Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Noah Cyrus Lingerie Line

In case you didn't know, Miley Cyrus has a younger sister who is 9. Now, I don't know any 9 year old girls, but I am sure that what they want most in this world is a line of lingerie they can call their own. I mean what 9 year old girl doesn't want to impress umm, who exactly would they be wearing this line of lingerie for? Why doesn't it surprise me that Miley's parents are all for this idea. Along with one of Miley's co-stars in Hannah Montana named Emily Grace, the two will be selling a line of lingerie for girls aged 9-14 for Ohh La La Couture. (picture below) There is no word on whether some of Noah's Halloween costumes will be in the line, but the video below is Emily talking to Miley about it.

Tell me again how this is right for kids. All these pictures seem designed to make 9 year olds want to be adults and to give free access to child porn enthusiasts. (Thanks Moe)


Kim said...

Really disturbing on so many levels.

Treesap-Covered Lady, the Humanist said...

Grotesquely inappropriate.

selenakyle said...

OMG. I DO know a few 9-year old girls and this canNOT be what/who their Moms want them looking up to.

Oh Lordy, Lordy...

"Ooh La La Couture?" Jesus H. Christ, Disney.

Yep, South Park called it right on the money.

"Wear your goddamn purity ring so I can get little girls' gineys to tingle, goddamnit!"

Sick, sick sick. And here I thought the garb Target sells for little girls was bad enough.

THIS is the one area where I turn into a 110% PRUDE, can y'all tell?!

Just a Girl said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I threw up in my mouth when I saw it. I think I was still wearing day of week underwear when I was 9.

Carrie L. said...

I feel sick. Inappropriate beyond words.

skeeball said...

OMG!! Please let no one buy this shit!! the sexualization of young girls makes me want puke!! what is wrong with these people. I am utterly speechless.

RocketQueen said...

The article I read about this referred to it as a "prostitot line". Unbelievably inappropriate.
Well done, Cyrus parents.

0 said...

Chris Hansen would like the parents Cyrus to have a seat over there.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Wow. That's really disturbing. I know a ten year old that would never wear that. She would be too embarassed.

JoElla said...

AACCKK! Ugly child alert!

Can someone please tell me, just exactly when did it become alright to dress up girls like hookers?? Miss a PTO meeting and you miss A LOT!

JoElla said...

WOW! somehow my "GAH! I am so going to hell" comment didn't post..

Does that mean I am in the clear? ;)

Unknown said...

For children? No, for pedophiles!

Julie said...

she looks like that girl from the shannen doherty movie "best friends" or something. ugh.

penelope said...

Unbelievable... but I know at least one mother who would let her daughter wear some of this lingerie.

I've got to comment that little Noah is a bit odd looking -- I know it's terrible to say about a young girl, but there's something odd about her. Of course, she'll probably grow into her beauty.

califblondy said...

I'm always afraid karma will get me, but this time I'll take the chance...that is one homely little girl.

timebob said...

what ever happened to underroos?

And I gotta agree with Penelope. Noah has a bit of a witchypoo face. But some ugly kids turn into attractive adults. But then again Miley is no great beauty which is why I think a lot of kids/tweens identify with her.

Worst case scenario Noah is like Potato Head Willis and people just tell her she is pretty becuase her mom is.

FrenchGirl said...

it's only me or she looks alike a whore!!

.robert said...

The line has a high Pedobear approval rating.

New Life and Attitude said...

This is wrong on so many levels. What in the name of all things decent are her parents thinking? And what is up with all the girls around the stripper pole? Good GAWD! Next thing we'll here is that Miley and her sister are doing a stripper pole exercise video.
The parents should be arrested.

Carissa said...

I just had to go and look at these "Collections" after I Goggled the name and while I am truly upset by this, I can only presume that they are pandering to the Tots and Tiaras set. Um...right? Because, unless you are already parading your hapless child in front of others in the hopes that she looks and acts like a 40-year-old cruise ship lounge singer/Branson performer then NO mother in her right mind would say "honey, you should wear the fishnets with your leopard lace skirt." Holy hell folks.

