Thursday, March 15, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Pregnancies

There is an actor that is still working today and will always be a B lister because of his acting talent, although he had a very long absence because of these two incidents. No one would hire the Academy Award winner/nominee despite his pedigree because of what he did. Apparently time heals a lot of wounds but when you do what he did, it takes a long time and forgiveness from the two women involved.

Back at the height of his fame which was not that long ago, he met up with this very underage teen who had just hit it big and was partying up a storm. When I say teen, I mean barely a teen, but still the biggest story out there. She was a wild child and was not above getting wasted out of her mind. Frequently. Daily even. No family who cared so she was on her own and this actor took advantage of that and had sex with her. She had sex previously but it was with guys just a little older than her, not a guy in his 30's/40's. He did it more than once. In fact he moved her in with him for about a month and then she got pregnant and he kicked her out and sent her back home to her family. What to do? The family sent her to get an abortion and also to rehab. Nothing really happened to the actor at that time. Later though he got into more trouble.

The actor was involved with a woman who is also an actress and is a good solid B-/C+ to this day. Talented. She is very talented. They had a consensual relationship, although any relationship with this actor was always fraught with verbal and physical abuse. He beat her and yelled at her. She too got pregnant and wanted her to have an abortion. She refused. He would beat her on a daily basis to get her to change her mind. She refused. So, he beat her some more until finally one day she lost the baby. Two days later she was gone and so were his job prospects. Both actresses had powerful friends and this A lister who was on the top of his game just faded away almost instantly.


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pilly said...

Fuck me upside down and backwards. There's an article on Gawker about this One Post!

Laura said...

I'm catching up. I have a bit of insomnia and just popped some melatonin cause that's how I roll.

Rufus II said...
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Alys Sinclair said...

I was leaning heavily toward William Hurt. As a high profile, Oscar-caliber actor, he did seem to fade out of the spotlight pretty quickly. And, his relationship with Marlee Matlin seemed to be....not positive and kind of unsavory... I was unsure who the pre-teen/teen actress could be, though.

But, with the heavy implications that it is RFO and DB, I am left feeling very depressed. I have always felt that DB was an example of resilience in the face of the soul-sucking atmosphere of makes me really sad that this may have happened to her. She must have been so frightened at the time.

Megsablue said...

Wow everything has blown up on here! I'm a long-time reader and occasional poster (rarely have anything to add to the conversation) - it's crazy how "big" CDAN has gotten in the last few weeks.

I don't think anyone is reacting with glee at any of these stories. For me with the Natalie Wood story - I'm reacting with horror and admiration for her overcoming that and going on to be such an amazing actress. Though I like to think I'm a bit of an old movie buff, I'd never heard of that story before (I spend more time watching the movies than actually looking at the stories surrounding them I guess).

For Himmmm, no matter who you are (or aren't), thank you for shedding some light on the inner workings of HW. I'm actually glad that my parents wouldn't spring for the headshots and acting classes when I was younger now. Hopefully things die down enough that you can come back - even if it's not as Himmmm.

Kim C said...

Probably not Drew Barrymore as she's my age: 37. The post makes clear this wasn't that long ago, and for Ms. Barrymore, that'd be at least 18 years ago if the presumption of "barely a teen" is 18/19, longer if it's younger.

The current crop of young actresses in their mid to late 20's may possibly be a better guess.

friffy said...
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Natalie said...

I just wanted to say that regarding Farrah Fawcett, she was raped around the time she started acting. Of course I can not find anything about it on google. But there was a biography show about her and they did mention this. So regarding her relationship with RFO, this may be the reason she put up with as much as she did from him. I always felt sorry for her, like she'd been through so much in her life, in such a short time span. And her poor son, having RFO as a dad, how terrible.

ExtonXanthusPax said...

To people complaining about not being able to see all of the comments: Pay attention. Read. At the bottom of EVERY comment page it shows how many there are and it says 'newer' and 'newest'. Can you really not figure out clicking 'newer' will load newer comments?


Bob said...

I say it every day-- The problem with this town is not enough people get punched in the face. It's all I can do an average day not to run amok with an ice pick and a rubber hose. But, geez, some of these blinds? I've got to pull my Furious Fuse.

And, throw away my ice pick, now that I think about it.

Mɵᴅʊsa said...

Calm down, ExtonXanthusPax.

It depends on how you are viewing the article. If you click the 'comments' link from the main page, you get a pop-up with a white background, with no option to see newer comments. It's a big.

If you instead click the title of the article, you will see the comments below it, with a black background, with the 'newer' and 'older' comments links.

Mɵᴅʊsa said...

*big = bug

MadMarmoset said...

I say it every day-- The problem with this town is not enough people get punched in the face. It's all I can do an average day not to run amok with an ice pick and a rubber hose. But, geez, some of these blinds? I've got to pull my Furious Fuse.

And, throw away my ice pick, now that I think about it.

Mango said...

Just my luck, I was out of town most of the day, came back this evening, was reading away and Himmmm's last posts had already been deleted. Can anyone give me a recap?

EleanorRigby said...

Exton, not everyone uses a computer to access this website. I use my phone and I get the blogger version of this website, which I like. To reach the posts with a ton of comments, I have to click on 'view website'. Also, when this post was at its peak, I had a heck of a time trying to load the newest comments.

ForSure said...

Mango, the comments were reposted somewhere in the 800's, or page 5 of the comments.

EleanorRigby said...

