Thursday, July 12, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Wicked Witch Of The South

No one ever wants to work with this actress twice. Despite her being a very good actress, you would be hard pressed to find anyone who has ever worked with her more than once. Directors? Not if they can help it. Actors? Not a chance unless they are contractually obligated to and even then one actor once went so far as to beg for the chance to get out of his contract before ultimately having to suck it up and film with the actress. Do you remember Meryl Streep's character in Devil Wears Prada? Multiply that by about a factor of ten. During one film which actually was filmed in the south, our actress ran through 25 assistants over the course of the filming. There was no one left to hire in the very small town where they were shooting so they told the actress that her new assistant used to be the assistant to Oprah and jumped at the chance to work for our actress. It wasn't true and in fact, the assistant had been judged incompetent a few weeks earlier, but the actress never even recognized her. You would think she would be one of those people who would say don't look at her, but she is fine with that. She likes to be looked at. She won't look at you or talk to you, but you can look all you want. Did I tell you that our actress is a nominee/winner of an Academy Award. Nothing is ever the fault of our actress. She forgets a line? Her co-star's fault or the director's fault or the lighting was bad or the food was bad or anything else other than she forgot. There is a reason she does not act very often anymore. She has run through all the good directors and with her price tag so high, that is generally who she works with are good people. They would just rather work with anyone else. There have been a couple of people who have called her out. One A list actor who worked with her had a shirt made up which he wore all day that said "I work with a b**ch." He wore it all day and the crew loved it, but the actress never even noticed. The same actor also said you could make him the highest paid actor ever in the history of the world and he would not work with her again. He gave himself an award for working with her.


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liteNOTSObrite said...

Is she as ugly in person as she photographs?

Bxrlvr said...

I immediately thought of Jessica Lang.

Anonymous said...

i think it's a toss up between Julia Roberts and Kate Winslet. But then again I heard that Reese Witherspoon was a nightmare to work with...

Chavela Movie said...

It can't be Kidman. Baz Luhrmann directed her in both "Moulin Rouge" and "Australia".

Jazzy said...

I always thought something was up with Jon Hamm & Kristin Wiig. He kept showing up on SNL, their skits together & body language triggered it for me. By the time they played the married couple in that movie his gf was in, it looked obvious.

cricket said...

I think it's Kidman for sure. I've read about her bitchiness for years. Most of her movies suck and she blames it on everything and everyone else. She works less because no one wants to work with her,and tries to say it's because she has kids,but they are being raised by nannies just like the ones she adopted with Tom.

lilo723 said...

I am thinking Nicole Kidman. She filmed some of Cold Mountain in South Carolina. Who has she worked with more than once, beside when she was married to Tom?

Not A Ninny said...

"However, the belief that it can't be true because his girlfriend is smart and beautiful and talented, so obviously he would never cheat is RIDICULOUS."

Of course it isn't ridiculous. What makes you think that Westerfeldt doesn't know? If your honey was lusted after by half the women on the planet, wouldn't you you rather have him getting a little on the side with a woman you know, with whom you've worked and likely socialized, who is your age and isn't that pretty and you trust to be discreet and not try to steal your man?

Really Good Bread said...

Kate Hudson?

Hendrix said...

Faye Dunaway is the meanest woman in the business by far. But I don't think this is her. I have some crazy Barbara Streisand stories, but she has controlled all her projects for a while and works when she wants. Holly Hunter doesn't work much anymore, and she's a great actress who has worked with the best. Julia Roberts, however, has the most ridiculous price tag for any actress. Not Sandra; she doesn't suffer fools but is a class act and a true pro.
As for John Hamm - oh, dude! What a disappointment. I knew he liked his booze, but not the little girls. Get him into recovery; maybe he'll see the error of his ways.

Sue T. said...

I don't think it's Reese because isn't she one of those actresses that doesn't want to be looked in the eye? I thought I read that on here once. This blind says this actress doesn't mind being looked at by the crew.

Robert said...

As someone once said of Joan Crawford: "I wouldn't work with her again for all the money in Hollywood. And I like money."

Natália said...

I didn't read it all, but my guess is Rachel Weisz. just because.

Henriette said...

I thought Lainey's blind was Tom Hanks!

I really like the Julia Roberts guess for this blind. She does not work too much, but crew do not complain about her.

Reese Witherspoon seems to fit better, but she works a lot.

Faye Dunaway would be perfect too, but does she even work anymore?

Babs doesn't work at all anymore from what I can tell.

Robert said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
carisel said...

Not Kidman. Look at her IMDB. She's got three movies either in production or just completed, and a crap load lined up in the next 2 years . . .

Anna said...

I don't see the pettiness in this BI as being Reese.

My view of her is of a justified Type A demanding professionalism because of the pressures of her life as a mom and tight filming schedule. I can see Kevin Smith being a total stoner while filming and it irritating her - Kevin, you and your ex girlfriend who lost a part to Reese once need to get over this Reese fixation.

I can see her irritated by actors in other movies being slackers on set (Vince V), and all of this type of behavior would be driving Reese W. nuts as a mom - and as a Southern girl with a serious work ethic. She would be frustrated and angry as a mom trying to get her work done to get home and see her kids.

