Friday, July 23, 2010

Your Turn

It has been about two years and countless television shows and movies since the last time I asked who you think are the hottest male and female actors. I think it is time to see if the same two winners show up, or if we have brand new winners. There are no publicists involved in this. No one is going to win based on what movie they have coming out or a favor some magazine wants to do for someone. These are the two people you think are the sexiest.


jax said...

Enty...please buy the If books..or i'll lend you mine.

i love you lots, but please stop repeating the Your Turns.

Missjenny619 said...

I love me some Paul Rudd and Ed Burns.... They are handsome, charming and quite talented! They are my "dream husbands"

I used to include Clive Owen on that list, but he has lost his luster...

shakey said...

David Duchovney still does it for me.

Lafayette from True Blood. Bitch is steamier than the bayou during a heatwave.

sunnyside1213 said...

Does anyone remember who won before?

I have to go with Chris Pine and I will have to think about the woman.

annie cat said...

Aaron Eckhart... still

Anonymous said...

All some people know how to do is complain. They are never satisfied. I love these your turns. They never get old. Two picks Anjelina Jolie and Taylor Lauter.

amazonblue said...

Jon Hamm!!

Mad Men season 4 on Sunday, I can't wait.

chihuahuense said...

Joseph Gordon-Levitt and
Charlize Theron


Tom Selleck and
Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon in close second

holyrollernova said...

i have a few, but here we go...

men - dicaprio (swoon), christian bale (double swoon), and joseph gordon-levitt (triple swoon)

women - mila kunis, charlize theron

chihuahuense said...

props to holyrollernova! We think alike :)

Icecat said...

Ryan Kwanten
Pual Rudd
Owen Wilson

Eva Mendes
Anna Paquin
Olivia Wilde

Meh, it's a start.. My brain is fried.. Can think right now!

Happy Weekend Folks!

sunnyside1213 said...

Double damn. I forgot the yummy Aaron Eckhart.

PeepStone said...

Jensen Ackles from Supernatural
Christina Hendricks from Mad Men

juicy said...

Jon Hamm/Eric Bana and Anna Paquin/Mila Kunis

Moonmaid said...

Colin Firth & Kate Winslet

I think they are two of the best actors working today and both also seem like really decent people.

redronnie said...

1. Mulder and question.
2. Tim Roth (I don't know I just know deep in my middle aged heart he'd be nasty in the sheets!!)
3. A young(or middle aged)Sam Elliot
4. Women? sorry only Gillian Anderson could make me forget I'm married middle-aged woman

jess said...

Man: James Franco
Woman: Olivia Wilde

And I've always had a soft spot for Joseph Gordon Levitt ♥

looserdude said...

Angelina all the way. Don't care who the guy is, but there's just something about Angelina.

mooshki said...

Jax, I don't mind the repeats when they're fun ones like this. :)

Sunnyside, I think it was Angelina and Johnny Depp.

After that hot picture yesterday, how could I not say my boy Owen Wilson?!

Woman - Eva Green.

heatherhug said...

JON HAMM. That's the right answer.

I'm going to be typical and say Megan Fox for the woman.

The Nightmare Child said...


Jon Hamm. That is a handsome, handsome man right there.

Matt Smith. He's got a...certain charm to him.

Joseph Gordon Levitt. He seems like one of the last remaining nice guys on Earth.


Christina Hendricks. It's not her body that does it for me, it's the fact that she seems like a very shy and sweet kind of gal. Very much like a Southern Belle of yesteryear.

Crista Flanagan. I just saw previews from her Playboy spread. Oh, Matt Weiner...please make Lois Sadler a more prominent character on Mad Men. Please. I beg of you. Please make Lois a full time character.

Zooey Deschanel. Watch the 500 Days of Summer version of "Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?" by She & Him. If that doesn't make your heart melt, you are a soulless monster...that makes Jules Kirby look like Mother Theresa.

MaryMQC said...

I'm all about some Sam Worthington and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, but I gotta say, if I'm being honest about who does it for me RIGHT NOW, I'd say Anton Yelchin FTW. I know, I know, a bit of a left-field answer, but I think he's super hot, and super talented, and super smokin, and super.......... well, you get the point.

