Monday, November 12, 2012

Today's Blind Items - You Should Get Tested

This actor almost reached A list at one point. He even got to be the lead in a movie. Then he dropped like a rock to the point where he is now a C lister even though he it was not that long ago that he co-starred in some of the highest grossing movies of all-time. It was not just because his movie bombed or that he was difficult to work with, it is because producers were ticked off at him because he knew he was HIV+ but kept having unprotected sex and not telling anyone. When two of his partners tested positive, our actor was confronted. The actor said he had not known he was positive, but his B list actress beard told producers that  the actor had known for sometime and that his lying about it was one of the main reasons they "broke up." Our actor has been trying to make amends, but he is having a lot of trouble making any progress and is practically blacklisted by anyone who matters in the industry. The only time he is hired is by people who are not aware. They are then made aware and advised that they should drop the actor.


Jemtastic said...

Wait, is this BI saying the actor is being dropped from projects because he's HIV+?

Meg said...

Shia LeBouf (sp?)?

Anotheramy said...

Holy Crap!
And no, hes not being dropped because hes HIV+ he is being dropped because he has unprotected sex and doesnt tell his partners. He gave it to two of his co stars.

Mr.Cannon said...

Lautner. Sad sad sad.

Sugar said...

Jem, I think it's more because he knew he had HIV yet he still had unprotected sex with partners without telling them of his status.

Meg said...

@Jemtastic -- no, he's being dropped because he knowingly and deliberately exposed people to/infected people with HIV.

Cathy said...

My first thought was Lautner, but then I was thinking maybe Jake G?

Jilly said...

Hayden Christiansen?

Meg said...

I don't think this is Lautner, he was never considered close to A-list even with Twilight's success, and the last movie hasn't come out yet.

Theresa said...

Jake Gyllenhaal (I still have no idea how to spell that)? He hasn't done much lately.

Liz L said...

Ryan Phillippe.

a non a miss said...

Jake G?

AndyCane said...

I was thinking Shia as well

IDoTheRobot said...

Jake G or Lautner?

LouLou06 said...

Toothy Tile!!!

Lynn Cloud said...

I think this guy is a one hit wonder actor. I thought of Brandon Routh from Superman Returns but I don't think it fits enough.

LouLou06 said...

Toothy Tile!!!

LouLou06 said...

Toothy Tile!!!

spacecowboy78 said...

Hayden Christensen. Lautner is still in Twlight, Jake G is far above C list, B+ at worst. The B list beard is probably Rachel Bilson.

nancer said...

i guess i just can't accept that taylor lautner was ever almost A. is this based on those shit-alicious twilight movies?

i first thought jeremy renner, but i think he is A list and i see he's pretty busy these days.

Patty Mayonnaise said...


Jilly said...

Thinking Hayden - big grossing movies, Star Wars, lead in one movie - Jumper, beard - Rachel Bilson?

Jeneral said...

I co-sign the Hayden guess.

Lynn Cloud said...

@spacecowboy78, I think you got it.

hairydawg said...

this is Alex Pettyfer

MISCH said...

Ryan Phillippe has the herp and gave it to Reese, that's how she found out what a pig he is.
I don't know who it is, but lying about an STD any STD is a crime as far as I'm concerned. I have gay friends and they are completely up front about their status...not to be is immoral.

cdanluva said...

Josh Hartnett? He was really big, and then just dropped off out of nowhere

Patty Mayonnaise said...

Tyler Perry...smh

Unknown said...

I was fully thinking Alex Pettyfer for sone reason

Kelly said...

Stupid slow phone! Hayden, Rachel, Star Wars as huge movie.

Kathleen said...

Jake G. has headlined many more than just one movie. Hayden fits.

Jemtastic said...

Not to be that person but the last two sentences make it seem as if he's being dropped due to his status.

And what about personal responsibility? Why were these women having unprotected sex and why didn't they insist on testing before getting down? This actor is an asshole but to blame him solely for the women getting HIV seems really dangerous and takes them off the hook for not protecting themselves first.

Unknown said...

Keenan Ivory Wayans. Trust.

Unknown said...

Actually, this is FULLY Hayden Christianson.... shit :( he's so hot too...

Amber said...

Doubt it's Hartnett. He's actually a pretty decent dude - relatively private. I see him out and about in Mpls a bit and a friend is BFF with his sister.

camembert said...

