Friday, January 01, 2010

Blind Items Revealed

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Oh, I guess this actress is B list, but only because of her name. If not for her name she would be C list at best. Movies, always movies. Oh, and she is married. Oh, and she has child/ren. One of her favorite tricks for losing weight is to meet people for lunch or dinner. This works best for her when it is a first time meeting. She will go to great lengths to order a big meal. When it arrives she invariably finds something wrong with it and sends it back while insisting her companion keep eating. When her food arrives again, she picks at it and will say she doesn't want to send it back again but it still isn't perfect. By this time her companion usually finishes and our actress just says she will eat a big dinner when in fact she will eat nothing.

Kate Beckinsale


chihuahuense said...

captivagrl said...
kate beckinsale

12:39 PM

Good catch!

looserdude said...

There was something nasty in the woodshed! I love Cold Comfort Farm.

timebob said...

I just hope she doesn't transfer her eating disorder to her little girl.

So I guess this means we only have one more reveal left :(

JessLikesStuff said...

This is fun :).

ballyhoo. said...

verrry sneaky, kate. i'm sorry you feel you have to be so thin that you have to go to such great lengths not to eat.

childeroland said...

How does her name make her B-list?

figgy said...

Dec 30, so we're at the end of the reveals :-( none shocked me.

TT said...

Hurrah! I'm glad this got revealed especially since some innocent(?) actresses were getting nailed.

trashtalker said...

Apple, I think it means Enty'll go back and do the juicier ones now. He said earlier that he thought we'd have 12 hours of reveals, so there's still about an hour to go.

Reese said...

I like her as an actress, but otherwise find her really annoying. It cracks me up how she always denies having gotten breast implants and the work is so obvious it looks as though she had it done in a Tiajuana clinic and used a coupon. The meal stunt sounds right up her alley.

kris said...

was she ever ruled out as Coke Mom?

timebob said...

hope so trashtalker! and old hollywood ones, those are my favorite!!

looserdude said...

Seems like according to the enty rules she should be A-List. She opens movies and had the Underworld series (for a while).

MISCH said...


Anonymous said...

This is really sad, especially because she struggled with this growing up. I guess it just goes to show that some struggles are life-long. And I can't even imagine the pressure in Hollywood. Evidence is all around (ahem: Brittany Murphy) that the stick-thin prototype is unhealthy and unsafe.

Unknown said...

Is Beckinsale an old Hollywood name? I dont get how she's known for her name? But whatever.

delilah said...

not old-h-wood.
super sad a meal and have some fun.

looserdude said...

I agree with you Dulcinea. When I googled AnnaLynne McCord to find out who the f she was, I was appalled to see this meth ho looking thing. Nothing hot about a meth ho.

whole lotto luv said...

We have one more reveal left, and I predict it is the Jean Harlow one.

I think Enty exaggerated on the timeframe of reveals last year, too.

RK said...

When she was in Vancouver, filming a movie about 10-12 years ago, she wouldn't come out of her trailer until all the model-looking types had been hidden away. It's unbelievable how someone so amazingly beautiful can have such low self esteem. Sad.

chestnut-red said...

looserdude - I like Cold Comfort Farm too, and I thought Kate was so sweet in Much Ado About Nothing.

Fake eating a meal is so sad. It's such a shame that the Hollywood environment leaves so many women with eating issues.

Bethan said...

Her father, Richard, appeared in some classic British sitcoms like Porridge and Rising Damp but not sure that's what is meant by the name??

Cecilia00 said...

I think "name" refers to the fact that she is a recognizable name, but hasn't broke through and in movies is sort of just...there? (For me at least)

Unknown said...

I also don't get the part about her name nudging her up to B list. Can anybody help me with that part?

kris said...

Enty just announced on FB another hour to go...

Bethan said...

Oh yeah, it's probably name recognition that is meant.

Andy said...

Not surprising given how skinny she is.

