Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Your Turn

Things that irritate you that shouldn't, or just things that irritate you the most.


Anonymous said...

Justin. Bieber.

Anonymous said...

Irritates me the most: Adults who behave worse than children.

Roman Holiday said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hollywood dime said...

donald trump and his thinly veiled racism towards the president.

and people who smack when they eat.

Anonymous said...

Adults who have maturity level of children. Bingo

Cindy said...

I don't know if there is anything that shouldn't bother people -- everyone should have a right to be annoyed at anything they want

what annoys me the most is people who drive with their bright lights on and people who pull out in front of you when you're the only other damned car on the road. morons.

El Roy 13 said...


FSP said...

Commercials and reality TV.

Fijigrrl said...

Oh where to begin.
The culture of entitlement would be my biggie.

Next biggie, "I axed you, 'where are we going?" ASK, ASK ASK

Jurmanji said...

When men's lips are the same color as the rest of their face. They should make lip color for men.

Princess ButterKwup said...

Texting while driving. Hate it!

Anonymous said...

Groups of slow walkers side by side in the mall

MAC said...

OMG where to start?? Those subscription cards in magazines...People who don't close the gap between their car and the one in front of them at stop lights...Those new little bumps in the ground they put in at grocery stores on your way out with your cart...

Jurmanji said...

When men's lips are the same color as the rest of their face. They should make lip color for men.

dia papaya said...

My BF thinks I am a lunatic about this, but...

When neighbors park in front of my house instead of parking in front of theirs. Or unknown strangers park there. I live in the "city" of Portland, but it might as well be Suburbia after living in Chicago for so many years.

I like parking in front of my house!!! God forbid I have to walk across the street. It's completely irrational, I know, but dammit this is my space! I peed on it! It's MINE!!!

Amber said...

1) The person in my office who distributes mail and insists on putting the pile on my desk instead of 3 feet to the right in the bin where it belongs. 2) People who clog up the left lane. 3) The word "brake" - you are breaking your current speed. How is this not the same as taking a lunch break, which is a break in time? 4) Having to fix the same mistakes over and over and over again for people. 5) People that throw stinky food garbage away in their offices, so every time you have to go in there for something it's nearly gag-inducing.

Turkish Taffy said...

Kids playing soccer in the street outside my building. Yes, I have kids, but I never let them scream in public like that.

califblondy said...


Automated phone systems

Slow drivers in the passing lane

People who stand in entrances when I'm trying to get through

Bad table manners

Dogs barking 24/7

Dog doo in my yard

Turkish Taffy said...

ITA with the slow walkers. And they are usually morbidly obese, so it takes half an hour to navigate around them.

rhinovodka said...

People who stand too close to me in line.

Nosy people-if I want to tell you about my life, I will. I am a private person and some people don't respect that.

People who talk too loud, usually it's someone with a grating voice and he/she is on a cell phone. I would be happy if all cell phones died and went away.

There's more but then I would be here all day complaining.I really am easy to get along with most of the time.

VK said...

"unders" -- People who put the toilet paper roll on so the paper comes out under instead of over

Nervous Nelly said...

when you unsubscribe from a mailing list and then you get another email telling you that you unsubscribed.

jbeebs said...

People who litter their vocabulary with "um" and "like"--I especially hate it when sentences are ended with "you know".
Also when I get a text with just the letter "K"

figgy said...

@Dia Papaya, that's so funny you say that. I lived in Chicago, where you park anywhere you can find a space, for many years, then moved to Berkeley. One of the neighbors in Berkeley came over and said, very nicely (people are insanely nice and polite in Berkeley, if rigid) that I had on a couple of occasions parked in front of a neighbor's (not their) house rather than my own. That is "not how it's done" there. So even if someone is parked in front of your house and you need to park elsewhere for awhile, as soon as they leave, you're supposed to go move your car back in front of your own house. Too funny, but I learned.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah loud bass in cars in the neighborhood at night. I could sleep through an epic thunderstorm or sirens from the nearby hospital but for whatever reason wake up from a coma in a rage if I hear BOOM-BOOMBOOM 2 streets away lol.

Karen said...

I'm probably opening myself up to seeing this very thing by saying it, but I HATE when people comment, "This," in forums instead of saying, "I agree" or whatever else they want to say. Some people don't even bother explaining WHY they agree.

figgy said...

Oh my secret shameful annoyance is elderly people who push their carts down the middle of the aisle...veeeeery the grocery store. You can't get past and it just makes me jiggly and bouncy with frustration.

But they're ooooold and it shouldn't bother me but it dooooeeeeessss, I'm sorry.

Where I live now (not Berkeley) there are a LOT of elderly and some days it's like the entire nursing home is let loose in the store at once, sigh.

MontanaMarriott said...

-Space issues, if I am in an empty movie theater, subway, etc and you pick the seat next to mine when there are a million other seats to sit in, it drives me BANANAS

-People who listen to their music so loud you can hear it clearly

-People who yell as opposed to talk to someone who is right next to them

KPeony said...

People taking too long to order food while there is a line behind them.

People that fight with cashiers over prices.

When people get free stuff and complain.

Slow drivers on roads I can't turn off of or pass on.

Left lane loiterers.

MaryMQC said...

When people do things repetitively, like kick their feet or drum their fingers, even if their isn't a sound, I go up a wall. I mean, seriously. I get, like, this physical feeling inside me and if I just sit there and try to ignore it, I get so freaked out by it and so annoyed that I have to get up and walk away or I'll end up blowing up at them. I hate it, it is NOT a good way to be. As for things that are justifiably irritating, the thing that bothers me most: when women (or men) make false declarations about their parenting. I have a sister in law who makes her husband do every inch of the parenting, and then makes it appear to others like she is the only caregiver and he "helps out here and there, but it's never enough". Or when rich women hire a nanny to take care of their children, but claim to be a full time mom. Or when women who have a job claim to be a full time mom. Nope. You may be the world's greatest mother, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a working mom, but that phrase was coined for women who don't work and who are caring for their children, all day, every day. No daycare allowed.