As for ladies, I've got one thing to say: Marion Cotillard. Fo sho.

Icecat said...

Oh, I forgot Zooey.. Just love her!

The Nightmare Child said...

Ooooh. I forgot Eva Green. How could I forget Vesper Lynd? She's my favorite drink!

bramblewitch said...

Cillian Murphy
Colin Firth

Marion Cotillard

sunnyside1213 said...

Owen Wilson is a cutie, but not sure he is sexy. Now, Gerard Butler on a good day. Oh my.

Hordaz1_01 said...

Betty White
Ryan Reynolds

Dijea said...

Joe Manganiello (Mr. Werewolf on True Blood) is so HOT.

Eva Green for the girl - definitely. I'd switch teams for that.

selenakyle said...

SEAN BEAN for the male!!! Woo hooooo! (need more Sean Bean, Enty, k? Thx!)

Katy Perry (stretching the profession to include all types of performers) for the female.

Lisa (not original) said...

Emily Deschanel and Olivia Wilde

Male actors are just skeeving me out at the moment, so I'll stick to fantasizing about Enty.

Melissa said...

Ian Somerhalder ::drool::
(runner up Paul Rudd)

Charlize Theron
(runners up Rachel McAdams, Angelina, or Natalie Portman)

Ryan said...

Zooey Deschanel and her husband Ben Gibbard. (He counts, because he was in that move directed by John Krasinski based on that David Foster Wallace book.)

Lisa (not original) said...

Sorry... can't leave out Gary Oldman I've been in love with him forever. Besides, five is a much more interesting number. :)

annie cat said...

ok back once again!

Monica Bellucci

Jaime said...

I love, love, love David Anders & Joel McHale. I'm sure neither are popular enough to win, but I'm still voting. I guess my "popular" male would be Gerard Butler.

Women...hmmm, I agree with Gillian Anderson, have had a female crush on her since high school. Emily Deschanel is pretty hot, too.

sunnyside1213 said...

How could we forget Alex Skarsgaard? Yum. He can bite me anytime.

rhinovodka said...

Kate Winslet & Viggo Mortensen

Jill said...

Clive Owen is sex-on-legs. Johnny Depp will always be my #1, but Clive Owen just equals sex to me. Although Joe Manganiello (Alcide on "True Blood") is quickly climbing the ranks - that man is gorgeous.

For actresses, I've always thought Salma Hayek and Monica Belucci were insanely sexy.

M. said...

My husband and I both have crushes on Cillian Murphy and Jason Stratham...

I've also adored (and still do!) Julian Sands and Gary Oldman over the years. While not classically handsome, they are great actors who play a wide-range of interesting characters, and for me, there is this quiet sexiness to both of them for me.

delilah said...

thank you for saying Alcide! he can hump my leg anytime!

bale-all the way
sorry but Askars (without pendeja gf)

anna p
zooey d
christina h
eva green
marion c

.robert said...
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MaryMQC said...

@ delilah : you are totally speaking my language! I agree with every one of your picks.

altar boy said...

Jon Hamm, RPatz (perhaps it's trite but he has an old school ability to wear makeup and look so sexy -- a bazillion girls cant be wrong) and finally -- another controversial one -- Alexander Skarsgard (who as of late gets no points from me in his personal life, but he is the only blonde man I have EVER found sexy and he still makes my toes curl every time I see him on True Blood)

Gals: All been said -- Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Christina Hendricks.

Shegundala said...

John Hamm & Christina Hendricks

looserdude said...

A guy that I've had a guy crush on for a long time, not to romance but just to hang out with is Alan Rickman. I already picked Angelina (see above) for my lady friend.

JW said...

Brad Pitt and Jeri Ryan.

altar boy said...

OH no! No #1 guy: JEFF GOLDBLUM. I change my answer. So, so naughty.

looserdude said...

@delilah - you funny!

Moonmaid said...

Oh my, Viggo! How could I forget? He is total yum. That movie he did with Diane Lane? When they were having sex together at Woodstock? {{pant pant}}

Is it warm in here?