Anonymous said...

yesh, i think the name thing refers to the fact that EVERYBODY knows who Kate Beckinsale opposed to having to google Annalynn McCord...that makes her B-list, but there's nothing really in her body of work that makes her great. she's just beautiful and does lots of interviews and walks around on the beach with her daughter in 4in platforms.

it is really sad to think what the hollywood machine does to so many women. it's literally like selling your soul to the devil. it takes away your basic human pleasures...eating a deliciously and beautifully prepared meal. the pressure for these guys is UNBELIEVABLE and it's 24/7, they can't slip and eat a cookie.

*remember jessica simpson's diet confessions from Dukes of Hazzard?? she allowed herself ONE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE EVERY OTHER WEEKEND.
*and cate blanchett said in a recent interview that her favorite food is A BOWL OF RICE.... ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!? a bowl of friggin rice? crickey.

Anonymous said...

her daughter looks pretty thin too... i don't know if maybe she's just kind of gangly or naturally thin (like her mother) or if unfortunately some of these weird food and weight issues are starting to rub off on her especially considering how often she's photographed and i'm sure how often her and her little tween friends google themselves... that would be really sad if so and i certainly hope not.

braverwoman said...

I just read this one to my son and he made a good point. Kate is soooooooo busted now. She will have to learn some new (not eating) tricks. I'm sure she's got plenty...

PS We're finishing off last night's double-choc cupcakes. They are baked with a mini Reese's candy in the center. They are amazing chilled.

bionic bunny! said...

oh, goody, food discussions! i bought two hams when they were 1.99/lb, and i've got a casserole SCREAMING MY NAME, even tho i've already had my black eyed peas.
but i've got a sore throat, so i guess i can use that as an excuse......

Anonymous said...

i just ate 3 chocolate chip cookies that i made with my kids tonight.... i would never make it in hollywood.

WednesdayFriday said...

I read this blind reveal while eating oreos I guess I wouldn't survive either, MLAS.

Himmmm said...

I know Kate Beckinsale (or Katie, or Kathryn or Ksquirt or Pug), and I know her very personally. I have known her since Oct. 1995. I also know tons of other actresses and all types of model/actress/whatever. Katie is the most normal person who regularly works in Hollywood in history. I've also shared meals with her and her family (including Michael and Len). Sad to say, I myself have been - and even my daughter - shot by paparazzi while on the street, a meal, or out and about with Katie and Lilly. Sometimes the gossip is funny. Other times it is outright hateful and mean.

This is a REAL woman - a person - just like you. With feelings, issues, and everything. She’s NOT PERFECT. But she’s a very sweet person who has to shoulder a mountain of shit every day just to fight for her career. Yes, she earns a lot of money. But on an economically equipotent level based on what's required in this biz, and to stay successful equals about $18 an hour (on a scale of economic comparatives). The point is she knows how blessed she is. She is never rude to fans, nor disingenuous to those who are honest and polite to her. She CARES about trying to perform well on screen, but is also forced to deal with sub-par scripts, egomad directors and actors, and sleazy producers, agents, studio heads, guys and gals trying to rape-fuck her constantly, etc., ad infinitum.

I wonder if Enty was actually present at the meal about which he is writing? I have seen Katie eat an entire (large) steak and enjoy it. And drink sodas and cheap beer. And smoke. I've also seen her in a restaurant refuse to eat a pasta meal because she is worried about all the people staring at her in the restaurant, or the paps hovering outside. So she defers until she has privacy (or gets home). That much I CAN attest is real (and not to lose weight!). Since when is a person's choice of when or what to eat open to judgment? I have never seen her do drugs or abuse her child. I HAVE seen her give cash out of pocket to pay for toys, meals, and amusement ride tickets for strangers...without publicity. I HAVE seen her risk her own career to stick up for an unknown co-star on set who was being tormented by the director. But there's no twittering about THOSE deeds.

A month ago a pap took pix of her with her dog. A split second frame was taken and looked like she was choking that dog. She was RAILED against because of it. People sent her DEATH THREATS!! And threats against her CHILD! There's ALWAYS more than one side to everything. I'm sorry to rail on here but I know tons of fakes, liars, and cess in Hollywood who deserve any scorn you throw. But Katie is NOT one of them. She has flaws to be sure. But just remember that some - not all - but SOME of these actors ARE people. They have families and DO have feelings. Well, except for John Mayer, Michael Bay, Debra Messing, and reality stars - maybe not them, but the others are real people.

