Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Blind Item #3

This B- list mostly movie actress was thisclose to A list at one point and then entered into a disastrous relationship which saw her crash down to the almost C+ level. Out of that relationship now, she is having a much harder time finding roles that pay well and is open to just about anything that will pay her money. Things she never would have considered even six months ago. Dancing With The Stars? You bet. Even a reality show is on the table. In the meantime she is trying to live as frugally as possible so people don't notice her financial pain, but she has been quietly selling some items each month to make her look like she has more than she does.


MacAttack said...

Makes it sound like Katie Holmes but i think it's someone else.

Jessica said...

I don't know Mac, I think Katie is a great guess.

Shocky said...

Katie isn't mainly movies though.

tealily said...

Nah, I don't think it's Katie. She's better known for her TV career than her film career. Was she close to A list when she married Tom? That said, I'm stumped. She's the only one I thought of too.

jensun said...

Meg Ryan?

Jessica said...

Although... the only part that makes me think it could be someone else is the part about quietly selling stuff and living frugally so people think she has more than she does. I think Katie has plenty and don't see her worrying that people think she's poor.

Jessica said...

Was Rachel Bilson ever in a disastrous relationship? I remember people talking about how it was baffling she lived like she had a lot of money but never seemed to work.

The Black Cat said...

megan fox

tealily said...

Meg Ryan's a decent guess.

FrenchGirl said...

courtney love? i know ,i know but she sold some stuffs on Ebay

jensun said...

I dunno, @tealily. It's the only thing that came to mind, but she isn't "recently" out of a bad relationship - I was thinking of the whole scandal with Russell Crowe. If she's so tight with Mellencamp now, would he let her sell her stuff bit by bit...
Just talked myself out of my own guess.

FrenchGirl said...

Meg Ryan was A list in 90's
Megan Fox is again married with BAG
Rachel Bilson is again with STAR WARS guy

SkittleKitty said...

Robin Wright (Penn)? Hope not. But Sean Penn certainly could be considered a disaster in the relationship department.

Unknown said...

Can't be Rachel Bilson as she has a show on the almost network, now in its second season.
Why anyone watches it is beyond my understanding as the show is just awful!

Patty said...

The clue says Dancing with the Stars. Who has been on that? None of these guesses fit that part of the clue.

FitwithLizzie said...

Could it be the girl who dated Marilyn Manson? Evan Something?

mandy said...


The Black Cat said...

She is considering DWTS, has not been on yet

Amber said...

I like the Katie Holmes guess. She trained to dance in for that B'way show or whatever, so a spot on DWTS seems to fit. Although, that goes against my belief she got a payout from Cruise to STFU.

Anonymous said...

olivia munn

only said...

Olivia Munn is working right now as well as being in the newsroom on HBO (fantastic show BTW)

Doesn't Katie have a huge payday from Tom?

Karen D.C. said...

I hope this isn't Julia Stiles. I like her a lot.

hothotheat said...

Claire Danes would fit if she wasn't working on homeland. Her relationship with Billy Crudup (who left his pregnant gf of 7 years to be with her) would qualify as a disaster.

I like the Meg Ryan guess.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

I wanted to say Anne Hathaway but her career is far from suffering.

Kelly said...

@Karen D.C.
Julia is actually a very good guess. She fits in the clues very well. I'd hate for it to be her too though, I've also always liked her.

FrenchGirl said...

katie holmes! because Cruise only pays $250,000 per year for Suri

FoxyLoxy said...

Renee Zellweger. And the relationship would be Bradley Cooper. Maybe he burned through all her Bridget Jones cash?

FoxyLoxy said...

Renee Zellweger. And the relationship would be Bradley Cooper. Maybe he burned through all her Bridget Jones cash?

Kloie said...

Julia Stiles does sound like a good guess. She was really popular back when "10 things I hate about you" came out, but then was apparently blacklisted after the whole affair happened.

Silly Girl said...

Julia Stiles is a good guess! She definitely fits, and we'll know for sure when the next season of DWTS comes out! I don't watch that show, so someone will have to keep an eye on it!

