Friday, May 20, 2011

End Of The World Tomorrow?

I know the whole 2012 world is ending thing turned out to be a big math error. Most of the time when someone predicts the end of the world and it does not happen they always blame math. It does not seem that hard to add up some numbers and come to a conclusion. Usually when you mess up like that math wise, you kind of fade away and are not taken very seriously. Of course if they had been right and the world ended, no one would be around to take them very seriously either, so it is kind of like a lose lose. Unless, of course you are selling books or have a television show based on your predictions. Harold Camping says the world is going to end at 6pm tomorrow. Is that 6pm Australia time because they are about there at the point I am typing this? I think he means US time. Guys like this don't even think about the vagaries of time zones when they are making their predictions. This same guy also said the world was going to end in 1994 and had written a big about it which was a big seller. Want to know why it did not happen? Bad math. Seriously. The guy is 89 so back in 1994 when he said the new date was 2011 he was probably not expecting to be alive. Whoops. He is so he has to go on and on about it even though it is not going to happen.


ms snarky said...

All I know is, I'm holding off mowing the back yard until Sunday, just in case. It's been raining like crazy and that grass is really going to be hard to mow.

Rose said...

He said if isn't wasn't going to be 1994 it was going to be 2011 so you know it's accurate. ;)

RocketQueen said...

The people who actually believe this stuff....and the world ending in 2012...what is going ON in their heads? I mean, really.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

You guys have all RSVPed yes for the "post rapture looting" event on Facebook, right? I'll see you there!

Margaret said...

This guy lives in my town. And he didn't put his house up for sale like some of his followers... hmmm.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

This guy illustrates why I think it is so important to think for yourself at all times, even if it makes you unpopular.

Ice Angel said...

He should give away all his money to prove his point and then maybe I'd listen. Well...if he gave it all to me, that is.

ms snarky said...


My place. 3 p.m.

Wait. Better make that noon.

**wear socks due to long grass**

Meg said...

LOL @ Ms. Snarky

I just read something that said none of his children (6), grandchildren (28) or great grandchildren (38) believe him. Just his wife.

Boggles my mind that anyone would listen to this crackpot, who by the way, isn't even a trained Bible scholar.

RocketQueen said...

Ice Angel - someone else has thought of that :)

bluebonnetmom said...

Little Smoke and Mirrors - Yep, I signed up for the post rapture looting....Sounds kind of fun. This is all such BS. I pray at all meals and at bedtime and even I as a God Fearing Christian am not biting on this. The Bible says no man will know when The Lord will return. Who are these Future Darwin Award Winners who believe this crap?

Lux Luthor said...

I'm tempted to lay out outfits of clothes on my front lawn. If I could get my hands on some dry ice, I would put them in the shoes. LOL

__-__=__ said...

People that believe this have paid atheists to care for their pets after the rapture! Real $$$$$. Yes, let's all lay out clothes and shoes in our front lawns.

Margaret said...

LOL Shiny. That's great.

ForSure said...

The Bible also says that there will be no 'signs' from God but that doesn't stop people from praying to the vision of Jesus in a potato chip.

When I heard that members of his church had quit their jobs and sold all their stuff my first question was, did he go first? I would never do that unless the leader did it first (but then again, I would never belong to a cult). When he gave the time of doomsday, without naming a timezone, did he also account for daylight savings?

Anyway, the world can't end, theres a new Samberg/Timberlake video coming on SNL on Saturday night. Looks like it could be Mother Lovers part 2.

Cindy said...

@ shiny_special_one, I actually laughed out loud. You guys have to read this story -- it's classic and timely (and not true, dammit, lol)

The Black Cat said...

Ms Snarky, I was thinking the same thing about MY lawn too because we've had rain everyday this week - Saturday is supposed to be the only day it doesn't rain and I'm sure as hell not going to mow the freaking lawn if I have hours to live......

selenakyle said...

Oh for fuck's sake. I have relatives all caught up in this shit.

