Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Blind Item #1

This is a practical joke that has no end. This female former A list tweener/performer (#1) and now someone who is clearly trying to find her own identity told this B- list actress(#2) who is on a fairly big television show not on a network that another female former A list tweener/singer(#3) who is still a solid B lister was open to some fun with another woman provided the timing was right. It was a joke, but the B- list actress has not realized it is a joke and has spent some time the past six months hitting on #3 thinking she might get lucky and can't figure out what she is doing wrong. She has called and texted #1 often to find out what she is doing wrong and #1 keeps on giving tips which have worked in the past. #2 still has not figured out it's a joke. The crazy thing is she might actually be making progress.


Inger said...

#1 is obviously Miley

Amber said...

#1 Miley - #2 ??? Not sure since it doesn't say she's a tweener - #3 Demi?

timebob said...

Miley Cyrus
Demi Lovato

janele said...

#1 Miley Cyrus
#2 Kristanna Loken
#3 Demi Lovato

Err said...

Go away Vonder.

auntliddy said...

whoever it is, its not nice or funny.

Cathy said...

What about Piper Perabo for #2?

Err said...

I had to look up Kristanna Loken as I had no idea who she was. She obviously wrote her IMDB page. #1 is definitely Miley. I like her even less for this.

Amber said...

Err - just ignore it. They go away eventually.

BigMama said...

Miley and Selena for 1 and 3 - no clue for 2

EmEyeKay said...

B- list actress #2 - "fairly big television show not on a network" - (and it doesn't say she's a tween).

That leaves it kinda open.

Anonymous said...

#1 sound like crazy Miley. Don't know who the others could be.

Kelly said...

1 Miley
3 Demi L

Comma Chaser said...

Miley for number 1, totally unknown on the other two.

Syrax said...

I don't think Piper Perabo would have anything to talk about with Miley. And to talk to her and believe what she says probably means #2 is young. I'm not American so don't know what's network or not.

Princess ButterKwup said...

I feel like #2 is older, which makes me think both 2 & 3 are older than 1? Does Britney fit for #3?

KaySea said...

Does Enty ALWAYS refer to the CW as "almost network" or could "not on a network" apply as well?

Princess said...

Knowing Enty gets most of his stuff from Daily Mail, there are THREE posts over there today about Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Benson hanging out together, so some or all of those, I'm sure.

Also, I think Enty just revealed Pippa Middleton's "rate" for this weekend on Twitter...

How do I say this w/o giving it away. $100K for 8 hrs w/ no sex. $250K for an overnight visit including sex with this foreign born woman.

Princess ButterKwup said...

Ashley Benson fits for 2

timebob said...

Piper Perabo is on Undercover on USA network it is basic cable, not a network chanel. I like this guess.

I guess Andre Balaz went for the overnighter with Pippa. Hope he got his moneys worth.

libby said...

Twenty-third, BTICHES!!!!!111!!!!11

Err said...

LOL Libby! Did you count? :)

libby said...

Nah, there's a counter at the top of the box. I'm ALWAYS poised to get that 23, so excited to hit it today. Winky face.

lazyday603 said...

Vanessa Hudgens has made it a second career ripping Selena Gomez. So she's #1 and Gomez is #3. No idea who the TV actress is.

CharRicho said...

#1 is obvs Miley.

#2 is someone who would be talking and texting Miley. I highly doubt that Piper Perabo has anything to do with her. Someone younger. But pretty much impossible to guess seeing as how there are SO many non-network hit shows now. Cable kicks networks @ss.

No idea for #3.

EmEyeKay said...

ha ha ha ha ha @libby!

Comma Chaser said...

Too funny, libby. I needed that.

Seachica said...

I think Princess has this:

#1 - Vanessa Hudgens
#2 - Ashley Benson
#3 - Selena Gomez

"Timing was right" means when SG is on a break from the Biebs relationship.

Dramamonkey said...

Can I randomly guess Claire Danes as #2?

OneGirlRevolution said...

gah I read it's #2 that's hitting on #3. I read it as #1 hitting on #3. Clearly, I'm off to a slow start this morning.

#1 Miley
#2 Megan Park

Robert said...

I'll go with:
#1 Miley
#2 no clue
#3 Demi Lovato

g.strathmore said...

I agree with the Vanessa, Ashley, Selena guess. Sounds right.

I was about to slam Pippa for being a ho, but I got to thinking. If there was a guy that you were willing to sleep for free and then they offered you money to sleep with them, it might be kind of tempting to take the money, right? You'd be having your cake and eating it too. (Except that forever after you'd know that you were a prostitute.)