I officially add Viggo Mortensen and Diane Lane.

Shmooey said...

If we are talking strictly physical beauty...

# Catherine Zeta-Jones.
I love her face, every trace. The dark hair, the peaches & cream complexion - perfection.
I was a teen when she played Empress Catherine The Great, and I'd just sit there staring at the television licking the screen with my eyes.

The only thing that puts me off is the veneers.
I hate veneers! If your teeth aren't straight, or white, get some
braces and whitening treatment. Don't just file them down and glue some fake ones on top of the stubs! GRRR

I also think Olivia Hussey was one of the most beautiful women to ever grace the screen. She did Romeo and Juliet way back in 1965, so she doesn't qualify as current "hottie", but still, through the magic of film, her youthful beauty lives on.

# Can't think of any male actors that I particularly find attractive... I though David Boreanz was good-looking, until all the whoring stories came spilling out. Now he repulses me.

jadetoo said...

Jesse Martin (mmmmmmmm) and Zoe Saldana.

RocketQueen said...

Man - Idris Elba or Tom Hardy (shout out to Paul Newman - who was IT until the day he died)
Woman - Angelina. Hands down.

Shmooey said...

Well... Aaron Eckhart is physically good-looking too, but there's a certain spark that's missing...

Hhmmm... I'm picky...

skeeball said...

Matthew Fox
Josh Holoway
Colin Firth
Tom Selleck
Pierce Brosnan

Christina Hendricks
Evangeline Lilly
Dana Delaney

I still think that no one can match Elizabeth Taylor's beauty in "A Place in the Sun" simply jaw droppingly stunning~

Angie said...

Men:Leo Dicaprio/Aaron Eckhart/Simon Baker...I just realized all blondes...

Women: Eva Mendes....Ok, and maybe this is for current stars, but I also love Sophia Loren and Raquel Welch.

Angie said...

ohhh yeahhhh, I love the Liz Taylor..."A place in the Sun"....agree, hands down, stunning.

bflogurl said...

Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Rachael McAdams

Moonmaid said...

And how could we forget Daniel Craig? He is just amazingly hot.

New Life and Attitude said...

Paul Rudd
Dewayne (the Rock) Johnson
Jared Leto (there's just something about him that's sexy)
Jon Favreau
Mark Harmon or Chris Meloni

Jennifer Aniston (I know I know)
Mila Kunis
Ashley Judd (I know I know but I think she's beautiful)
Christina Applegate
The Zooey!

Moonmaid said...

As is Rachel Weisz. She is really gorgeous - a combination of delicate beauty and something really tough underneath.

skeeball said...

@Shmooey, you are so right about Olivia Hussey, she was gorgeous! Romeo and Juliet and Leonard Whiting wasn;t bad, either. The balcony scene is just filled with so much of the physical beauty of these two! it is beautiful to watch!! Love it!!

Shmooey said...

@skeeball - I have a still from that scene as my screensaver. BEAUTIFUL.

heatherhug said...

@MoonMaid: good call on Diane Lane. She's gorgeous.

skeeball said...

@Shmooey, that is soo cool. I love that movie and think it is the only version that really stays true to shakespeare.

MnGddess said...

My Lordy! All these comments...

Sex on legs...

Mike Rowe
Clive Owen
Hugh Jackman
Gerard Butler (on a good day)
Viggo Mortensen
Damian Lewis

Women I want to be in my next life:

Angelina Jolie
Kate Winslet
Gia Carangi
Salma Hayek

Jessi said...

Men: Johnny Depp, John Hamm, Jake Gyllenhaal

Women: Charlize Theron, Christina Hendricks, Rachel McAdams

captivagrl said...

For me the two best looking on tv now are:

Jon Hamm
January Jones

I'll have to think about "hot".

RJ said...

@Schmooey, one of my best friends hates veneers on teeth even more than you. You should hear how she talks about Demi Moore and her "mouthful of chicklets". She's a dentist's wife and says veneers are just for people who were too lazy to take care of their teeth. Personally, I usually can't even tell if someone has them.