Hi Mango! As crazy as it sounds, you can find Himmmm's comments from today through Google search. Other websites (some of which are too snarky to name) have caught wind and ran with this.

Oh, I really wasn't being a smart ass by suggesting google, because I did the same thing earlier.

EleanorRigby said...

Also, I meant to say it's crazy because something that feels so small and cozy most days (comment section at least) went NUTS on a random day that isn't a reveal day.

christine8car said...

At the end of the day, this blog to me is about family and genuine people. We're all in this together and there's a lot of us that can do the research and figure things out. We don't slam homicide detectives for their chosen line of work. I don't apologise for being human and feeling human outrage, it's more than some along the way in Hollywood have shown. And what's speculated or revealed, whether lightweight or the heavier stuff and we can do nothing about it but know, whether it's intense digging (like me with MV!) or conversational bits on this board, it brings home that we're all just people, as are celebrities. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful (I see a lot of beautiful here in the CDAN family). And ...fame seems to be a monster, some can rein it in and some it eats alive to the shell. But you don't have to be a celebrity to be exposed to demons or become one, whatever form they may take. I realize more than ever that pedestals can be shaky things. I'm always thankful for whatever trials and tribulations life throws me, because I know they can be much worse. I have to say it's unfortunate Himmmm doesn't know the answer to everything, or else I'd be like, what's the deal with MV?? It's been nice sharing this with you all, time for a good night now!

ForSure said...

Himmmm's reposted comments are on this page.

Vanity Blonde ♥ said...

This is my first time commenting, but I'm a long time reader of CDAN. It's the only blog I make time to read.

I can tell just by reading the comments every day just how intelligent you all are, and often times the comments are better than the stories themselves!

Enty, thank you so much for this site. I love it, never change!

Himmmm, you are a class act all the way. I love reading your comments and inside scoop, I truly hope you will be back. You can tell simply by your comments the kind of man you are, and that says a lot.

If Himmmm really is RDJ then not only is he a gorgeous man and a fantastic actor, but he has the decency and integrity to out these disgusting human beings (RFO and Kirk Douglas, to name a couple) publicly.

Mango said...

@ FS - Thanks, I was able to find the gist of it on Gawker.

@ Himmmm, I hope you come back to CDAN to read, post, whatever. I've enjoyed your time here and if you *are* RDJ, you look just like my cousin Carl!

Katarina said...

Hi all! Constant lurker, first time poster... As someone who has dealt with and overcome many obstacles in life incuding predatory men/abuse throughout my teens, I want to say a huge thank you to Himmmm for shedding light on a subject that no one likes to acknowledge. I was raised in a home that was full of drugs, violence, and chaos. I looked for anyway out possible. Unfortunately, predators can see vulnerability from a mile away, and I paid dearly for wanting a different life for myself. The more that we put a spotlight on these vile acts, the less they can get away with. I applaud you for standing up for people that don't have a voice! You are a true angel! Take care and please don't leave us completely!!! xoxo

Mia said...


Ty Burrell Replaces Robert Downey Jr. In Mr. Peabody And Sherman0 Published: 2012-03-15 22:39:05

"It was last year when we first learned about the proposed plan to make a movie about Mr. Peabody and Sherman. Based on the shorts featured on Rocky and Bullwinkle, the project reportedly had Robert Downey Jr. on-board to play the know-it-all dog. Now the film is finally moving forward, but it looks like Downey Jr. has been replaced.
The trade mentions that Downey' Jr. was previously attached to voice one half of the duo, but doesn't mention why he isn't doing it anymore.

ExtonXanthusPax said...

Sorry, folks. I didn't mean to sound so douchie.

trogdor said...

Dang, over 1k comments...Haven't seen this much activity in a looooong time. Cracked open a beer and reading through right now.

I just saw the Gawker article and I really hope our little community here doesn't change too much.n Love reading all your comments every day. Have been a reader and poster off/on since 2006. Some of you I'm even friends with on Fb.

Anyway, thanks Himmmm, whomever you are, definitely moved CDAN into a spotlight Enty's hard work deserves after all these years. I just hope we don't get the trolls from the other sites. Except Michael K. Love that dude, his site and commenters. Himmmm is my Hot Slut of The Day.

And, Himmmm, if you are RDJ, can you please tell John Favreau he owes me 34.00 for Iron Man 2, Cowboys And Aliens and Elf. Well, 22.50, Zathura was pretty cool =)

Anonymous said...
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AlexandraBoehm said...
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Kady Kat said...

dagnabbit... twas dealing with the aftermath of the trasformer fire in boston. I missed the original Himmm postings.

we had 3 manhole covers explode upwards like claymore mines due to a second fire in the tunnels 1/4 mile down street, right at the same time he posted. This is what i get for caring for the safety of my students... (completely joking of course, not about the explosions that was scary)

anyone feel like sharing the original posts cheshirepk8@gmail dot com?

Anonymous said...

@Mango : Yes Himmmm's comments are still posted in the 800's of the comments.

Kady Kat said...

also wanted to comment on the new influx of judgmental trolls... if you take the time to scroll through the 1000+ comments, you won't find people salivating over the misery of others. There are people sharing stories of their own experiences and encouraging others to get help.

You're right there isn't much we can do for the victims in some of these old blinds... but if someone currently suffering reads a share on here and decides to get help [as some people have found the courage to do with different problems] then is it worth it? I think so.

