Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What Is A Photocopier?


Kristin Wigs said...

Calling "not it" on this one.

Anonymous said...

I did it yesterday. Not me, either!

Lady Heisenberg said...

Sorry I tried but i got way too bored after minute #2. Lawyers getting trolled. Let's just hope they don't turn this into a full length series

TalksTooMuch said...

Okay! Calling together the St I mean Meet Hiddles and Jax Meeting!

Violet said...

Yep. Did you have to wAit for the end for it to get funny? If you did then I missed that moment of hilarity.

Kristin Wigs said...


TalksTooMuch said...

Alright, woo hoo! I just realised the date and time is ticking! We need a concrete plan! Let's start with recon; who've we got currently in Toronto?? Next stage is Operation Intercept, we'll need the recon Intel for that, I'll work on finding a way to expose the top two thirds of my breasts without jail time, anyone know a good Hall Pass forger?

Kristin Wigs said...

I'm not so great at forging nonAmerican documents but I'll give it a shot!
I think Seven would be good for some recon. I don't know what Jax looks like sans flesh beard.
We have point people in Cleveland and Upper Mitten Michigan in case things get hairy or you need to move the targets across the border. Great Lakes banned flesh beards though. New rule.
Who do we know in Toronto?
I've seen your lady lumps in photos are those puppies aren't street legal.

Anonymous said...

You know who's in Toronto? Dere-- Nope, maybe not him.

Why don't we just kidnap the guy, TTM?

I'm now on a government watch list just for saying that.

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

I have been in offices with people just like that dumb guy!
Xerox is a company who manufactures photocopying machines which office people call Xerox!
I understand the Lawyer's frustration!

Seven of Eleven said...

Heeeeey! I'm totally up for recon.

First step: call Littlefinger (from Game of Thrones). He played ping-pong and then made out with Charlie Hunnam in Queer as Folk.

All you have to do is ask.

TalksTooMuch said...

David took it for the team! ^5, David!

TalksTooMuch said...

Maaaaybe not Derek, he still hasn't emailed me, so I don't think he's into interacting just yet...

plotzky is in Montreal, I think he/she said, that's pretty close, right??

And kidnapping carries SO much more time, Cocoa, whereas just following and selfie-insisting while hypnotising with boobs is a misdemeanor. I think.

TalksTooMuch said...

Just something like "it's totes okay for TTM to engage in pretend flirtation with one of the premier actors of our time to read e e Cummings poetry. And her boobs may be out" - you know, along those lines. You're the wordsmith, Wigs!

I think you are absolutely right about Jax, I am pretty sure I would only recognise him if he was naked and jumping on a bed in front on me. Because that is literally the 99 % of the time I have ever seen him. Seven, you on it, doll?

I may never get to England, ladies, this may be my only shot at hearing May I Feel in real life!

Anonymous said...

@Tina Malette, are you in Toronto? Who mentioned being embarrassed to have Rob Ford for a mayor?

OK, not kidnapping. Where's he staying? That's important to know.

Kristin Wigs said...

I thought we were going to do some good old fashion Brit smuggling. Fine.

I will write your letter ONLY bc I don't want you to end up like that astronaut lady who drove cross country wearing a diaper to avenge her one true love. Or something.

TalksTooMuch said...

I was just trying to be sensitive to your self imposed moratorium on smuggling brits, if you are down, I would totally LOVE to utilise your expertise! Team Fist Bump!

Anonymous said...

NASA still cringes when someone mentions astronaut lady w/ diaper involved in a love triangle.

Which brings up a good point. You need a good back story if you ever get caught doing something kind of, uh, wacko.

TalksTooMuch said...

I'll go see if I can find Tina, but hey! Didn't surfer get upset about Rob Ford a time or two?? See if I can get her too

TalksTooMuch said...

Um, Jax made out with dudes?? I can no longer focus soley on the Hiddles. Pics! I need pics! Off to ask The Google

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Good, good, you get distracted by Google and I'LL focus on the Hiddles!

TalksTooMuch said...

That was a truly mental situation, you guys. Even more bizarre, I think ALL of them were married. Marriage to an astronaut is apparently tough, y'all

TalksTooMuch said...

This may sound weird, LowKey, but I was thinking about this all while running this morning, and I really think I need to get that selfie, not just for me, but for you, too.

TalksTooMuch said...

Dizzel! I didn't know you were a fellow Canucklehead!! That's awesome. Soooo, how about if you aren't busy now. could maybe, you know, ask around about where incredibly smoth-voiced brit actors with / without flesh beards hang oot...and maybe knock over some scenery to cause a delay? Tiny delay, 10, 13 days max. You're the BEST!