Patty said...

Sorry, but I need to defend Target. I have an almost 11 year old and it is much easier to put together an appropriate outfit from Target then from most retailers. Actually, I wish I had more extra cash to spend there becuase they have many nice clothes for her. She gets quite a bit of hand-me-downs from her teenage sisters, and it was not easy finding nice clothes for them either. I (and their dad) have always been a prude when it comes to their clothes. It is certainly a challenge dressing your daughters now-a-days.

That being said, I would never buy anything that has a Cyrus tag on it, much less the trash that Noah is hawking. I wish they would all just go back to wherever they came from and stop pushing the skank at us.

Thisisridiculous said...

Thank gawd my 9 year old is tomboy. Is it because these girls are ugly they're trying to make themselves feel pretty?

selenakyle said...

Target,K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Sears--you name it (I used Target as an example b/c it was the last place I looked for clothing gifts for my nieces)--they all carry clothing that looks too "alluring" and grown-up for little girls. Just IMO.

I actually love Target but just saying...mot little girl clothing is too lurid.

Hell, I couldn't even wear red or black until almost out of middle school! Nor get my ears pierced, nor even use TAMPONS for crying out loud! (Imagine that hell in 7th grade gym class locker room).

Whatever. It's a new age.

jax said...

christ on a cracker! that pic above with red background looks..illegal.

not. right.

Just a Girl, i'm wearing them

Maja With a J said...

Disturbing. Parents are supposed to protect their children, not dress them up like hookers and put them in front of cameras.

nancer said...

'9-14 year old girls' and 'lingerie' should not even appear in the same fucking sentence. JESUS, people!

equally disturbing is the stripper pole.

betty friedan must be twirling in her grave.

TinselSass said...

Disgusting, inappropriate, unnecessary.

If parents are such greedy whores as to pimp out their kids, they are making those kids fair game. So here it goes... Noah is a truly unattractive girl and Ohh La La Couture should be boycotted.

Anonymous said...

This is wrong on all counts. And I know that sniping at children's looks is inappropriate, but my god this is an ugly child! I guess it's who you know these days, not your talent or your looks.

angelina said...


Reese said...

I've never before heard the word "lingerie" used in connection with children. Even in this tarted-up line of stuff, "underwear" seems more appropriate.

I guess there are no depths of vulgarity the Cyrus family can't plunge to meet.

Unknown said...

This is both sad and disgusting. Can you imagine all the people who had to say YES to get this line into production? Sick.

Damned Fallacy said...

I am living for the day Chris Hansen shows up at the Cyrus home with video crew and police in tow. This is just disgusting.

Himmmm said...

This is beyond horrific. Yes, PLEASE blame the parents. But also blame MTV-VH1, OK/People/Ent.Tonight + all tabloids, and the disease known as REALITY TV.
Why? Because they are the financial winners in this shit. They convince your children they MUST have this shit, live this life, and act this way. Tweens watch MEAN GIRLS and miss the irony. Just like CLUELESS many years ago - when teens were emulating the rich, snobby girls.
Your kids watch SUPER SWEET 16 and CRIBS and want that life. All they gotta do is make a sex tape - get a reality show - make an album with autotune, and their dreams come true!!
It's a fucking pandemic. PINK said it right in her song about it. Meanwhile, your tweens and teens COPY what they see from the KARDASHIANS, HILLS, OC, and read on PEREZ HILTON and LIFE & STYLE.

And people wonder why 12yo girls are sexting and posting their porno pix online. Parents and communities recoil in horror when kids are doing drugs and carrying guns. Why not? Lil Wayne and all their rap heroes say it is okay and cool. They wonder why their tweens are whores. Look at their heroes - Kardashians, Paris, Heidi, etc. They fail to recall that these sluts are famous because of home porn movies.