Yes, there are levels of identity covering on here but i don't think it precludes us from forming bonds and a community through the commentary...

i would wax poetic on this but it took 2+ hours to catch up on everything and i do need some sleep before dealing with students again.

Kady Kat said...
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Happymostofthetime said...

I keep going back and forth on the Himmmm thing. Yes, in reality it's higly unlikely, but if it were the reality it's a mindblowing act of courage - and I think THAT'S what we're all hanging on to, not who it is or isnt't. I'm ready for a superhero, aren't you?

Anyway, Himmmm seems to be a sincere person who cares about doing the right thing. If it's not RDJ I don't get why he (they) would make such an effort to impersonate him. The real RDJ is going to have to deal with repurcussions of this either way - so that would seem especially cruel.

Creepz said...

I do not think that there is anything shameful about being gay or a victim of any kind of abuse. I was speaking more to the fact that Enty will not reveal closeted people so I don't understand why it's okay to out victims of abuse. What's the moral difference there? I agree that abuse needs to be spoken about more and victims should be empowered as much as possible but I don't think it's right to out an abuser at the risk of re-traumatizing a victim. Nor do I think it's kosher to say that because they're in the public eye that their privacy, in regards to these matters, is lesser. As far as exposing Hollywood as the dirty, seedy place it is-- that information is already out there, a million times over. People will always believe the disillusioned idea of it if they want to because that's what Hollywood sells and makes money off of. There will always be users and abusers willing to do very bad things for money and fame and they will always be willing to lie to themselves and others about what reality is. I know what I'm saying will fall on deaf ears on a gossip website (that I enjoy reading as much as all of you), but I just had to say something.

regrette rien said...

Lainey wishes she was GOOP. She has no idea. Her fashion commentary comes off as amateurish "Cute pumps!" and everything else is just photo assumption and pretty badly written. What a hack

Cakeman1aF4n said...

What have I missed now?

Happymostofthetime said...

There's an interesting Corey Haim/RDJ connection if you go to Haim's Wikipedia page. (I've been wondering from the start if Himmmm was or partially was Corey Feldman).

lorca said...
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Kory said...

I don't know why GetManyGrips has gotten so much flack. This person is only guilty of being a party pooper. These stories are horrific. If true, I am glad that people are getting educated, but so far none of this has been ground breaking. It's all there on the web if you want to research and dig deep enough. I have always found "guess the rapist" nauseating. Imagine reading all the posters that think you are a woman beater and a rapist when your just a guy who likes acting. This of course does not apply to RO, this guy is pure scum.

RDJ would not post here with such obvious clues and post someone's phone number? That's completely absurd, callous and ridiculous. That's where the credibility took a huge nose dive. The information we receive may still be valid, but take it with a grain of salt.

These blinds are getting more severe every day. Tomorrow, we can guess the baby rapist. Then, the zygote rapist. OK, I am being a party pooper now. I just hope you all aren't being misled.

Ms Cool said...

Hi Kory-

I was bothered by GetManyGrips because of the way things were said rather than the content. If you are a regular reader, you'll notice that for the most part, people are polite to each other even if they disagree. We don't tend to name call.

I think that while people think it is fun to speculate who Himmmm is and even believe that it could be RDJ, we all probably have a bit of skepticism. What I didn't see in reading every page of the postings was people taking glee that someone was raped.

Yes, I think there is a bit of concern about naming victims and falsely accusing an actor when guessing the blind. I took part in it and I am rethinking what my contributions are to the discussions. Posts like yours - polite and smart - help me rethink what my involvement should be.

goheels83 said...

@Himmmm, I am only 600 comments in and missed your posts yesterday - but figured out the gist of them. I too, like so many others, am blown away by your bravery and willingness to put yourself on the line to expose this. I love seeing you around the site and hope you come back from time to time, even if it is just to say hello. You don't have to give us juicy gossip all the time!

Your posts over the past few weeks have moved me - you are a wonderful writer. I wish you the best of luck with everything. You are a very special human being.

I actually copied and printed one of your quotes and have it taped up on my bathroom mirror because it actually moved me to tears. You were talking about the wonderful support system you have surrounding you now...and after a very moving and emotional post, you ended with "Even if I should stumble tomorrow, I will always get back up. That's what we do...we keep on digging just to see that sun rise again." Those words offered me such inspiration - I read them every morning and evening now. Thank you. God bless.

Damocles said...

Hey "himmmmmm" do you anything about Duchvny and Anderson as well?:) There's a lot of buzz about that too.

flip said...
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Jessi said...

I hate to be Debbie Downer here. Though I do believe Himmmm has inside scoop and knowledge of these horrifying bits of information, I am finding it really difficult to think that his identity is the popular guess. I mean why would an actor at his level honestly come to a gossip site and give clues as to his identity. I just find it really ridiculous that this would be the form one would choose to out himmmmself.

But with that, I hope that all these sick fucks die a most horrible death and Rot in Hell!!

jokorey said...
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Eve said...

@Himmmmm I'm completely late in commenting (mostly a lurker, occasional poster) but have been reading and loving your posts all along. Your integrity is clear and your writing sizzles. We will miss you and hope you don't make yourself too much of a stranger. Thanks for all the fish!

Casual Observer said...

I have always adored Natalie Wood, and I'd love it if himmmm (or someone in the know) would leak the story of how she died. Somebody, somewhere knows the truth about that night on the boat.

I'm sorry to hear that she suffered such a fate as a young woman.