It's generally considered poor form to not disclose an STD to a potential sex partner, regardless if the other asks or not. And in some jurisdictions, knowingly transmitting HIV is a criminal offense.

MISCH said...

No where does it say the he infected a woman...and if he had a beard I'd say he infected two men.

Cathy said...

My only issue with Hayden is that he and Rachel Bilson are back together - if she was so upset about it, why would she go back to bearding for him?

Karen said...

@Cathy, based on a blind item that was thought to be about them, Rachel Bilson loves H.C. because he's her best friend and doesn't want a real relationship with a man because of past sexual abuse. No idea if that's actually true, but I could see her forgiving him if he promised her that he wouldn't do it again.

Amber said...

Oh, Hartnett also has no need for a beard.

Karrots said...

I was on the Hayden train but didn't he and Bilson get back together?

What about Owen Wilson with the beard being Kate Hudson, hence why he had such a breakdown after, people found out his secret.

J Ruth said...

I thought of Christian Slater for some reason...

crila16 said...

Oh yeah...the Jake G (Toothy Tile) guess is great.

The Shia guess is good too. I've heard he likes the boys too.

Josh Hartnett is straight...he's just a bad actor, which is why he's not working.

Chrissy said...

I thought Van Damme for this - there has been speculation for years that he has HIV. I don't remember the last film he was in either.

crila16 said...

Wait...Owen Wilson is gay? What? Where is the BV about Kate being his beard?

B said...

Don't kill me for this guess...just throwing a different one out there. Viggo?

plrtz glrb said...

Dunno why Justin long popped into my head, anyone know what happened to him?

Elly said...

@Lynn Cloud I don't think its him. He's on the show Partners. It sounds like this guy doesn't work.

Karrots said...

crila he may not be gay, I have no idea.

KendraWM said...

Owen Wilson has father a baby, if it was him, that beard went above and beyond the call of duty ;-)

I take the last 2 lines to read that as soon as they are made aware of what a horrid human he is by knowingly infecting partners, not that making aware he is HIV+

JoElla said...

I think this is someone older..but I do like Karrots guess.

Unknown said...

jake g, shia, viggo... all have long careers and are still working.

hayden is so far the most plausible guess.

also: perhaps this is someone older? there is no time reference so it could possibly be from the 90s or 2ks.

Basil said...

This sounds like Hayden what with Star Wars and then Jumper. You know, it is not good form not to disclose an STD, particularly HIV. But whomever his partners were also have to take some responsibility. If you don't know someone very well, especially if you are gay, you insist on a condom whether the guy admits his status or not. Case closed. It sucks that whomever this is is being blacklisted (deservedly IMHO) while his "partners" are probably getting all the sympathy. At least that is what this sounds like is happening.

Amber said...

Shia doesn't seem like he needs a beard, considering he keeps getting busted Fing other girls while he has a gf. Plus, the post from earlier about his bar fight mentioned how he was feeling up his co-star at the pub the whole night.

KZoeT said...

Vin Diesel?

Unknown said...

Christian's funny how a name just pops out at you for these blinds.

This makes me realize how statistically improbable it is that there are not more celebs known to be HIV+, but if I was a celeb I would lie about it too. Sad but true.

SusanB said...

If I were one of the partners, I'd sue him in civil court for damages. If I lived somewhere where this is a criminal case, I'd go to the police. Why aren't people like this outed? I don't give a damn if you're gay or straight, but to give someone a disease without their consent should be a criminal act.

Karrots said...

Oooh Vin Diesel is a good guess, but who is his B-list beard?

Unknown said...

The younger guy from American Beauty - not Spacey

moussemaker said...

Christian Slater and Vin Diesel are bad guesses.
Both have headlined many movies, unlike the blind item.
Also, Vin has new Fast & Furious and XXX sequels coming out. Slater has worked on many movies this year.

katsm0711 said...

Shia wouldn't be doing his gross on cam real sex movie if this was him.

Jason Blue Eyes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Real Dragon said...

Vin has good career still.he has ton of movies coming out. He's franchise of fast and furious going strong. Doubt it is him.35 mil people on facebook lol

Im not going to guess this one because these are some serious allegations. im not saying its not true but i dont want to pin point the wrong person with guess lol

Caraface said...