Back to topic: Man - George Clooney (Hugh Jackman, forgive me, you're the runner up)
Woman - Charlize Theron (runner up, Mila Kunis)

Hall of Fame - Hands down, Cary Grant and Grace Kelly. No competition.

Melody the First said...

Paul Giamatti. No, I'm not joking.

I dunno about goils.

Stacy said...

Christian Kane
Nelsan Ellis
James Frain
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Clive Owen

Angelina Jolie
Mila Kunis
Halle Berry
Mila Jovovich

Icecat said...
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Icecat said...

ALCIDE in Randoms.. YUM!

Shmooey said...

@Skeeball: It's my favourite Shakespeare adaptation. Actually, it's the only one I actually really like.

It's a visually stunning film: the sets are beautiful, the costumes are beautiful, the musical score is beautiful...

The acting is a curious mix of great performances in some scenes, and really awfully wooden ones in others (I don't know what Franco Zefirelli was thinking) - but all in all it's a masterpiece.

JW said...

Okay, saw the photos. Gotta add Portia De Rossi.

MontanaMarriott said...

Sorry but I will stick to my two female faves: Angeline Jolie-Pitt and the ravishing Monica Bellucci.

The Rock

mazshad said...

Ryan Gosling
George Clooney
Mark Harmon

Rachel McAdams
Juliette Binoche

Hall of Fame:

the immortal Sophia Loren

blondegossip said...

Hard to choose a dude but Christina Hendricks could convince me to switch teams.

Shmooey said...

@ RJ - They look awful.

I can understand in the cases where the teeth are too damaged (broken or rotten), but if you have healthy teeth, there are less drastic cosmetic treatments that will give you a great smile!

They look like dentures, only instead of coming off, they are stuck to what little remains of the real teeth.

The other day I was watching Courtney Love's Behind The Music episode, and I noticed she had veneers too. WHY THE HELL? She had good teeth! They were straight AND white!

Now she looks terrible (besides all the plastic surgery and pout injections) for absolutely no reason.

Maja With a J said...

Titus Welliver
Niecy freaking Nash.

RocketQueen said...

Oh Marion! I just saw your Gosling pick. I'd like to change my answer to "Gosling". All day long.

sinkabella said...

George Clooney is still THE hottest! Chris Meloni my runner-up. Actress: Angie Jolie-hands down; runner-up Catherine Z-Jones

Majik said...

Oh, know me.

Dominic Purcell is the HOTTEST actor.

I honestly can't think of someone that stands out for a female other than the obvious.

hromaki said...

Josh Duhamel & Natalie Portman

feraltart said...

This topic is so hot I'm going to have to take a cold shower afterwards.

@redronnie - Tim Roth is hot and I too think he would be wild between, on top of, or out of the sheets.

@looserdude - when I'm done with Alan Rickman you can take him out for a cold drink, he will need one.

@moonmaid - the movie is called 'A Walk on the Moon' and it is one of my favourite films. Viggo - wet, hot, gorgeous, YUM.

Will also take John Hamm, Alec Baldwin, Aidan Quinn, Ryan Gosling, most of the male cast of True Blood, Craig Ferguson. Will stop there, but sadly I know there is more. Can't help enjoying the view.

Olka said...

Long time lurker :)
You can tell I watch mostly tv & Star Trek ;)

Ian Somerhalder
Joshua Jackson
Karl Urban

Alison Brie
Elizabeth Mitchell
Mia Kirshner

Order not random so if only one pick: Ian & Alison

delilah said...

forgot about MIB and Meloni-time!
how about top 10??

Unknown said...

Megan Fox & Matt Bomer (Is that his name, from "White Collar?)

FoxyLoxy said...

Jon Hamm
Christina Hendricks

Leah said...

I gotta go with two members of the tribe:

Liev Schreiber and Rachel Weisz

jen said...

Oddly enough I'm stuck on the men...but the ladies, hands down - Angelina Jolie & Marion Cotillard. Love love love.

I'll throw Viggo in the ring for now. Mmm Viggo.

juicy said...

whoever plays Franklin on true blood!!! HOT in some freaky, weird way!

