Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Random Photos Part Three

Mini Godfather reunion and you get the top spot.
The Tweet museum is hilarious. You have to check it out. It is about illustrating the Tweets of celebrities.

Sexual Healing: One-way only
For their not only COMPLETE, BUT SUBSTANISAN ***FRIENDS***********

for being a friend before a sell-out……….the term “self out” was coined from ME and i gave them sooooooo much insight

zG positive that i have FINALLY deserved just to cry myself to sleep with your cheats, errors, and thank you…

@samantharonson can you make an attempt not to ruin ANYTHI
So is Anthony Hopkins wearing a scarf like a tie or a very big tie designed to be a scarf?
Angelina Jolie in Haiti.
Tomorrow night is the last episode of American Chopper.
Have I told you how much I dislike Benicio del Toro? Great actor though.
Beyonce making a cameo in Alicia Keys' new video.
Love Carla Gugino. Not sure about the hair.
The Randomness of the day photos. Cher & Eli Roth.
David Spade & Aaron Eckhart. And finally,
Mickey Rooney and his wife with Quentin and Neve Campbell.
Channing Tatum gives a lap dance to Ellen.


sunnyside1213 said...

Aaron Eckhart. *sigh*

Pookie said...

the anthony hopkins pic...that's so sting in few yrs.

awww...beautiful haitian child. god bless her.

i 'dislike' bdt too. ok that's a lie. i can't stand him. like seriously can't handle the guy. don't wanna say 'hate', but it's pretty damn close.

now mickey rooney...*hearts*

RocketQueen said...

No Enty, you HAVEN'T told us you dislike Benicio - pray tell why?

Watched a great Nova episode last night about Auto-tune and how it was used on the downlow for years until "Believe" by Cher used it for an entirely different purpose. Fascinating.

SOMEONE told me my celebrity doppelganger is Carla Gugino. I don't see it...esp. with that hair. That being said, she's still miles hotter than me.

Lol that picture of Mah Boo is precious.

Yay Godfather! "I just don't like that movie. It INSISTS upon itself." - Peter Griffin

TinselSass said...

RocketQueen -

How was Auto-tune used differently on "Believe"... please educate as that sounds interesting. Thanks!

figgy said...

Enty, no No NO!! You hate Benicio del Toro, my favorite actor!?? WHY??? Tell us pleeeeaaaase!!!

I love him so much I named my chihuahua after him. (I've said that before, seems appropriate to note it again in this context. :-) )

SkittleKitty said...

I think what RQ is saying about Cher's use of auto tune on Believe is this: She didn't need it (she can sing); it was used as an effect and it was obvious, whereas before that song became popular, most radio-listeners didn't know auto tune even existed. They thought all their favorite pop stars could sing...

mooshki said...

I really hate that Eli Roth is so cute, because I DESPISE his movies.

selenakyle said...

Wow. I had to go back up and re-read, b/c I missed the Tweets Museum explanation at first.

For a minute I thought Class*A*lpha(Em) was writing for the Randoms or something...

Melody the First said...

I've never forgiven Duvall for flaking out on G#3. The stupid don dying was no replacement for Hagen's death unhinging Michael. And yes, I pay just way too much attention to that stuff.

Every time I see Mickey Rooney, I think "Jesuschrist, is he still alive????"

Angie said... thoughts exactly on Mickey Rooney.

angelina said...

That lap dance looks all kinds of icky

Anonymous said...

wondering when we would see angelina and her photogs do the Haiti shots. was wondering what took so long to run down there. E! was calling her a saint for going down there. nothing for all the others who have been there since the quake, digging, healing, feeding, burying-without a camera crew.

Anonymous said...

sexual healing, looks like anderson cooper

nancer said...

duvall was smart not to do GF3. it was HORRIBLE. i adore the man. he brought 'lonesome dove' to life for me. he was incredible.

katie holmes still looks like shit. how long's it been now? a year? she makes no effort.

yup, that's a whole lotta holes on MJ's body. used up all his veins and ended up with an IJ line, i guess?

califblondy said...

Mickey and the Missus are so damn annoying, IMO.

James Caan and Robert DeNiro need to learn the "suck it in" when posing for pictures.

Nice to see Cher.

I think Carla got the wrong box of Miss Clairol.

Melody the First said...

Duvall didn't do G3 because of money issues. The script had to be rewritten to exclude him which is a big reason why it sucked so badly (that and Coppola's insane direction but that's another matter).

I love Lonesome Dove, too, but I still am pissed at RD. He's also a Republican which doesn't help matters. lol

RocketQueen said...

@Tinsel & Skittle - basically, Auto-tune "corrects" notes by adjusting the pitch to the note that is correct or best while maintaining a singer's tone - it had been used for years on the downlow and can be used even while artists sing live. When used as it was originally intended, you can't tell it's being used, but Cher's mixers chose to mess with/crank it up to give that "effect" you hear in Believe and that we now hear in a LOT of rap songs. It was apparently the first time it had ever been used that way.

I really recommend looking up that Nova episode; they had several segments in it including one about home-grown diamonds, one about captcha, those "letters" we type into websites to discourage spam, and a couple of others I can remember right now.

lutefisk said...

lol selenakyle at the Class*A*lpha(Em) comment.
And what did Cher have done to her face? She looks like Michael Jackson now.

nancer said...

well, boo on the republican part. LOL. i guess i knew that but i forgot.

i think GF was done after part 2 anyway. pacino had jumped the shark by then, IMO. the story was complete.

Jillian S. said...

MORE Eli Roth please!

B626 said...

Benicio in Excess Baggage
Light fluff more entertaining
than all his other serious crap

Thank Gawd for Dakota she looks like her DAD

Oopsy said...

