Friday, June 21, 2013

Paula Deen Skips Today Show This Morning

This has not been a good week for Paula Deen and I'm pretty sure things are going to get worse as people stop buying her books or anything she endorses. They won't watch her television shows or show up at her appearances. Well, Jesse James might. I'm sure a good Nazi like him probably finds something to like in Paula. Mel Gibson? Put him down as a maybe.

This morning, Paula Deen decided to do a no show on The Today Show. You know they were salivating at the prospect of having her on the show. Apparently Paula didn't let anyone know in advance she would not be there and simply just did not show up. The hated one, Matt Lauer, went on the air and said Paula was supposed to be there for a live interview but was a no show and did not even call. Nothing. Nada. That does not sit well with producers so she won't be invited back anytime soon. Matt also said that he had spoken to Paula on Thursday night, so was a little surprised she was not there this morning. I think we all know why she was not there. She needs to come up with one story and stick to it and probably has not had a chance to come up with something that sounds believable.


Anonymous said...

That's the first smart thing she has done. Step 2 is to skip meals. All the fat she has consumed has morphed into her skull

crazycrashink said...

I'm not sure that I have read everything that was supposedly said, but part of me at least appreciates her honesty in saying, yeah, I have used inappropriate words in the past...... I feel like most people at some point in their lives have made off color remarks

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

I still don't get all this lady's issue. She used the word "negro/nigger"? Cool, I have just read this morning that a black man called Martin Luther King Jr. wrote Lyndon B. Johnson a telegram saying "...the difficult problems that negro Americans face...".

Look at Michael Beschloss twitter (@BeschlossDC) to confirm.

Could MLK use that word and be worshiped and this woman can't? Hypocrits.

Matt & Jess said...

Now hopefully she faces into oblivion

Matt & Jess said...


joymama said...

I was never a fan. That accent was just too much for me and her excessive use of crappy ingredients---boxes and cans of stuff. The one that was the last straw was when she sliced canned cranberry sauce (hell no!) and layered the slices with a cream cheese, sugar, butter and pecan mixture and called it a sandwich.

annabella said...

@crazycrashink - "her honesty"!

she was under oath at a deposition because an employee at her brother's restaurant is suing him for racial discrimination.

and its not that she used the word once or twice. it was not just her use of the n word, but her thinking.

what about her planning a wedding where the african american waiters would be pretend slaves do you not understand?

there is no doubt of her racism and no reason to give her the benefit of that. wake up. its no longer 1860. or 1930. or 1950.

her empire should come crashing down around her and I hope it does.

figgy said...

Best example I've ever seen of why, after a certain age (35, more or less) you should not, ever, outline your eyes completely in black. Makes her look like a horror show. Which, apparently, she is.

crila16 said...
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figgy said...

What surprises me is that people are surprised. While (obviously) not all Southerners are racist, quite a few are. And underneath all the money, she's not a particularly sophisticated nor educated person. I would have guessed that her likelihood of being racist was pretty damn high.

And it's not just southerners. After moving back to my hometown in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, I've been shocked at the number of racists here. And this is a town where, literally, the only African Americans are professors or students at the engineering university here.

It was weird stepping out of the Chicago and Berkeley bubble I'd been living in for so many years.

H888FUL said...

You'd be surprised...people are awfully sick of being told what they can and cannot say, or think, especially when some people can say the "n-word" while others can't (some animals are more equal than others ya know). If it was so horrible, evil and wrong, then NOBODY would be saying it. But then again, people do enjoy a good Two Minutes Hate. Unfortunately they don't realize that no matter how PC they are that one day they'll be guilty of "crimethink". It's especially interesting to see all the "educated" people doing this, guess they never read any of the classics like "1984", "Animal Farm" or even "Brave New World" that pointed out where we were headed years ago. But, like I said, people will do ANYTHING as long as they get to feel superior to someone else. Before, it was based on race but now it's based on the correct PC belief system. Sad.

delete account said...