Unknown said...

Rude, condescending and entitlement people. I also hate it whenever I get called "cute", it annoys the shit out of me. I also hate selfish and manipulative people. I also wish I had enough guts to call out people who act like that, but I'm afraid I'll lose friends or get called a bitch lol.

I'm also irritated with all the ads on this site, they keep freezing or slowing down my browers.

Kaltes Klares Wasser said...

Girls that refuse to sit down on the toilet seat. The toilet is used by ~5 girls who all look like they shower and cleaned every day. Still they prefer to pee on the seat and the floor, have everybody walk in their residue and make the cleaning lady gag.

VK said...

The people who don't bother to at least scroll through comments before posting their own an then post their theory. One that has been mentioned 97 times already and was either verified or discounted. Or they ask a question that has been asked and answered 15 times already in the thread.

EmEyeKay said...

After reading CDAN's posts from the past two days: people telling other people how to behave in InternetLand. I can't believe some of the things I read. Also, people giving the blogger crap about his topics, writing style, identity, etc. This shouldn't bug me, I could just move on and let it go, but it's totally f'ing irritating.

In general:

Bad drivers and sitting in traffic

Talking to someone with an annoying voice (they can't help it! It's their voice!)


Situations in which I'm powerless

Unthoughtful neighbors

FSP said...

People who write checks at the grocery store.

VK said...

Flat brims on baseball hats

jane3113 said...

People who don't pick up their feet when they walk. Foot scuffers.

PugsterMom said...

A what?

JSierra said...

ValentiMes Day (It's ValentiNes, why can't people understand that?!)

When people come to a complete stop to make a right turn. The car won't roll if your going 10+mph. This isn't Tokyo drift here!

Bad drivers in general.

When my roommate just parks wherever she wants in front of our apartment forcing me to try and squeeze into the largest spot either in front of, or behind her. UGH just pull all the way up or back all the way up.

Gtzisshe said...

I second this. Especially in the ”express” lane.

Gtzisshe said...

I hate when people let their chirruns run wild and do whatever they want in stores. No manners, no apologies, just little bad ass tornadoes ripping through the store.

lostathome said...

Heaving breathing. People making noises while eating.

I had an ex that would pinch me above my elbow. That would make me see red.

Erin said...

When people leave their dirty dishes on the counter on top of the dishwasher rather than just putting them in. Makes me insane!

PugsterMom said...

People who mispronounce words. It's "REAL-tor" not freaking "Rea-LA-tor" !!! It's "nu-cle-ar" not freaking "nu-cu-lar" !!!

JoElla said...

Just Sayin' OOOHMYGAWD I hate that phrase. Just because a person throws it in there, does not negate the fact that they are being an ass!

Real Housewives any show. HATE THEM! I swear I feel my IQ drop when it is on. My Mom came for a visit and just *had* to watch the NJ bunch. She even sat on the ottoman right in front of the big screen tv. If I had a brick I would have konched myself on the head to end it!

Joy Behar. Okay only about 75% of the time. Sometimes she really can be funny and spot on.

A few select songs. 3 notes in and if I don't change the channel, it is stuck in my head ALL DAMN DAY LONG GAH!

The oh so subtle pad check Hubby does. (hand on my ass sliding over my pants) Yes I am still on my period, you should be able tell by my mood, and the period tracker you have on your phone.. Really honey, after 19 years of marriage, has that ever worked out well for you?! LOL

People who blindly follow any political side WITHOUT researching for themselves. Personally I don't care who a person votes for, but damn it, at least educate yourself. I really hate it when people let 'groups' think for them. Use your head! Its that lump 3 feet up from your ass!

When one of the kids leaves about a half a gulp in the milk jug. Really?!

*deep breath* Wow! That felt really good to get out of my system =)

hothotheat said...

Manipulators, liars and people who pop their chewing gum.

Also overly dramatic loud talkers with personality disorders and/or self-esteem issues.

SusanB said...

@Kaltes Klares Wasser - Yes! I was at the courthouse today and some woman left wet toilet paper all over the seat and didn't flush. If I had seen her come out I would have yelled at her. These women are just pigs.

People with entitlement issues.

Tailgaters. I turn my lights on so the brake lights come on and them watch them brake hard.

People who in a heated discussion think that saying "Fuck you" because you disagree is a relevant remark.

Last but not least: Mr B's habit of constantly changing the channel with his remote. It's a wonder I don't have a seizure.

Jessi said...

Oh I have a laundry list...
- People who whisper when it's not necessary (co-worker who talks to me in a whisper in my office to not disturb others outside of my office! -Seriously?)
- People that you try to pass on the highway, then all of a sudden pick up speed so you can't pass them!
- Sound of cutting bread (reminds me of tearing cardboard and it makes me want to scream!)
- any type of over salivating sound or dry mouth sounds! I shouldn't be able to hear anything coming out of your mouth but your words!
I could go on and on and on...I will admit I have a bit of Misophonia! Especially when I need to eat!

Amber said...

@JoElla - Not sure if you're aware you did it or not, but I love that you just quoted A League of Their Own.

Gtzisshe said...

Lol @JoElla. Pad check!? My husband will occasionally ask if i'm still leaking. *blank stare*

JSierra said...

@Gtzisshe I just had a laughing fit at your comment, thank you for making my day.

PugsterMom said...

