Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Portia De Rossi Recorded Fights With Ellen

A new report from In Touch claims that Portia De Rossi managed to secretly record fights she had with Ellen while both were drunk. Apparently Portia was planning on using them to show the world that Ellen is not the sweet person she pretends to be for the public and that it would expose Ellen for who she really is. At some point Ellen became aware of the existence of the recordings and searched through Portia's e-mail and phone to make sure she had not sent the videos to anyone. It was shortly after Ellen learned of the recordings that Portia checked herself into rehab. Can you imagine if recordings like this did show up in public? Think about what happened to Mel Gibson's career? Ellen would turn off all of her fans. They would be some of the most watched videos ever.


SugarTitz said...


sandybrook said...

IK would too for court when needed

sandybrook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sandybrook said...

And of course In Touch is a most reliable source for all entertainment news. Aniston is still pregnant.

SugarTitz said...

This will be an ugly divorce or portia will get a Huge payment byebyebye.

Violet said...

Poor Ellen is in a bit of a no win situation. She's sort of stuck with Portia.
That's one bitchy thing to do whether Ellen is nice or not.

SugarTitz said...

I believe this though

Kelly said...

That's terrible. Everybody is a mean ass while fighting. Especially drunk. No exceptions.

OneEyeCharlie said...

Hmmm. You mean gay couples have issues just like straight couples? No way!

Until I hear them, I won't judge who is the nastier person. Portia for secretly recording, or Ellen for what she was saying to Portia. Theoretically, there could be verbal/emotional abuse spewing from Ellen that Portia wanted preserved???

cubsfan1990 said...

why does entry take in touch as a legit source

Anonymous said...

the plot thickens

((rubs hands together))

That's really wrong though, recording a fight to screw the othe person.

they look adorable there.

i cant decide what emotion to have about this so i just went with the flow. team ellen n portia <3 its no always easy.

Anonymous said...


FSP said...

Most celebrities are not the person they pretend to be in public.

Steampunk Jazz said...

No lie, Violet. It would be one thing if she were violent, then it's for protection, but to...
You know what? We don't know how much power Ellen wields within the Hollywood gay/downlow community. Those videos may be just as much for her protection as If Ellen were violent.
Being Blackballed and frozen out in Hollywood and prevented from ever working again is deadly stuff.

Violet said...

I don't think most people are the people they pretend to be in public. That's not just the realm of celebs tbh.

Anonymous said...

i didnt read the article just the headline.

portia is a cunt. WHY destroy someones career? if i were ellen id throw her a$$ out. send her straight to the gutter.

sandybrook said...

Forget her power in the gay community Ellen is probably the second most powerful woman in show biz behind Oprah. and maybe passed her because Oprah isnt doing much lately.

SugarTitz said...

Jim Carey destroyed Lauren holly career after their divorce. It does happen.
Julienne hough isn't booking anything since Ryan dumped her.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Truth sandy. I never watch the show but I did like Rosie's and I remember the fervor of her audience...scary, Very scary.

Unknown said...

To be very fair most human beings are not who were are in public. We all learn this game. You are not exactly the same person with your boss or even your family as you are with your spouse or your best friends.

Like the prim person at work, you get to know them esp apply alcohol and realize wow they have a wicked sense of humour and they are fun but even then you still don't reveal all your cards to people at work - because like Portia, there are always people who will exploit it if you are too open with the wrong people.

Many of us might not pass scrutiny if some opportunistic spouse decided to record us on a bad day. Almost all of us have meltdowns at least once in a while esp when some people provoke them.

Henriette said...

I still remember drugged out Anne Heche wandering through Fresno after she split from Ellen.

Alita said...

So as I read it - Portia recorded something but didn't release it publicly (or at all, by the sounds of it). Ellen listened and pried, to ensure it hasn't been sent anywhere. And Portia sent herself into rehab (and God knows what people send themselves to rehab for these days - Isiah Washington, anyone? ).

Sounds like Portia's sad and wants space, Ellen's freaked about her career and also her private life, possibly, and nothing at all is in the public realm except this.

Entward! I need to know who to hate here!

AJ said...

I've always like both of them & both of them together. Hope they can find happiness whether it's together of apart but do so without destroying each other. If not, I could see this becoming a real life lesbian version of War of the Roses.

TalksTooMuch said...

I hate it when he doesn't point the pitchfork, Alita!

__-__=__ said...

Happy Birthday VIP!! Can't imagine it would be easy for Ellen working like she does and dealing with an addict. I doubt the recordings are anything to be ashamed of like Mel. Hope portia cleans herself up. And moves on if she's unhappy with Ellen.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

Oh In Touch the truth slayer!

ladybaus said...

Ellen annoys me. Though I would kill for her wardrobe....

msgirl said...

I haven't liked Ellen since that dog adoption issue. She shut down what was a great rescue organization by whining on national TV.

Jessi said...

I don't know. It sounds like an addict trying to hold the reigns over her significant other. Manipulative BS from an addict in my humble opinion, if this is in fact true. Even if Ellen is a bitch, so what. Does anyone really think that she is a just a ball of sunshine like she is on TV?

FrenchGirl said...

1/ it's In Touch
2/ so a drunk women recorded her angry wife who was against her because she's again drunk or high .

@sugarbread maker
They had a career because they dated powerful persons

trudi said...

What's holding Portia in that relationship? Is she a prisoner chained to a chair in their house?

If Ellen is so horrible just pack your bags and leave.

LottaColada said...

Cheers to VIP!

FSP said...


Meanie Rhysie said...

Hey VIP! Happy Birthday, betch!

auntliddy said...

Agree with trudi. Plus ellen is the same as she always was. Portia was anerxic and drank. She already has issues. Im not saying ellen is an angel, but if i had to speculate, i wld think portia's issues are the problem. And as truds said, if so egregious, leave.