Where are the Star Whackers when you need them?

Kia said...
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Nooo...Really? said...

Himmm, you have the your and you're usage down pat. The grammar goddess in me loves that about you!

AndrewBW said...

The list keeps growing!

Unknown said...

I was completely hooked to these comments all last night (UK time) and the Himmmm revelations were shocking! I really hope some of these horrible people get exposed and lose their privileged status.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

barely Teens that hit it big:

Jodi Foster
Natalie Portman
Alicia Silverston
Ana Paquin
Lindsey Lohan

Don't know how hard they partied. or family cared

Dr.DuckyDuck said...
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Emily Manke said...

@ Ms Cool, that two dorks link from 02' is fucking hysterical thank you. I now know Benicio Del Toro "has no particular liking for oral sex" great.

Jennifer H. said...

I agree with Kory and the essence of gotmanygrips (in regards to Hmmmm's identity only; not hateful commentary on CDANers). Hmmmm's writing is compelling, but I can't think of anything he/she has revealed that can't be found on the internet, either. As far as Hmmmm being RDJ or any other actor seems lame with all the overly obvious RDJ references to himself and the posting of NGW's phone number, which is apparently already available online. That was kind of silly.

I also don't get why, in Hmmmm's original posts, he says he's not famous (i.e., not RDJ, then), but then edited that part out in the repost and went back to the "I'm RDJ" references. Why put all this heat on RDJ if he isn't RDJ? That wouldn't be very nice.

That being said, I do enjoy Hmmmm's posts and I would love to see these sick, rapist/pedophiles get their due.

Oh, and "Ryan Fuckhead O"Neal" is perfect, isn't it? RFO. I love Hmmmm just for that!

Really, except for possibly, falsely putting heat on a popular actor (who, I'm sure, can probably handle it), I don't see any other harm done in Hmmmm's posts.

christin at goldsmiths said...

edward norton with evan rachel wood and salma hayek

CessnaDriver said...

To Hmmmmmm and anyone who hates Mr. O'Neil.

See if you can find the video where Mr. O'Neil discribes getting punched by Muhammad Ali.

It will warm your heart.

FalseProfit said...

M'kay, Himmmmmm... Where's this bomb you promised to drop?

I can't say glued to this computer forever!

I've Got My Mojo said...

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

@ tess

You're a day late and a dollar short, I'm afraid.

P said...

I know the Kirk Douglas & Natalie Wood rumors keep circulating, so in response to that, how do you explain this?

"I also heard this story and her rapist being Douglas many times. So imagine my surprise when I saw a home movie by Roddy McDowell taken at his old Malibu Beach house in the 60's where both Natalie and Kirk were guests. It doesnt disprove it but McDowell knew everything about everyone in Hollywood so he would never subject his good friend Wood to being in the presence of her rapist. The movies are probably still on youtube."

Mango said...

With one thing and other going on, I have only just finished the posts.

I'm glad I can say that I never, EVER liked RFO (who has, IMO, always been a shitty actor, even in that "classic" POS, "Love Story"). The Hollywood film star quality of Kirk Douglas has always eluded me. Even his watching movies from his early career--NO appeal whatsoever. And when I think of him getting that standing ovation at that awards ceremony a couple of years ago--it makes me want to puke.

And all those Hollywood sleazebags who kept their mouths shut and swept everything under the carpet all because it could affect their profit margin, well, they can rot in hell.

@ Kory - my issue with gotmanygrips was her assumption that we were all idiots and assholes who were all getting off at the though of young girls getting raped. What a sanctimonious ass rag. Oh, and then she posted on Gawker that folks here on CDAN accused her of being Michael Douglas. Sanctimonious lying ass rag.

We don't know who Himmmm is and it really doesn't matter. The only thing that puzzles me is why there aren't other insiders leaking information to take down the dirtiest of dirt bags.

DueDiligence said...

Longtime lurker here. First time post. JMHO but since there seems to be some intentional misdirection to the hints for these blinds, it stands to reason that for the sake of their own protection the same might be employed in covering the identity of the posters. Not to say that Himmmm has no connection to the "obvious" choice. It may be that Capt. Obvious is willing to allow it for Himmm's sake knowing that that he can easily refute any direct connection between Capt. Obvious and the reveals.

Just speculation of course.

zef said...

Thanks for posting Himmm's goodbye comment, it had been taken down by the time I got to it, but I knew a CDAN guru would have anticipated it for the rest of us, so thanks :)

Seriously I live for my break at work so I can get to reading CDAN and all of it's (usually) wonderful comments and commentators. I really hope the site doesn't change in all of this craziness.

I also hope that someone, somewhere can do something to help all of these exploited children who are subjected to abuse in this 'adult' industry.

Mark said...

Burt Reynolds
Tatum O'Neal
Sally Field

Mari said...

Twenty years ago is recent, we live in the ADD society. I think the role Ryan was born to play was the Bogeyman. That's certainly how I feel about him.

DixieTheNoble82 said...

My golly. This was quite the read.

Thank you @himmmm for the stories, insight, ect. Your "goodbye" was very moving & hopefully not for forever.

Thank you @Enty for such an amazing blog. I have never loved & respected a gossip site so much. A lot of it does have to do with all the awesome readers as well so thank you guys too. I <3 all you guys but some have made special & lasting impressions (@bigmama, @maja @scb @jbe @emeyekay, @mooshki @rita [please come back!] @sueellen @tempgrape & @rq [welcome back!) just to name a few.