Heather said...


Jon Hamm
Viggo (the man is ageless, and no late 40s bloat)
Thomas Jane
Aaron Eckhart

I would say my all time fave, Johnny Depp, but he is looking bloated lately.


Elizabeth Taylor (always!)
Christina Hendricks
Marion Cotillard
Eva Green
Charlize Theron

And I have to say, I am surprised as heck that people are still saying Angelina. It may have been true years ago, but she looks horrible and emaciated lately, plus too much botox and plastic surgery.

MnGddess said...

Addendum #1:

add Robert Downey Jr. and Jon Hamm in Mad Men.

lisap515 said...

Ian Somerhalder
Alexander Skarsgard
Johnny Depp
Leonardo Dicaprio
Josh Holloway
Matthew Gray Gubler (I know he’s not traditional but he does it for me)
Shemar Moore

Jennifer Aniston
Deborah Ann Woll
Amanda Seyfried
Meryl Streep
Emily & Zoey Deshonel

Green Wave Gal said...

Chris Meloni has been doing it for me for YEARS! Yum!
(Runner-up is Taye Diggs)

Mila Kunis or Kate Winslet for the ladies.

iheartjacksparrow said...

Man: Johnny Depp

Woman: Chiaki Kuriyama

Nicole said...

Male: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Female: Zoey Deschanel

ctkat1 said...

Jon Hamm and Christina Hendricks.

biteme said...


Charlize Theron. Alway thought she was beautiful.

StewMcG said...


Men: I've gotta go with Alan Rickman. His voice alone is swoon-worthy!

Women: Christina Hendricks makes me forget that I'm a married heterosexual woman. That woman is incredible!

kathrynnova said...

gary busey and roseanne

Tania said...

Jensen Ackles. Married or not, still hot.
And Christina Hendricks for the woman. I'd switch for her... ;-)

Tenley said...

Marion Cotillard and Jared Leto

bloodreign said...

For the male actors I have a type...:
Hugh Jackman
Robert Downey Jr
and Christian Kane.

for the female actors:
Sigourney Weaver (timeless classic)
Angelina Jolie
megan fox (although I refuse to call her an actor)

PotPourri said...

I still love Russell Crowe and Jennifer Aniston.

skeeball said...

@shmooey totally agree 100% with everything you said about Romeo and Juliet, I am going to have to pop in the DVD this weekend~LOL

@RJ thanks for the reminder about Grace Kelly and Cary Grant, they were fabulous.

another beautiful old time star was Vivian Leigh,as she looked in "Waterloo Bridge"

henny said...

undeniable super hot would be John Hamm.

But the guy who gets to me in a way I can't explain is Jason Segel.

Peg said...

John Hamm and Christina Hendricks

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Damn, people...I can't believe NO ONE has mentioned Helen Mirren yet! Hell, that's who I want to be when I grow up!

For the men: RDJ of course, and, joining in with the rest of the chorus, Viggo. I know there are others, but they just sort of jump out of my brain, as it were.

For the women: other than the amazing Dame Helen, Christina Hendricks takes the prize (and makes me wonder if I've been wrong about my heterosexuality all these years). There was also a photo shoot/cover story in Rolling Stone about 10 years ago w/Drew Barrymore doing the naughty-old-fashioned girl bit, and I'm still drooling over those pictures...too bad she doesn't quite look the same, but then, who does?

Anonymous said...

Keanu Reeves (though I worry the sex would be bad. Then I picture his body in Speed. I'll take my chances.)

Cameron Diaz (goofy; great smile)

Fara_546 said...

Jon Hamm/Alex Skarsgard for the guys.

Christina Hendricks for the women.

Britta-Jöns said...

People people what is wrong with you?

4 Russel Crowe in Gladiator

Dunno rly, probably Rachel Weisz, but honestly who cares when there is a Nathan fillion loose in the world?!

I'll be in my bunk.

The Effervescent Diva said...

George Clooney
Hugh Jackman
Richard Gere

Halle Berry
Selma Hayek
Sandra Bullock

Nicole said...