Oh yeah. That one gulp thing blows. So does leaving 2 squares of toilet paper on the roll. I hate that.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

I hate driving north to go south or east to go west, even if it's faster I feel like I'm backtracking. Weird pet peeve.

Slow drivers and people who do not understand the definition of the word merge or yield also bother the crap out of me.

Seachica said...

So many. It irritates me to no end when...

- someone parks on the street in a way that uses up two spaces. Or does the same in a parking lot.
- calls undecidedt voters idiots. The way I see it, they are the idiots for blindly following one side or the other without taking the time to be thoughtful about their choice.
- the cable company continually sends me direct mail marketing pieces touting their offer for new customers, when we already have cable. I indirectly pay for those stupid wastes of paper!
- slow drivers, especially in the left lane. Yes, I DO own the road, dammit
- people who don't use turn signals
- gas being priced with 9/10. Just round up to the nearest cent!

Karen said...

@JoElla, I would die if my fiance ever did that; now probably of laughter instead of anger. I always tell him when I'm on or off my period so I don't understand when he tries to initiate stuff. "Yep. Still on it. Just started yesterday, so you're gonna have to keep waiting."

Lauren said...

When the elevator doors open to let me out at my destination, and someone pushes in without letting me off first. I thought it was polite manners to let the person exiting actually exit before barging in. It usually leads to a weird sort of jig where we both try to cram through the door at the same time.

Oh - and friends who invite you over to hang out and then sit on their fucking iPhone the entire time, texting away. This happened to me last night so the irritation is fresh in my mind.

MontanaMarriott said...


dia papaya said...

LOL figgy! I think that's why I'm so insane about it. I've become your neighbor (although not always so polite). I fnally a have a house to park in front of and I shouldn't have to park down the block, bc it's MY house not the 8 flat walk up that I used to live in. Although I never had a car in Chicago bc parking was crazy, street cleaning was even crazier, and the clackety clack clack L took me wherever I needed to go.

I have been the (not so polite) lady asking people to move! Soon I will be telling those youngsters to keep it down and stay off my lawn ;)

NapAssasin said...

People who don't keep up with traffic.

Waiters who don't bring change and assume my money is the bill + a tip. I decide that, not you.

Women who use cutsey, squeaky voices when talking to other people in the workplace. Gross - we're not kids.

People who don't say thank you when you hold the door open. I don't give a fuck if you're on the phone, use some common courtesy. And I will walk up to you and say "you're welcome" very loudly to make my point, or I let the door hit you in your nasty face. Assholes.

trouble bubble said...

I also feel the same way about religious people. I am scared of them. If the person is aware of different aspects of his religion and educated enough, but still chooses to believe what he/she believes, then I am 100% ok with it. But following blindly religious leaders or churches and not thinking with your own head is what scares me to hell.

Tru Leigh said...

I hate it when people walk right down the middle of the driving park of a parking lot, dragging their kids and their strollers and their shopping carts. Because you are now on foot suddenly the cars should get out of your way? Move over, for crying out loud.

Parking lots in general drive me nuts. Why are the spaces only 6 inches wider than cars? Why are 95% marked compact? You can't get out of a Smart Car without banging your door into the car next to you, let alone in an SUV. My car is full of dings from car pool moms in their Escalades letting their kids open the car door and bashing into my car. I try to park as far away as possible, but I think that just acts like an invitation.

chopchop said...

Lately everything my husband does is driving me nuts. Could be that I'm PMSing. Examples:

"Are the dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty?" I don't know. Open it up and take a look.

Hey, honey, can you go get [Daughter] some pajamas? "Where are they?" In her dresser drawers you idiot.

"How long do I cook [whatever] in the microwave?" I don't know, look at the fucking package.

Terri said...

Parents who have no other life then their childrens, and little league dads.

Agent**it said...

Gavone is the American Italian version of cafone. The American version refers to trashy . "RHONJ are gavones".

Green Wave Gal said...

I could go on for days!

--I have never seen people with more of a sense of entitlement than I do here in Los Angeles! Drives me nuts!

--Your/you're and there/their/they're. LEARN THEM PLEASE!

--Plurals are not the same as possessives.

--People who read over my shoulder.

--People who don't know how to travel (dealing with security, the x-ray machine, etc.). Most of the delays aren't TSA. It's people who don't move their stuff to the end of the conveyor to pick up their stuff. There are benches and tables so you can get out of the way to get yourself back together. I never realized how much that bothered me until I started typing this.

--people who play with change in their pocket.

--women who talk on their phones in public restrooms. Other people do not need to hear me peeing.

--Lots of the same ones others mentioned about driving.

--coworkers who talk to themselves out loud all day

BubbleKitten said...

It aggravate me too!!!

Hammer_Girl said...

Top of my list since it happens every day, when there is a gap in between parked cars waiting for school pickup cause they don't want to wait behind people that have been there waiting patiently.

Also, sucking on your teeth, smacking, leaving toothpaste in the sink after you spit. I could go on for days. I'm a bitch and bitchy but I own it.

BubbleKitten said...

Im a cashier and people ALWAYS try to haggle or ask me why something is so expensive, then bitch about it, like Im the one who sets the fucking prices. Grrr

KSam said...

Yes, what is the purpose of those little bumps??? Just to knock out the teeth of my poor two year old riding in the cart?

trouble bubble said...

I hate when someone leave empty packs in the fridge. You ate the food, now through the pack into bin! That's easy.

I hate to sit near my husband driving. All the others are awful idiot drivers according to him. Ok, honey, if all the others are idiots and you can not change it, just accept it an stop yelling for 30 min., while we are driving home together.

MadLyb said...

When people let work sit on their desk for several weeks, untouched, then hand it to me to do because they'll be in a training class for 3 days. I'm doing the work for 3 additional people right now and I'm cranky. :(

smash said...

