that...but I can see it. I guess being rich makes it easier, because without his money and fame, I cannot imagine anyone wanting to touch him...EWWWWW!!!


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