Friday, August 16, 2013

Ethan Hawke Cheated Like Crazy On Uma Thurman

Ethan Hawke is interviewed in the new edition of Elle and says that he had no business making vows to Uma Thurman when they got married. Translation, he cheated. A lot. He goes on to say in the interview that when you are famous at a young age, opportunities present themselves that make vows really tough to keep, especially if you are immature like he was. He said that he admires Derek Jeter because Derek has it figured out. You don't get married while you are famous. You just enjoy as many women as you can until you are not famous any longer and then you find one and settle down. Yeah, it is also a good way to be known as the reason so many women have to wear protection after being with the guy. Don't even get me started on the celebrity herpes family tree.


Cathy said...

Don't worry Ethan, you are so far from sexy these days, so you can safely settle down with the next woman who comes your way.

VIPblonde said...

Those "Who Dated Who" charts in US Weekly always look like CDC STD tracking charts to me

timebob said...

He married his nanny, 'nuff said.

Meanie Rhysie said...

The douche was always strong with this one. Never could understand his appeal and still don't.

DewieTheBear said...

He was great in the Before films. That's all I got.

FrenchGirl said...

So he cheated Uma Thurman but he has divorced because he thought she cheated him with Tarantino (????)

Gertie Raus said...

By all means Enty, please give us the scoop on the celebrity herpes family tree.

MISCH said...

Can't stand him...

Topper Madison said...

They got married long after their kid was born, and I seem to remember that Uma refused to marry him more than once before finally accepting his proposal. I think she knew what she was getting into.

auntliddy said...

How could he treat Uma thataway?? At least he has the grace to own it, and admit his mistakes, i'll give him that.

Anonymous said...

@dolphy - scoop scoop scoop!! Yes!!

CF98 said...

Well at least he's being honest about it as jerky as it sounds and he's right Derek Jeter has it figured out I never understood why others don't.

Just Another HR Lady said...

I think he was pretty up front about it even back when they were together. For those of us old enough to have watched him since the 80's, this is not new information from him. However, it is generating some new media interest, maybe that was the purpose of bringing it up again.

Nancy said...

@auntliddy, I have to agree. At least he owns it and realizes, no matter how douchetastic it sounds, that if you are going to take advantage of all the options presented to you, you should wait to get married at a time when that no longer is a temptation. I just hope Ethan is faithful to the wife he has now.

AKM said...

Nah, I say "So what, asshole?" You still made the vows. That means you keep 'em. Douche.

Uma's better off.

Pookie said...

'@Cathy said...

Don't worry Ethan, you are so far from sexy these days, so you can safely settle down with the next woman who comes your way.'


__-__=__ said...

Agree with AKM. "Owning" something, or apologizing doesn't change anything except in their own mind. It doesn't take back the hurt or the damage. Douche indeed!

rhinovodka said...

I liked him from his early days ie. Reality Bites, now not so much. Uma is awesome though.

Lioness70 said...

Fuck this douche. He was "just immature" then? He still is. Grow up already!

Chris said...

Here's a six year old version of the Derek Jeter Herpes tree.

Anonymous said...

Lmao @ the celebrity family herpe tree!! I have got to find someway to use that in casual conversation. Good one, Enty!

The Real Dragon said...

I Mean where is the lie tho?

auntliddy said...

Akm, but he isnt rationalizing and prevaricating, that i like.

Unknown said...

The body condom, I tell ya it is the way of the future - lot of possibilities for multiple functions- moisturizer, sun screen, spanx and antibacterial all in one.

Anonymous said...

uma is a big ass mutherfucker, i would be scared to cheat on her big ass, could snuff me

Bubbles said...

He admitted to what has already been brought out about him? Wow, how big of him. And I'm admitting that I'm Black.

I will now turn my back for the patting parade to begin.

Ja'mie King said...


Bitca said...

Translation: "In high school, I never got any unless a chick was completely toasted. Most of the sober--or just slightly toasted--girls I approached laughed, & said I kinda looked like a weasel who needed a bath. BUT--after I became an actor & award nominee; showed up on magazine covers, & started making big $$? Suddenly I was getting hit on by castmates, models, barmaids... anywhere I went; & it was intense! So, even after falling for a super-hot actress, & asking her to marry me & create a family together--I couldn't stop. Like, even turning down a really good-looking cocktail waitress; it hurt. To walk away seemed a wasted opportunity to not get back something after all those girls who dissed me in my teens.
---Uh; wait, I can't really say that, can I? Well, um, Derek Jeter blah blah blah (maybe no one will notice the argument about 'waiting to become less famous' is total BS)..."

Sandy said...

I've loathed this guy since "Reality Bites." He is and always has been a total unwashed horde who thinks he's all that. What an utter tool.

Borg Queen said...

He also fucked saint Angie Jolie when they filmed Taken Lives. I thinks was uma's final straw.

amused bush said...

While it galls me he could be that much of a douche to Uma, I did spend some time around him a couple years ago and was surprised by a few things 1) he has crazy sex appeal in person 2) he was taller than I thought he would be 3) supremely down to earth and funny. Also, it seemed that he now has fairly decent relationship with Uma, which is how it should be for the sake of their kids.

Little Wanton said...

To me his statement reads as "while you have many women chasing you,don’t commit to just the one.However ,when you start running out of options you better stick with one if you don’t want to end up settle for what you’ve got..." Douche just became douchier.

Hegg said...

She had a side piece as well, though (and a cocaine addiction). But he isn't gonna say that.


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