This bee-youtch needs to sit down and stay sit. Her excuse that, oh shes Southern so thats why she uses the N word? Bee youtch PLEASE. My family is Southern white, from Appalachia, and my grandma fought back against the Klan when they came after her for feeding a black hobo that was traveling through her town back in the late 1930s. Being a Southerner is no excuse for this shiz anymkre than being a Northerner makes you immune to it. I grew up in Cincy, and many of my black neighbors often said, even back in the 80s, that the South was much more tolerant and conscious of race issues than the North. So Paula--SIT!

MadamChef said...

"But, like I said, people will do ANYTHING as long as they get to feel superior to someone else. Before, it was based on race but now it's based on the correct PC belief system. Sad."

Yet you constantly brag about being superior BECAUSE your beliefs are based on race and you don't even bother with "Two Minutes Hate" when you got yourself a whole lifetime of it. Some animals indeed.

boomom22 said...

@joymama wow that 'sandwich' sounds nas-tay! I don't think I could eat that without gagging.

FlirtyChick74 said...

The Today show was an odd venue to deliver a mea culpa. I would have thought she would go to Oprah Winfrey show or whatever.

Barton Fink said...
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AudreyHempburn said...

Paula must think people will excuse her blatantly racist behavior as she didn't settle out of court to prevent all of this from coming to light but I think we may be witnessing the demise of her career. There may be a few Paula apologists out there but most people will refrain from continuing to line her pockets.

skimpymist said...

@donkey 123 if your going to post first at least write something that makes sense. I don't even think you know what you meant.

Bacon Ranch said...

I'm glad you clarified that figgy. Anyone who travels through Detroit would be shocked at the amount of racism there (on all sides).
It's not just a southern 'condition'.

Bacon Ranch said...

you read Ayn Rand 888? Was it expensive to have it smuggled into the compound? Did you have to hide it behind the food rations or were the guns a better place to store it?

skimpymist said...

After watching django Unchained my hatred of the n word has gotten strong and I don't want any part of anything that Paula does anymore. She's given multiple excuses as to why she uses it but never said she's going to stop or even apologized.

Unknown said...

I like Paula as far as her bubbly personality...her food is beyond unhealthy, though. I hate to hear that all of this is going on and she feels like this towards African-Americans.
Her sons seem like they are pretty-level headed and sweet, though.

Anon said...

I appreciate whitefolks like Paula. You can always count in them to keep it real.
In a way she's being singled out.
Why don't they hold Gwyneth Paltrow and the Lisa Lampanelli accountable as well?????

It's easy to single out the Southern racist. Drag the Hollywood whitefolks who swear they loved everybody equally across the coals .

blondegossip said...

Karma will get her, keep eating that butter bitch!

Anon said...

Negro was the politically term or what whitefolks call Blacks in the 50s and 60s.

AudreyHempburn said...

The poetic justice in racist comments is that they never fail to make the speaker look a million times worse than the person they are attempting to disparage.

Sherry said...

8=====D - RememberKermitGosnell: You're obviously not from America but I can tell you that negro and the other spelling with 2 "g's" are NOT the same. MLK's use of the word was the common vernacular at the time. Then it became black and now it's African American.

And there's the problem. Yeah, MAYBE it was commonly used in the south during Jim Crow but it's not now and it's not that hard to change if you want to. FFS she was able to change her diet due to diabetes but she still thinks African American's should act like slaves?
Nope, no matter how much she owns up to it, it still bolsters the suit and pisses off the general public. Hope you saved some money sister. You're about to go back to the real kitchen.

Anon said...

How about old white women who wear red lipstick. Pale skin and red lipstick don't match . It looks like you were blowing Ronald McDonald or Bozo the Clown.

auntliddy said...

well, how could she show up? no defense for what she said!! But I have to say, way to screw Lauer, yah!!!!!!!

Tammy said...

I'd like to know if she still uses the N word and when that wedding she planned was. If it was a long time ago, I can let bygones be bygones.

I was under the impression that the lawsuit was due to things her brother did, and since he works for her, she was named in the case. They could be bringing up things from years ago, and I have no problem with that, per se, but if she was all that racist, why'd she hire a black girl to begin with?