KendraWM said...

Katie doesn't really fit with the clues, in the beginning of the relationship being with TC propelled her to near A list.

We need someone who was almost A list and the relationship caused her to fall.

Brenda L said...

I do think this is Katie. That's okay, she's just having to readjust the budget to a new way of life. She will never live "Tom Cruise rich" again. And this is a good thing.

Snapdragon said...

Renee's an Oscar winner, though--I thought an Oscar win brought one up to A, at least for a little while. This blind seems to suggest the actress has never been A list.

Basil said...

Meg Ryan and Julia Styles are the only 2 actress I know who were slut-shamed badly.

allaboutkelli said...

Julia Stiles seems like a great guess! The disastrous relationship would be her affair with Michael C. Hall. Katie Holmes is mostly TV, I would think. Even with Tom she wasn't close to A List and even if she didn't get a huge pay out from Tom, she has Suri's child support and is still working on Broadway. Plus she probably doesn't have anything to sell, Tom made her get rid of everything in her life pre-sci :-)

Now! said...

We also need someone whom Middle America would enjoy seeing on Dancing With The Stars. Katie and Meg, yes; Julia Stiles, not so much.

Renee was A all the way at one time - an Oscar, a franchise, and that franchise still has one episode to go. Not her.

Bleu said...

Oh I think Katie does fit -- she had the Maggie Gyllenhaal role in the Heath Ledger Dark Knight and TC convinced her to back out of it right at the start of their marriage. She's been snapped taking the NYC subway, repeatedly. The timing too is more Katie than Julia Stiles (and does it really make sense that Julia Stiles would have a reality show on the table right now? I don't see it.)

Silly Girl said...

I honestly can't wrap my head around Katie willingly doing a reality show. Honestly, she's tried to stay out of the public like that. I just don't see it working out well for her if she does. No way would Suri be allowed to be filmed, so what are we going to watch? Her posting her stuff on ebay? Sitting around eating Chinese and watching Lifetime movies? Not an exciting reality show at all, IMO. Even if you throw in the 'life after Tom' angle, I can't see how he or his handlers would even allow that.

Now! said...

I cannot imagine Tom Cruise allowing Suri to participate in a reality show, and there would be very little interest in a Katie show without Suri.

The Real Dragon said...

I doubt tom cruise will let Katie be broke like that.

msgirl said...

I don't think it's Katie, but I got nothing else. Julia is definitely not doing well, I'm off to check IMDB. As a former indie queen, reality show would be quite a downfall.

msgirl said...

Hmm Julia does have work lined up, including The Bell Jar.

How come people don't blame Michael C Hall for the affair? Is it because he was "confused" getting over his cancer? No one is holding him accountable. As usual the guy gets off....

Mango said...

ABC News estimated Katie Holmes fortune at $25 million before her divorce from the cake-hating dwarf. And even if she was cash poor, I'll bet he would want to make sure she had some hush money to prevent some interesting tidbits getting leaked.

Renee Z and especially Meg Ryan have had some pretty good paydays but I can't imagine either slumming it on DWTS. (What does that show pay, anyway? Anyone know?)

Julia Stiles is a great guess, but she's pretty uppity. Another one I can't picture on DWTS.

Silly Girl said...

I'd love to know the story with Julia Stiles and Michael C Hall! All I ever heard was they had an 'affair' and it ended their marriage. I realize that's still a lot, but I mean, when did this happen? Did they get caught, Kstew style? Was it on set? Pregnant? Who found out? How? You know, the details.....

lollydarling said...

I'm seconding or thirding Megan Fox for this.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AM said...

Kim Basinger

Was nearly touching A-list with LA Confidential & the Oscar but never really A-list.
Disastrous relationship with Alec Baldwin.

Unknown said...

Sienna Miller?

JJ said...

What about Rose McGowan?

Oh Brother! said...

