Monday, April 11, 2011

Today's Blind Items

This one is bizarre. It isn't that breakups among celebrity couples is not common. This one though is just weird when you consider the participants. This foreign born B- list actor who has an impressive body of work has been married for a very long time to someone who has an impressive body and people have thought so for years. Anyway, she used to be an actress but gave it up when she got married. Well, it seems there was a recent reunion of the cast of one of her old very hit movies and she got together with a guy who wanted her in that movie. He is an actor too and was almost A list back in the day, but is a solid B- kind of guy with very high name recognition. The husband is not all that chafed because now he figures he does not have to hide his affairs from his wife.


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Jolene Jolene said...
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canopener said...

But the 'illness' and or 'family situation' hasn't had an impact on the daily posts? Absolute BS. I DID NOT DONATE, but that doesn't mean I can't call out fraud when it is so obvious it's tantamount to a slap in the face.

Ms Cool said...

Wow. I guess I missed a lot yesterday. I don't know Enty but he was real nice to me when I asked him to post something for me. I will always appreciate that.

I'm sorry you folks don't feel you are getting your moneys worth. It was real nice of you to donate. Perhaps he will get a chance to address things soon.

Also, it would be nice if people didn't start attacking regular posters to this blog. I've always enjoyed reading the comments as much as the blog and have appreciated that it doesn't become as nasty here as it does on some other sites.

Anonymous said...

I hardly ever comment but couldn't help but notice how strangely similar all of this is to what went down at the Panache Report. I think the website was Read the comments, a lot of posters there sucked in and taken hard by that blog.

crila16 said...

Maja...your post was completely unecessary. That was very overdramatic on your part. Keep your comments mature please.

jax said...

oh rose you're soooo tough.
snort. believe it or not,not every comment on the internets is FOR YOU!

if you got a prob with enty,take it to him and leave me out of it.

iheartjacksparrow said...

"I would suggest if anyone doesn't like the complaining or the questioning of what happened then they should just email Enty."

I e-mailed him. I said that the derogatory messages are going to keep up until he gives us an explanation. As someone else stated, how hard is it to type one sentence? I was going to post something on FaceBook as well but the last time he posted was March 25th.

crila16 said...

Kym...Karrot. You had every right to come here first to ask people about your donation situation. This was definitely a smart first step to get advice from other people who may be in the same situation. You weren't even remotely dramatic about it. Other people have taken it out of control. Now you figure out the next steps you need to take and the rest of us will get back to the guessing who this BV is about.

Anonymous said...

Jax I think the only reason your name got mentioned is because you have a personal link to Enty. Weren't you supposed to be on the radio show? I think maybe those that are upset were just hoping you could offer more insight or perhaps get a word from the big guy himself. I don't think that is so much of a stretch and I don't think there were any intentions to anger you.

CDAN Mod said...

AlleyCat, I guess another lesson to learn is if you can't put a face to the blogger, then their content is questionable.

kris said... all have beat the horse until it's DEAD. ENOUGH ALREADY. Just repeating yourself over and over will not help anything and it's just annoying for everyone else. You donated money - feel ripped off...too bad so sad. Don't do it again.

Anonymous said...

Globe, I was never a Panache reader. I learned about it way after the fact. I spent a whole day reading the comments on the exposed website because I was so fascinated by the whole web of it and how wrapped up in it people had been. I don't have any emotional investment in any website, but I can appreciate the humanity behind the screen names.

joymama said...

Sorry. I thought others helped Enty post from time to time and that is why the blog is updated if indeed Enty has a personal issue going on.

potatogirl99 said...

WOW! Well I feel like the kid who just found out Christmas is cancelled.

I have been visiting this site religiously for over a year now, but lately something has felt "off". There have been many occasions where a post had me convinced Enty was a woman. The posts have slowly become fewer and farther between. The content is boring. And the mystery of the radio show had me perturbed. I did not donate (being a poor college student), but I was also confused when it never failed to materialize.

Bottom line is all of those who are chastising karrots/kympossible should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves. It doesn't matter if it's 5 dollars or 50, the point is that they donated the money under false pretenses which is FRAUD. If you don't like their questions then go look up your gossip elsewhere (we won't miss you) or get over it!

Secondly, JAX really showed his true colors with that post. JAX you are a true a-hole, and I will never read your blog or any measly piece of crap you call writing ever again. You really don't give a crap about any readers or fans do you? wow. Get over yourself.

As for the Enty situation, I love the TMZ idea. As people who share a commonality in this site, we are obviously interested in sleuthing and solving mysteries ourselves so it is only natural we would want to know the story behind Enty. I am disappointed in the angry readers defending Enty and that total P-O-S excuse for a human being Jax, but let's keep in mind why we are all here. This is supposed to be FUN, not some sort of warzone, so act like it.

Oh and let's all call a Jax a Jax and tell him to GTFO!!!!!!!

Rose said...