Seven of Eleven said...

You gotta watch the video, TTM! It's SFW, just ping pong and smooching.

TalksTooMuch said...

I keep trying, it keeps freezing my phone! Dang you, lady-boner-delayer phone!

TalksTooMuch said...

I don't know yet, I just saw pictures, hmmm. Are you downtown Dizzel?? Now I'm bummed you won't be around when I'm in town! CDaN meetups, yo!

Kristin Wigs said...

TTM & Dizzel
From a noted expert on the film (Read:Wikipedia):

The film is set to start filming in Toronto at Pinewood Toronto Studios from February 10, to May 14, 2014. Filming begins on April 28, 2014, in Hamilton, Ontario on Queen Street South between King and Main Streets. That section of roadway will closed for the week and has been covered in top soil to assist in the look of the set. The gothic looking Scottish Rite building will figure prominently. Filming also begins on April 28, 2014 on Queen Street South, between Main Street and King Street in Hamilton, Ontario. That section of roadway has been closed to traffic and covered in topsoil to assist in the look of the set. The gothic looking Scottish Rite building to the west will figure prominently. [23][1][24] Filming also took place in Kingston, Ontario on April 14, 2014.[25] On January 30, 2014, it was announced the film would be released on October 16, 2015.[3]

TalksTooMuch said...

See, this is why you run point on these things, Wigs. Wait until we work on hooking Cocoa up with the count (if Warecat is done? Wc? You done?), exactly this kinda thinking is what we need.

Jeez, that's cutting it kinda close...May 14, hmm

TalksTooMuch said...

Woo hoo Dizzel! I'm there until the 12th, and I am EVEN staying in that area! When are you back in town?

Seven of Eleven said...

Barefaced Charlie Hunnam #1

Bare face, bare chest, hummina hummina

He used to be a model

He's like a chameleon!

He looks a little like this guy

And a little like this guy before he cut his hair

Look for this coat

Because this is under it



I'll be in my bunk

Anonymous said...

Heyyyyyy! I heard that! Dude made me laugh pretty hard but I'm keeping my bum to the wall at all times ifyouknowwhatImean. :-/

TalksTooMuch said...

Email me, Dizzel! Let's do this! We'll post a ton of pics on the book club!

TalksTooMuch said...

And yer drink covered, young lady

Anonymous said...

But it's a Roofie Colada. :-/

Are those any good? Anyone??

TalksTooMuch said...

Daaaang, Seven!!

Ps: you totally have a type

TalksTooMuch said...

I THINK so, Cocoa, but I don't really remember. ..

Kristin Wigs said...

No worries, Dizzel. You're our boots on the ground. If you don't agree with a particular course of action, put me in line :) Our collective goal shan't be swayed by ego!

Seven of Eleven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seven of Eleven said...

@TTM, I totally do and I'm not ashamed to admit it!

But I wouldn't kick Hiddles out of bed for eating crackers. And I think the Rock is hot sauce. I'm flexible. :b

(PS: I really only find him hot as Jax. Otherwise, it's Charming Potato vibe time.)

TalksTooMuch said...

I see what you mean about the Charming vibe, yes! But if he shows up anywhere b&w with all those abs out and greasy I will absolutely be calling you. Keep a bag packed and by the door.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Best CDaN video discussion EVER.

Seven of Eleven said...

And because I'm an equal opportunity player slayer, here you go!

Guess who has a favorite superhero?

Feeling's mutual?

So you think you can dance?


Why, yes, yes I do

Call me maybe?

Oh, yes

Right after I get dressed

BTW, love that dress


OneEyeCharlie said...

I just got some codeine based cough syrup today for a cough that has been wracking my body. If there is any left, I will donate it to the cause. You could slip some into a Cosmopolitan, or something. My knowledge of drugging a "date" is slim at best.

TalksTooMuch said...

Bwahahaha, I love where he says Thor is his favourite superhero, but otherwise I can't decide whether I love the why yes or dress loving more...I'll be in my bunk while I try to put my finger on exactly which one I like better...

btw, you guys are the best, for reals

TalksTooMuch said...

Charlie! So sorry you are feeling so lousy! I will absolutely take any leftover cough syrup, perhaps Hiddles or Jax have coughs and need some ministering

TalksTooMuch said...

I agree, Cocoa, ^5!

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...


surfer said...

I'm here! Sorry I'm so late!

That was me, mentioning Rofo!