If she is still using the n word and that wedding she wanted to dress blacks as slaves was recent ( like since she's been famous) then she deserves to go down, but if this happened 20 years ago and she hasn't done it since, I don't think I'd be as upset.

But she should have come on Today and told it all if that's how it is, which makes me think it's not all that long ago.

Sherry said...

From the deposition:

Q. Have you ever used the N-word yourself?

A. Yes, of course. ... But that's just not a word that we use as time has gone on. Things have changed since the '60s in the South.

So, that reads to me that while SHE has used the word she hasn't in a while...If that's part of the deposition then why doesn't she show up and talk about it?

Actually it appears a lot of stuff has been taken out of context and being twisted around: Sorry I can't make it clicky.

AudreyHempburn said...
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Ari said...

she'll probably sell even more books now, since she's a certified racist...the following for these types of things are big and strong

Susan said...

Paula Deen has tons of black friends, colleagues and employees. Her statements have completely been blown out of proportion and taken out of context. And yes, I read the deposition and no, I do not utter the N word and cringe when others do so. I think it's quite ludicrous in this country that its ok for some people to say the N word and so racist for others to do so. Give me a fucking break.

Hazeldazel said...

See, here's the thing. She said in the deposition that she used the N-word. And it was in jokes, and haha it was just for teh funnies... awww she didn't mean it for realz. And like, it would be so awesome, like her dream really, to have African-American dressed as slaves serving her and her white friends dinner in a mansion. Awww, that'd be swell.

See? That's different than saying, yeah I used a word one time 40 years ago. And remember, this person is suing because both Paula Dean and her son created a hostile work environment (I think they're saying the son was watching pr0n at work too). So, yeah.

She's probably completely unevolved if she's telling racist jokes and talking about this shit at home. She deserves to lose the lawsuit (and a lot of money) if she's doing it at a place of business in front of employees.

Remember, she only told the world about her diabetes AFTER her book came out AND she inked a deal with a pharmaceutical company with a diabetes product. THEN she was all "let's be on healthy band-wagon!" Bourdain is no saint but he was right about her.

Anonymous said...

Now this is your time to post whatever racist stuff you want Just Curious.

It's really very simple. she's racist, she's not aware of what that means to be racist, she thinks it's ok to tell racist jokes, to use racist words, and do talk about black men in white tuxes being an ideal wait staff at her dream wedding. Racist. I know people get up in arms about being too politically correct, and people may make comments or use those words privately, but for God's sake, as a public figure, just learn when to stfu.

Redd said...

I feel that typing comments in Ebonics is equally offensive as the N word.

Tempestuous Grape said...

Are you kidding me? This racist ass old coot will probably sell even more books! From what I've gathered via the comments section on various different news outlets throughout the Internet era; most people are racist pieces of shit. It's a fucking sad condition.

car54 said...

Paula would do well to lay low and stay off tv and out of the press.
Maybe it's time to consider retirement. She surely has more money than she could ever really need.
She had begun to recover a bit from the diabetes thing, and now this has hit the fan, I think perhaps we need a break from Paula.
One side of my family was very prejudiced and used the word in question often. My Dad's side of the family did not seem to see color--he had friends of every color and nationality--and I guess I took after him. It caused a lot of bad feelings between me and my mother and her side of the family--they grew up that way and I found it offensive and would speak out about it when it happened and I was present.

libby said...

+1, hazeldazel!

Anna--ITA. She doesn't completely understand what's wrong about it. That's the scary part.

Angela said...

@just curious, How about the black women who wear blonde weaves? Get over yourself, Everyone is racist in some form or other at some time or other, if you deny it you're lying about it.

Sandy said...

Wow. First the diabetes medicine spokesperson debacle (after exhorting people to GET type-2 diabetes with her recipes which each contain cups of butter, sugar, cream cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise etc.), and now she's been outed as a casual racist.

And by this I mean the kind of white person who "just loves" black people as long as they're rich and famous, or if they aren't, that they "keep their place" (if you live in the South you know what I mean). But as soon as an African-American crosses her in some way, it's back to the racial epithets with a vengeance.

I've always loathed this woman. The veneer was always thin on her.

Tru Leigh said...