Angelina Jolie, easy. Matthew Fox and Matthew Gray Gubler

Nicole said...

Can't forget (and I can't believe I haven't seen her name!) Penelope Cruz

Dolly72 said...

Ryan Reynolds.... no contest!
Angelina Jolie

Dolly72 said...

Oh, and maybe Kate Beckinsale... if I could look like any celebrity female it would be her.

J-Mo said...

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! What about Mark Ruffalo & Willem Dafoe?!
and I 2nd, 3rd? Ryan Gosling and Matthew Gray Gubler.

J said...

guy pearce and cate blanchett

yes, good acting turns me on :)

kj said...

Joe Manganiello and Christina Hendricks!

Ms Cool said...

Let me start with Daniel Craig and Andy Whitfield (Spartacus: Blood and Sand) and mull over the others.

Anonymous said...

Hugh Jackman
Colin firth
James Purefoy(mmmm)
Michael Weatherly

Girls I would switch for
Liv Tyler
Marion Cotillard
Kate Winslet
Charlize Theron

musesx9 said...

Brad Pitt
Scott Bakula
Michael Madsen
Dermot Mulroney

Pez D. Spenz-Her said...

Ryan Reynolds
David Duchovny
Clive Owen

Julia Roberts
Natalie Portman
Rachel McAdams
Charlize Theron

Pez D. Spenz-Her said...

Add Adrian Brody

MaryMQC said...

@Juicy : Oh, snap! I totally forgot James Frain. Franklin Mott is the hottest thing to hit True Blood since............... EVER! God, he makes me all tingly. He could tie me up any day.

Since everyone else seems to be unable to narrow it down to just one, I'm gonna give a list, too.


Anton Yelchin
James Frain
Sam Worthington
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Ryan Gosling
James McAvoy


Marion Cotillard
Kristen Stewart
Zoe Saldana
Mila Kunis
Zooey Deschanel
Bryce Dallas Howard

MaryMQC said...

Oops, I forgot Matthew Fox. Sorry, darling, I'll never do it again.

jen said...

J-Mo said...
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! What about Mark Ruffalo

DAMN, YOU'RE RIGHT. I LOVE him, too, can't believe I forgot him haha. OK so women, still, Angelina & Marion Cotillard. Men - Viggo, Mark Ruffalo, and Christian Bale. Can't believe I forgot HIM, too. I can barely look at pictures of him, he's too hot. LOL

kit said...

Viggo Mortensen
Alexander Skarsgaard
Hugh Jackman
Daniel Craig
Idris Elba
Sean Bean
Zachary Quinto
Johnny Depp
Robert Downey Jr
Ian McShane
Karl Urban
Chris Hemsworth

Monica Bellucci (the queen)
Eva Green
Stacy Dash (yeah yeah)
Angelina Jolie (sorry, but it is what it is)
Penelope Cruz
Rachel Weisz
Zoe Saldana
Natalie Portman

My lists are way too long. But if Monica Bellucci called me, I'd switch teams in a hawt minnit.

Ms. said...

Jon Hamm
Paul Rudd
Joseph Gordon-Levitt

I remember watching Joseph on 3rd Rock From the Sun and lusting after him then and feeling like a total perv for doing so because I was an adult... and now, so is he :-)

Ms. said...

oh forgot Mark Ruffalo (thanks, Jen) and Clive.

redronnie said...

Can I add -

Ken Watanabe
Jesse Martin
Benjamin Bratt
Clive Owen
Josh Lucas
Chow Yu Fat

Women - the classics
Vivian Leigh
Catherine Deneuve (sp)
Rita Hayworth
Grace Kelly
Ava Gardner

Kate Winslet
I'd switch teams for Monica Bellucci
Maggie Q
Michelle Yeow
Kerry Washington

delilah said...

oh i forgot
Charlotte Gainsbourg!!!!

elspeth said...

Sorry, can't stop with one. Thought i could, but:

Hugh Jackman
George Clooney
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Craig Ferguson
Robert Downey, Jr.