Count me in for some re-con work, though Hamilton is 45 minutes to an hour outside Toronto.

Alita said...

Cocoa: I'm pretty sure that if you can hypnotise him with the bosom, that it ceases to be illegal.

@TTM if you do a *really* good job with the - ahhm - hypnosis, you might even get to keep him!

RowdyRodimus said...

@TTM Dear, you know the breast trick would work on me and Count but I hate to tell you that Loki likes hairy chests not perfect boobs. Queer As Folk was named in his honor, he was asked to be on Queer Eye For The Straight Guy and the other guys on the show rejected the idea because he would make them look like Rudolph Valentino and Fabio mixed together compared to him. He only took the role in Thor because he got the name of their home wrong and read it as Assguard, where a muscular man had to defend the asses of the realm of men from his wily tricks.

What I'm trying to say is the boy ain't right. He's playing for the visiting team. It wasn't widely reported but he almost broke a nail in a fight with Robert Downey Jr. because he forced the cast of The Avengers to watch porn with him on the set but RDJ had ordered all the low angle shots of Doggy Style with the camera focusing in on the actors taint to be edited out of the videos he ordered. When he met George Takei, George nudged the person next to him and said "Oh my! That dude is super duper gay."

But I admire you. It's true, I really do admire you. Many, many people set out to climb Everest, but most fail or know starting out they will fail but the sheer challenge draws them on. I see that with you. I'm sure you already know that even a goddess of beauty, sensuality, wit and wisdom like yourself are doomed to fail to win over the God of Mischief and will probably just be asked to put in a good word for him to Count. Yet you still try! Alas, I have never been moved by the call of my own grey whale, however, if that day shall ever come, I only pray to whatever gods are listening that I have the courage and fortitude to pursue it as you have pursued Odin's adopted son.

TalksTooMuch said...

Thank you, Alita! We now have a Stage 4 to the plan; Operation Gilded Cage. It looks like I'm gonna need a bunch more sizzup from Charlie and some wrought iron that can be painted red. Break!

Unknown said...

First, TTM you work outside the site? Wow. I don't find the time. Secondly, a lil nipple ain't never hurt nobody so I would plan to go halfies instead of a third just on one of your God given Golden Globe Awards.

TalksTooMuch said...

Okay surfer, I thought I remembered the Rob Ford and you! Any trips planned to the city any time soon??

TalksTooMuch said...

As usual, Rowdy, I am impressed and amazed by both your verbosity and the strength of your prose. And I absolutely laughed right out loud. You're the best, boo

TalksTooMuch said...

Um, hmm, not sure how to answer that, Countess. I don't work for the site.

As for the boobs, you're probably right that half is probably safer than two thirds. Good call! ^5!

Unknown said...

I don't mean your an Enty or Entern..I meant your work of art in comments. Don't we all work here? I've been commuting with a couple newbies and getting paid in semi nudes from lurkers.

Unknown said...

"You're" for the grammar policia. I don't want my wages to be docked.

surfer said...

You tell me what you need sistah, and I'll do what I can (as long as it's in Toronto, not Hamilton, lol)!

FYI - speaking of Rofo - have you heard the latest? Videos surfaced tonight of him smoking crack, again. Apparently filmed this past weekend. He's taking an immediate leave to get help for an "alcohol" problem. Right.

TalksTooMuch said...

Countess, you've been getting semi-nudes from lurkers?? First I find out there's commuting and now that there are nudie payments, man, I need to remember to read my contact first!

TalksTooMuch said...

We need to find out where the Hiddles hangs his hat in Toronto, how would you feel about hanging out in the lobby of a few hotels? With different sunglasses maybe!

Hmmm, interesting that he's working on the alcohol problem, I'm guessing he figures the crack addiction is moving on quite fine on its own!

surfer said...

Yes! I can be a female Inspector Clouseau!

RowdyRodimus said...

Check all the bath houses, Twink Bars and VD Clinics and chances are you'll find him as fast as Quicksilver, I mean one of the twins (I don't mean any of you gals boobs, either. They can't use Quicksilver's name in Avengers 2 so they are just "The Twins" apparently. See even Bryan Singer is embarrassed to share characters in a movie that might include Loki. And that's just sad)

Seven of Eleven said...

@surfer, bwahaha!

I've never seen a crack pipe outside of a movie or tv show, but if he thinks people will believe he's imbibing out of the tiny receptacles they show, either Canadians are especially forgiving or he needs idiot rehab.

Seven of Eleven said...

I see your long game, and admire it.


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