People who treat escalators as a ride. It is still stairs, if you want to stand there fine just let me by.

Agent**it said...

chopchop, we are married to the same guy. I had to buy clear glass containers with clear lids and label them to refute his claims of "there 's nothing to eat ".

WednesdayFriday said...

Holy Guacamole, the list is endless, but I will start here:

The perfectly able pack of homeless kids outside of my work who beg for 12 hours a day on the street with their seemingly endless supply of cats, dogs, weed and cigarettes, and the fact that one of them is super pregnant, chain smokes, and sleeps on concrete infuriates me.

People who abuse the state's EBT system.

People at the super market being rung up while on their cell phone.

SueRH said...

Fathers who talk about "babysitting" their children. If the kid(s) are your's, it's not babysitting!!!!

Mama June said...

Most irritated by: A co-worker (supposed to be doing the same work as me) that gets paid more than me and does NOTHING. I mean nothin, nada, zip! She is on FB all day and watches Days & Duck Dynasty at her leisure. I know of at least 2 other co-workers who have complained about this to our Supervisor, but nothing gets done! SO AGGRAVATING.

Lots of good ones mentioned here, but it drives me CRAZY when Mr. Curly doesn't put the cap back on the toothpaste!

ms snarky said...

people eating potato chips or other crunchy foods. want to kill them. I know it's intolerant, but I do.

May Flower said...

Thing that irritates me that shouldn't: People who mispronounce words.

Thing that makes me want to scream: Men who hock up wads of spit constantly, along with all the people who spit gobs on the public sidewalk--or anywhere. WTF? Find a bathroom or spit into a tissue, and please go see a doctor for whatever condition is making you perpetuate this disgusting, unsanitary habit.

Oh, and the people who smoke outside the building under the huge "NO SMOKING" signs.

Sugar said...

Mouth breathers
Hang nails
Hearing anyone swallow anything. GROSS!
Run on sentences and bad grammer, hint hint.
The words craft and moist and supple and sack.
Anyone that disagrees with me!

luckylass said...

Hearing people chew and teeth suckers. It is like nails on a chalkboard for me.

People who bully there way on to something (elevator, subway) before I can exit.

Don't let your kids kick my plane seat. I will tell the kids how impolite it is.

I hate screaming babies on a plane too, but empathize with the parents. So, I have earplugs. You see the earplugs - don't talk to me.

I am one of those people that can hold up a checkout line if the price doesn't ring up correctly. It sucks, b/c I spend the time knowing sale prices and buying the right thing. It isn't the cashier's fault, but the store's. But refuse to pay full price for a sale item. I always apologize to the people in line though.

Agent**it said...

Smash, How 's Gramps?

luckylass said...

THEIR - damn, I committed a cardinal sin on this site. Probably more typos too.

Audrey said...

Seeing people drive while talking on their cell or texting.

Also, in public, those that just let the door close behind them without putting their hand on the door to keep it open for the person behind them.

Alicia said...

Today? My entire family and my boyfriend .. And they all rule so obviously it's just me.. I just found out I'm six weeks preggers though , so that may have a bit to do with it! Quit smoking and pregnancy hormones = pet peeves up the ting yang!!

Alicia said...

+1000!! I wrote a blog about this issue a couple years ago.. It's gotta be a pdx hipster douche thing right?!

Alicia said...

Quitting smoking - * ying yang .. Apparently this pregnancy also makes me grammatically challenged

dumbandjaded04 said...

Slow walkers who take up the whole aisle/sidewalk.

When my SO whines at me that he is hungry, but no, he doesn't want me to make him anything. But then when I make food, "Oh that looks good. Is it good? Are you going to eat all of it?"

People who are so passive-aggressive tyat they end up being very manipulative and conniving.

People who let their kids run around in restaurants or other places they shouldn't.

When people pressure you into doing something you don't want to, and make you feel bad when you don't.

"You're so quiet!" Really? I've never heard that before. Tell me more.

When I take every single shift my coworker asks me to for weeks (about 8 shifts), and tell her I can't once, but am really nice about it and say maybe next time, and she doesn't text me back after that at all.

dumbandjaded04 said...

Slow walkers who take up the whole aisle/sidewalk.

When my SO whines at me that he is hungry, but no, he doesn't want me to make him anything. But then when I make food, "Oh that looks good. Is it good? Are you going to eat all of it?"

People who are so passive-aggressive tyat they end up being very manipulative and conniving.

People who let their kids run around in restaurants or other places they shouldn't.

When people pressure you into doing something you don't want to, and make you feel bad when you don't.

"You're so quiet!" Really? I've never heard that before. Tell me more.

When I take every single shift my coworker asks me to for weeks (about 8 shifts), and tell her I can't once, but am really nice about it and say maybe next time, and she doesn't text me back after that at all.

Roman Holiday said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

My 3 kids that still live at home.

Makes me question my parenting skills.

Dear God,

Please let my kids grow up and move outtttttttttttttt!

kelgela2 said...

People that don't text me back. Seriously's been 2 days.

Kids on MW3 that like to insult others. And on that note, adults who insult you just because you are female and not in the kitchen because you killed them 3 times in a row.

Reel Blog said...

Ha, these will be good to read later. For me, it's certain sounds. Candy wrappers, chip bags, newspaper, zip lock bags treated as chip bags, my co-worker and his carrots/apples/soup.

Oh, also people who drive slow in the left lane.

mikey said...

Stopping back here after reading another set of comments.

I am tired of people complaining about the ads on this site. There are many ways around the ads and we've tried to help you. I do not see a single ad - ever.

dia papaya said...