She was "exhausted." Which I think is code for "she's in a butter coma."

White.God.of.Fuck said...

What a fat piece of shit.

White.God.of.Fuck said...

What a fat piece of shit.

Nylon Blonde said...

Who could compare Paula Deen to Martin Luther King?!

Laura said...

Paula should know better, being in the spotlight that she is, and dealing with wide range and numbers of people. However, my in-laws are about the same age as her, they are from rural NY, and they always refer to black people as "coloreds". Makes me cringe but that's how they were raised, it's their "normal" Not that that makes it right by any means, but hopefully each generation will learn and evolve and get past this horrid racism.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

just curious and Sherry are right: 50-60 years ago or so, "negro" was the polite term used by people of all races; using it now, however, would no doubt get you the side-eye. People said and did a lot of things years ago that aren't considered acceptable any more, and since we're all living in the here-and-now, we should try to behave accordingly. (just curious: You might be amused to hear about a former co-worker of mine at the University of Georgia Psych Dept. who should have been hauled into fashion jail for crimes involving makeup--deep hot pink lipliner surrounding pale pink semi-matte lipstick, too much eyeliner, and seriously frosted dark hair, all of which had the effect of aging her a good 20 years...don't feel too bad for her, though, as she was not a nice person, but was one of those cartoonishly stereotypical Southern Baptist ladies who were sweet as pie to people just like them, but treated everyone who wasn't--pretty much anyone who wasn't white upper middle class Baptist, wearing the right fashion labels, getting their hair permed, etc.--like crap and weren't necessarily shy about doing so, either. Hey, Anita: you were a fucking bitch then, and I don't doubt you're still one to this day; I can only hope that your daughter and any children she has have chosen not to follow your example.)

@scratchy kitty: Go Grandma! :-)

crh in stl said...

@figgy, I am from Alabama and I completely agree. It feels like going back in time. I moved to STL about two years ago and it is so much worse here. Absolutely no filter at all.

Cocokitty said...

@Nylon that's exactly what I was thinking!!!

Paula wanted to plan a plantation wedding where all the waiters & waitresses were black and acted like slaves. :/ that made me cringe, and I'm not even black!

Jenn said...

Paula Deen's mayo suckin ass is making us all look like racist twits, she can shove a stick of butter where the sun don't shine. She and her pervy old brother should be ashamed. Ew!

Back in the olden days, (before internet, integration etc) the word negro was used by all to refer to African Americans, it's not used anymore. I'm southern..the deep, dark, hot ass boring South. I don't use the n-word. It's wrong, it's ugly, it's racist, and it's frickin rude. My mama raised me better than that.

Anonymous said...

Hey want to be a racist go on, just dont discriminate

Mango said...

How about old white women who wear red lipstick.

Jeez, just curious, now you're hating on old white grandmas? I don't get your "logic".

I do get that you're an angry black man. I get that. But why not do something constructive for your race instead of whining and moaning and name calling. You give away every bit of power that civil rights workers like MLK Jr fought and clawed to hand you. You are, frankly, an embarrassment.

Unknown said...

why are we still on this topic? the horse is dead, quit hitting it.

everyone has something/someone they think they're better than. for some people, it's another race, for others it's an economic status, etc etc. it goes on and on.

also, racism goes all around, FROM any ethnicity/nationality, TO any. look at asia. i've met many non-white americans that are extremely open/explicit about their feelings.

while i don't like MOST celebrities' personalities or decisions or opinions, i take their work for its entertainment value. she is a bubbly, happy cooking host and i enjoy watching (not eating) her recipes.

auntliddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
caydian said...

Food Network just dumped her.

Anon said...

"Can any black person tell me what to say when i am faced with this ignorant shit? "

This reminds me if that "Ask a Black guy " segment on the Chappelle show

joymama said...

Aaannnndddd....she's fired.

Anon said...

