Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 31, 2013

This Academy award winning actor is an A lister but most people don't rush out to see his movies. He makes what he wants and if you don't like it he doesn't care. The actor said he was in a surfing accident this weekend but what happened is he got drunk and got into a fight with a guy half his age who decked the actor and knocked him out cold. The actor had been smoking in front of the other guy's pregnant girlfriend and wouldn't stop blowing smoke their way.

Sean Penn


Bulldog Fart said...


discoflux said...

He is so fucking disgusting. How on earth did Princess Buttercup put up with him for so long?

Gretchen Weiners said...

I don't think my father, the inventor of Toaster Strudel, would be too pleased to hear about this.

MISCH said...

He's a pig …

auntliddy said...

Ah, sean, prince of the night, lol

Karen Smith said...

Gretchen, I'm sorry for telling everyone that I laughed at you that time you got diarrhea at Barnes & Nobles.

Burn Book said...

Sean Penn: too easy.

Damian said...

Is that your natrual color? See, this is the color I want.

Kelly said...

Ugh. Pig.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Charlize, put down the pipe, pick up that baby and ruuuuunnnn bitch!!! Other than that, glad he got knocked out. I recently went off of a guy for smoking in line next to my pregnant friend. The whole line applauded and we got to skip to the front of the line.

If you really want a smile, imagine THIS is Peen getting KO'd

0_0 said...

In other happy news, when the absent Justin Bieber was announced as the winner of a Juno award in Canada last night, the audience booed.

Unknown said...

Okay, I'm going to forgive you because I'm a very Zen person... and I'm on a lot of pain medication right now.

Gretchen Weiners said...

I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me. But I can't help it that I'm popular.

sandybrook said...

Poor Charlize. Has absolutely no taste in men although she could get any guy she looks at.

KhloeK said...

That's the thing with you plastics. You think everybody is in love with you when actually everyone hates you!

KhloeK said...

Damian, you've truly out-gayed yourself.

Leekalicious said...

Only a real asshole would smoke around a pregnant woman after being asked not to.

Gretchen Weiners said...

But I made fetch happen!

KhloeK said...

Was it so fetch when you shit your pants in the self help section?

lucy said...

Uhh, good for guy half his age.

Gretchen Weiners said...

Regina says everyone hates you because you're such a slut.

LottaColada said...

I want to get bangs.

KhloeK said...

Regina's a selfish, back-stabbing, slut faced ho-bag.

crila16 said...

I wish I was there to witness this. I can't stand Sean.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Amazing actor, generally (with some exceptions) worthless human being.

Gretchen Weiners said...

Make sure you check out her mom's boob job. They're hard as rocks!

aemish said...

Serves him right.

Unknown said...

Looks like everyone guessed right! Charlize has to figure this one out on here own. Hopefully before he moves in with her :/

lazyday603 said...

They say don't feed the trolls, but dammit Mean Girls is the best movie of the 21st century so far. And every line is a gem. So while the off topic aspect of today's Mean Girls attack is annoying, I just love hearing all the wit & wisdom of Tina Fey. Even out of context it's all genius.

tara17 said...

I'm amazed at the second hand smoke bullshit. It was a terrasse!

tara17 said...

I'm amazed at the second hand smoke bullshit. It was a terrasse!

Sprink said...

I'm sure I'm alone here, but I don't consider smoking in the general vicinity of a pregnant woman all that earth-shattering.

Is it rude to not move away or put it out when asked? Yes, I suppose it is, or can be. But does everyone in this situation have a choice (e.g., the pregnant woman could move elsewhere). Yes.

Smoking (I presume outside) isn't a criminal act. It certainly doesn't justify the assault/fight that seems to have occurred.

And before y'all jump on me, I've been a smoker and I've been pregnant. Seen both sides of this one.

Martha Jane Norbury said...

Why do you keep calling each other sluts and whores?

Martha Jane Norbury said...

Lazyday, I am constantly amazed by Tina Fey.

0_0 said...

If he blew smoke at them, then Sean wanted a fight.

Seven of Eleven said...

I agree, he was itching for a fight. Still - they could have just left the area.

mooshki said...

I'd like to buy that guy a drink.

Unknown said...

I agree with Sprink.

rikkitikkitavi said...

dick. i was at this spot and a fat fucking slob would not put out his cigar when i was sitting next to a patio heating lamp. it was out, the waitress hadnt relit it. i didnt wanna lose my face to a russian whatever the fuck choking out his churro/cigar. id put my fist to his face but he was like 200#.

di butler said...

If someone smoking down wind from you outside is something you freak out about, then get a portable oxy tank to carry when you are in big cities and at airports. Otherwise, control yourself and move.

That said, I'm always happy someone has punched that old leather upholstered doberman.

Henriette said...

He's such a fantastic actor, but such a douchebag. What's wrong with Charlize? Go back to crazy Keanu.


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