Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mother Of Tyler Dasher Arrested In His Death

It all started Monday night when Shelby Dasher said she put her son down at 10:30pm and when she finally went to bed it was late and she overslept and did not wake up until 11:30 a.m. When she woke up and went to get her 13 month old son she said he was missing. A witness had said they saw someone carrying a body towards the cemetery. Early this morning, some people walking their dog spotted the boy who was dead. Shortly after that, police took Shelby to the cemetery and now have arrested her, although she has yet to be booked or a mugshot taken and is on a 20 hour hold and would be released if no charges are filed prior to the 20 hour cut off. Police are saying the toddler was killed when Shelby became very angry at him. His father does not live with Shelby.


SusanB said...

Good God - if you don't want your child, just call Family & Children's Services and give him up. No excuse for this.

Rita said...

Child rapists, child murderers. Suffocating.

Enty, put up something amusing to lighten up the mood a bit. Let us gossip and make fun of someone today. Or any good deeds that need to be highlighted.

Hey, how about fart jokes?

With all of my friends trying so much to get pregnant, and would make such amazing parents, you have assholes like that who don't appreciate the beauty of raising a baby. Why get pregnant in the first place, or keep the baby if it wasn't a choice? Many many would've taken care of that baby and made sure of giving him a happy life.

Nosey Parker said...

The Today show ran a story on Julia Biryukova missing her son. This stuff makes me so mad!

selenakyle said...

Haaa! "Fart jokes" made me laugh, Rita.

selenakyle said...

Like I keep screaming---PAY people to NOT have kids. Seriously.

Cuz apparently no one uses GD birth control anymore.

The welfare system and CPS is just TOO bogged down nationwide as it is.

Coupled with the dicks in Congress trying to abolish safe, available abortions.


Rita said...

We used to get pregnant to populate the Earth.

Then we got pregnant because our "religious leaders" needed more flock to populate their churches.

Now, well, still not much more are flocking the churches, and the Earth is OVERPOPULATED!

We don't NEED to get pregnant anymore. Raising a child must become an earned right, not a birthright.

aaaargh, fart story coming soon.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

And who would arbitrarily decide who has kids?

timebob said...

hope she rots in hell.

timebob said...

2 Blokes (Japanese and American) are playing golf. The Japanese guy is getting ready to tee off and suddenly starts talking to his thumb.

American bloke says: "What you doin?"

"Oh, don't worry, with microtechnology I have a Microphone in my thumb. I was just recording a message."

The 2 men carry on golfing, but all of a sudden the American man makes a funny sound, that amazingly sounds like a fart.

The Japanese man looks over at him. 'Oh,' says the American. "Don't worry, I'm just receiving a fax."

Rita said...

@Timebob - HILARIOUS!

Now my own... not a joke, but a real life story.

Used to date this bodybuilder when I was younger.

Amazing body, boring conversation. ALL he talked about was his workouts, his diet to better workout, and how he only works so to be able to workout.

But he had truly an amazing body. And I was younger.

Of course, being on his diet made him fart. And I mean, really fart ALL the time. And of course, he would talk about his farting. His friends would make fun of his farting. But no, I was never around long enough to experience it first hand. I said I was younger, but never that blindly in lust.

Well, the ex used to own a men's clothing store in a mall. As always, he arrives very early in the morning, and goes to the second floor, in the mall, to buy his Starbucks.

That particular morning, after a particularly rough workout, he couldn't take the stairs, so he took the escalators instead.

Standing all tall and proud, 6-feet-4-inches-240-pounds, on the escalator. Yawning. Which induced a Very-Very-Very loud and loooooong fart.

I mean it went on. For like forever. And in the silence of the early morning, it truly echoed throughout the mall.

Surprised, he looked behind, then around, all 6-feet-4-inches-240-pounds of him on the escalator, and to his relief, he didn't see anyone.

Then all of a sudden, a vicious repeated tap on his lower back.

He looks around, nothing.

Then he looks around again, and down: and there was an old little lady. Standing right there behind him, only one step lower, on the escalator.

He had let out that long and loud fart straight in her face.

And oh she did not let him get away with it: for more then 10 minutes she followed him around yelling at the top of her lungs.

We did not last long.

txtommom said...

As the mother of a 4 year old son I just cant understand. I have to turn it off because it eats at me and makes me cry. I would rather die than let anyone hurt him...

Good fart story!

Sis said...

Omg....a 13 month old made her angry??? Wtf???

Love the fart story, I have boys, we know how to say poop in sign language, and we laugh at poop and farting stories. I went to see the movie Jack and Jill and there is a farting part, I laughed hysterically at/with the movie Bridesmaids at a similiar scene:)

Lelaina Pierce said...

Oh my gosh, his sweet little face. Only 13 months old. How do you become that irate at a 13 month old?? IMO, I think some people think the notion of having kids is like a fairytale (like a lot of people think, initially, about marriage!). Then when the reality of how hard a job it is, I think some people just lose it, can't handle it. Not everyone is cut out to be a mother/father. It kills me too thinking about those out there that would be wonderful parents aren't able to conceive and then you have ladies like this....

@Sis - Ha, I was the opposite. I had to hold back the vomit during the Bridesmaids bathroom scene but at the same time it was hilarious.

KLM said...

God these stories are upsetting. Thanks for the fart joke and fart story - it thwarted what would have probably been a long crying episode at work. And inserting the image of the poop scene in Bridesmaids also helped...

I really wish people would stop hurting and killing children. It just sucks.

Pookie said...

Leilana...seriously, reading thru the's like you're inside my head today. my thoughts exactly. on everything.

Wee S said...

Ha Timebob I heard a variation of that joke for the first time last week at a training course - and it's STILL funny!

Jaded said...

Actually thats not a bad idea Selena... & SEM they would self select in my world...

Mark B said...

Please don't let this become Casey Anthony 2.0.

Anonymous said...

A child that age can get on your last nerve! The thing is how you handle it. When I was at my very wits' end, I would take my screaming to her room, make sure her crib was safe, put her in, and walk out. It usually took about 5 minutes before she was quiet and either asleep or playing...I truly believe that even toddlers crave some "alone time"

Anonymous said...

*my screaming CHILD to her room

shehlaS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paisley said...


I'm going to disagree. The postpartum moms don't make up cover stories. They usually stand there and wait for the police to show up. They feel justified in what they did and don't make excuses.

I knew someone who adopted a paralyzed infant. The birth father had stomped on the six month old because he wouldn't stop crying. Some people are just evil.

Sunnyhorse said...

Young, poor, uneducated, utterly unprepared for parenthood. There are are millions of parents like this woman out there, and I'm only surprised that this situation doesn't crop up more often. :(

Bit dams said...

mom is 20. she lives w/ grandma with her 13 month old. WHY doess she live w/ grandma? guessing the rest of the family is not interested. a 20 year old single mom w/ no way to support a baby is a bad combo. i'm not defending her, but really, what do you expect? no one had any patience w/ her (thus the living w/ grandma) so why would she have any patience w/ her own child?

i cringe at the thought of one of my kids in her situation. i do NOT want to start over w/ a baby, but if you don't jump in and help, what becomes of the baby? look at those twen mom shows.

don't know what the solution is, mandatory birth control until 25 maybe? and i agree w/ sunnyhorse, surprised it's not more common.


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