I don't care for black women with blonde weaves. I understand women express their moods through their hairstyles and appearances but some things are better left alone.
Just like white women with cornrows . That shit is pathetic .
I remember when Bo Derek became popular in the movie "10". She became a fashion icon because all of sudden white women started wearing cornrows . Hell, you would've thought Bo invented cornrows because of the attention.
But you know what, a lotta black women were pissed off at the attention Bo was getting for wearing a hairstyle that has been traditionally worn by Sistas for years. Now all of the sudden this white woman has put cornrows on the map????!!!!

Anon said...

I don't hate old white women with red lipstick, I just find them cartoonish and funny looking.kinda like an old women who colors all the gray outta her hair. All it does is draw attention to the lines in her face.

Or white women with Kirsten Dunst or Nicole Kidman 's complexion who wear black swimsuits
to the pool/beach. That shit looks awkward. It just draw attention to the fact you are a pale whitegirl. I'm talking Michael Jackson pale .... the dude from the movie "Powder".

If you're are that pale white, don't wear black swimsuits .

M. Brown said...

The difference is 45 years. Are you freaking kidding? Also she didn't use negro which is simply an outdated word she used the other one both outdated and highly offensive. Also (and I can't believe this needs explaining) her judgement calls like throwing a plantation/slave themed wedding are bat shit crazy.

Anon said...

Why do I have to be an angry black man just because I don't buy into what whitefolks want to sell me ?

Why can't whitefolks do something constructive to their race instead of whining (every whitegirl under 30), moaning ( every whitegirl over 30) and name calling ( too numerous to name but stick with whitefolks too intoxicated or royally pissed off )?

Why are whitefolks more partial to MLK and less so towards Malcom X? Is it because King was passive like Obama?

Embarrassment? I think whitefolks are embarrassing . They're supposed to be the Master Race. Hitler must be roll in his grave every time a Kardashian, Lohan or Bynes come on tv.

auntliddy said...

Not helpful

NaughtyNurse said...

Good lord, people. Stop assuming all Southerners are racist, or that the majority of Southerners are racist. You sound like ignorant shits, generalizing a whole region of a country. And you tend to be the same people who refer to black people-whether they are Americans or NOT-as African Americans. Clearly, you don't actually have relationships with any black people, or live in an area that is truly diverse. There are many MANY black people who are very annoyed when they are referred to as African Americans. They may not be American, their family may have been in the U.S. for many generations, or they may have come from the Caribbean or another area altogether. You try so hard to sound politically correct, yet you have no idea how racist you truly are.

auntliddy said...

Who says white people master race? Who wants that burden?

auntliddy said...

Like malcom x. Hate his own people betrayed and killed him.

Jenn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ja'mie King said...

I grew up (and still visit) in a majority minority city, and racism is alive and well amongst ALL races. Pacific Rim Asians dislike Eastern Asians, light skinned vs dark skinned blacks, whites vs blacks, blacks vs whites. Its everywhere, and though it gets better, it will always be there. Until we are all one race that is.

H888FUL said...

Madamchef, at least my "lifetime of hate" is based on real life interactions with minorities. Most of you Two Minutes Haters would be hating on the target of the moment, no matter who or what they were, as long as it gave you that coveted smug sense of superiority you crave. But hey, if you feel better about yourself by hating on me have at it. Diversity is coming for you in your lily white utopia one day soon, so let me know how it goes for you. You can always tell them you donated to the United Negro College Fund, the NAACP and defended them on the internet!

Bacon Ranch, thank you for illustrating my point perfectly. I am not a survivalist nor an Ayn Rand fan, although I have read her books. But you go right ahead and make your cutesy little comments, it doesn't faze me in the slightest. I hope the survivalists let you starve when this country collapses, but maybe they'll be amused at that wit of yours...good luck with that!

TuesdayAdams said...

So because rappers and a few black people use the word you want the right to use it? A word filled with venom and hatred meant to demean and demoralize an entire race of people. It's unfair that they get to "reclaim" it because you can't use it? I don't understand people sometimes.

mihalina said...

She's a dick. Never could stand her phony butter ass.

H888FUL said...

I forgot to ask all the racism experts on here why the term "colored" is so antiquated and racist, but "people of color" is fine? It's the same damned thing!

Amy in MI said...

Awe Figgy, I wet to Houghton a few times. Very beautiful but very cold in the winter!

