Friday, September 28, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH out-of-control reality star pops into a fancy salon every two weeks to have her mustache waxed? The bad-tempered brunette – she loves picking fights with her co-stars – is terrified that her bushy upper lip will be visible on high-definition TV!


Beth said...

I'm guessing the Kardashians have someone on call to come to the house.

K said...

Teresa Giudice

lc said...

Kimmie, KhloKhlo, Kourt, or maybe Theresa G.

figgy said...

Why is this even blind? This is just good grooming. Sheesh if I were on TV they'd be waxing and plucking me daily.

cc423 said...

If this is not Theresa Guidice... Ima eat my hat.

Cassiopeia said...

RHoNJ Any of them.
I've seen a pic of KK getting her stache waxed tho.
It's pretty common for women of MidEastern, Italian, Greek, etc. decent to have a little upper lip hair, so I don't think this is terribly embarrassing.

Jessi said...

Its one of the things I hate that was passed downed from my Greek ancestors! Damn them!

Unknown said...

Yes, yes, yes!!
She's a hairy biotch.

Ms Cool said...

Good heavens - how is this shocking? It is no different than waxing your legs.

southerner09 said...

what is wrong with teresa's hair anyways? i bet she has to shave her underarms twice a day. would not be surprised if she had hair on her chest. i think she has a testerone problem.

AKM said...

This is clearly supposed to mean Teresa, although she is not the one picking the fights. Are we all not watching the same show?!

And this is a non-story. Lots of brunettes like us wax. Whatever.

Um, there have been tons of bikini photos of her, and there isn't any hair on her chest, and her underarms seem fine, too. WTF?!

Anonymous said...

She should wax her forehead.

Anonymous said...

She should wax her forehead.

figgy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
M said...

I'm a waxer. Seriously, I rip hair out of people all day.

Why is this a big deal? Most women have some hair that needs removed on their lip. Many should have it removed and don't.

Every two weeks is nothing. My coworker waxes her lip weekly.

figgy said...

Speaking of Teresa, I had Anderson Cooper on yesterday in the background while cooking something, and I heard (but didn't see) that he had Teresa on, and his whole conversation with her was basically "Teresa, why are you such a bitch!" She'd defend herself and he'd say "no, but really, what you say is far worse than anyone else, I mean you are seriously a Beeeeyotch!"

Okay not those exact words but that was the idea, he really dressed her down.

And I've always been a fan of Anderson but his talk show is fun in an entirely different way because he really lets his fagginess flag fly and I love that. ;-P And YES I can say that because I am a huuuuge fag hag.

MISCH said...

She should have it removed by laser, waxing is great but not on the face it pulls the skin...

Unknown said...

Haha! And correct that hairline!

M said...

Laser doesn't work well on the upper lip. It's a waste of money.

hunter said...

Laser helped mine a LOT. Made the hairs much finer. They are still darker than I'd like but no longer as massive.

Kathleen said...

Every single one of the Real Housewives of New Jersey, without exception. You will never convince me otherwise.

SueRH said...

Laser works very well. Waxing sucks because you have to wait for the hair to grow in each time. Yuk!

M said...

Idk, I'm just an esthetician.

Unknown said...

I saw this!!!
Taraji P. Hensen (sp?) totally called her out too. It was pretty hilarious.

Lalaay said...

I love Anderson! But he seriously wasn't letting her get a word in. He brought her back the next day and let her say what she wanted after people told him he was being harsh. But not before sneaking in a "do you take personal responsibility" and a "do you regret any of your actions" of course she said nope! Cuz her shit don't stink!

Moose said...

Figgy, the term "fag hag" is so wannabe, you should be embarassed for yourself for using it. *sheesh

Anna said...

Laser worked best on my upper lip, and I've been through it ALL. Electrolysis worked well but grew back after 10 years, sending me to waxing (mistake) then to laser.

Waxing made mine stiff and it grew back thicker. Laser did fine on upper lip but failed on the chin - it turned a few white, and they can't be lasered later when too light - and some grew back a few months after I completed by treatment package, and that package was so expensive I couldn't afford to go back.

Waxing is best for legs, bikini, browns.

Unknown said...

He's team Melissa LOL
Teresea always denies, denies, denies..
She seems bored lol I think they need to bring Danielle Straub back and let Teresea and Danielle go at it.

KLM said...

I got an epilator (sp?). Philips / Bliss put it out and I think I really like it. Are epilators bad for you?

And why on earth is this a blind? I mean, who doesn't get a wax (or whatever) once in a while?