Remember when BRATZ was said to be such a poor role model? This shit is even worse. And then everyone cries in shock when your daughters are kidnapped and/or raped or pregnant from a drug dealing wannabe rapper boyfriend.

I grew up listening to Ozzy, Metallica, Iron Maiden - and they were supposedly so evil. Now? They're almost quaint. I'm no prude, and I abhor govt censorship. Because all parents SHOULD be doing the censoring in their own homes. Parents should take responsibility...but they do not. Because all these adults just want to be stars too. They want their 15 mins., and lust over the bling bling. They expect the govt to be the nanny-state for them and tell them what to do. And we all wonder WHY our society is in the shitter.

When no-talent retards like Fergie, Pussycat Dolls, and GaGa are considered SERIOUS TALENT and "legends"? The wheels are off the bus. We end up with a fake celebutard President who got elected based on his politics, charisma, good looks, and being a celebrity - NOT based on his beliefs, abilities, leadership, or intelligence. Snooki and Am.Idols are our modern "stars". And we wonder WHY it's all in the shitter?

God we need a social, cultural, political, and musical revolution. Due to disco backlash we had heavy metal. After the glam pop 80s we welcomed grunge and alt music. I only pray whatever comes next will show kids that its about what is INSIDE that counts. It's about feelings, compassion, honesty, REAL hard work, intelligence, and truth...not the BLING or PARTY or CASH or FAME.
Maybe it's up to US to be the revolution. I can only do my part and teach my kids the truth and show them the difference between the FAKE vs. the REAL. I pray all of you do too. If nobody drank the Kool Aid, then Hollywood would stop forcing this tripe on us.

Thisisridiculous said...

For the record my girls don't watch any of that crap. In fact we don't even have cable/satellite for 4 years now.

Noah has a sister who I"m sure she idolizes look at all the fame she got while doing her t.v. show I'm sure lil miss Noah wants the same kind of attention and momy and dady are working so hard to make it happen...yeah I just puked a lil.

Sporky said...

*applauds Himmmm*

Couldn't have said it better myself. Kinko the Kid-loving Clown would have been all over this shit.

sunnyside1213 said...

If Noah's looks don't improve, I am sure Billy Ray will haul her ass to the plastic surgeon.

Merlin D. Bear said...

I'm coming at this as a psuedo grandparent(she's my BFF's granddaughter), not a parent so my perspective is kinda skewed - however, there's no way in Hell that my grandbaby is going to wear anything like that.
I already don't like the way the Cyrus clan are living out Gypsy: The Hillbilly Experience, and personally, I have to express extreme dismay at how Disney is allowing this.
Disney, the land of "clean it up or lose the contract" and bearding deals (are you listening, Bette Midler and Zac Efron?) has really shown it's hypocritical side with this maneuver.
At one point, I was actually looking forward to taking the grandbaby to Disney World for her 4th birthday - however if this is what they're doing commercially, I'm scared to think what they're going to end up doing to the parks.
Time to thaw Uncle Walt, I say.

witwritergirl said...

I do have a daughter who will be 9 in a few days and this is just plain ol disgusting. Her parents need to be horse whipped.

mooshki said...

Ick. Nast!

Lioness70 said...

My 8 yo likes her flash and bling, but she is very modest. Hell, in this day and age, that's something to be encouraged, and believe me, I do! Meanwhile, my 6 yo is a tomboy who wouldn't be caught dead in crystals and frills. She likes jewelry and makeup, but she doesn't go overboard. It gets in the way of her bike riding and skateboarding with her 10 yo brother and his friends. ;)

Whatever happened to letting kids be kids? Damn, already.

Anonymous said...

wow, I can't even imagine any parent letting their child dress like this and then sticking her in front of a camera. Are they going to defend themselves this time with the, "it was supposed to be tasteful" crap again.
Lingerie is NOT a word to associate with 9 year olds!
Now wash that makeup off her face and pull her off the stripper pole.
Effing idiots!
God forbid it happens to this girl, but didn't the older sister already have a stalker/ predator problem. Why risk it by exposing a young girl this way!!!!!

ardleighstreet said...