Congratulations Alicia!!! Baby cuteness on the way :) I hope this is a good thing!

WednesdayFriday - Do you live in Portland too and work just outside my building? Because I'm pretty sure I see that same scenario every freaking day!

I also came back to add the my neighbor's shitty little dog is always coming into my yard to poop! I can barely bear to pick up my own dog's poop, let alone my neighbors.

dia papaya said...

Wednesday Friday - The parking lot attendant from Thailand asked me one day why all the young people come to Portland to retire! LOL!

Roman Holiday said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alicia said...

Thanks Dia! It's a very happy thing and it's a Gemini .. Most likely girl, at least that's what I feel in my bones:)

I am so laughing at your comment because I almost added how my neighbors daughter used to come by, park always in front of my house and then let her puppy poop in my lawn!! I had to refrain myself from wiping dog poip on her car door handle. They moved but on both sides of my house are now twenty something snowboarding/skating restaurant working partiers who have at least several visitors a week. I'm about to break out the orange cones in front of my place and if that doesn't work .. Voodoo dolls

Bleu said...

My coworker who sits next to me -- she's a highly educated lawyer, professional in every way except personal habits. She slurps her drinks, every sip. She eats loudly -- and it's always stinky food, too -- at her desk, multiple times a day. When she has a cold she sniffs and sniffs and sniffs every 10 seconds and never actually blows her nose. She wears braclets that ting and jangle with every touch of her fingers on the keyboard. She eats snacks out of crinkly bags and will take an entire hour to reach in, chomp, and reach in again. It is the most insane thing ever.

Del Riser said...

When there are two lanes, the left lane is for passing, then get your ass over!

I live in Vegas, so friends walking four abreast and blocking the way for everyone else.

Parents who don't teach their children manners.

Anyone who doesn't say please or thank you for a kindness.

Actually the lack of basic manners exhibited by most of humanity.

Robo calls, quit wasting my time.

People who say Rea-la-ty, this makes my ears bleed!

People who are rude or dismissive to waitpersons.

Pushy people, either verbally or physically, Do Not Push Me!

MaryMQC said...

@luckylass, I did the same thing up there in my comment - meant to use there and used their instead. I hate when I read it, and I REALLY hate when I do it.

CamColty said...

Crumbs in my bed

Leaving time on the microwave instead of
Hitting reset when you take something out early.

Both things my husband does lol

discoflux said...

@kelgela2 - On Halo live play, it's 13 year old boys calling me a "dyke" because I'm playing Halo. Of course, that usually happens after I've murderized their asses in griffball. Look kids, I can't help it that your team is so stupid that you all ran straight into my gravity hammer and i got an extermination and then spawn killed you all at the goal for an overkill so my team could plant the bomb.

My pet peeves:

Revolving doors

People who reheat fish in the microwave at work

Getting asked to do a "quick formatting job" and the document is a mess and ends up taking two hours to format properly since my magical "presto format-o" button is broken

Victim mentality

Mr. Disco's ex-wife

Window rattling bass

People who stand on escalators (though at minute maid park and reliant stadium you have to stand because they'll yell at you if you try to walk up them)

Ari said...

slutty girls

Ari said...

Girls that get fame, money and attention because of them being slutty

Agent**It said...

All political ads. All of them. Every single one and I don't care who's in them.

dia papaya said...

Alicia: I missed your other comment about the pdx hipster thing. But YES! It must be. It's never a nice fancy car. It's a broken down subaru wagon that I'll have to push out of my space bc it may or may not ever start again.

Get out your orange cones, girl! I often leave my trash bins out for days just to save my space. Soon you'll be able to use the giant belly excuse! Or the Voo Doo doll, but now I want a donut bc you said voo doo. Sads.

Congrats again on your Gemini baby! Awesome!

KSam said...

Wow, didn't know my husband had two other wives! Nice to meet you, sister-wives!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Waiting 15 minutes in a lineup just to order a latte. Then being told the machine is down. Makes me want to go all Alec Baldwin on someone.

KSam said...

Yeah, I wouldn't even bother ever asking her to take a shift for you...

FSP said...

The sound of flip flops and people who wear flip flops too small for their feet so their funky toes hang over the edge.

People who hold utensils like a caveman.

hotchacha said...

When at a house party people (especially those who are just tagalongs brought by the real invited guests) think it's perfectly okay to just help themselves to the host's computer and create a crowd of competitive YouTube jockeys, even turning off iTunes in order to show everyone how HI-LAR-I-OUS some sixth rate parody of Gangnam Style is.

Lioness70 said...

People who don't use their signal lights.

How hard *is* it to turn on something that's right next to your damn steering wheel? All you have to do is flick your finger? That's too much of a bother? How the *hell* am I supposed to know where the fuck you're going?

hotchacha said...

That well-meaning acquaintance on Facebook who feels the need to comment on every single thing I post within seconds of posting it.

Also the acquaintance who feels the need to friend request my family members after they make witty quips on my wall.

AndrewBW said...

You know what really annoys me? Signs that confuse "every day" with "everyday". The correct usage is "Low prices every day" or "Everyday low prices." This concept is lost on sign makers.

ma*betch said...

People who sneeze into their hands. Sneeze into your elbow!
People talking loudly on the phone whilst standing in line..anywhere

katsm0711 said...

Hey Enty! How about a "your turn" where we post blinds about our family members? That could be funny right?

katsm0711 said...

I hate when people make noises while eating.

OneGirlRevolution said...

God...too many irritants, too little time.

So I'll stick to CDAN ones:

Grammar nazis (both with posters and enty). We get it. You have a PhD in English and you are unable to stomach the thought of a misspelled word or misplaced comma.

Use Firefox and download a decent virus program (not Norton)+ adblockplus. Geez.