Annnd any update on your reveal, @jbe - saw something in the previous comments & am crazy curious?!

Anonymous said...
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DixieTheNoble82 said...

Oh - I'm on the East coast & have yet to come across any CDAN get togethers on this side of the country. Any other East coasters out there interested in planning a meet-up? Email thru my blogger profile or @wrixiedecked82 on Twitter.

Batman said...

I love whoever Himmmm is for putting a big ol spotlight on these scumbags. If news outlets are reporting on it just because RDJs name is in the mix then it's for the best - because at least it's getting out there!

I've got no clue who Himmmm involves or if someone just trying to troll with the identity thing but for those who say RDJ wouldn't spend time reading a gossip site, I'll just leave this here:

He unashamedly admits he loves it. So, there's that.

Rose said...

That clip is hilarious Batman.

RDJ is honest.
Frank L seemed genuine and just from a different generation.
Mickey Rourke didn't say anything.
Anne Hathaway lied.
Brad Pitt did the thing I hate the most, when a celebrity says they don't know how to use the internet. He wouldn't know how to google. Ugh.

Emzi said...

Hey first time poster! This is gonna sound random but here I go:

Kevin Kline for the guy. Won an Academy Award for A Fish Called Wanda. And when is the last time you've heard of Kevin Kline after In and Out and the failure of DeLovely? Still working, still in Hollywood, but has definitely fallen off.

Dunst for the young girl. She's been to rehab for depression, maybe she's been to rehab earlier and no one said anything.

Aaaand Marisa Tomei for the girlfriend. Yes, random, but she fits the talented clue with her Oscar win, and she is solid B-/C+.
Kline and Tomei worked together in Chaplin. Kline married Phoebe Cates who is 15 years younger than him, so maybe he's into young girls.

Gwyneth - as much as I hate her - is a serious A.

Candyce Marsh said...

This is so sad..

Opie said...

Holly hell, it just took me OVER 2 hours to read all those posts from yesterday. I read in the AM mostly so missed out on all the "fun" in the afternoon/evening. Saddens me to see all the negative posts as it always feels so intimate here. Someone said in a month or so we can have our CADN back, but once you get involved it is hard to get out! So thanks Himmmm, it was fun while it lasted. And we should all make a get together party someday, someplace! Maybe Enty will host a party and sit behind a screen in profile like Hitchcock. OK, my brain is fried if I am making Hitchcock references and have to go back to HOUSEWIFE mode of cleaning now.

ugly leotards said...

It's bull, my friends. Robert Downey Jr's rep stated RDJ has never heard of this site. So for all your adulation of 'Himmmm', this person gave out a phone number he had no business giving out (public info or not, he put it up on the website and drew people's attention to it). He also impersonated someone without their knowledge. Maybe not such a great person after all.

Lizzie said...

Mango...I'm a long time reader, and sporadic poster, I couldn't have said it better...I agree completely, and was just thinking the same thing!

Opus said...

@Emzi, oh dear lord, NO. Without picking on you personally, this is the major downside of these free-for-all BI guessing games. Names get tossed out willy-nilly that should never even be considered.

Kevin Kline is a consummate actor, a consummate gentleman, and a consummately decent human being. He is so notoriously leery of Hollywood, and picky about film roles, that his nickname in some circles is "Kevin Decline". He has actually averaged a film every year or two for the past 3 decades, but has always returned in between to his true love, theater. Kline hasn't been called America's Olivier for nothing.

Please do consider whether a name even vaguely matches the BI's criteria before you throw it out there. The good guys deserve that consideration.

Me2 said...

I've been on message boards/blogs for about 10+ years now which makes me a relative n00b.....

I've seen many posters be 'anonymous' because of 'security reasons' while hinting at being someone very high up in the food chain. It is entirely possible that himmmm posed as RDJ to HIDE himmmm's identity.

just throwing that out there. Himmmm put himself on the line, but protected himself like anyone else would in similar circumstances. He protected himself by putting out red herrings or hints .....

Not that uncommon. but does it really matter?

Unknown said...

It has been stated that 4 different people posted as Himmmm. Anyone who has heard RDJ speak knows he has a very quirky disjointed way of communicating, not like the blind posts at all. The info may have come from him at times, but they are not written in his style of communication at all.

I would not be surprised at all if both he and Corey were contributing though. They both hate the dark underbelly of hollywood.

someonelikeyou said...
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someonelikeyou said...

I also had the horrific thought of Ryan abusing Tatum sexually... Did anyone else here watch the Ryan/Tatum docuseries (Oprah's term, not mine) on OWN last year? They both seem so damaged. Ryan was scary, and eerily controlling with Tatum, who tried over and over to please him. It was uncomfortable watching and waiting for the monster to come to life. I can't understand why Tatum didn't tell her father to fuck off years ago. Also, there is that weird tale they both tell where Ryan "dumped" Tatum for Farrah, telling Tatum basically that he was sleeping with Farrah, so she wins. I've always thought there was more to the story of Ryan and Tatum. And poor Tatum can't seem to have a successful recovery, and a healthy adult life. I blame her father and her upbringing.

Unknown said...

Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith.

ECFan said...

Drew Barrymore, Mickey Rourke and Diane Lane.

ECFan said...

Drew Barrymore, Mickey Rourke and Diane Lane.

Skinny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rose said...