Holy freaking Christmas! Those pics are as creepy as the HULK "oil me up daddy" pics. That these pics are of kids takes the ICK NAST to a whole new level of pedo-creepy.

Nine year olds on a stripper pole? WTF??????!!!!

amanda rae said...

I agree a MILLION PERCENT with Himmm. I cannot believe how different it is now from when I was a kid, which was only in the late 80's/early 90's. Society has gone to hell. I know people say that with every generation, but this is pure fucking insanity.

People wonder why there are so many pedophiles nowadays, and HERE IS THE FUCKING ANSWER! If you dress up little girls like adults, slap makeup on them and present them as sex objects, then sick people will see them as sex objects (ugh I shudder even typing that sentence). And yet everyone acts surprised!

I just want to know what parent would ever allow their child to dress like this. It's dangerous and IMO it's child abuse. Kids only have a short time to BE kids, they do not need to be tarting up and wearing LINGERIE, for heaven's sake! This makes me absolutely sick to my stomach, and terrified to have children. I do not want any child of mine growing up in a world that thinks lingerie for children is OK. What is going on here?

Delta Sierra said...

This is not ok. Where is Child Services? I am perfectly serious.

audrey said...

Where is the update that says this is all a big pile of BullShit? Of course that would never get printed or the hatred towards a child retracted.

Delta Sierra said...

So now all the denials are coming out. Feh. These so-not-ok photographs came from somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Himmm - *GREAT* comment. So well said, and I applaud you for your intelligence, heart and insight.

lanasyogamama said...

So wrong. I'm so scared for the day I can't hide all this from my daughter.

MadLyb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MadLyb said...

I thought this was a sick joke, but apparently not. WTF is happening to our society when this sh*t is even acceptable. This is what happens when you live in a semi-puritanical society that can't talk about sex like adults. The pressure cooker blows and you get atrocities like this.

Valentix said...

What the frack is wrong with her parents? Seriously?

This is evil and gross and so goddamn messed up. Let KIDS be KIDS. She has plenty of time to whore herself out when she turns 18.

MnGddess said...

What in God's name is wrong with her parents? First you see Miley working it on a stripper pole on national TV with her parents IN THE FRONT ROW. Then you allow a 9 year old to dress in underwear so inappropriate any hooker at the Bunny ranch would be HORRIFIED. Why can't the police go after these people?

And I have NEVER seen a 9 year old with the face of a 50 year old smoker. Just DISGUSTING.

Zeno Izen said...

Are these flame retardant? It looks like cheap Chinese crap.

John Carr said...

Let's get this out of the way first -- I agree with the overwhelming disgust of other commentors, no sane person couldn't as far as I am concerned.

@Himmmm In many ways I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but we part ways when you suggest that because I voted for Obama I am part of this problem. A lot of us did vote for him for his beliefs. They might be beliefs you don't like, but they are beliefs that some of us like. And you say he wasn't voted in because of intelligence, even though he refused to play the pandering dumbing-down game so many other politicians engage in ... c'est la vie.

@amanda rae

I too am a product of the late 80s/early 90s, and unfortunately I think our generation is hitting the grumpy age when we start to think things are getting worse even though they are really just getting different.

As far as "why there are so many pedophiles nowadays," US Department of Justice statistics suggest that child sexual abuse has actually declined from when you and I were kids. In 1991, there were roughly 150,000 ( substantiated reports of sexual abuse of children. Current statistics are around 65,000 ( a year.

Now, many more go unreported, but even if we assume that the true number now is twice as many -- 130,000 -- and the true number in 1991 was only 10% more than the reported number -- 165,000 -- then we still see a decline, though much less so. But it is much more likely that there were also twice as many in 1990, suggesting that awareness campaigns and new laws have been quite effective.