Thank you Enty for your great site, and I enjoy all the commenters. You seem like a bunch of funny and sweet people. I enjoy coming here to read, and trying to keep up with the wit in the comments. I truly appreciated the kind tributes to John Hughes which was a very sad day personally for the whole family. I honestly wish God blesses you all with a safe and healthy new year.
But please just remember the next time you eat in a restaurant, someone may be thinking up a story about YOU to tell someone. I know from my own hellish experiences with the beast of fame - it's NEVER easy.

For the record, I don’t work for Katie or her family and she would blow a total gasket for me writing this. I don’t speak for her, and this is all just MY opinion/observation. Some restrictions apply. Void where prohibited.
(PS - they are NOT implants. They are real. After breastfeeding a child, they have stretch marks too. Maybe NOT perfect -but they’re real...and to quote Seinfeld: quite spectacular.;-)

Anonymous said...

@himmmmmmmmmmmm - well said. thank you for writing that, it's nice to hear from people who actually know the "stars" in question. i know i do, and since i'm not an incredibly unique or amazing person, but i come here for some good juicy intelligent (and sometimes not so) snark. and even though i do this, i also know that these are real people and that i can't even begin to imagine the pressures of hollywood....see my previous comments on this posts about liking to eat cookies and stuff too much and not having the willpower to make it in hollywood. i really can't imagine what it's like and i think it's a horrific amount of pressure to put on people. i would rather look at a size 8 or 10 or (crickey!) a 12 over a 0 or a 2 anyday, it's just a shame.

but thank you for your very passionate and heartfelt post about "the other side." you're probably a really good friend and she is lucky to have you in her corner. :)

GailfromMiami said...

Himmmm, thank you for your thoughtful and insightful post. It really made me think. And it is nice to know what a lovely person Kate is -- not that I ever thought anything to the contrary.

Unknown said...

Yeah thanks Himmmmm....I always wondered why that Lainey person spews nonstop vitriol at KB and constantly refers to her as desperate just b/c she walks a red carpet in a dress. She's no more desperate than any other actress n H-wood. She's no more desperate to succeed in her career than any of us, really. Am I desperate for showing up for work everyday and checking my email right away? Lainey is a tool.

MCH said...

Thanks, Himmmm. Its easy for everyone to pass judgement on here given the setting. Glad to hear the other side the dog choking sotry because I was a little appalled when I read that.

Andy said...

Hey Himmmm, Enty was one of the people who posted that shot of Kate stringing up her dog and attacked her for it. So don't be so quick to thank him.

Dreamz said...

Happy New Year! Longtime lurker, first time post!

I found this site 2yrs ago literally on new years day and got sucked in with all the blind reveals! The commenters and Enty make this a fun place. (MK at D-listed makes me LOL!)

Wanted to comment here as I actually suffered from eating disorders. Anorexia, at 13 yrs old, and Bulimia, 17yrs- 34yrs old. Horrible, esp. bulimia for so long I thought it would be a lifelong addiction.

Anorexia lasted for only 5 months thank god but it probably resurfaced and in another form as bulimia. Anorexia stared out as a diet that morphed into a mental- will power-discipline-mind of matter thing.(lemon meringue on a dessert cart got my off that train and I remember being pissed that i couldn't control my love of lemon meringue, lol)

Bulimia was more horrific and I thought everlasting.
Started off when a friend told me what she did after a hot fudge sundae. I thought that was brilliant at the time. It was an intermittent thing in the beginning (A *diet aid* and everyone knows don't work in the longrun) that again morphed into a monster. A monster stress reliever, life avoider. Anytime anyone yelled/said something ugly or negative towards me, stressed about homework, stressed about anything. It was no longer a diet aid but a full-blown addiction. An elaborately planned and expensive purging of negative feelings that provided a release and almost exhaustive peacefullness afterwards.

When food has become a drug, it is truly horrific. One needs it everyday to live.The grocerystores, the delivery restaurants even your cupboards and dinner plates become potential drugdealers.

