Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

I'm not sure why Gwyneth Paltrow feels like she needs a bodyguard. Who would want to stalk her?

Amber Heard for W.
The angle on this photo makes Hilary Duff look shorter than Snooki.
Hugh Jackman in Tokyo.
Harry Styles and One Direction had a charity soccer game over the weekend.
Justin Bieber grabs his crotch for Usher in NYC.
Hmmm. Matching hats on Jenny McCarthy and Donnie Wahlberg is circa
Justin Timberlake and Britney.
Yeah, and Britney and K-Fed already did the tacky post-wedding thing long before Kimye. Oh, and skipped the Nazi eagle.


Kristin Wigs said...

I'm sorry. Where's Britney? Is she levitating above JT out of camera range? Did she lay down on stage to nap?

Sugar said...

Kim and Kanye got married?????? Who knew?

sandybrook said...

I think GOOP understands she is hated immensely.
I'm surprised Biebs can find his crotch to grab.

Seven of Eleven said...

Maybe Goop is getting too much hate mail from actual working moms?

Hello, fabled mythical cooch of destiny! Nice to not recognize you without a caption again!

Hugh Jackman is so very yummy, even with lumberjack beard.

Nice top ponytail, Other Harry.

Hahaha, look at Justin reach down as far as he can! Your diaper's falling, dude!

feraltart said...

Hi Everybody,
Been reading, but a day late and a dollar short. Missed book club TTM, but am now reading Gone Girl. I hope to catch back up & manage to rejoin this awesome site in real time, though Enty posting so early doesn't help those of us in the Southern Hemisphere. Have a great day!

Seven of Eleven said...

Hey, feraltart!

sandybrook said...

Hi feraltart.

TalksTooMuch said...

Hey feral! It looks like the Princess Bride took it for next club, hope to see you there, lady!

Dallas Alice said...

Justin, PLEASE walk thru a men's prison with your ass hanging out like that. I seriously hate that fucking weasel.

Kristin Wigs said...

Hey feraltart!

TalksTooMuch said...

I like Kanye's music so much that I never even notice the Kardashian with him. For reals.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Nazi eagle? Either that's a joke or the writer is illiterate as a standard American. Not all eagles are Nazi and that seems more a Mayan (or other South American tribe) than European, least of it Nazi.

Is Goopy fatter? I would still do her, although with hate.

Bacon Ranch said...

Gwen actually looks healthy
Amber sure did hit the jackpot with Dolt.
I wish someone had clubbed Styles in that game.

Unknown said...

Who can say the artist's inspiration comes from for those jackets, it could be things borrowed from various eagle imagery from various cultures and to be honest not the nicest eagle symbolry. I bet the eagle has a big booty/tail feathers though.

I like the British Columbia Haida tribe eagle imagery myself, this eagle is more uplifting

Haida Eagle

Unknown said...

Usher and twat itching Beiber are on a romantic date. The picnic basket and blanket is off to the side.

SaintsFan said...

I know the KK and K wedding is a complete money arrangement but I have yet to see them looking like happy newlyweds. Are they that plastic that they can't even fake a smile, a real smile?

OneEyeCharlie said...

The "eagle" looks like an American Indian Thunderbird.

Is Beiber going through The Change. Having hot flashes? I never see him wearing a shirt.

Snapdragon said...

I was going to say, thunderbird.

NaughtyNurse said...

There is a Nazi eagle symbol, and that eagle looks exactly like it, but it had a swastika in its talons. I believe it is actually the Boy London brand, which has been criticized for its logo. Stores in England have pulled their products from the racks due to criticism.

Kelly said...

Hi there @Feral!

Is that really Kim and Kanye? Holy blowed up lips Batman!

TinselSass said...

TTM, can you please provide some details about book club? I've caught mention of it before but now hope to participate.

Here's to a happy healthy summer full of eye-rolling reveals!

TalksTooMuch said...


Of course, TinselSass! it's clicky on my profile, or go to:


we just chose the next book, it is The Princess Bride and maybe 19 Minutes, next meet up is June 8. We also do a Sunday Night Social post for anyone who just wants to drink and talk shite.

I hope to see you there,the more the merrier! Absolutely everyone is welcome!


Sherry said...

So it looks like someone either copied the Boy London logo or the Thunderbird symbol.

Jenny looks like Busy Philips there.

And why oh why does baby Bieber keep grabbing his crotch?

TalksTooMuch said...

Whoops, sorry, www.webebookclubbin.blogspot.com !

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

Why does Hilary Duff look like Beyonce? Why do they always make Beyonce look lighter?

...inquiring minds...

SugarTitz said...

Amber. . Stop trying to make fetch happen. .
Harry styles I still would.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

Kween B

Heather said...

Phoenix rising....not eagle...

Esoteric 'wanna-be's' those two illuminates :)

sandybrook said...

waaaaay OT;
I just found out by visiting TTM's page that I was completely wrong about Surfer. He is a she!But still a surfer blondy.

Kristin Wigs said...

Surprising when that happens, Sandy, no?

sandybrook said...

Yup, it was the hockey fan in her that made me think that. And being a surfer.

BeckyMae said...

Hey Feral!

surfer said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa - Sandy! You thought I was a guy? Hahaha!

sheit_ur_duinit_wrawng! said...

One day Bewbur is going to look back at all his pictures in the past 2 years and see that stewpid hat and that more stewpid look on his face and way WTF was I drankin? Cretin.

sandybrook said...

@surfer :(

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Is that Harry Styles' "C" face?
Wondering why I even thought that.

Amber H, NOT.

Jenny looks cute.

StuffandNonsense said...

Can Kim K even move her face anymore. She looks permanently like a pouty blow-up doll - and not in a hot way (if you find that hot).

Those jackets. ugh. Danny and Sandy you ain't kids.

Unknown said...

You can have any custom made jacket out there. This is what these two Bozos come up with (Kanye must have designed them). I'd rather have an off the rack Harley Davidson (they have some sharp limited edition styles) or I'd go for an Indian Motorcycle jacket. Seriously that crap is what they choose to wear and be photographed in. Once again proving money doesn't buy you class. Also - why is everyone acting like they got married? That wasn't a legally binding ceremony, so unless they really did get hitched before...that was just another - playing dress up for her fantasies exercise. I mean they are no more married (from that ceremony) than two people that are "married" in a movie or play, so why is everyone acting like they are? God! Isn't the press getting tired of this bunch yet? Aren't they over yet? Haven't Kourtney and Khloe "taken" enough cities so now they can move on to doing something more meaningful in life? I would so watch if one of them (any of them) really and truly got themselves involved in some sort of Charity work. I mean SERIOUSLY involved. Like get rid of the platform shoes, put on some sneakers, a t-shirt and jeans and get down in the thick of things. You know if Rob walked away from all the TV hype and went to work in a soup kitchen and saw how the unfortunate REALLY live, maybe he would quit feeling so sorry for himself. Go put yourself out there and do work for the homeless or help build houses with Habitat For Humanity. I bet he would see that weight come off AND get a good feeling about his life if he was doing some physical labor for somebody else for a change. Just a thought.

Procrastibator said...

Was Harry still stoned?


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