Saturday, February 22, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

November 28, 2013

This former A list tweener made a few women angry at a strip club when he told them they should service him for free because of who he is. The fact that he had several people standing around him in a circle to protect him from prying cameras freaked out the women and none of them would even give the guy a lap dance because it was as if they were giving it to five people.

Justin Bieber


Cleodacat said...

As if they don't give lap dances outside of the "private" rooms. More lime they were uncomfortable that he looks like a 12yr old.

Cleodacat said...

"Like". Left my spanish keyboard up....close but not quite right.

Blondie! said...

Who's counting the days until he goes away? Anyone? Beuller? Beuller?

RangersGirl said...

If there is a God, please give me a sign & send a giant bolt of lightening down on top of Bieber's pointy little head.

Count Jerkula said...

Im sure they do, Cleo, but with his people closely gathered around it would resemble angangbang more than a lap dance.

Trying to get freebies from strips shows he is still a child and has no one around him willing to tell him so.

Seven of Eleven said...

I wonder if the baptism took...

Sherry said...

Glad we have the Count for strip club etiquette. Come one Beiber, this is how the girls make a living. Like going to a restaurant and asking for a free meal just because you're famous. Oh wait, that's another blind.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Let's do Bieber free forever. I actually used to use the Bieber shaver app, brought to you by the same guy who invested the app that turns Kanye's all caps into lower cases...

Anyways. Can't believe Beiber made it this far. I haven't commented on Beiber yet and this will be the last time I waste energy on this motherfucker.

1) A friend who is an AD in LA worked with Beiber when he was first getting famous. The kid was the most entitled shithead on the planet even before the fame got to his head. He in infamous for being a "dick puncher." My friend said Beiber randomly punched at least four of his crew members in the balls and would just run off laughing like a little bitch. That punkass has some serious karma coming. People were once willing to work with him just because of his cash cow status but those days are finally over

2) This motherfucker is seriously going to be the next Ian Watkins, I'm calling it now...

The end.

TalksTooMuch said...

Well honestly, it's not as though she is bouncing all over 5 different laps. How is that different than a bunch of people watching her on a stage?

Poni-Tayl said...

Wittle Baby

sandybrook said...

@TTM it says he wanted to be serviced for free and inside his group of friends so she would be bj'ibg him or more with an audience. That's waaay different from a ksp dance where the girl usually cant be touched by the client.

sandybrook said...


TalksTooMuch said...

Hold up, sandybrook, it said strippers and no hookers.. They are not interchangeable.

Blondie! said...

Dumb question--what is the point of punching someone in the dick? I mean, why? Unless you're being attacked, and if you are, I recommend the pull and twist move, why the hell would you do that?

Lady Heisenberg said...

Oh TTM. I love you...

Lady Heisenberg said...

Because he thinks it's amusing. He gets to punch these bigger guys, knowing they can't do shit about it because they're the help.

I swear this shit is true, you can't make that kind of bullshit up. The kid just has some serious problems. That's all I was trying to say

Seven of Eleven said...

@Talks, Entern did the same earlier this week in the blind about strippers sans condoms. Schoolmarm E disapproves of those dirty birds!

Blondie! said...

@Lady--I get that he's a self-entitled, over privileged twat who truly believes the rules don't apply to him, but to cause injury to someone else just because he can? Gawd, I hope he gets his karmic return soon.

sandybrook said...

Service is service and lord help me if I never arranged a private party with a stripper in NYC for after hours (becuz I did for $500).

Meanie Rhysie said...

Of course they are, TTM! /sarcasm

TanGyal said...

Ugh...I loathe Bieber blinds...can we have Bieber Free March?

Lady Heisenberg said...

Yes. He's has no respect for people or property. I'm saying that his propensity for doing sadistic shit to people has been going on for a very long time and it's only getting worse. Just look at his severe groupie abuse. The kid is seriously sick.

Meanie Rhysie said...

I have to say, I find it kinda disturbing that so many adults are so focused on hating this guy.

I guess 'dumbfounded" is my word of the day...

Basil said...

That does sound sick Lady H. Do grown men really put up with that type of physical abuse? That is assault, and famous or not, should be punished.

Sherry said...

Lady H thanks for the story. I can't wait for the day when some upstart does the same to him.

sandybrook said...

@TanGyal no we cannot because then we would have to put up with a Biebs troll all f'n month.

Tyler said...

@Meanie, my thoughts too. He's still a teenager and like most child super stars is on bumpy road to maturity so far, but he's nowhere near being among the worst typical teenager years have to offer.

I think the 'haters' either don't have kids of their own, or if they do, they're not old enough for the hormones to have kicked in yet.

auntliddy said...

Oh suddenly these women who dance naked for a living, putting their asses and boobs and vaginas in peoples faces are shy??!! I dont buy it.

Count Jerkula said...

Liddy: it aint that they are shy, they aint letting 1/2 dozen people grope em for the price of one.

angie said...

Totally auntliddy.

Warrior1461 said...

LOG OF FAG, in about 15 years he will probably be arrested in some southeast asian country for "BOY ADVENTURING"

Lady Heisenberg said...

I swear. NOT making this up. It's totally consistent with his overall mentality and behavior lately. It will be a miracle if he does not seriously hurt someone some day.

Yes, part of these guys' jobs is to put up with difficult celebrities on one hand, and to shut their mouth on the other. If they complain or run their mouth/fight back, they risk losing potential work.

Why do you think JB is all about them confidentiality agreements?

Lady Heisenberg said...