@ME, you're right, it doesn't. We've never cared or asked, and we don't check any posters at the door for IDs. ;) Besides I was under the impression that Enty & Himmmm had exchanged some emails/info in the past and whether they no who each other is, I don't think he would have him trolling in his blog for years.

Himmmm is just Himmmm, a poster, who is hopefully just on a break and not gone for good. We don't need to know what he does for a living or how he takes his coffee.
He is just like the other 97% of us here. We are funny, smart, kind, intelligent, talented, and can spell.

We are a small community and generally pretty nice to each other. Now we have brand new posters coming in here, making assumptions of what they think we believe is going on. Hmm, I can't remember what they say about people who make assumptions.

Yesterday one new poster @getmanygrips (very creative) telling us how meaningless our lives are. I had to do some deep, deep, soul searching after that one. Those were such powerful words coming from a stranger who doesn't know any of us and wrote them to be rude. I realized I was just fine with myself. I wasn't going out of my way, posting on new sites just to put people down. I actually felt really good because when I talk to people here and in real life it's happy or fun. Not always in life but I don't run up to strangers and tell them they suck. You're lucky you have so much time you can pop in here to tell us how poorly our lives have been going. I really appreciate it! You've changed my life. Xoxo.

Anonymous said...

From another blog:

Tatum O'Neal

8 years old...Academy Award Winner. Her Daddy fucked her blind. RFO rots in Hell.

I fully understand the problem with outing the victims. But this shit is so over the top are we gonna do anything about the perps if all we talk about is RFO did this and that to Anonymous 1, 2, and 3?

Rose said...

None of my posts seem to be showing up anymore.

Everything the outside media reports on is so focused on figuring out who himmmm. They, and their readers are't don't care who these monsters are. That is so sad and says a lot about the type of blog/news site they want to have.

Everyone should be talking about Kirk G, RFO, and Dan Schneider and realize how big the problem is such a concentrated area.

mbcholita said...

This is about Joaquin Phoenix, hes the guy and Miley Cyrus is the teen and the actress is Liv Tyler.
I found a couple of articles from a few years back about Miley Cyrus becoming really close friends and even a video of the two.

Here is a link to one article:

Jamie said...

I have read somewhere that Ryan O'Neal got Drew Barrymore pregnant when she was "underage". So my guess is that those two are part of this and his break in work. It wasn't recent because of the LONG TIME with no work. Long time really in this business indicates years with nothing.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@FS -- "tea is definitely a big word at Lipstick Alley, I don't think I see it used anywhere the way it is there."

Tea? Please fill me in -- I don't go to Lipstick Alley, and I'm genuinely intrigued by what you mean. Not up on that partick (ha ha) jargon.

@getmanygrips -- Dude. I *do* get what you're saying, but there are nicer and less condescending ways to get your point across. Also, the horse you've been vehemently flogging died a loooooong time ago.

I REALLY just came here to give a big ol' sideeye to the fact that something like 100 comments on this thread have simply vanished into the ether. WTF is up with that?

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

*Okay. THAT'S odd. As soon as my last comment was posted, the "missing" comments popped back up.

CDAN has really gotten hella weird as of late.

Melissa said...

@Ida - you're right. There were well over 1000 posts and now down to 973. Lots of "weird" these past few days.

Charles said...

Crazy shizzle.

Nurse!!!!!! said...


Jessica said...

I really like the Sean Penn/Scarlett J. guess. Remember a year ago or so, paparazzi pics of SJ and she totally appeared pregnant. Then, all of the sudden they were no longer an item and she no longer looked pregnant. I just don't know who the "barley a teen" is.

Katja said...

Why are you hell bent on covering up the rape of a child? That is the real question!

You are not wanted here- GO AWAY!
Again, why are you defending Child rapists?

Ph.Diva said...

It's Drew Barrymore, Ryan O'Neal & Farrah Fawcett

sleuth79 said...

drew,william hurt, marlee matlin.

oyzz said...

was she sore?

crila16 said...

Himmmm...thank you. You are awesome. If this story is in fact true, I'm glad you outed this SOB for what he really is. I actually had Natasha in my acting class in college for a semester when she went to Emerson. She's a very nice girl. It's a horrible business to be in, one that I jumped out of when I was offered the casting couch, and realized I would rather not compromise my morals.

mls said...

Sine the Talented Mr Ripley keeps coming up has anyone thought of Matt Damon for the actor? Kirsten Dunst and Gwyneth Paltrow or Minnie Driver for the actress? Although Gwyneth has more connections than Minnie he was a total d bag by dumping Minnie on Oprah (even though I can't stand her that is still a d-bag move). He was linked to Claire Danes while she was underage so he def likes em young and he also dated Gwyneth.

Sis Cesspool said...

Since they're still squawking about this over at Gawker, I feel compelled to post this 4/11/11 entry where Himmm tells Jax to look into why an Amber Tamblyn book never materialized. Now would RDJ do that?

Monday, April 11, 2011
Today's Blind Items

This one is bizarre. It isn't that breakups among celebrity couples is not common...
Posted by ent lawyer at 2:07 PM


Blogger kympossible said...

Does anyone know what happened to the radio show? I hear that people donated money to that!

2:21 PM
Blogger Karrots said...

My apologies to anyone I may have offended today in my bid for an explanation from Enty.