Somehow I overcame it. (no tharapy, those assholes only wanted to talk about sex, even when I was a virgin, assholes) It took years. I decided not to use food, to confront my anger accept my fears and self-loathing. It began to work. My metabolism was a mess, my stomach-brain connection didn't know when I was full/satiated, so I did moniter what and how much for a few years, but not obsessively. Then one day I realized I hadn't done the DEED in over a year, then 2 years....and so on.

It makes me sad when people talk about bulimia anorexia (and my over-eating brothers and sisters) with derision and think it is a glamourous diet aid. Something to look down at hollywood types. It may start out that way but it can turn into a monster mental-physical before you even know it . A true addiction.

Rant over. I feel for Kate and anyone who values privacy who are subjected to microscopic public scrutiny just because they have fame. (not talking about those despicable famewhores) If people were watching me eat, staring or calling tabloids about what I ordered how much I ate.... I would probably still have an eating disorder.

Have a good and healthy new year!

Dreamz said...

Happy New Year! Longtime lurker, first time post!

I found this site 2yrs ago literally on new years day and got sucked in with all the blind reveals! The commenters and Enty make this a fun place. (MK at D-listed makes me LOL!)

Wanted to comment here as I actually suffered from eating disorders. Anorexia, at 13 yrs old, and Bulimia, 17yrs- 34yrs old. Horrible, esp. bulimia for so long I thought it would be a lifelong addiction.

Anorexia lasted for only 5 months thank god but it probably resurfaced and in another form as bulimia. Anorexia stared out as a diet that morphed into a mental- will power-discipline-mind of matter thing.(lemon meringue on a dessert cart got my off that train and I remember being pissed that i couldn't control my love of lemon meringue, lol)

Bulimia was more horrific and I thought everlasting.
Started off when a friend told me what she did after a hot fudge sundae. I thought that was brilliant at the time. It was an intermittent thing in the beginning (A *diet aid* and everyone knows don't work in the longrun) that again morphed into a monster. A monster stress reliever, life avoider. Anytime anyone yelled/said something ugly or negative towards me, stressed about homework, stressed about anything. It was no longer a diet aid but a full-blown addiction. An elaborately planned and expensive purging of negative feelings that provided a release and almost exhaustive peacefullness afterwards.

When food has become a drug, it is truly horrific. One needs it everyday to live.The grocerystores, the delivery restaurants even your cupboards and dinner plates become potential drugdealers.

Somehow I overcame it. (no tharapy, those assholes only wanted to talk about sex, even when I was a virgin, assholes) It took years. I decided not to use food, to confront my anger accept my fears and self-loathing. It began to work. My metabolism was a mess, my stomach-brain connection didn't know when I was full/satiated, so I did moniter what and how much for a few years, but not obsessively. Then one day I realized I hadn't done the DEED in over a year, then 2 years....and so on.

It makes me sad when people talk about bulimia anorexia (and my over-eating brothers and sisters) with derision and think it is a glamourous diet aid. Something to look down at hollywood types. It may start out that way but it can turn into a monster mental-physical before you even know it . A true addiction.

Rant over. I feel for Kate and anyone who values privacy who are subjected to microscopic public scrutiny just because they have fame. (not talking about those despicable famewhores) If people were watching me eat, staring or calling tabloids about what I ordered how much I ate.... I would probably still have an eating disorder.

Have a good and healthy new year!

Dreamz said...

P.S. I hope Coke mom gets it together.

P.P.S. so sorry about double post... newbie!

FrenchGirl said...

sad! she has no need to lose weight ! she's so thin!

Tessa Lane said...

there's no way her breasts are real - sorry. They sit up much too high and look bolted into place.

Simone said...

Thanks Himmmmm for your comments in support of Kate Beckingsale. She's a favorite actress of mine and I try to just ignore the crazy gossip about her. I appreciate you reminding the lot that she's human just like the rest of us. And a gorgeous talented one at that.

Bethan said...

yup, got to agree that Kate has definitely had plastic surgery - it's just obvious. There are lots of sites out there which analyse it and give before/after pictures if you google it.

She is pretty thin, which means she consistently doesn't eat much. I see no reason to automatically not believe this blind.


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