Penelope Cruz
Marion Cotillard
Mila Kunis
Kate Winslet

Hall of Fame: Cary Grant, Sean Connery and Elizabeth Taylor

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Marion Cotillard and John Mayer (DON'T JUDGE!!!)

(Or judge til you can't speak anymore, whatever.)

sickle said...

I'm limiting myself to one of each so
Alexander Skarsgard (despite his girlfriend proble
Olivia Wilde

The runners up list could go on forever but Jon Hamm is a sexy beast. I love Ian Somerhalder too (even though he's short). I also had a wicked crush on Katherine Moening (Shane in The L Word)

.mesh said...

1- Katy Perry (I think she is gorgeous)
2- Angelina

1- Robert Pattinson (I know...)
2- Brad Pitt

ThoughtElf said...

1. Enty
2. JAX

ThoughtElf said...

Why do I crave bacon now?

Jerry said...

Julia Stiles gets my party started.

Unknown said...

Timothy Olyphant

Kelli said...

I have to say Halle Berry for the woman. Not only is she gorgeous, but I just love her style. Every outfit she wears looks effortless even when she's running errands. I either want her stylist or want to raid her closet!! Also, the actress on Castle- I don't know her name but there is something so beautiful about her.

For the man- I just love Hugh Jackman, but I guess if I have to be forced to pick one it would definitely be Johnny Depp- he's so sexy. John Hamm would be #2. aghhh so hard to just pick one!!!

Thanatos said...

Jon Hamm, Paul Walker, Matt Bomer

Christina Hendricks, Marion Cotillard, Sophia Vergara, Julianne Moore

Derek X said...

I am so in love with Kristen Bell that I can't even think about who could possibly be number two.

Maybe Mila Kunis. She's gorgeous too. But Kristen is number one.

Madelyn said...

Jon Hamm
Mark Ruffalo

Christina Hendricks
Liz Taylor
Charlize theron
Marion Cotillard

ThoughtElf said...

I've been crushing on Mark Harmon longer than some of you have been alive. ;) He still does it for me for some weird reason.

Colin Firth, Sam Elliot, Callum Keith Rennie, Roy Dupuis (double yum, Eric Bana

Ladies: Meryl Streep, Keira Knightley, Vera Farmiga, Helen Mirren

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Jon Hamm
Joe Manganiello (Alcide on TBlood)
Joel McHale
Matt Bomer

Christina Hendricks
Marion Cotillard
Sofia Vergara
Mila Kunis

Literary Auntie said...

Guys -
1) Tim Roth ALWAYS
2) Ryan Gosling
3) James McAvoy

Ladies -
1) Eva Green
2) Angelina Jolie
3) Milla Jovavich

Unknown said...

Top 3
-Alexander Skarsgard (no words can describe his hotness factor)
-John Hamm (my future husband)
-Joseph Gordon-Levitt (he's my current imaginary boyfriend)

-Paul Rudd (he used to be my imaginary boyfriend too)
-James McAvoy (he's got something)
-James Franco (so good..)
-Craig Ferguson (sexy scottish funny guy)
-Joe Mangianello (i def have a thing for beards)
-Jason Statham

Girls who question my heterosexuality:
- Marion Cotillard
- Olivia Wilde
- Rachel Weisz

annie said...

sean bean, the guy who plays alcide on true blood, gerard butler, viggo mortenson...

as for the women... eva mendes, mila kunis and monica belluci

annie said...

omg!! i totally forgot!!

marion cotillard for the win!!!! LOVE HER.

Meg said...

Jon Hamm
Johnny Depp
Michael Vartan
Colin Firth
Luke Wilson
(My freebie 5)

Jennifer Aniston
Angelina Jolie
Rachel McAdams

JMS said...

Sam Worthington

Zoe Saldana

Avatar forever!!! lol

Carrie L. said...

Male - Jason Bateman & Paul Rudd for the tie...with Joseph Gordon Levitt right behind them.

Female - Mila Kunis, without a doubt. She has a lot of career ahead of her.

Cardamoms said...

Hugh Jackman and Angelina Jolie - hands down

ellapetal said...

JGL/Nathan Fillion/Paul Rudd

Mila Kunis/The Zooey


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