I gave money for the radio show. After not receiving any response to multiple emails to Enty regarding the status of said show, I am now turning to those of you who are a part of the same community I am here. What he did was wrong, any way you slice it. Maybe we were naive for donating, however taking advantage of people is never right.
2:28 PM
Blogger kympossible said...

This isn't the first time money has been donated to this site, but it is definitely the most descipable end result. People who take others' $ under fraudulent claims should be held accountable.

2:40 PM
Blogger Karrots said...

I just wish I would have known about the first scam before I donated to the radio show.

Did anyone ever get a copy of Amber Tamblyns book (who I can not stand on House BTW)?

2:49 PM
Blogger kympossible said...

Karrots, you have NOTHING to apologize for. You gave money to someone in good faith. It is shocking that more people aren't demanding answers regarding the whereabouts of their money. That so many are happy to ignore Enty's lies and fraud, is pitiful.

2:50 PM
Blogger Green Wave Gal said...

@Karrots: I never got my Amber Tamblyn book. I didn't donate the second time because he still has not provided any explanation.

2:51 PM
possible said...

Yet another indisputable example of taking money from someone under fraudulent pretenses. Many others said they never got the book they were promised in exchange for their donation to this site.

3:02 PM
Blogger Himmmm said...

Wow - some good guesses on here! But remember that the actress is AMERICAN here. Also, a "foreign born" actor may be someone you think is AMERICAN but born abroad. That's the tricky part ;-)
A good place to start might be in looking at recent red carpet reunions of a classic movie from the past - released in oh, say the past 20 years or so. It might help.

As for those ranting against Enty and the money and radio show? I'm sure that there is a good reason for this all going sideways. Did you say you had or had not emailed enty and received a reply? If JAX is reading the comments? Perhaps SHE can add some info as to what is going on or wrong. Just a thought...

3:04 PM
Blogger kympossible said...

If there is a good reason, why hasn't that good reason been given? It's been four weeks. Many have emailed and NOT received a reply--and it's inexcusable that they have yet to receive one!

3:07 PM
Blogger Karrots said...

Hmmm -

I am not saying he doesn't have a good reason, I just can't understand why he would not offer one considering he asked for donations.

As for Jax, she mysteriously disappeared...

3:08 PM

Blogger kympossible said...

When you ask for money, you have a moral obligation to explain what happened to it when it wasn't used for the stated purpose.

3:12 PM
Blogger kympossible said...

Maybe Jax got a cut of the readers' donations.

Anonymous said...

I just feel the need to say that even if a great injustice against Natalie Wood occured, it is a bit irresponsible to post her phone number unless she wanted it done. Let the woman rest in peace; Douglas' family does not need to be grieved by this news, and neither does the world. However, if this is the only way to bring justice to the memory of Natalie Wood and her daughters, then I guess I can't blame you. I am just startled by the need of Himmmm to reveal so much personal information. If it really is RDJ having fun, passing time, then why not use a bit more discretion to protect yourself from trouble and libel suits? It is a serious accusation and it makes me think of a cry for help that someone would risk so much of their reputation. If you really do want to help Natalie Wood's family, use an appropriate avenue that can bring real comfort and peace to her daughters, instead of causing them the nuisance of phone calls from strangers.

Nurse!!!!!! said...

Farrago fawcett died of anal cancer=Ryan oneal=high risk HPV. Ladies beware

yeahwhatever said...


Thank you for posting your story; I'm right there behind you living it. I've been a long-time reader here at CDAN, though I very rarely post. I was a victim as well, although the recent discovery that my own daughter was assaulted two years ago at the age of 3 has been the most painful and devastating experience, completely surpassing any trauma I may have personally experienced. I know your guilt, your rage, your tears, sadness and heartbreak. Your story also gives me hope and strength. My own daughter is also very strong and brave - like steel - (I loved your analogy) and we are doing everything we can to see justice done so there is at least one fewer perp on the streets.

I'm grateful to the Himmms out there and just as grateful for the Nettas and their children who aren't afraid to speak up. My faith in humanity has taken a beating lately and I thank you for reminding me that the good outweigh the bad. Love.

memery said...

Ryan Oneal, Kristy Macnichol? Wasnt she friends with his daughter around 14? Bad News Bears?

Trichy said...

Ryan O'Neal to Diana Ross who was very close to Michael Jackson. I'm not really saying anything, and I hope it means nothing.

scarletbegonias said...

I'm glad that people are speaking out. What's going on is clearly abusive, sick and wrong. Good for you, Himmm, someone should have done this a long time ago. Especially given the timeline of this story. Hollywood has lost its magic. I can't appreciate it anymore.

I'm Me said...

Why wasn't it reported??? Most celebs I've worked with, especially if they are up and coming, are afraid of tainting their image. NOT with the public, but with others in power. So you don't won't publicity surrounding you, especially if you have projects in the works or close to getting a role. Think about all the people who knew about the incident but we've never heard about it.

News said...

Met Benicio del Toro and Adrien Brody, both are like teddy bears, nice people, in and out.

When he says which was not long ago, maybe I am too old, but Adrien feels to me like yesterday. I would say Ryan O;Neil, Drew Barrymore and they always say melanie Griffith was very talented. Both had powerful friends (read powerful, not just well-connected).

Then POLANSKI, pedigree level, hmm his peak was not long ago, won the oscar recently, but really his mess could be long ago, and he actually should be in prison because he is legally a rapist.

News said...

Angelica spoke about Polanski raping a 13 year old in 1977 at Jack Nicholson´s home:,10266041

News said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
marie said...