AKM said...

Worse in my 40s?! Thanks, figgy! ;-)

"Every single one of the Real Housewives of New Jersey, without exception. You will never convince me otherwise."

Good point. They're all brunettes with Mediterranean extraction of some kind/level. And NONE of the five are angels (RE: the "loves to pick fights" mention).

And again, who cares? Brunettes -- and blondes, too, apparently, judging by the testimonies here -- just hafta do it.

Or not. Did anyone read about Balpreet Kaur today? GREAT human-interest story with a nice ending. I admire and respect what I've heard/read about the Sikh religion, but they're certainly stronger than me. Not removing ANY of my body hair?! Couldn't do it. Her attitude is exemplary.

AKM said...

Moose, are we allowed to call ourselves "fag hags" if our LGBT buddies are the ones teasing us and calling us that?

M said...

An epilator does the same thing as waxing -- it pulls the hair by the root. It isn't bad for you as long as you don't catch skin with it.

KLM said...

Yikes @M - is that a possibility? I don't have a lot of luck. I tried waxing at home because my skin is sensitive and will blister if I use a salon. I just ended up burning myself at home. That's why I went with the epilator (no burns). But sheesh, if I can catch my skin in it, something tells me I will!!!

Unknown said...

When you get waxed, tell them you have sensitive skin. I think they just water the wax down or something lol but it works great!
I used to get all puffy all over my face when I got my eyebrows done and when I get them done now everything is perfectly normal!

Cheryl said...

Us ethnic gals need to wax. It's no biggie.

M said...

Wax can't be watered down. Everyone says they have sensitive skin, and some people truly do. The after care products have a lot to do with how your skin reacts.

@KLM It is possible, so make sure you are holding your skin taut when you use the epilator, especially around the corn of your mouth and the skin under your knees.

KLM said...

Thanks everyone for the input!

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

So is electrolysis still the best treatment for the chin & surrounding area? Enquiring minds, um, need to know... (damn heredity, mumblemumble...)

As for the term "fag hag," I figure if it's good enough for Simon Doonan to use, it's good enough for me, and if your gay friends are already calling you that, then you're allowed to use the term as well. (Go check out Simon's latest, Gay Men Don't Get Fat, for his piece on fag hags in general, and the glam-rock versions in particular; if you're only going to get one of his books, though, make it Eccentric Glamour. Just say no to ho!)

M said...

Electrolysis isn't very popular anymore, but it is still very effective. It's quite expensive. Many techs charge by the minute, so try to find one that charges a flat fee.

figgy said...

Gee @Moose, that was mean. But I guess that was your point, to make me feel bad. Okay, you succeeded.

My best friend of 30 years is gay, we've been joined at the hip since college, no wannabe about it, it just is. I suppose there are hipper terms for it now, but that's what we call it.

I always cringe when I see ad hominem attacks here, but whaddya know, it's even worse receiving one. Perfect capper for an already awful day, thanks.

AKM said...

Please don't sweat it, figgy. Don't let him win, y'know? Hugs to you today.

Unknown said...

Don't let anything anyone says to you on here hurt your feelings.
I've been ripped a new one on here lol but truth is, they don't know you personally, and if they did, I'm sure they would think you're a great person =]

Unknown said...

hugs all around for the accepting and hairy readers

auntliddy said...

Im hvng my own upper lip issues, lol

gtzisshe said...

I think there needs to be a line drawn across the board. Fag is a bad word but when addressing yourself as a fag hag, its acceptable? Ok.
a good portion of my family is black, I grew up using the word Nigga. This nigga. That nigga. I'm not black. As I got older, I realized that the use of that word is not ok. Once in a while it comes out when I hang with some family, but I definitely stop when I let it slip. They don't care either way.
Is that kind of the same thing? use of the word fag= not ok. Fag hag is ok because some gay people are ok with it?
I'm really curious to get peoples opinion. Sorry to hijack.

gtzisshe said...

I'm not trying to jump on any one. My sister is a proclaimed fag hag. Her best friends are gay. by the way, my friend is half Greek, she plucks and shaves her neck every morning.

Pip said...

The Manzos suck! Also, Caroline has admitted to shaving her entire face, not just her mustache. I don't see the big deal about this blind.

Pip said...

Um, okay.

Bon M said...

If she is on TV, she should have some money so why not get laser?

It DOES work well on the upper lip and underarms. I had one treatment on the legs and loved it.

The chin/neck area, not so good.

I highly recommend it to anyone who is a good candidate for it. No more bleaching the upper lip.


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