I totally understand where Meanie and fae are coming from. JB gets a lot of hate and I feel weird attacking him considering that I'm an adult that should have better things to do. However, his behavior is far from normal. His extensive groupie abuse is very well documented, along with his other antics which suggest a completely sociopathic disrespect for all people and their property. He haas been photographed multiple times doing extensive damage with graffiti and he's known to treat his groupies- many whom are not even 18- like pincushions. I don't tolerate this behavior from anyone and if I have to look like a dick by speaking out against it vehemently, so be it, this guy poses a serious threat to everyone around him and I'm sick of people covering for him or excusing him because he doesn't know any better. He does.

angie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lady Heisenberg said...

No problem, Angie. I'll go away.

Unknown said...

Canada needs to apologize to every tired hooker and pole dancer. And take back their ferret-faced prick.

angie said...

No, my mistake. Every time I give this place another try, it's the same old negative crap, so that's my problem. It's Enty, not you. He sets the tone because he absolutely despises most celebs, makes a bunch of shit up. Carry on.

canadachick said...

oh HELL no QueenAnne a bet is a bet and the bet was if Canada beat the US in Olympics hockey - the US had to keep the Biebs. And both the men and women teams beat the US so he's their problem now :D

OneGirlRevolution said...

He's not a kid. He's an adult. Maybe a 19 year old adult, but an adult nonetheless. People hate him because he's an entitled, douchebag, little fuckwad bitch. I would hate anyone I knew in real life just the same. I'm an equal opportunity hater.

Leekalicious said...

Sorry, not trying to be contrary, but Beiber was a young teen from Stratford Ontario, before he was discovered on Youtube. The entertainment industry took a kid, created a spoiled monster by giving him anything he wanted, anytime he wanted, and then spit him out the other side. Did anyone sit down with him regularly and splain to him the cycle of a child star? Did they help prepare him by talking about what would happen when his voice changed, his female fans grew up? I really doubt it. I know he bears a lot of responsibility for the way he has turned out, but the music industry has definitely taken its pound of flesh...I can't even imagine what it's like for a kid to see the world (especially that used to adore him) hating him.

OneGirlRevolution said...

I agree the early days were out of his control but at some point you become the master of your fate and bear the responsibility how you treat people and how you act. Beiber is past that age.

Leekalicious said...

@Lola It's up to him now, yes, and really sad that he has had such poor advice that he has ended up with most of the world hating him.

Dantheman said...

It's not that he doesn't know better but he's got no one around him who has his best interests at heart- his parents see him as a cash cow so let him do whatever he wants- his dad seems to act more like his friend than anything else, his manager will always say yes to him as long as he's getting paid- his friends are using him because of who he is and Bieber acts out to try and be cool. I'm not saying what's he's doing should be excused- he needs a punch in the face- just saying there's more to it than him just being a brat. Will not end well.

Count Jerkula said...

Sure, shit parenting brought this about. Mama too busy cashing checks and being a big shot. No daddy around to smack him for being a shit head. Send his mom to my house and his dad to some miserable twunce like Rosie Da Pig or Tuxedo Cat, for punishment. Send him to the wood chipper, because he has passed the point of no return.

Anonymous said...

Here's a fun question: Was his dad one of the watchers?

di butler said...

Ok, here's the thing-Beiber isn't the only 15-18 yr old rich kid to act like a spoiled little dickmitten. My son and his friend played "nut ball" with their friends, and they were cruel to each other at times. Just check out some of the fraternity hazing that goes on. It often turns deadly. The problem w The Biebs is sudden fame, limitless cash, and piss poor parenting. He will most likely outgrow most of this shit in the next few years, or end up dead from his antics. I don't wish for any young person to fail. I'll leave that for someone who hadn't raised kids or doesn't relate to the fact he's a real person. Douchenuggetry, and all.

Del Riser said...

I agree with several of the comments. His fame and money did come suddenly, that can warp a person. I don't think he had good parenting, thus no moral base to fall back on. Despite the baptism.
His handlers are doing him no favors. His behavior is turning people away, they would have a bankable star for much longer if they helped him clean up his act.
We raised a son, and they do stupid things. We were right there to show him his actions had consequences and get him back on track. He is now a fine man and husband. I fear Bieber may have a much less loving future.

Unknown said...

Biebers mom is currently in the recording studio making her own music. It better be a Christian album!

auntliddy said...

I cant believe people are rationalizing biebers behavior!!! Hes a jerk! He is 19 years old, he has his core values. He knows right from wrong. If he doesnt then this just start of his descent. Feeling bad for him 1) reinforces the idea that he cant think for himself and 2) leaves him free not to suffer consequences of his idiocy. Neither is going to help him. Some jail time, some fines, a decrease in bookings-THATS what will spur him to get his shit together.

Del Riser said...

@auntliddy, I agree he is a brat of epic proportions. I think he is less mature than most 19 year olds. If he ever had core values, he can't find them through the pot and sizzup.
Someone, clearly not the courts, or his parents, or lackeys, needs to slap this kid up side the head and show him what he's doing to himself.

He acts more like a 12 year old. He is adult in years only not maturity.

I think he's beyond being able to see himself as others do.

Like you, his antics make me stabby.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Exactly, Auntliddy.

Leekalicious said...

I agree that he's the only one that can get himself out of the current pattern he's in now. I totally agree with those who blame his parents - the mother is making her own album now? How very helpful. The dad does drugs and goes drinking with him, like Dina Lohan does. I hope he can find someone (Usher??) to help him do some self-ass-kicking before it's too late.

Count Jerkula said...

@Derek: Think Beiber's mom has to "fuck4tracks"? I would hope so.

rikkitikkitavi said...

disgusting. hes like a fucking preteen.

Unknown said...

@Count--haha you wish. Can I get a bowh-whicha-wahw-whahhhwww


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