Anik said...

this is bleak.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Holy cow, mngddess! I laughed so hard at Noah looking like a 50 year old smoker, I spit my drink on the monitor. Hilarious!

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I agree with you Cyric, about the Obama part of Hmmm's comment. They had me with them right up until then. The fact that Obama was even able to win the Presidency shows how intelligent he is.

Unknown said...

icky icky icky. This makes me wonder how many pedophiles are warming up their Chevy Rape-vans right now. Shame on EVERYONE involved in making this so-called clothing line: parents first, designers, makers, photographers, graphic-designers, publicists, etc, etc. Y'all make me f***ing sick!!!

Jasmine said...

this reminds me about that rumor that britney spears sister slept with a disney exec and thats who got her preggers. Disney started off evil with that racist anti-semitic Walt Disney and continues to do bad things as they corrupt of their young stars to make a buck. When i see things like this it makes me glad that i was born in the 80's and the worst things us kids had to deal with from the entertainment community was New Kids on The Block and Color Me Bad. lmao

B626 said...

Call Social services Now

Solitary Writer said...

I also think it's sad how many people have commented on Noah's apparently not-up-to-par looks--"witchypoo" and "ugly" and references to future plastic surgeons if her face doesn't change? That kind of shallow thinking about girls and women in our culture is very much a part of this whole problem. I was an "ugly"--or really, just sort of "plain" kid, and grew up feeling I had to try to compensate for that in all kinds of ways, some of them not very healthy. It's a special kind of hell to grow up in our culture not being one of the pretty ones.

Lisa said...

I'm getting ready to have my first child this August. If this is what I have to look forward to, I guess it's time I take up sewing so I can make my child's clothes that will cover her like she should be until she's 30!

Unknown said...

USA is a really fucked up country.

I am not a religious person, but I do think SATAN is behind all that shit.

Tempestuous Grape said...

"Chevy Rape-vans"... CLASSIC!!

Amanda said...

I am 16 years old and I would still be embarassed to wear that! Seriously, the sight of all those girls around that pole was absolutely disgusting. This family needs some HELP! Good job for all the other Cyrus siblings that have managed to not be noticed. And to Trace, who even though he is famous, STILL has not managed to make a bad name for himself.

sunnyside1213 said...

The company is denying this story.

Unknown said...

What little girl wears these types of clothing? ._.

... and what's with the stripper pole?

TabyKatt said...

I thought Child pornography was illegal on the internet... why then are these posted?

Meg said...

Lingerie? No, horrendous.
The pole dance picture is too much.

9 seems very young to be hawking "lingerie" but I remember being in 6th or 7th grade and people talking about "Fancy Panties" which were basically some stupid line of panties that were silky/lacy and probably pretty inappropriate but they were all the rage.

Anonymous said...

Are they freaking pole dancing in that one picture? I have to admit that the ladybug dress Noah is wearing in the first pic is adorable, but not with combat boots and black tights.

Noah is gonna be the next Jamie-Lynn, and Miley is the new Britney.

Noah's gonna get pregnant and the baby daddy is gonna be Frankie Jonas.

Antoinette said...

Contact: Michael Newhouse
Company: Three Peas Co.
Telephone: 1.805.901.4638
Fax Number: 1.805.654.8490
Web site:

Stop the Perez! What’s Chelsea saying lately? Wendy Williams also had to comment about Three Peas Co young Hollywood Celebrities wearing the brand.
February 5, 2010, Ventura, California, -- Perez Hilton started a firestorm on his new fashion blog by inserting his unfounded comments on the clothing that Noah Cyrus and BFF Emily Grace Reaves have been seen wearing, calling the soon to be launched tutu influenced line “children's lingerie collection”. These comments have put fuel on the fire for others to add their commentary including Chelsey Lately and Wendy Williams along with a host of online bloggers.
Perez Hilton and others have used pictures of Noah & Emily wearing Three Peas Co “tutus” and “pettiskirt dresses” from a variety of premiers and events to make their unfounded comments. To set the record straight, the line is being launched by our friends Ooh! La, La Couture as a collaboration with Emily Grace Reaves only. Noah Cyrus is in no way involved w/ the creation of the line. Like Three Peas CO, the "Emily Grace Collection" by Ooh! La, La Couture is trendy and sweet that any girl (and mom) would be proud to wear.
Three Peas Co has created attention attracting children through teen boutique clothing that has a stylistic edge that sets the clothing apart from your mass market clothing retailers. Chief designer Antoinette Newhouse describes her design influence for collections as funky, colorful and most importantly fun clothes that girls and boys can wear any day of the week. “Fashion should be fun and expressive for kids who have limited clothing options from the mass merchant options” stated Antoinette who sites Betsy Johnson as a major influence.
Three Peas Co offers a variety of clothing including: tutus, pettidresses, pillowcase dresses, infant onesies, ruffle bottom pants, T-shirts, boy overalls, hoodies, hats and hair bow accessories. The styles can be purchased directly at and selected retailers.
About Three Peas Co.
Founded in 2008 Ventura, California, Three Peas Co. Apparel Company is a growing trend setter in the design, sourcing, marketing and distribution of infant through teen specialty, boutique and couture apparel and accessories. The company has developed cutting edge designs that have attracted the attention of young Hollywood who frequently adorn the clothing for print advertising, film, red carpet premiers and events. To learn more about Three Peas Co., please visit the company’s website at

For additional information, Contact:
Michael Newhouse

Unknown said...

ewww - I have such a HARD time finding clothes for my soon to be 7 year old -i like cute and fun but 'sexy' has no place in clothes for girls under 14

TeachKids said...

How is this not child pornography and how have child services not arrested the cyrus parents yet for sexual exploitation of their underage children... CHILDREN!!! they are parading their kids around like mini adult hookers. Way to go mom and dad Cyrus! You belong in jail with touchers and pedifiles.

Lynn said...

OMGosh that makes me sick! I have 6yo and DO NOT want her even seeing this trash! NO! NO! NO!

abigail7881 said...

I don't see any tu-tus in the pic on the right, the one with the pink background. Just a shirt with a frilly bottom... are they wearing any bottoms? or is that a 2-inch shirt?

draw me a picture said...

The pictures on the top are gross!!
But if you go on the site Holala Couture it's very different....
It make me upset to see children working at this age...for what? for money?? When money is involted people would do anything for succes even put you child on the front ....Let a child be a child they have time to grow and become adult!!!
Our country should protect our children. For me this is child labor and pornography!!

Unknown said...

ok so we wonder why the age that kids have sex is getting younger and younger. we wonder why our kids have the wrong idea about sex and the wrong idea about love. i believe that its a combination of everyone to blame. The parents, the agents, the managers, the older sister (cough cough), and yes even disney should be brought up on statutory charges.

Anonymous said...

Miley's already made a bad name for herself, noah's following in big sissie's footsteps. The next jamie lynn, and britney spears. This is child pornography! It's a pedophile's wet dream that they'll masturbate to... this sickens me.

database said...

i think if it's only lingerie no1s gonna no there wearing them i mean it's under there clothes i wouldent mind some i am 10

database said...

its not pornarafy i mean its not like there naked and takuing pictures

Ms Kitty Blue said...

Um yay is that a stripper pole that they are posing together with. I am a very open minded individual (38yrs old)but they look like a bunch of harlots around that pole. This is for 9-4yr age group? Was this a ploy to bring out all the pedifiles..honestly what were those parents thinking or not thinking as the case may be.

I think this kind of publicity and photos is borderline child pornography.

I don't have kids but I know this isn't appropriate for this age group, what next tatoos and body piercings.

Don't get me wrong nothing wrong with tats and such, I have many, but this are little girls we are talking about, your daughter, niece, sister.

Sushi said...

If my nine-year-old sister EVER wanted to wear something like that, I'd be seriously concerned.


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