Friday, January 18, 2013

Blind Item #6

This D list celebrity with A list name recognition is trying to sell a story about he hooked up with his B list celebrity ex and baby mama who has A++ list name recognition. Apparently he needs the money and is willing to sell the story even though it would destroy his current relationship.


tealily said...


Shocky said...

KFed and Britney

FrenchGirl said...


you're too nice!

Tyler said...

imho, Britney is still A list and KFed gets a generous monthly stipend from her for the boys.

Sarah said...


Sarah said...

Kevin doesn't look like he's missed any meals lately, he doesn't need the cash because he's hungry

LottaColada said...

I'll go with newly married Levi Johnson and Bristol Palin. She is a baby mama, Britney is an ex-wife.

Basil said...

Kfed has it pretty damn good. A no doubt he has also signed a confidentiality agreement in return for all that child support. No way he is going to risk that. And besides, even if he did, would his GF care?

Karen said...

@Lotta, LOVE your guess!

Maximus said...

Hmm...could this be January Jones? And some dude?

FrenchGirl said...

you're right!
i change my idea and i follow you

Tyler said...

Great guess Lotta, although it pains me to think Bristol is A list anything in Enty's mind, lol

Andrew said...

K-Fed and Britney seem to be on good terms, and like someone else pointed out she was his wife. Baby Mama implies he just knocked her up. Plus Britney isn't B-List. Her last album had 3 huge hits- and even if it didn't, as a pop star she is eternally A List.

Discobitch said...

OT n not sure if anyone else has mentioned already (sorry if anyone has)

Anyone else read the rumour that Mad Mel is Jodie Fosters sperm guy?
If he is it explains a lot about her sticking up for him

Any info enty?????

LottaColada said...

@phoenix, Don't be pained! Bristol's definitely not A-list, just has HUGE name recognition thanks to her mother.

Unknown said...

Tiger & Elin!!

Agent**It said...

Kfed Will be getting a raise if Brit takes the Vegas deal.

Tammy said...

I"m reading this as he reunited with the ex for a rendevouz of some sort during the current relationship, which would ruin it. Levi Johnson is already divorced, and I doubt Palin would have had anything further to do with him after the split anyway, plus I don't see anyone paying big money for anything on them. Kfed doesn't strike me as that malicious or desperate.

Claritysk said...

actually i read in one of those gossip mags at the cashier stands... K-feds brother is actually the father of Britney's kids etc. That they slept together, and the reason why he is selling his story now is because britney is trying to "blackmail him" by using his credit cards etc...

heres a link

CamColty said...

Levi is divorced already ?

Jeri said...

Levi already divorced??!! Didn't he just get married?

LottaColada said...

Levi is NOT divorced. Her just got married in October, nothing on google turns up anything about a divorce. Also he has a baby with this new wife. Three one who got recently divorced out of the Palin's is Bristol's brother who had a shotgun wedding.

KendraWM said...

Not divorced, but there are rumors that he and the new wife want to sue for full custody of Tripp (is that the childs name)

Sherry said...

Bristol's brother was the one that got divorced already. But damn I wish it would be the loser Palin family! Especially if they Levi and Bristol hooked up on the celibacy tour she was doing.

Brea McCain said...

No I think your mixing up him with Bristol's brother who just got a divorce.

SingBlue said...

Seriously, people are suggesting that "D lit celebrity with A list name recognition" is Levi Johnson?

Oh Mayans, why weren't you right?

__-__=__ said...

Not Situation and Bettheny?? And Discobitch - that's way old news. Google!

Tammy said...

Oh, my bad, sorry about that. I can't keep them all straight.

Sarah said...

I think the consensus was that Kevin's brother either lost his marbles or never had any.

Sarah said...

I might be onboard the Levi guess

leemonada76 said...

Eddie and Brandi.

Unknown said...

That's why we call him KWellFed. ;)

Unknown said...

That's been going on since the 90s. She claims she will tell them at 21, and the info from her side has always been that it was a gay friend of hers, the name escapes me right now, who passed away years ago. She is loyal to Mel, as is RDJ, because he has been a solid friend to them both for several decades, as a confidante and support for her, and financially and moral support for RDJ.

Unknown said...

Nick Lachey, Jessica Simpson BAM

figgy said...

Yep I think Lotta got it! Levi...euw...

Swanky said...

Ryan and Reese?

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

What? Kfed's not set for life with those Popozao royalties rolling in?

TracySwingKid said...

Since Ethan Hawke is in the pictures I will go with him and Reese Witherspoon FTW.

HowToMakeMeSmile said...

Why is it so hard for whoever is writing these things to spell check!?

Unknown said...

Britney isn't B-list. Also, I don't think Bristol Palin has A++ list name recognition, certainly not internationally. And Levi doesn't have A list recognition either. I do agree that it sounds like he recently hooked up with his baby mama, which is the story he wants to tell and will wreck his current relationship. I think that calling both of them "celebrity" (instead of actor, etc.) is a hint, but I'm at a loss!

hollywood dime said...

@discobitch Mel is most definitely NOT the father of Jody's kids. The dad is a guy from Hawaii who's a friend of hers who is also gay.

PunkinElf said...

Jodie's oldest son is a spitting image of James Woods. I don't have a guess for the second son

PotPourri said...

Jody Foster's supposed father of her kids was her best friend and confidante who died about 5 years ago. The boys look just like him, except that they are both read heads, and the father is a mousy brown haired man.

PotPourri said...

Britt and KFed were married so I hardly think of this as baby-daddy. Has to be a hookup resulting in a kid.

All about Eve said...

I thought about Gabriel Aubry but I'm not sure he needs the money or is in a relationship but wouldn't that be something! Lol!

Paper trail said...

Levi already told everything. What else is there to tell? Also: who cares about Bristol at this point?

Jenn said...

I doubt KFed has even seen his peen in the past 3 years without the aid of a mirror and some serious loin girding. Even Brit has standards.
I got nothing else.

Cherry Vale said...

Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz

Eeekalicious said...

I keep reading that Randy Stone died of some sort of heart disease. Any young people I have known with congenital problems such as this have been terrified of passing it on. I went to school with one guy who had a congenital disease who actually had a vasectomy so he could still get married etc., but wouldn't chance the passing along of his disability. This was just a regular farm boy. He wasn't an activist of any sort.

My point is, seeing how intelligent Randy Stone obviously is, he was a gay rights activist also, I just can't see him voluntarily taking the chance that a child would inherit his heart problem.

Anna said...

Nick L. and Jessica Simpson

Anonymous said...

The only guess I can get out of this is Ashly Simpson and Pete Wentz, although why would that destroy anyone if they hooked up with their ex and baby mama? It's got to be someone else.

Flora Goforth said...

Datalounge thread on Jodies's sperm donor,12353080,1

Claudea said...

Blast from the past ha! Short lived Popozao was beyond awful ^^

Urbanmamasays said...

Katie Holmes and Joshua Jackson. Wild guess. except there is no mention of either of them being actors in the blind. JJ was quoted on a show as having received a call from Katie after her divorce. why reveal something like that unless you were actually dying to juice that story a little more?


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