Julie said...

i signed up for the post apocalypse looting as well!
also, we're having a bbq at my friends house, and i'm bringing purple kool aid and pinnacle whipped cream vodka LOL
then its the punk rock flea market on sunday. so the end of the world can't happen.

anyone else near philly?

JoElla said...

hhmm maybe I might want to reconsider going to Ft Worth to see my Mom this weekend.. the looting parties would be much better than where I live ;)


Oh great, since I laughed that mean I won't be taken .. damn the bad luck!

Oh well.. I will just crash Mrs Snarky's party because we all know...


selenakyle said...

Liking the Kool-Aid idea! I think we'll roll up a couple fat doobs and mix up a batch of punch and blast Concrete Blonde's "Jonestown."

Jason Blue Eyes said...

If the end of the world actually is tomorrow I'm going to be pretty pissed because my birthday is next week and I'm going to get gypped out of some sweet-ass gifts.

Julie said...

good choice of music!
i usually don't partake in doobage, but since its the end of world and all, my "no thanks" may be a soft one.

Seachica said...

My two favorite baseball teams are playing this weekend (happens every 6 years w/interleague play). At least I know my Angels will beat the Braves in the post-rapture world!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Time for R.E.M's "It's The End Of The World As We Know It."

Lioness70 said...

This stuff makes all Christians look like brainless morons. It's a huge pet peeve of mine. I'm a church-going cradle Catholic, but I also have some damn sense. They're supposed to know the Bible in and out...did they forget about Matthew 24:36? Only the Father knows the day and the hour?

I could never figure out why He gave us gray matter, since so many religious denominations don't want humanity to use it.

Pookie said...

obviously this guy's bible doesn't contain the book of matthew, which is sad cuz it gets really cool in ch. 25. geez louise. if it isn't the westboro psychos, the prosperity preachers and 'healers' on tv...the legalists, the ott's like real people of faith-christian or whatever other label--can't catch a break. and now this guy? *headdesk*

brennan manning was right. 'The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. THAT is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.'

feraltart said...

Hi, Feraltart in Australia here. Saturday, 21st May, still breathing.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

I live in a Bible Belt-y town with more churches per capita than ANYWHERE ELSE IN AMERICA.

Needless to say, I'm going to be a smug, godless, heathenish bitch on the 22nd.

trashtalker said...

@JasonBlueEyes - My birthday IS tomorrow. If this stupid crap is true, it'll be the Worst. Birthday. Ever!

Meg said...

@RocketQueen - That is awesome.

@Pookie - Well said!

Jasmine said...

My friend said he is going to put a prop 8 shirt(that was Cali's proposition to legalize gay marriage)and some crotchless panties on his front lawn overnight so the relgious ppl think the rapture came and took the heathens and left them!
gosh i hope he does that.
And I cant tell a difference in believing this kook or some of the other stuff placed in the bible. But thats just me.
This heathen will be working at a Soup Kitchen tomorrow- so I know Jesus will be saving me :P I'll save some extra soup for him.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Happy Birthday trashtalker. Mine is next Saturday's. I was born exactly 7 days before Angelina Jolie. I've never been sure if this was awsome or not. LoL.

Alicia said...

my favorite youtube comment on one of these end of the world videos :

" BBQ at my place. May 22 20011 "

'nuff said!

Linnea said...

Did you guys know it is actually starting tonight? At 11PM Western time, the earthquakes etc should start when it first turns 6PM somewhere in the world.

Selenakyle - Are your relatives involved as in they think this is going to happen?

The Black Cat said...

I'm glad most people are making light of this and having parties, etc. because when I think of the people who do believe this is going to happen I find that a very sad and scary thought.

Melanie said...

It's 2:30pm over here in New Zealand, and we are all still alive. I was thinking of putting clothes and shoes out on the sidewalk, taking pictures, and then posting on FB that the rapture was occurring here already!

Terri said...

@Ida..I live in Birmingham. Buckle of the Bible Belt. gag.

PotPourri said...

He's a piece of shit that is going straight to hell.


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