TuesdayAdams said...

So after spending money on books, products, etc minorities should just get over it because "everyone's a little racist". Deflection and justification at its finest. I wonder if people would be as quick to dismiss the feelings of thousands of people if THEY were on the reciveing end of thoughts of second class citizenry. It's easy to tell someone to get over it when you aren't the target. If someone requested you to dress as a slave and call you demeaning terms I'm sure this whole "get over it" attitude wouldn't exist.

auntliddy said...

I would be a survivalist, but it seems to involve alot of work.

amused bush said...

I refer to myself as "colored", I kinda like it, but then again, I also say I'm FOB and in the summer note whether or not I'm African Black or Jamaican Black. All fairly un-PC

car54 said...

She's off Food Network, and for some reason I have a vision of a redemption reality show on OWN or at least some kind of interview.

Oprah did a visit to Paula's house with Gayle and loooooved it.

MadLyb said...

There is no excuse for racism in this country. NONE. I don't care if you're old, or were born in the South or are just plain stupid. Bigots are the very worst of humanity, and there is nothing decent about a white person who has used or continues to use racist slurs.

yodelay said...

@Susan, that reminds me of the #Paula'sBestDishes trend on twittrr yesterday...Some-of-my-best-friends-are-black eyed peas. That hashtag was the best thing to come out of this mess.

Anon said...

There really is no difference between " colored" and "people of color". That's Politically correctness for ya.
That's like instead of a Xmas tree , you're have a "Winter Tree" because someone gets offended by the meaning of Xmas.

Sandy said...

Gee, using Deen's reasoning, I guess the late PBS cook Jeff "The Frugal Gourmet" Smith was "exhausted" when he diddled all his little male kitchen helpers, no?

Funny how "exhaustion" is used to excuse every bad thing celebrities do, from drug abuse, alcoholism and sexual addiction to racism, anti-Semitism, sexual harrassment and kleptomania. They were "exhausted!" They weren't themselves! Well, at least not the "selves" they wanted to public to see.

Anon said...

You said it. You make yourself seem isolated from people from different from you.

Popnursing said...

That's the reason I never saw it. I thought I'm going to spend $8 to listen to that for 2 hours. I don't care how good the story is.

Popnursing said...

I doubt she planned to invite any of those black friends or colleagues to her slave-waiter wedding.

csproat said...

@justcurious has a point

Honk honks should never wear just looks awful.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Food Network should give her airtime to "The Canyons" star and CDaN's favorite pr0n-star James Deen. It would really shake up basic cable, and they could save money on graphics by only changing the first name!

Anon said...

The Sandy Hook killer, his mom was a survivalist . An educated woman who joust looked like a fortress. See how shit turned out. That boy shot his own mom first.

lazyday603 said...

Honey Boo Boo can use a new cast member.

Anon said...

Yep, if I was a whitegirl, I'll delete that shit too.

auntliddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
auntliddy said...

I meant that i hated malcom was betrayed and murdered by his own people. How could they? Special place in hell for them.

auntliddy said...

Deleted because it was silly. I know what to say, dont need advice.

Illinois Fan said...

Paula should have been fired during her diabetes drug spokesperson contract debacle. She showed her true self during that controversy. I think the Food Network just decided that they didn't want to deal with Scandal #2 from Paula's camp.

Alexis said...

I always find it so odd that people use black people using the n word as a reason for why they should be allowed to. I always wonder "why do you want to??" Maybe you should spend more time worried about that then all her "black friends and colleagues". Which by the way is the go to excuse for closeted racists.

Alexis said...

Black women with blonde weaves are racist? Someone alert Beyonce!

Alexis said...

I absolutely hate when things like this happen because it brings out all sorts of ignorance in people. As a black person I'm very offended by her statements, as a human being I'm disturbed by her detractors and defenders. You cannot fight racism with racism which I think too many African Americans try to do, and excusing ignorance because you want to be able to get away with it doesn't help much either. It's 2013 & this thread could be straight from 1960. Hopefully ONE DAY people will see past skin color but by what I'm seeing I truly doubt it.

Anonymous said...



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