I'm a little late to the party, but this blind screams Hayden Christensen to me. Jake Gyllenhaal has headlined more than one movie and isn't a struggling C-lister. Vin Diesel might be gay, but he has XXX, Pitch Black, and The Fast & The Furious franchise (which I LOVE, tyvm).

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Hayden had a hair transplant procedure around 5 or 6 years ago. If he was HIV positive they would not have operated on him. You have to supply several blood tests to the physician beforehand - HIV, Hep C. Etc.

Jolene Jolene said...

Totally Hayden. Jake G has been the lead in way too many films for this to be him. And he hasn't been in some of the highest grossing movies of all-time either.

Anonymous said...

Gerard Butler?? We know he likes to hump anything.

He's suddenly got all these craptastic looking movies out, that surfer one and now the one with Jessica Biel?

Jessica being the beard for her own protection.

spacecowboy78 said...

@ Jason it's good to see you around here again, but that is not correct. Whether or not this blind is Hayden C ( which I believe it to be), as long as there was no medically necessary reason to deny - the HIV was disclosed, proper procedures taken, the patient having infection under control - he would not be denied a hair transplant.

Janet296 said...

Colin Farrell

MISCH said...

Oh I'm sure Butler has several STD's but not this one,
Rachel Bilson and Hayden are room mates nothing more......
Owen Wilson is not gay...he has other issues...

Kiki K said...

Sam Worthington came to mind

Jaiden_S said...

Alex Pettyfer. He was dancing around the cusp of A list and headlined "I am Number Four," before dropping like a rock. Has rumours of being difficult to work with from "Magic Mike" set. I think it's him.

Geebz said...

you're right@kat. Shia wouldn't get cleared for that if he were HIV+

msgirl said...

Pettyfer was not in the highest grossing movie of all time. I always wondered what happened to Hayden. Plenty of actors getting work who can't act, so this could explain it.

MadLyb said...

I agree with the Hayden Christensen guessers.

auntliddy said...

Hey!!!!! I made a witty and pithy comment and it isnt here!!!!! Wtf????? Lol. I said what he is doing is against the law. Its no sin to be hiv +, but u gotta tell ur partners.

BitterBlondin said...

Jonathan Rhys Meyers?

allthesun said...

Sam worthington is who came to mind.

hollywood dime said...

I don't think this is Keenan....BUT Keenan is HIV positive. and has passed it along. That 100% fact.

crila16 said...

I actually think I'm liking the Jonathan Rhys Meyers guess. I've noticed he hasn't worked very much.

noseygal48 said...

I read this as jake G. That would explain why he just fell off!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

@Spacecowboy - Oh, I never really went anywhere. :)

And always great to see you here too.

david91 said...

who is keenan?

Unknown said...

@ Jason Spacecowboy is right. They treat the scene as a contaminated site. They would still do the procedure. I had worked for a transplant doctor so I can say this with relatively good authority.

Sophia said...

First person that came to mind was Chris Evans. He's dating Minka Kelly (though not sure if I consider her B list?)

MsFantomas said...

Definitely on the Hayden Christensen train of thought. I hardly ever get the blind items but that's who came to mind instantly.

ginaG said...

Anyone for Edward Norton??

Anonymous said...

Jason Blue Eyes - just because you are HIV+ isn't reason to stop any surgery or even a tattoo. You need some accurate education as do a few others.

Concerning Shia - why is everyone assuming that he is doing the movie condom free?

Jake is still A List - was just on Broadway, was well reviewed in End of Watch, has three movies coming out and regardless of their success he has A+++ name recognition.

crila16 said...

Jake is most definitely NOT A++++ Name recognition. He's not at big as George Clooney, Brad Pitt or Leonardo DiCaprio. He's certainly is no Jack Nicholson. Jake isn't really even as big as he used to be. He's not a box office draw. He's maybe a B+ at this point.

Unknown said...

So if it's Hayden, who might be the costars he infected?

Ingrid Superstar said...

LMAO, Keenan Ivory Wayans is HIV+? Isn't he still with Brittany Daniels?

Sis Cesspool said...

Vin Diesel?

Ingrid Superstar said...

It doesn't say in the blind that co-stars were infected, could be civilians.

yodelay said...

Adrian Brody?

KJ Kitsom said...

I'm liking the Chris Evans/Capt. America guess.

Nellie said...

Sam Worthington from Avatar?

Unknown said...

That's exactly who I was thinking, but who is the beard?