I've tried to word this several ways and can't get it right but good god it annoys me when someone posts their opinion on something and (inevitably) someone comes on and says something to the effect of, " just so offended me...I have that exact situation and you are dissing me!" Here's a clue; no, they probably have no idea that you are in that situation and therefore did not write a post with the specific aim of offending you personally.

Corollary to the last one...grow a set.

Brown-nosing the "popular" posters. There are a couple of people who do that and it drives me NUTS! (Not himmmm, we all adore himmmm. Well, I guess after yesterday, not all of us)

Requiring credentials before deigning to believe that maybe, just maybe, someone might know what they're talking about.

So many more, but I've gotta toodle for now.

yodelay said...

Kristen Stewart.

People who complain about ads on CDAN. *But I find the ones who complain about the porn ones funny. Just revealed your browsing habits didn't ya?

Overly nice, ingratiating posers. Barf.

discoflux said...

I may just love you, Lola.

katsm0711 said...

I'm completely in love. @lola will you civil union me? I vow to agree with everything you say until death do us part just based on everything you just posted. I'm mostly sick of grammar police and brown nosing too.

katsm0711 said...

I'm sick of the overuse of the word "bully". It's acceptable to say a kid is being bullied by another kid, but when an adult accuses another adult, it's not bullying, it's called "being an asshole". There's even a difference between bullying and a dumb kid just being an impolite jerk. It's not always bullying. Adults sound like pussies saying they were bullied by an adult and it's just going to make me laugh and point at them bc they most definitely deserved it.

And I REALLY hate the pink breast cancer garbage. Your money is not going to charity and you'd make a bigger impact writing a check for the entire amount of your pink kitchen tongs to an actual cancer research foundation.

I hate when someone is asked an opinion, she answers honestly, and then gets jumped on by the asker because it's not what the asker wanted to hear. (hear that Perez and almost Miss America?)

Oh crap I'm OT. I forgot its supposed to be things that annoy me but shouldn't. I listed things that do annoy me because they should.

Ok here's one but bc I think it's stupid and makes extra work. You use a butter knife on butter or peanut butter then lay it directly on the counter leaving a streak. The sink is a foot away or there's always a dirty dish you could balance it in. Now I have to pick up your dirty knife without getting peanut butter on my hand and waste paper towel to wipe the counter streak before I can start preparing my meal. It's extra work and wastes a paper towel. I see it as stupid and illogical but apparently im in the minority?

EmEyeKay said...

@disco, I almost added the ex's wife to my list, too :) Pretty much every time she opens her mouth. Blech.

Lalaay said...

I know this is the other side of the coin but whatever, I hate people who get annoyed with those who smack when they are eating! I'm not gonna stop! = )

discoflux said...

@em - this bitch doesn't even have to open her mouth. she's a kindergarten teacher and she can barely spell so i don't know if she just refuses to spell my name correctly or if she's just that big of an idiot. either way...

***for those of you with delicate sensibilities go ahead and cover your eyes, i'm about to use a really bad word.***

...I would really love to just give her a good, strong cuntkick.

Mango said...

Oh, goody! I have a whole list of pet peeves!

Supermarket carts with a bum wheel. I once changed out four carts (and duly disinfected the handles) until I got one with a wheel that didn't KERTHUNK.

Each and every time Miley Cyrus says, "like", I want to punch her in the face. Every time.

People with a weak handshake.


Every time posters on a message board don't separate their signature by a space or a dotted line and it appears that their signature is part of their post (and it leaves me thinking, for a moment, "what the fuck are they saying??")

My neighbors. They have Direct TV and we have Dish Network and when they are using their remote control in one room of their house it changes channels on one of our TVs in the middle of a show. The result? REMOTE WARS. Yes, I will sit there for 20 minutes just changing the channels just to fuck with them. Sometimes it's their kids. Good. I hope they think their house is haunted!

When someone leaves this message on their outgoing voice mail: "I'll return your call at my earliest convenience. *Cringe*

Melpomene25 said...

Hmmmm, silly things that irritate me:

People who overwhelm social media with not only their political, but their religious beliefs as well...and even more irritating is when they combine the two! I guess it's ok to have those discussions but doing so on social media is, to me, like doing so in a shouldn't be done.

People that seem to find "bolt ons" so cringeworthy. I have a pair and love them! LOL! With that said, I think all boobies are awesome, it's just a matter of what you prefer for yourself!

The usage of the word "cunt." I do not find it offensive at all. Cunt: A Declaration of Independence by Inga Muscio is a pretty good read. Of course, we all have words that we can't stand...random as it is, the word "moist" gives me the ick nasts (heard it used by too many guys in a not so great way)!

sylmarillion said...

kids who come over to play with mine and keep asking for sweets or icecream, then when they finally get something (usually not sweets or icecream, though :)), say they won't eat it because they don't like it

barking dogs late at night (including my own)

webcam ads on late night tv

facebook (I don't WANT to put my whole life out there for everyone to see, tyvm)

also, Twitter. While some people actually do have interesting lives, I don't need to know what they're doing every minute of every day.

surfer said...

mikey said...
I am tired of people complaining about the ads on this site. There are many ways around the ads and we've tried to help you. I do not see a single ad - ever.

Thank you mikey! I too have never seen an ad.

There were some great comments above that I totally agree with, such as:

- brown-nosing, here and everywhere

- slow walkers, talkers and drivers

- hearing the stereo from other cars while I'm stopped at a light, with my windows up. I (we) shouldn't be forced to listen to your music

As to the mouth breathing, sometimes it can't be helped. Years ago I had surgery for a deviated septum, but I still can't breathe properly (although I don't make any noise, lol), and I definitely don't want to have the surgery again. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Not the end of the world.

