Friday, February 22, 2013

Neal Schon's Ex-Wife & Kids Are On Food Stamps

While Journey continues to rake in millions of dollars each year and Neal Schon spends millions on new wife Michaele Salahi, he has left his two youngest kids, aged 8 and 10 and their mom so bad off that they are living on food stamps and the mom is selling the family home and planning on moving into an apartment. The Daily Mail interviewed Amber Kozan's mom who said that Neal is an abusive drunk who is nothing more than a sperm donor with an inadequate monthly check. She also says that Michaele has been saying nasty things to Neal about his ex and his kids and that Neal sends nasty texts and e-mails to Amber and wants nothing to do with his kids. Neal left Amber for Michaele. What the story does not talk about or the reporter ask is what the child support payments are and how come Amber does not go back to court to get more. Hopefully the shame of having his kids on food stamps will cause Neal to fork over more money, but I doubt it. Michaele is probably telling him to let them eat cake.


JSierra said...

Shitty situation, but something smells fishy to me and I am not just talking about Michael needing to close her legs.

Pip said...

What a piece of shit.

LottaColada said...

I cannot believe he married the White House crasher. She is Heather Mills 2.0.

Princess Pine said...

@LottaColada: Don't insult Heather Mills. Michaele is an amateur compared to Heather.

Christopher Cruz said...

How shitfull. Men can be such bastards.

Lurky Loo said...

Dear Neal Schoen,

Dude, if these kids are really yours then quit forking over thousands of dollars to La Perla so Michaele can prance around in fancy schmancy underwear and support your kids.

That is all.

LottaColada said...

@princess, maybe they went to the same Golddigging Academy but Heather graduated with top honors.

Silly Girl said...

Something isn't right with this story. There should be court orders regarding child support. This was a pretty public case, I'm surprised it's going this direction. Can't help but wonder what the angle is, and I think I'm directing it to the ex-wife.

MISCH said...

I don't understand how he was able to get off without giving his ex and the kids a good settlement ?

Barton Fink said...

When a woman describes a man as a sperm donor with an insufficient monthly check, you at least know what she looks for in a man. Sperm and money!

Lurky Loo said...

Sure you can have court orders and everything but it is still amazingly easy for men to slip away from their obligations. Even guys like Neal. The ex-wife might be being a little cagey by letting this get in the news, but it might be the only tool she has to get him to do what it right. Seriously if they can prove she is applying for public aid, Neal isn't doing something right. I am side-eyeing Neal here.

Topper Madison said...

Wait...wasn't he married to someone for about a month when Michaele ran off with him? There's no mention of her on Wikipedia. Was that marriage annulled? And he isn't married to Michaele yet, is he?

Jolene Jolene said...

Neal Schon should absolutely pay his child support, but does this woman have a job? She must be pretty poor to have to live on food stamps. Something is strange about this.

Agent**It said...

Jolene,agree. I want to see the $$ she's getting and why she qualifies for food stamps.

Eeekalicious said...

I hate it when you find out that a musician you've admired all your life turns out to be such a turd. Maybe she can't afford a lawyer. I have read that the other band members cannot stand Michaele.

Lurky Loo said...

Here is the link to the article

Seems that there is potential wrong on both parts. She is in the process of selling a $500,000 house but that can take a while in this market. If that house was paid for in cash she could get easily get something smaller in cash. Don't know if she has a job. Agree, she should have one or looking for one if she doesn't.

Supposedly Neal sends checks but who knows how often they come or how much they are.

Still giving Neal the side-eye here. How hard would it be for him to help while she is trying to sell the house?

Theresa said...

He was indeed married for a short time between Kozan and Salami. Some playboy playmate. Salami is wife number 6. Not sure I believe she's on food stamps though. I applied when I lost my job and my child support precluded me. Granted, I get good support, but he's just a doctor, not some rock star like this guy.

from some site about him:
Father of 5
Childhood and Family:
Neal George Joseph Schon was born on February 27, 1954, in Tinker Air Force Base near Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to Barbara and Matthew Schon. His father was a jazz saxophonist. A child prodigy, he first learned to play the guitar when he was 5 years old, and by age 15, he had joined Carlos Santana's band Santana. He attended Aragon High School in San Mateo, but dropped out to pursue music.
At age 22, on December 29, 1976, Neal was married for the first time to Tena Austin, but they later divorced. He later married Beth Buckley on September 20, 1987. They had two children before divorcing. He married third wife Dina Gioeli in 1993, but later divorced after having one child. He then married Amber Kozan from April 29, 2001 to 2008. The marriage produced two children. In July 2011, Neal married 1986 playboy playmate Ava Fabian.

Andy said...

Most of Journey's fan base are women. I can't for the life of me figure out how they are not furious at this asshole for his behavior. I would have thought Journey's tours would have crashed by now.

Lurky Loo said...

Interesting he was married to Amber for 7 years. So it wasn't some "hit and run" sort of thing, but in the celebrity world a respectable run for a marriage. Plus he would have had time to bond with his children in a marriage that long. So yes, a check mark in the douchebag box would be in order for Neal.

I am trying to remember, are Food Stamps a federal program or is it run by the states? If it is by the states, the requirements could vary from state to state. Still doesn't let Neal off the hook. He has all this money to blow on Michaele, yet he is perfectly willing to let the taxpayers have to feed his kids. Double checkmark in the douchebag box for him.

Sherry said...

Wow this guy loves being married after that bio posted. I'd be surprised after all that if he had a lot of $ to go around.