Unknown said...

I'm thinking either Sam Worthington or Hatden Christensen. Who would be Sam's beard?

spacecowboy78 said...

I try to always be positive and objective in my posts, but some of these guesses today are horrendous. A simple application of the clues and a quick gander at an IMDB is all that is needed to rule people out. The implication (because of the use of a "beard", not the HIV) is that this actor is homosexual.

I don't know about Sam Worthington's sexuality, but I do know he has major theatrical releases in the works, including Avatar 2. His star is ascending.

Chris Evans is quite possibly the worst guess ever. Not only is his star definitely ascending with a ton of upcoming projects, he's also a well known lover of the ladies. He has no reason to have a "beard."

HereiGo said...

How about Elijah Wood? Although, to counter myself, I can't think of a beard, and I don't think he is considered hard to work with.

Jason Blue Eyes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CharRicho said...

Jake G is still working steadily.
Chris Evans is signed on for 2 more Avenger and 2 more Captain American films.

Sam Worthington is a good guess, although I always thought he didn't get that many jobs anymore since everyone figured out he's a Grade A Asshole.

Hayden Christenson is the other believable guess... he hasn't released any films since 2010. He does have quite a few listed in "pre-production" on imdb but sometimes those are just rumored ones and not confirmed.

Flora Goforth said...

Being HIV+ would not get you blacklisted. Being HIV+ and knowingly passing it along to your coworkers while on set and/or location might make you uninsurable. And being uninsurable would get you blacklisted.

CharRicho said...

Also Hayden has a well-known B-list actress beard in Rachel Bilson and they did break up for awhile.

I don't think Sam Worthington ever dated a B-lister, and I haven't heard that many gay rumors about him (no more so than the same ones that EVERY actor gets at some point in his career)

Jason Blue Eyes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason Blue Eyes said...

Okay, gang - I stand corrected. Thanks for the clarifying info.

BubbleKitten said...

I loved Ted and all his wacky nicknames. I miss him!!!

Kathleen said...

I was all over the Hayden guess, but according to his IMDb profile, he's got three projects coming up. He even has top billing in The Diplomat. Two are in pre-production and have no release date - so who knows what will come of them? - but Outcast with Nicolas Cage is slated for 2013.

Unknown said...

Martin Henderson.

Flora Goforth said...

Kathleen those are all mickey mouse credits. They are all listed as being in pre-production and all the production companies listed are very low/no level. It could be that they have listed these projects on IMDB and are looking for financing by saying these people are attached to them.

dia papaya said...

This blind is horrible! I frankly have no idea, but whoever it is needs to stop the bullshit!

I agree with whomever said that this should be a criminal act - to knowingly participate in an activity that will permanently harm another person. I have too many friends both gay and straight that have had randy nights out without protection. Some were really lucky and some were not. HIV isn't the death sentence it used to be but it definitely is a life changer. Hep B and C are just as dangerous and even more contagious!

So always use a condom peeps! And this asshole should be outed for the asshole he is.

*rant over*

Anonymous said...

shutuppppppp! wow

Mango said...

I like Hayden for this blind, but another reason that he hasn't been cast in any movies is that he's a lousy actor. Really horrible.

The Real Dragon said...

Sam Worthington has Avatar 2 and 3.

Is james cameron dropping him?

hollywood dime said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shit You Can't Buy said...

About Shia: he was talking crap about his newest movie, because his co-stars (for example Stellan Skarsgard) and the director has stated multiple times that the sex scenes will be done by pornstars. Shia just tries to appear tough and cool by talking about screwing someone on screen. He is talking BS. I am sure he will be naked, but sex.. No.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

I am guessing Hayden too though. Also shame on his beard for getting back together again.. I would drop the dude like a hot patato: screwing people without a condom when u know you are ill. Bitch! (both of them!)

Ingrid Superstar said...

dia - I'm pretty sure it is a criminal act. There was a wrestler who got prison time for it.

Calla said...

Just as an outsider guess, what about Billy Zane? Was in Titanic, almost A because of the Zoolander name drop/cameo, and pretty much totally gone now.... Not sure if/what movie he headlined though...

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Like the Billy Zane guess! Kelly Brook could be the beard. He was the lead in Dead Calm I believe, not sure though. He does have projects lined up though, so not sure.

Unknown said...