Having kids, even as young as when Reese had hers, makes you mature quickly, possibly more so than others her age on set who had not yet matured.

Mdmoisell said...

Catherine Zeta Jones came to my mind first.

AKM said...

"Every time Reese comes up as the guess for a biatch in a blind, there are posters who swoop in and say "nope - not her. She's actually verrrrry sweet."

"Really? Let's here some actual info to back that up, then. Because everything I've ever heard is that she's a megabiatch."

By your very statement -- "everything I've HEARD" -- you must recognized that it goes both ways, too. How do we know that ANY of these people are sweet OR a "megabiatch" unless we've met or worked with them personally? It's ALL speculation. Everything on this site, other than photos. And even those can be misinterpreted.

It's just amazing how many people on here JUST KNOW! that so-and-so is SOOO nice, or SUCH a bitch. It's...kind of laughable.

KittensRUs said...

Not Wiig. I worked with her and she was awesome - albeit this was before she hit it big. But I'd be surprised if she changed that much because she was super, super nice.

My money's on Faye Dunaway, total bitch and doesn't work much anymore.

Kassandra said...

@KittensRUs - the Wiig guess was for yesterday's Lainey Blind.

I think it's Julia Roberts - Final Answer.

I can totally see her being so oblivious that she wouldn't notice someone wearing a tshirt that is emblazoned with "i work with a bitch" or to be so self-absorbed that she doesn't even notice that her new assistant was someone who was fired weeks ago, especially after going through 25 or so.

She's got a HUGE ego and a HUGE sense of entitlement. It all fits, especially with the title of her newest (almost direct to video) movie, the title of the BI, and her price tag.

PunkinElf said...

Charlize Theron

Sandy said...

It's Zellweger. She's a nightmare. A tantrum-throwing, "OH MY GOD PEASANT YOU'RE IN MY SIGHTLINES!" nightmare.

Oh, and she's also an unrepentant racist.

Krista Nicholas said...

I'm thinking Angelina. She's playing Maleficent right now.

Tru Leigh said...

The actress is Faye Dunaway.

The A List actor is James Caan, the movie, "The Yards." released in 2000.

The Movie shot in the south was probably "Midnight Bayou" (2009).

Tru Leigh said...

Interestingly, her next movie on IMDB is a bio of Maria Callas, which she will star in and direct. Guess there really is no one else who will work with her.

b said...

I'm totally surprised to see people commenting that Reese is sweet. I have had interactions with her through my old job and found her to be a miserable human being. She was the most disappointing celeb I met... I have never been a fan, but she is nothing like her bubbly onscreen persona

Mango said...

This is Goop and Country Strong.

TrafficJam said...

Maybe Julianne Moore? She will be playing a powerful witch in the upcoming movie: The Seventh Son.

And, she was born in North Carolina.

My Guess Is said...

Kim Basinger?

Gossip Expert said...


TrafficJam said...

Another wild guess.

Michelle Williams? She will be playing Glinda the Good Witch of the South in the upcoming movie:

Oz: The Great and Powerful.

Perhaps, "Wicked Witch of the South" is meant as irony or sarcasm?

xsrumination said...

Half the people on here can't read. It says the film was in the South, it does not say that she is Southern!

Phillygrrl said...

My first reaction was Shirley MacLaine, bc she did steel magnolias, is on par (or as close as most actresses will ever get) to Streep, she's been a nominee and a winner...the part about oprahs assistant leaves me unsure if it's her. She did valentines day, which had that huge ensemble cast...not sure if there's an A actor in there though. For a more current actress, I'm on board with Halle. She is batshit crazy.

fashion roadkill said...

hi all! long, long time lurker, finally commenting for the first time.

i'm on the halle train - reese is still making movies fairly regularly.

halle was in gothika with RDJ, i can totally see him wearing that shirt :)

Anonymous said...


Why'd you guess Diane Lane? I went to high school with her, and she was my cousin's girlfriend for a few years, so I know her more than in passing. I also know the "real" her, and if it is her, it's the opposite of the norm, since she's exceptionally civilized anud polite, or at least was when I knew her.

With that said, she fits the particulars of the blind, since she doesn't seem to work with the same people more than once, hasn't acted much recently, is from the South (Georgia), and recently filmed Secretariat, likely in Kentucky.

I just can't reconcile the Diane I knew with the description of this woman, particualrly on set.

I do know that Reese Witherspoon worked with Mary Kay Place in both Legally Blonde and Sweet Home Alabama, so that would seem to rule her out. Julia Roberts has to have had some duplication in her work. She was in Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind with George Clooney, and that's not part of Oceans. Heck, Clooney directed Conefessions so he had control there.

A few of the other names here might have gotten it. Those who look for clues might have picked up that Anne Hathaway was in Devil Wears Prada, and Ella Enchanted, but she's even less likely than Diane.

Anonymous said...

On another note, speaking of Diane Lane, I am pretty sure that HIMMMMMM worked with her in a movie a while. If HIMMMM is who I think HEEEEEEE is.

French Maid said...

This is Halle Berry all day long/

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