Bit dams said...

When a man who is married and has a family "comes out" and people celebrate. This is a "man" who lied to his wife, took years from her that she cannot get back, lied to his children, (who now will be confused by what a real relationship is; mixed signals much?) And yet the world says; "fly your freak flag baby! Right fucking on!" You should not get points for deciding to pull the rug out from under your family. The wife is left humiliated and betrayed, unable to trust, like romantic road kill. But its SO p.c. to grove on about the gay guy "being who he is".

ljsmed said...

So many...

People who just pull out in traffic because they have to make a turn and don't want to wait, yet making everyone else stop because they are apparently more important.

Entitlement (my last paragraph is a perfect example)

People telling me I'm too thin

People who do not say thank you when you hold the door for them, I also loudly say "you are welcome"

People that don't give me a little wave if I have waited for them when the road is blocked

People who are rude to waiters/waitresses and don't tip because they are too cheap

Friends who show up at the house unannounced

I could go on for days. I go out of my way to do the opposite of everything that annoys me. Don't preach if you can't practice(and yes, I know many who do that).

Anonymous said...

Toothpaste spittle on bathroom mirrors.

Parents who are indifferent to their screaming child while travelling via mass transit.

If you've ever described yourself as a person who "keeps it real", then I probably hate u. Lol

Susan said...

OMG. So many of mine have not been mentioned:


Pink written across your ass in sweats.

Fake tacky ass nails

Waiting in the doctor's office or to get my hair did. Makes me want to cut a bitch.

The state of grammar as a result of Twitter, Facebook and texting. Thank God I'm not an English teacher.

Grown adults who bitch and moan about their jobs but doing nothing to get a better, new job.

Children who bitch and moan about school. You're a kid, get over it.

Ironing shirts. Laundry in general.

Unsolicited advice about my business, my child-rearing, my desire to reproduce, my house decor, etc.

Drivers who become enraged at other drivers.

Drivers who do not use turn signals.

Large crowds.

Dogs not on leashes.

Facebook friends who are always posting their political propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Ridiculously unrealistic wigs.

When parents don't dress their children with the same sensibility as they are. If you have a jacket on and your kid doesn't .....Grrrrrrrr

smash said...

Agent***it- he is good. I did a little fallow up on random photos part 3. Thank you so much for asking :)

feraltart said...

Me today. I lost it at work but I think it may have been a necessary evil due to:
Managers who don't manage! You are not here to make friends, you are here to manage staff.
Posters who are arseholes. Fuck off! I don't find you glib or amusing. You are bullies & I want all the great posters back. If you don't like civil discourse start your own blog.
A lot of things already listed.
Drivers that drive over the dividing line, don't indicate, talk on the phone, conduct sightseeing tours during peak hour ( happens a lot in my town) etc.
My husband having to work away so much.

Sherry said...

Oh bloody hell yeah Drusilla! I live in an apt between two stoplights and during rush hour that loud, usually crappy rap, rattles my entire place. Oh the times I have wanted to walk downstairs and knock on their window and ask where the hell THEY live so I can blast some old geeky shit in front of their place.

Sherry said...

And a few more: people hitting the reply to all and then coversations going back and forth to all.
Loud commercials between the show. Yeah yeah, I don't have a dvr. So fucking sue me.

VeeBee said...

People who insist on reading aloud to you from the Internet (dumb jokes, political articles, etc.)
Drives me batshit.
And people who chronically use a word incorrectly. For example: being mortified is not the same as being horrified!!! Stop saying everyone and everything was mortified, mortifying, etc.

Plus mute for moot, pacific for specific, exasperate for exacerbate, etc.

nevermindthat said...

Ad pop ups on this site

katsm0711 said...

2 more:

People talking wih their cellphone on speaker in a public place. Nextel started it with those damn annoying wallow talkie features that were only necessary for construction workers.

People watching video on a device in a public area for the same reason speakerphone is annoying.

Unknown said...

I agree with some of the driving ones, especially stopping to make a right hand turn!
I hate the saying "just sayin" when people use it for effect whrn trying to make a point.

I hate when people do things loudly, like when they are eating and they put the fork on the plate loudly..or (and my husband is the worst for this) dropping the lid or toilet seat loudly when he goes to the bathroom..our toilet is clean and we all know you are in there! It drives me nuts!

Anonymous said...

It's probably a good thing none of you know me, because I do things that irritate most of you.

As for me, everything irritates me. Think "Maxine" only less attractive.

Agent**it said...

KSam, yeah, I finally have a sister wife!

deree said...

My kids streaming music on 2 computers and an ipad while trying to skype. Then bitching we have no bandwith when hulu or netflix is being streamed too. Duh.

My kids not doing their chores but having the audacity to apologize to their friends they bring over unannounced"about the mess" when I'm trying to get it cleaned up.

My kid who forgets everything all the time and expects me to bring it to her at school. She is 13. Old enough to remember. Her only job is to get ready and leave in the morning. She does zero chores. Aside from fighting with her siblings and arguing with me it is a very lax morning of primping and changing outfits.

The fact I can wake up in a fantastic mood but someone downstairs is just waiting to change that haha. 3 teens and a smart alec hubby can do that.

The rest:
Stupid people who think they are smart
Smart people who play dumb
Grocery shopping
Entitled attitudes
Rising prices/stagnant pay
People who think stay at home parents don't work
Semi road hogs.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Totally, katsm0. :P

Eeekalicious said...

Cheapskates, bossy people, aggressive drivers

Trendy said...

When people ask for "waters". It 2 glasses of water...not some waters. When I am crossing the street and a driver practically clips my heel to get by. Just wait, I'm crossing the street here!

Sunny said...