This makes no sense, first of all, it takes two people to have unprotected sex. Second how the hell would the studio know or even care. You can murder someone but if you still bring in box office the studio does not give a shit. Rock Hudson had full blown aids when he was on Dynasty. Everyone knew it.

alabrava said...

Nick Stahl?

Basil said...

@unknown, I think a studio would care very much if it gets out they hire a guy who has reckless unprotected sex with people and infecting them. It's bad for business.

But this situation sounds like an unofficial blacklist. Word gets around that this guy is basically putting people in mortal danger, so who wants to hire someone like that?

But I can't help but wonder if this is some sort of smear campaign against this actor and he isn't HIV at all. He might have pissed someone off, and that someone is now spreading rumours.

edweezyfosheezy said...

Dont know if it has been said but Macaulay Culkin?

CanadianMiss said...

This is why I choose Hayden Christensen. From Wikipedia
" He was featured in REDs Lazarus Effect Campaign, which is intended to increase awareness for its efforts to fight AIDS in Africa"

He is trying to make amends
He is hired by people who are not aware(key word)
Oh, also cause of the highest grossing movies and a lead in a movie, to nothing.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Billy Zane appeared on The Daily Show just two weeks ago. He's working apparently.

dia papaya said...

Thanks Ingrid!

Stay safe gurrl! ;)

Angie said...

Rumor is lautner is actually still a virgin. He still lives and home with Mom and Dad and they still make him now the lawn every Sunday and finish his chores on time. I doubt it's him. It sounds like he has awesome parents that keep him grounded.

Pip said...

Isn't Bilson still with him? I doubt she would go back to him if he knowingly gave it to her.

Unknown said...

Not Billy Zane. Married to awesome girl and has 2 year old daughter. They just moved to Chicago because they didn't want to raise heir daughter here in LA. Really, really nice guy.

TheGoodRain said...

Guessing Jared Leto. Requiem for a Dream for his big leading role, and then he kind of just drops off the movie scene. Yes, one can say that he was focusing on music - but what if it was something more?

Andy said...

You people need to check IMDB before guessing. Hayden C. made four movies in 2010 and has 3 in pre-production. He isn't soaring but he's not crashing and burning either.

Nicola said...

I hope it's not Gerald Butler. He's at home right now and has been in my friend's bar - very friendly and tips well apparently. He was at a bar a few years ago that my best friend worked in and he was a decent guy then too. As someone who works in the service industry, I give him a pass for acting douchy since I always hear how generous he is. I've made my friend promise to call me if he makes a reappearance, and you'll know if I meet him because I'll send in a reader photo!

Wonder if he'll find it funny if I pose wearing a hazmat suit? :P

My guess for this is is Adrian Brody. He's a wonderful actor but there is something I don't like about him.

gr8p said...

Nick Stahl

jax said...

man i am laughing my ass off at not only the guesses, the complete lack of education being thrown around with the outdated stereotypes.

-of course he has to be gay or closeted.
-of course he got it from unprotected sex with a man.
-of course he and everyone else is going to die.
-he's doing work for AIDS to make amends (that's my fave)

dyzdirect said...

Vin Diesel. After Fast & Furious (2009) he kind of disappeared from movies.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

@jax: at first I was offended at the prejudice too, but the blind says he has a beard: therefore he is gay/closeted.
I was wondering 'why is everyone suddenly only talking about gay men', but it's because of the blind.

astrogirl said...

Man I am laughing my arse off at Jax...

The complete lack of education, demonstrated by incomprehension of key words in the blind

-he has a beard
-we don't mean facial hair

it took forever said...

Taylor Lautner might be a virgin to women but not to men, he drives around Bryan singers convertable regulary , and you know singer love them young

Jess said...

I don't think it's Hayden. It said he CO-starred in some of the highest grossing movies, and that he got the lead in A movie, which I take for a single movie. I would say that his role in Star Wars was much more than a co-star role.

Jess said...

I don't think it's Hayden. It said he CO-starred in some of the highest grossing movies, and that he got the lead in A movie, which I take for a single movie. I would say that his role in Star Wars was much more than a co-star role.

Jess said...

I'm leaning toward the Lord of the Rings guesses, maybe even Pirates (though I'm not sure who would fit on Pirates).

What’s Tea said...

Co star Billy zane 2018 guess.

Unknown said...

Yea but Ryan is still doing well and on TV


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