Teen = Drew Barrymore

Actor = William Hurt

Actress = Marlee Matlin

S said...

William Hurt, Drew Barrymore, Marlee Matlin?

Dark_Fox said...

I note Emilio Estevez hasn't done much film work for a long time, hmmm he would have been in his thirties in the early nineties when Drew Barrymore was about 18, 19 years of age.

The problem with these posts is that you tend to get guesses which accuse innocent people, not good, more clues please.

Lealu1 said...

Wow ... Just , WOW

Lealu1 said...

Antichrist indeed , I believe you good sir (or perhaps mam ;) ) .

Unknown said...

Nick Cage, b/c "pedigree" was mention'd

Anonymous said...

I admire you for coming out and being bold

Anonymous said...

I admire you for coming out and being bold

Unknown said...

I have been reading all of these posts and I have to say, it is really irresponsible to accuse anyone of sexual abuse or rape 20,30 or 40 plus years down the road. If it did indeed happen,then it is a crime, I am frustrated that nothing was done at the time and I think it is grossly unfair to attack people decades later when there is absolutely no body of evidence ! Lives are being ruined on the basis of an accusation, not solid proof and it is sad. If a crime was committed, it should have been handled a long time ago and not now. Whoever committed these crimes should have been charged and tried for them, however, one cannot do that decades later, so, without the said body of evidence, we, as a Society have decided to ruin a life on a mere allegation ! Come on, enough is enough ! One certainly doesn't drag a woman's name through the mud decades after her death, nor the name of any man or woman who is connected to the story without proof. Why would anyone destroy the reputation and lively hoods' of these accused people on rumour ??? I have all of the respect & sympathy for women who have gone through these horrible experiences, however, let's stop callously accusing and ruining a person's life if the allegation is not true and at this point I ask you, what is your reason for doing so ? Believe, however, verify, report and try your case at the time ! Geeze, going after people decades later is cowardly and flat out wrong! Being a woman, I don't understand this kind of delayed outrage and I am disgusted with what is happening. All Sexual Abusers' should be immediately reported to the Police at the time of the crime, period ! We women must stop crying wolf and refusing to take action at the time of the alleged sexual abuse, this delayed cry for justice and the ruining of anyone's life and reputation decades later is wrong ! I don't know who you are and I frankly don't care. Becareful who you accuse, for you could be in the cross hairs' next !

Unknown said...

I have been reading all of these posts and I have to say, it is really irresponsible to accuse anyone of sexual abuse or rape 20,30 or 40 plus years down the road. If it did indeed happen,then it is a crime, I am frustrated that nothing was done at the time and I think it is grossly unfair to attack people decades later when there is absolutely no body of evidence ! Lives are being ruined on the basis of an accusation, not solid proof and it is sad. If a crime was committed, it should have been handled a long time ago and not now. Whoever committed these crimes should have been charged and tried for them, however, one cannot do that decades later, so, without the said body of evidence, we, as a Society have decided to ruin a life on a mere allegation ! Come on, enough is enough ! One certainly doesn't drag a woman's name through the mud decades after her death, nor the name of any man or woman who is connected to the story without proof. Why would anyone destroy the reputation and lively hoods' of these accused people on rumour ??? I have all of the respect & sympathy for women who have gone through these horrible experiences, however, let's stop callously accusing and ruining a person's life if the allegation is not true and at this point I ask you, what is your reason for doing so ? Believe, however, verify, report and try your case at the time ! Geeze, going after people decades later is cowardly and flat out wrong! Being a woman, I don't understand this kind of delayed outrage and I am disgusted with what is happening. All Sexual Abusers' should be immediately reported to the Police at the time of the crime, period ! We women must stop crying wolf and refusing to take action at the time of the alleged sexual abuse, this delayed cry for justice and the ruining of anyone's life and reputation decades later is wrong ! I don't know who you are and I frankly don't care. Becareful who you accuse, for you could be in the cross hairs' next !

Unknown said...

No one knows if these women were actually victims' since all that has been put out there is the allegation itself. An allegation is just that, an allegation, lives should never be ruined on salacious rumours.

Unknown said...

Wow, so all of you people are really going to trash a man with absolutely no evidence only vicious gossip ?!! Sad, really sad !

Ace107 said...

UES! You got it, right on the nose!!

Ace107 said...

And the "older" actress, was(is) Melanie Griffin.

Unknown said...

it's johnny depp! he beat up amber heard and she left him. the teen could be wionna Ryder, Kate moss, or juliette something

Unknown said...

Natalie Wood was the near teenager and the old rapist is Kirk Douglas.

Unknown said...

Natalie Wood was raped by Kirk Douglas.

Katerinasixxx said...

Yeah, everytime it says wildchild it’s usually about her

Seacar22 said...

Interesting article about Ryan from the perspective of John McEnroe: He was reticent to talk about Farragut Fawcett, ended up just calling her “intense.” Birds of a feather maybe??
Also an awful interview here where Ryan references sleeping with Tatum!
P.s remember reading this blind before - it’s Ryan and Drew Barrymore.

For Fuck's Sake Democrats said...

No. She lived with David Crosby. Jack cant live with anyone. He’s like Cousin It and always had too many girlfriends to reward any with live-in status.

For Fuck's Sake Democrats said...

Not Jack.

SuzeQKnits said...

Its twelve because there is no teen after thirteen, fourteen.

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