I like Benicio del Toro. He's a very good actor, AND he isn't spread all over the covers of trash gossip mags.

Sis Cesspool said...

I think the Museum of Bad are is infinitely better.

nunaurbiz said...

I know someone who worked with Benicio and said he was ULTRA insecure about his acting. Kept asking if others thought he was doing OK.

thanks for the Aaron Eckhart photo Enty!!!! MWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sis Cesspool said...

Sorry, the Museum of Bad Art. Honestly, the descriptions are priceless and never fail to make me laugh out loud.

TinselSass said...

Thanks RocketQueen and Skittle! I appreciate that you took the time to respond. I will check out the Nova show.

Sophie S. said...

I don't trust your judgement much these days, Ent. Benicio Del Toro is the nicest actor I've ever met. He's an academy award winning actor and he's more respectful and kind than all of the d-lisers I've met. I'm interested to know your reason for disliking him so much.

bionic bunny! said...

never seen the godfather movies. no interest in them whatsoever.

never got the hype over benicio del toro, either, he always looked super-creepy to me.

i don't get the tweet museum thing either?! i am a little worried for the safety of the bunnies in that naked anderson cooper/sex sling 'toon though! :)

Meg said...

LOL @ selenakyle.....I thought the same thing!! I had to go back up and re-read.

mooshki said...

Enty, you've gotta hit the "send" button on the daily blind before you open the bottle of vodka. ;)

chihuahuense said...

lol @ selenakyle! Same thing here!

shakey said...

Whatever that thing is around Anthony Hopkins's neck looks like it's causing his head to swell. He better undo it before he busts.

Vinnie isn't part of American Chopper anymore is he? So, I don't bother to watch.

That part in Land of the Lost where they sing Believe made me laugh. I bet Eli tried to tap that.

J-Mo said...

Love Benicio

Linnea said...

I dunno. I think its pretty good that AJ waited until the harbor was fixed and supplies were able to land/be delivered via ship, as not to take up valuable airport space (hear that scientologists?)

Honestly, I wouldnt recognize channing tatum even if we were alone in a room together. Is he the dude that hooked up with lindsay?

LauPow said...

Cher looks so proud of her son Eli, there.

Jerry said...

So is Anthony Hopkins wearing a scarf like a tie or a very big tie designed to be a scarf?

Neither, I'd say. Looks like he forgot to remove the dinner napkin when he left the restaurant.

Babs said...

@ Melody & nancer: Try to keep in mind that there might be some Republicans in the mix here. I try hard in my comments on this site to keep my disdain for liberal, i.e., Democrat, celebs to myself. If someone else brings up politics first, such as you did, I will feel free to share my beliefs. Otherwise, I try to keep politics off this site, as I'm sure most other readers/commenters appreciate. Perhaps you could return the favor in the future.

MadLyb said...

Babs - I hate to break it to you, but 99% of celebrities and those in the arts tend to lean liberal, so it's not surprising that the message boards for sites like this tend to be dominated by liberals. To be honest, I didn't even notice the comments about Republicans until you pointed them out.

Babs said...

MadLyb - WOW! REALLY? Duh. You're not telling me anything I don't already know. I'm just suggesting that if I said, "I don't like XYZ because he's a Democrat", I'd be seriously jumped on for it by many members of this community. So let's leave the out of the blue political stuff aside and enjoy this site for what it's supposed to be - gossip. I'll never bring up politics first, but I will certainly state my opinion once someone else has put it out there.

Leah said...

Channing needs to do something with that hair, or is he simply carrying more weight in his face?

I wouldn't mind gagging Eli Roth, but I wouldn't need to gag Aaron Eckhart.

PotPourri said...

I still remember Benecio being on Miami Vice as a 17 year old PR stud!

Melody the First said...

Babs, no need to hide your disdain or dislike or anything else on this message board. You might have noticed a certain wryness to my and nancer's comments. They were tongue-in-cheek, in other words. While it's true that I hate your party, I don't hate people.

And that'll be my last comment on it since this isn't I don't diss the GOP at length here, just GOOPY.

Gingersnap said...

re: anthony hopkins...

what he's wearing is a cravat -- a more casual form of an ascot.

Melody the First said...

Incidentally, Babs, when I point out I don't hate people, I also don't hate celebrities. Celebrities are people like everyone else. Some are jerks, others are genuinely nice people. For every jackass, there's a Tom Hanks who is a sweetheart to most people. Not all celebrities are liberal also. So if you're here because you hate celebrities and liberals, then you're in an odd place to be, imo.

And that IS my last comment. lol

Babs said...

@ Melody - never said I HATED anyone either, so please stop putting words in my mouth. While I don't appreciate the soapbox many of them think they are entitled to because they 'entertain' us, so therefore must be smarter than the rest of us, I don't hate them, either.

Tongue-in-cheek or not, it is what it is. I'll live up to what I said previously, and not interject gratuitous political commentary into my remarks.

amanda rae said...


I don't know why you even bother. It is obvious that if you don't hold liberal opinions, then you need to STFU, quit whining and go post somewhere else. Or stop being so gosh-darned SENSITIVE, it's all just tongue in cheek! You must be crazy to think that Republicans deserve the same respect that liberals do....because they don't. Remember, they're all evil hatemongers and bigots! So basically you have to be respectful, kind, and solicitous of their opinions, but do not DARE expect the same in return, because you ain't gonna get it. Just asking for it is only showing how intolerant and filled with hate you are! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!

(LOL thanks for trying though)

mooshki said...

Sigh... I wish our two party system would just dissolve so we could judge people by their ideas, character and actions, instead of their party affiliation.

Babs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.


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