It could be Kate Bosworth. She did TV at the beginning and now only movies; was almost A list with Blue Crush, 21 and Superman Returns; had kind of a meltdown after breakup w/Orlando Bloom. Now only gets cast in indie films with incredibly small budgets. She’s currently more into fashion stuff and has a business called Jewelmint. If it’s not doing well the she may be considering anything to stay afloat.

geminigirl789 said...

ScarJo, with the disastrous relationship being Sean Penn.

Momster said...

Keisha Castle-Hughes?

Shot to fame in Whale Rider and was nominated for an Oscar. She then starred in The Nativity Story, but during the promotional campaign she was pregnant and unmarried, which didn't sit well with the Christian audience.

Since then, a bit of this and that, including tv roles. Her relationship(s) haven't been with anyone famous, though, and she's foreign born, and Enty usually notes that.

Mango said...

Megan Fox is sounding better and better. Between her foot-in-mouth comments about Michael Bay and her marriage to control-freak BAG, she's going to find it hard to cast again.

Maybe Katie Holmes can give her tips on how to escape. If Brian will ever let her out of his sight.

urg8urg said...

I thought Julia Stiles ended up taking the heat for the affair with Michael C Hall, but he was really sleeping with a PA that was shown in a photo on one of these gossip sites. I'm confused as to whether she did or didn't sleep with him. I do know she got black listed whether she did or didn't

Bleu said...

Megan Fox is not out of her relationship with BAG. Also, the blind doesn't say that the person is going to do a reality show -- only that it's on the table. That's one of the reasons why it seems more like Katie Holmes to me than Julia Stiles or Meg Ryan -- I can imagine that Katie has all sorts of offers right now, probably including some kind of reality show following her (and Suri) around NYC or as a new single, but I just cannot see any such kind of reality show offer even on the table for consideration by Julia Stiles or Meg Ryan.

Mango said...

@ Amy - Oops! Missed the part about her being out of the relationship.

Still think Megan needs to escape.

MrWolf said...

@SillyGirl -

There was a blind reveal about it.

Apparently, Stiles had an affair with Michael C Hall on the set of Dexter while he was married to co-star Jennifer Carpenter.

Carpenter went around Hollywood and asked for Stiles to be shunned and apparently it happened.

Bellabella22 said...

Certainly this is not about Meg Ryan or Katie Holmes. Meg Ryan was def A-list for at least a decade, has no money problems(hello, she sold her house for 14 mill last year, owns a 7 mill dollar home, rents a place at 30.000 per month that she barely lives in and has a rich boyfriend). Katie Holmes has no problems getting some partsin movies and on stage either.

Megan Fox sounds right.She was never A-list.

bunnymother said...

Minnie Driver

Tatyana said...

@antigossip2 said...

"Megan Fox sounds right.She was never A-list."

Except that she's still very much in a relationship with her husband and just had a child with him?

Anna said...

I'm tepid about my own guess, but Uma Thurmond, mainly because she was a financial victim of a big scheme of a financial adviser, and had put her NYC property up for sale. She and Ethan Hawke divorced, but that wasn't a kind of disastrous break-up that would hurt her career. I'd love to see her on DWTS, though.

Scott said...

Anne Heche.

Silly Girl said...

@Mr. Wolf and @p_crazy, thanks for the info. I think I got hung up because I don't know who his wife is/was (did she really have enough clout to have others shun Julia Stiles?) and Julia Stiles was THE 'it' girl for awhile! Now, if she were boinking Julia Roberts husband, then I could see her getting blacklisted. Also, from these blinds, it sounds like everyone in Hollywood is doing everyone else, so why is THIS story such a big deal? I guess I'm missing the hook to this story.

roseformyrose said...

I don't have a good guess for this BI, but I need you to know 'cake-hating dwarf' has just made my day.

Anonymous said...

I'm going Julia Stiles on this one too.

Gabby said...

To be different - Jennifer Esposito with Bradley Cooper? I just got a vibe from the "crash" down to c-list comment.

spinny said...

Wasn't Rose McGowan the popular guess for a blind awhile ago about an actress on her way down having serious financial trouble and getting desperate?


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