Tammy said...


yodelay said...

yet another reason to hate that Duke of Duchebags. I hope that fake Housewife grifts him to the ground.

Mango said...

Neal Schon hasn't actually married Michaele Salahi yet, has he? I'm convinced that she's a sociopath. Good luck to him, if he does marry her. It will be like watching a fly trying to extricate itself from a sticky, sticky web.

__-__=__ said...

Another case of breeding for dollars? Why didn't she get a job if she wanted better for her kids. She obviously bred with an asshole. And I'm sure those kids will grow up to be well adjusted productive humans able to care for themselves. Something needs to change with the law so this behavior will cease. It's needs to be not so lucrative or something. Lawyers get the biggest chunk in a mess of this type. They are truly the only winners. It's gene pool pollution IMO.

Barton Fink said...

Mango, I think that the two are probably a great pairing. Didn't Schon send photos of his penis to Michaela's husband when they hooked up? Or some shyte like that. He doesn't seem ... grounded.

Jcool said...

Oh come on Journey doesn't rake in millions... Maybe 30 years ago but not anymore. County fairs don't pay what they used to.

discoflux said...

I've said before, and I'll say it again. Neal Schon is a douche.

discoflux said...

Maybe this time I won't get some waaaahhhmbulance crew saying that I've OBVIOUSLY never met Neal.

iheartjacksparrow said...

I met Wife #2, Beth, after a concert on Journey's Raised on Radio tour and she was really sweet, but also really dumb. And years ago I sold some old Journey concert t-shirts on eBay to gal who called herself "Amber Schon." I thought she was some crazy fan who was pretending to be married to Neal, but it turned out she really was his wife! She said she wanted the shirts for her child (she only had one then). I remember I had to mail the shirts to her mom because Amber didn't want her real address to get out. But Amber was a real sweetie in her e-mails. I could never understand why Neal would divorce her.

Mango said...

@ Barton Fink - I didn't know about the penis photos but I always thought that Michaele and Tareq were perfect for each other and that they'd grow old(er) and crazier together. I really was surprised when they broke up.

Desiree said...

My guess is ex wife was a gold digger. So she has no real job qualifications or talent other than gold digging.

when Neal splits she's left to support her kids on a budget that is probably great for an average person but miniscule to someone who's been hand fed gold for 7 years. Meaning she probably needs to learn to budget her money and probably learn a trade fast.

Angela said...

Federal program administered by states, qualifications differ by state but here in KY my niece makes about $22,000 and doesn't qualify for her 2. She does get reduced childcare and healthcare though.

NernersHuman said...

Just FYI, you can be working and still qualify for food stamps and Medicaid. I used to work with plenty of people who got them because our company was miserly with pay and people needed it to survive.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Jcool - I don't know... Journey headlined a big tour in 2011 with Foreigner and Night Ranger. They played large outdoor venues, not tiny places.

Pip said...

One can work and still receive welfare. I hate the common assumption that those on welfare are lazy asses who would rather live off the state than work. In most cases, that is simply not true. I suppose because as a child, I was able to eat and see doctors thanks to welfare, the extreme critics of it bug the piss out of me.

She had kids, was financially set with her husband's earnings, and didn't work. She sounds like many housewives. It doesn't make her a gold digger.

mygeorgie said...

Wow, so much hate for single moms. Chances are that cheap ass 500k house has an enormous mortgage on it or she would have already re-financed to keep from selling. 500k houses are not luxurious mansions in most urban centres. More like a 'starter home'.

ditto @Pugglewug!

Henriette said...

I'm so glad I stayed a Steve Perry fan.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention, Amber was at the ripe age of 18 when Neal proposed and her parents were ecstatic about the union because they were huge Journey fans. He's a serious douche!

Desiree said...

as I suspected:

According to court documents, Amber Schon wanted Neal to up his $3,000/month in child support to $5,758.90/month. Amber and Neal have 2 minor children ... Aja and Sophia.

But a family court judge in Minnesota -- where they were divorced in 2007 -- recently ruled against Amber, saying the requested increase was "intended primarily to upgrade her own standard of living."

And what a standard ... according to the documents, Amber's annual expenses include $7,200 for clothing, $5,760 for a storage locker, and $9,600 for birthday parties.

But the most shocking expense -- $2,400 on postage! Apparently, someone hasn't heard of email.

In the docs, the judge says Amber could be earning up to $36,000/year on her own ... if she'd just complete her teaching degree -- and added it's not Neal's fault she failed to "obtain any kind of employment."

Listen, being a single mom for most of my daughters life without ANY help from her "father", it's hard for me to feel sorry for anyone who ends up in this predicament and just wants a paycheck.

Yeah she and the kids had a good life while they were married, but Neal should only be held responsible for his children's well being and not to keep this woman in the lifestyle she grew accustomed to. She needs to step up and be responsible and what she needs to do.

Silly Girl said...

You are SO right, Desiree.
My ex husband made less money than I, because he wanted to go golfing instead of working a full time job. When we divorced (he has a Masters in Finance, but was working as a cook at a golf course, so at least he had free tee times, albeit no work in the winter months). I was to pay him child support. I flipped out and we agreed on 50/50 custody and no child support. So I'm not one of those women who ended up cashing in on the divorce. Uh, uh, no way. I was sole support. Now, I'm married and my husband works.'s nice, in a way!

whoeveruwant said...

why don't you all leave Michaele and Neal alone and get A J O B! it really is that goodness...


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