Oooh burn, Jax. I know I'm not a moron I just think it was completely rude.

I'm pretty sure people have already tried contacting Enty. I'll take everyone's word for it he hasn't answered. It's not my problem but I will stick up for something if I think it is wrong.

Tempestuous Grape said...

Oh you silly blog reading commenter's, thanks for making the last 15 mins go by fast with all your inane blabber!

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

@linnea: There's setting the record straight and there's flaming craziness. She was hostile
@jacksparrow: he doesn't really post on FB
@alleycat What a nice and humane comment
@joymama Enty himself on the "radio show" said he wrote the blog alone. Even though most readers know that is not true. It's nice that you are giving benefit of doubt but in this case, it's a waste of good feelings

JJ said...

I like the Dan and Donna guess for this blind. I think it fits perfect.

I donated but am more bothered by the constant 'fraud' posts than the fact that the radio show is MIA.

Don't know what side that puts me on.

canopener said...

Just because I didn't donate, DOES NOT MEAN I shouldn't give a pig's nuts about fraud or comment on it.

lollydarling said...

I don't think this is the first time I've posted agreement with ms snarky, who summed it up for me:

"Let the buyer beware. I don't donate here, because if Enty can't afford it, then he shouldn't be doing it. I enjoy the site very much, but if I have to get my silly entertainment elsewhere, so be it. Whine somewhere else. The Internet is a big place. Please go there."

I simply couldn't agree more.

Liz said...

I just wanted to chime in with my support for those that are upset with the lack of response and clarity on the blog. I've been a reader for a very long time, but I'm mostly a lurker and don't post much. I completely agree that things have changed since I first started reading (another one here from the timmy/shimmy blind) and I think it's really crappy that people donated money and now can't even get a simple response to their inquiries. Of course it's obvious to tell people that they were naive for donating, but that doesn't change the fact that it is the principle of the matter and all people want is an update. I don't get why some people are really angry that posters are looking to be heard after so many weeks of silence.

iheartjacksparrow said...

I find it interesting that all these new celebrity posts are up and still not one word about the radio show issue.

And to those who are posting messages against Kym, Karrots, and the rest, some people don't like to see others taken advantage of, or defrauded, and I applaud their on-going efforts to find out the truth.

karyn said...

Jax, I have been reading here for years and remember that you met Enty at some point. You even commented soon after, something along the lines of "Don't even ask, I'm not telling". We know you've posted for him before. Like it or not, you got involved and represent this blog in a small way. That's why your name is coming up.

People want answers and I don't blame them. I never donated, so I can't say either way. You don't care to defend him at all right now?

jbdean_79 said...

Actually @kym, I think our point is not that you shouldnt give a pig's nuts because you didnt donate, but rather since you didnt donate yet you keep posting without finding different avenues to air your grievances that you are nuts (of a pig or whatever variety you choose)! The answers are there should you choose to find them. In the mean time, your efforts at spam lose the rest of us.

Your continued attempts to sway us are just downright annoying, staggering well past the boundaries into straight jacket lunacy, and most of us have now crowned you reigning drama queen.

Do you realize that had you really wanted answers you could have spent the time you wasted here finding them? One poster has already given you a clue to start with since you are apparently too lazy to commence digging yourself. It's not really all that much of a mystery honey. But I presume you consider yourself too good and above working on it yourself?

And @Kym, just an FYI, you do know there's no Easter Bunny or Santa Claus too, right? I mean, cause if you're REALLY wanting something to sink your teeth into, I'm still smarting from not getting that make-and-bake oven from when I was seven. Now, THERE is a REAL lead for you!

Also, just a note to some of the posters, because this bugs the ever loving crap out of me. Attorneys do not all make bank. The few that work for big law do, but the rest, not so much. The acutal starting salary of an attorney (esp in this economy and even in a "big" city) is more in the range of 45-60k with a hopeful trend towards 100-120k. Even if one bills 500/hr (which most DONT, it's more like 150-250) it doesnt mean the attorney takes that all home. Then take into account for student loans, etc, and you're barely eking by. So stop using that as "proof" for anything.

Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

@jb if you insult someone do you actually think that is going to get them to stop posting? Kym isn't trying to get her money or find out who defrauded her, she is standing up for somebody else. She didn't donate.

Anonymous said...

I think this thread has more posts than the MV threads.. Enty must be thrilled!

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

@jbdean Not true at all.

If you work for govt you may make $50k to start. But Enty doesn't work for govt. A first year law firm associate makes around $150-160 base plus bonus. That is right out of law school.

An LA entertainment attorney in private practice makes good money if s/he's been in practice for 15-20 years, which is about the time frame of Enty's fictional persona. An associate with 8 yrs at a law firm in a large city--let's say NYC which I know something about - probably bills at around $450/hour and makes $350-400K. A partner does significantly better. Like 2X to 3XX or more.

So if ENTY really is an entertainment lawyer, really is the age purported etc, then "he" is making bank.