Anonymous said...

1. is definitely Miley.
2. First one that comes to mind is the girl from PLL. I think she's about 18?
3. Could be demi or selena.

Err said...

I would easily take $100,000 to spend 8 hours with someone. Not sure I'd go $250,000 for sex though. I'd be happy enough with the $100k.

yodelay said...

This does sound like something Vanessa H would do to Selena G, but the clues for #1 point to Miley.

I'll say #1 Miley, #2 Britney Spears, #3 Demi Lovato.

Unknown said...

Reading this blog has convinced me that all actresses are prostitutes one way or another. I've actually developed some respect for the ones that have abandoned the pretenses, like Pam Anderson and Tara Reid. Given the choice between banging creepy movie producers for a mediocre acting career and banging creepy billionaires for cash and a life in the French Riviera is really no contest.

ForSure said...

Networks: ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX and yes, the CW is a network, although it is a struggling network and could disappear one of these days.

Then there's basic cable (too many channels to list here), and then Premium Cable (HBO, Stars, Cinemax, Showtime). In case anyone needed a primer of TV speak. :)

g.strathmore said...

If I weren't married and Chris Hemsworth came up to me at a club and whispered, "I'll give you $10,000 if you'll let me sex you all night long," I don't know what I'd do. Well, I'd definitely let him sex me, but would I take the money? Hmmm...

Unknown said...

I think it is Vanessa, with Ashley Benson hitting on Selena, on the dailymail, there's an article where Ashley grabbing her boobs while looking at Selena, and Selena looking like a horrified 12 year old. Since she's with the beibs, maybe she goes for the more butch type haha

EGB said...

if you guys aren't reading the Daily Mail site, you should. It's clear that Enty does, and based on the pictures that Maggie and the others are referencing, it looks like this is Vanessa, Ashley and Selena

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Piper Perabo's series on USA is not "Undercover," it's Covert Affairs.

This is not an endorsement of the theory that Ms. Perabo is the involved party, just correcting misinformation seen earlier in the comments.

Britney Shears said...

Just looked at the Daily Mail I nuts or is the dude with James Franco that Indian guy who pays Lohan to "hang out" with him...who we all guessed was the answer to the blind about him wanting Ali too.

HalleGoLightly said...

It's weird to think that money can literally buy people. I'd never do it because it's awful. But I can't wrap my mind around that. If you have enough bank, you can (almost) literally buy anything/anyone you want.

CanadianMiss said...

I didn't know who Ashley Benson was, found her twitter, and there's a pic of her, Selena G and Vanessa H.
Very cozy looking too...

Robert said...

@libby: Have you ever read the Illuminatus trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson?

Angie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cricket said...

Who is Ashley Benson? Never heard of h

Hammer_Girl said...

Kristanna Loken is bi. She made out with Pink a few years back and also was married to a co-star from Painkiller Jane. Which by the way, if you like sci fi tv shows was actually pretty good IMO.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

Omg I think you are right....


Unknown said...

this better get revealed, it is written way to vague.... #2 could be anyone!

MrWolf said...

Vanessa Hudgens - A list tweener from High School musical, now trying to find her own identity (and failing).

Ashley Benson - B- Star from Pretty Little Liars on the CW.

Selena Gomez - Formerly A list tweener from the Wizards of Waverly Palace and now solidly B list for her music, occassional movies and dating Justin Beiber.

Vanessa (who previous blinds have said has beef with Selena) told Ashley that Selena was in for playing with girls... provided she could time it when Selena was on a break with Justin Beiber.

Actually, I kind of think it's funny and mean, so kudos to Vanessa - I didn't think she could come up with anything this good.

Unknown said...

I like Selena for 3 and def Ashley Benson for 2 but 1 could be anyone. Miley seems like the logical answer but idk

smash said...

Vanessa Hudgens is the #1 she is not very nice. I see her enjoying this.

Warrior1461 said...

#1 Miley
#2 IDK
#3 Demi Lovato or maybe even Selena Gomez.

Lately I have been getting a lesbian vibe from Demi, I think the entire reconnecting with Wilmer thing might be an attempt for bearding or to kills the either Niall PR mess.

Anonymous said...

Dunno about the first person but Miley and Evan Rachel Woods for the other two.

Diane said...

@vonder - go back to Perez if you want to post FIRST. AT CDAN we are a lot more mature & dont do that crap. Sh*t that pisses me off.


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