@Chop chop

Do we have a polygamy situation happening here? What is your husband's first name???? :)

Sunny said...

I thought I read all the comments pretty thoroughly, but of course Agent and I said almost the same thing.

Your sass mouth never ceases to make me laugh. Cunt kick? Only a select few will ever hear me say it, but that was brilliant. That and shitshow are my new favorite swear words (sorry to the CDaN poster who I stole this from. Normally I like to give credit where credit's due)

Sunny said...

Gah - sorry for the 3rd post, but I meant to congratulate ALICIA!!! Great news lady!

Eeekalicious said...

Adults who won't be civil to other adults bother me...The type of person who, rather than staying on topic, will pass judgment on race, size, gender, sexual preferences, religion, or age.

They cannot resist expressing themselves and get really pissed off when they 'can't be honest' because others are 'too sensitive'.

Mango said...

Saw this one tonight: Guys who walk around with toothpicks hanging out of their mouths - so gross!

astrogirl said...

People who use other peoples blogs to promote themselves, then have the temerity to then try to bite off the hand that fed them...

What a class act!

katsm0711 said...

LOLLL @astro!!

Alicia said...

Thanks Sunny!!!

astrogirl said...

hehehe kats I have another one. People who constantly harp on about how hot they are whilst name dropping Oprah.

"In my coveted position as the Ten Factory member who was already a ten, Oprah began a relationship with me to discuss how it was that I had such a banging body as well as how it was that I had so many hot boyfriends, where I bought my clothes..."

or this little gem

"because I have the body to wear hot looking clothing that was reduced in price because there isn't much competition in the petite size zero to 2 department when you are also incongruously busty. "

KittensRUs said...

"Girls that refuse to sit down on the toilet seat."

YES. My office is FULL of these. Sit your ass down, Princess.

Screaming children. I've got zero tolerance.

People with fuckwitted excuses for giving up a pet.

Margaux said...

People who whipper-snipper outside my office window all day. Or on Sunday mornings.

Garbage collection at 6am.

In meetings when people talk about shit before the allocated agenda item - or talk about stuff that is not relevant to the purpose of the meeting.

People who don't put the toilet lid down when they flush (the contents can spray as far as 6 metres when flushed!!!)

Gluten free foods being combined with nut free, vegan, and lactose intolerant. Some of us just have the one sensitivity!!!

Chris Brown defenders.

People who ride public transport when they have cold/flu. Stay HOME.

I'm going to stop because I'm getting more annoyed the more I think about things that irritate me.

a non a miss said...

@Syko- while reading all the comments, I realized that apparently I'm very irritating to everyone.

I'm all about wearing my UGG boots everywhere (when it is cold!), they were expensive, I have to get my moneys worth!

The only thing that truly makes me see red is when someone asks me to repeat myself when I know its only because they weren't paying attention. I speak cleary and loudly, just listen!

katsm0711 said...

@astro please be joking!!!!!

Lelaina Pierce said...

This is a nice way to vent! :)
○ People that hock/spit on the ground. Or spit out gum. Toothpicks are gross,too. Anytime I see someone using one, I mentally imagine it getting stuck in their mouth like that scene in Uncle Buck.
○ I hate that you can't see who replied to which poster in the comments, unless you are on a smartphone.
○ When you've met someone more than one time and they act like it's the first time.
○ Lack of manners, rudeness & being unappreciative
○ Talking during a movie. I didn't pay $10 to hear your character analysis.
○ People that are too lazy to put up their shopping carts.
○ Driving under the speed limit
○ People who completely lose their identity post marriage/children AND/OR people that give away their pets after kids even though they were "HUGE animal lovers" beforehand.
○ Women that pee, poop or period all over a public restroom. Can we please try and act like civilized humans?
○ Parents that don't discipline their children
○ ^People that seem surprised when they evolve into a-holes b/c of this
○ Not picking up after yourself (*ahem, husband)
○ Politicians. All of them. And people that blindly believe what they say or think they actually care about people.
○ Close talkers
○ People that belittle waitstaff or really anyone that thinks someone else is "beneath them"
○ Fake laughter
○ Conversing with someone that always turns the conversation back to them or who doesn't listen to you.
○ Mindless chatter when I'm busy/working, etc.
○ People that are negative or complain all the time irritate me. So I'm pretty disgusted with myself after all these examples. ;)

NYCGirl said...

The misuse of apostrophes.
The devotion to electronic devices.

KSam said...

Random surveys that end up with 165 responses that clog up my gossip sites...

Just kidding - this is the best "Your Turn" that Enty's ever had!!!

katsm0711 said...

I keep thinking of more things to add, but I'll stop. How about if Enty does this once a month or we do a festivus thing in December? And PLEASE can we balance this with a "what are your favorite thing 'your turn' "? I hate that I've been concentrating on things I hate since I read this!

KellyLynn said...

I hate dealing with sticky stuff, like tape. I especially hate it when people leave little tape nubs where they don't belong, like the sides of tables.

I hate discarded band-aids and the wrappers that carry them. Even just seeing a band-aid on someone grosses me out. A bandage doesn't gross me out, unless it is secured with tape.

It really irritates me when people publish something that uses incorrect grammar. It's one thing to send an instant message with grammar or spelling errors. It's another beast entirely when someone creates a formal document, yet they don't take the time to proofread it. It's even worse when someone has a sign painted that includes errors.

The worst thing is when someone mispronounces a common word. Unfamiliar words get a pass, and accents get a pass, but otherwise intelligent people should know how to say words like "accessories." Geez. Illinoisians should know how to say ILL-inois, and not ELL-inois, too, especially when they get paid to speak on the radio or TV.

I'm sure I have more, but those are my biggest pet peeves.


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