For a corporation, just for grins, they make well into 6 figures plus bonus, stock options.

If you know people who are making 50K they need to find another law firm.

jbdean_79 said...

No, she is NOT standing up for anyone else. Her first post (or hell 10 okay), but she has gone past that and is just an annoyance now.

Karrots spoke her mind, as have you, as have others. I KNOW Kym didnt donate, I think my post above made that clear.

I have already said, I hope the "donors" get an answer, and I meant it.

I am pointing out that if Kym actually DID want to stand up and help someone out then there are better ways to do that then what she is doing. Right now, she is certainly not helping any "cause" she may have had to start with, she's hurting it.

She's insulted the others, and I have no qualms about calling her out on it and giving her a dose of her own medicine. We're adults not children, about time we acted like it and took adult actions to get our remedies, and that does not include spamming.

jbdean_79 said...

@MAD, TRUE. I AM an attorney as
are numerous others I know and work with. And I assure you MANY would like to find another law firm. Your numbers are bogus, if not I'd love to see actual concrete figures that back it up (with something OTHER than biglaw stats).

Nosey Parker said...

iheartjacksparrow said...
I find it interesting that all these new celebrity posts are up and still not one word about the radio show issue.


Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

@JBDean, they're true numbers. But as you know, companies and law firms keep salary info confidential as it's competitive info. But fact: An LA entertainment lawyer with significant experience makes really really good money. Certainly enough money to fund his own damn blog.

Rose said...

I'm sorry JB, I didn't see her insult anyone. I'll stay out of that, that's fair game.

I'm not an attorney or know more than one or two but MA-Diva that seems high, really high. Maybe LA/NY are A LOT different but if he is a lawyer I wouldn't assume he is making $400K. I would assume he didn't need donations though. I'm not comfortable donating here but I do understand that people felt loyal and like they did *know* him.

__-__=__ said...

Kym, etc.,
Sorry you guys are upset but this is how Madoff happened. Chalk it up to a lesson learned at little expense. Seriously, school costs more than what you have lost.

And if Banderas is having affairs please let me know because I could be available!

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

@ Rose These #s seem high to normal people like us
They aren't at all high for big firms and entertainment lawyers w/ that amount of experience.

jbdean_79 said...

Again, I dont doubt there are outliers, but averages are not what's typically quoted here. I dont know what "he" makes, but to presume we all make bank is bothersome.

caydian said...

I'm a little puzzled; not trying to pour oil on troubled waters or be argumentative...but don't hits to the blog equal money (from advertising)?

Every post, whether acidic, explanatory, challenging, defensive or just plain curious, is a hit to the blog. Hits equal bank. If you're not happy with the status quo, why are you putting more cash into EL's pockets?

For the record, I didn't donate but love to come here. I enjoy a lively debate as much as the next person, but by not addressing this question, EL has created his own little cash cow.

Now that I've added my two cents to the discussion & to EL's pockets, I will respectfully withdraw.

canopener said...

Please go back, find my 'insults' and quote me. Just make sure you include the previous post that was directed AT me, as well. Yes, I told someone to grow a pair. AFTER THEY TOLD ME TO STFU AND PULL UP MY BIG GIRL PANTIES. So, please give me a dose of medicine. You have every right to. Good for you for calling me out on it. That's exactly what I'm doing to ENTY. See, we do agree on something!

Unknown said...

My doubts about him being a lawyer have nothing to do with money. Over the years he showed zero knowledge of what's supposed to be his field of work.

iheartjacksparrow said...

Diva's numbers are not bogus. I worked for law firms for almost 40 years. When I was working for a big law firm in San Diego in the late 70s, people who just passed the bar were billing $150 an hour. The partners were billing $500 an hour an up. That was 30+ years ago and those attorneys specialized in corporate law and civil litigation. So an entertainment attorney working in Los Angeles, or Santa Monica, or Burbank, has to be billing $500 and up easy.

iheartjacksparrow said...


I could be wrong, but I don't believe hits to a blog makes money for the blogger. It's hits to the ads on said blog that makes the blogger money, as the ad would show that it was redirected from a particular site. I've actually seen notices on some sites that ask people to please by from Amazon or whatever by clicking on the ad because the site would get revenue that way. And if a blogger gets lots of hits, he/she can use that number to increase the amount paid for ads on the blog. The blogger can say to potential advertisers, hey, I'm getting a million hits a day, that's a million potential customers.

CDAN Mod said...

Those blog hits must be unique btw.

Shanra said...

So if Enty started charging subscription fees you would be out? I totally would. Fuck it, I can read his blinds on DListed for free. Having said that, if you give money to someone on the Internet- on your own head be it, muppets.

Katja said...

wow. mean and nasty are in charge. that is SO cool!! lets take milk away from the poor peoples babies and complain about gossip. what fun..
I have been on this site for years, (i began as a silent reader then posted

because i have a business (an award winning one :) + but i work 7 days for at least 10 rs a day.

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