Cake said...

Who is VIP?
Will Ferrell (47)
Mark Indelicato (20)
AnnaLynne McCord (27)
Jesse Jane (34)
Jayma Mays (35)
Jenna Lewis (37)
Chris Pontius (40)
Corey Feldman (43)
Rain Pryor (45)
Barry Sanders (46)
Phoebe Cates (51)
Michael Flatley (56)
Tony Kushner (58)
Ruben Blades (66)

Cake said...

Nevermind- I see Anna Lynne

Sunshine said...


tookiesmum said...

I've heard other places (from those who have been around Ellen behind the scenes) that she is a control freak bitch who hits the bottle a little too often.

FingerBinger said...

@tookiesmum Yeah right. I've noticed that people "heard" a celebrity was a jerk/bitch from the friend of a friend of a friend, after they've read some gossip or a blind item. You didn't hear shit.

Topper Madison said...

Who are all these horrible people who secretly record their spouses? I suspect they're the type of people who also read other people's diaries.

figgy said...

I shudder to think of anyone having recorded the fights my husband and I had when we were drinking. Not vicious, but just stooooopid. I'm a nice person, and he's far nicer than I am, but we both would have come off like complete assholes.

Now we're both sober 18 months. He was an alcoholic, I wasn't, but I quit to support him and am so happy about it. Sober is just way way better, don't miss it in the slightest. Even if you're not an addict, alcohol can make you sound and act pretty badly.

Maybe they should both quit alcohol and forget being vegans and replace it with ice cream (that's what we did ;-) )

figgy said...

Point being, both Ellen and Portia might be lovely people who know how to push each other's buttons, as spouses do, and who lose all their verbal restraint when drinking.

I hope they work it out. I find them both enormously appealing.

tookiesmum said...

@finger...chill out. Did I say I thought it was written in stone? Who are you, some kind of gossip police?

bellaluna said...

Very true, Violet.

Count Jerkula said...

Vageinfeld is an abuser. I hope her pubes knit together and sew her twat closed.

rajahcat said...

Team Portia

I am not an Ellen fan-have always felt that there was a certain fakeness to her schtick

and maybe a little underlying bitterness

universe make this happen

bellaluna said...

Happy birthday VIP!

FlirtyChick74 said...

Ellen must like wounded birds.

rajahcat said...

I second the ice cream comment

and Happy Birthday VIP :)

hope you have a good one

bellaluna said...

Congrats figgy. I quit a year ago.

LSG said...

Where were all these excuses when the Sterling tapes were released? No different if offensive things were said.

FlirtyChick74 said...

That was a cold thing to do. No one is at their best when their pissed.

Seven of Eleven said...

I like them together and since it's Out of Touch with Reality magazine, I'm guessing their source is the gardner's neighbor's dog walker.

ethorne said...

I can't stand Ellen & her corny fake shenanigans.

Happy Bday AlM!

Eros said...

I think more than likely ellen probably used the cunt word on her a few dozen times. I doubt anything bug is in those recordings. Never watched the show or been a fan btw.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Just throwing this out there: recording shit is classic tweeker behavior. Seen it many times and it ain't pretty. This is where living off of a purse full of Adderall leads ya, kiddos!

The Real Dragon said...

Happy Bday Vip

SugarTitz said...

I would love to hear those tapes though

rajahcat said...

@Lady H
me too----firsthand

anyone that thinks Adderall on the regular most often being used in Hollywood to control weight gain doesn't change their personality-think again

twitchy paranoid people

Lady Heisenberg said...

Yup. Word rajah! In my experience, they start recording either because they are too hopped up and paranoid on uppers, often think that people are out to get them. They like "documenting" everything.

In a few other cases, I've seen severe pill poppers record things because they cannot remember things. When someone is abusing uppers, there is a huge likelihood that they are also abusing downers because they couldn't sleep otherwise due to the stimulants. Xanax and klonopins go hand in hand with Adderall abuse, which leads people to be in this fucked up blacked out but twacked out state. So sad and scary.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Mel Gibson's career wasn't killed by his ex's recordings. He went off on an anti-Semitic rant at a cop, including saying that Hitler had the right idea.

You really think it's likely that Ellen, in a personal marital fight with Portia De Rossi, came out with something like that???

TalksTooMuch said...

I didn't, JAS, but now I wonder...

AKM said...

I think that Ellen and Portia are both probably decent people, like most of us, and they're human with big flaws and little flaws, like most of us. Actually, I LIKE to think that about 80-90% of celebs are like that, you know? Anyway, that's just my gut feeling about those two, and I like seeing them together. I'll hope for the best for them and take this with a grain of salt. We shall see, right?

Dumb question: how do we actually know that VIP is ALM? Have we just assumed that, or did she admit it somehow and I missed it? I know I'm not exactly sitting at the cool kids table here and I miss a lot of stuff, but I try to keep up as much as I can. Just wondering. :-)

TalksTooMuch said...

I don't think it's ever been confirmed OR denied, AKM, but you know how some people roll: they prefer fantasy to reality

Kelly said...

AKM. I think there's about as much chance that VIP is ALM as there is that Himmmm is RDJ.

Pip said...

So much shade. Time to find a warm, sunny area.

TalksTooMuch said...

That's actually how I found CDaN, Reno, when RDJ denied being Himmmmm.

rajahcat said...

or abusing alcohol @ Lady H

I've seen the Adderall/Vodka mixture working it's little miracle

and some intense paranoia to go along with it

and the recording and documenting things to the extreme

thought I was the only one to recognize the interconnection!!! :)

TalksTooMuch said...

Like a sunnydale!

Lady Heisenberg said...

Nope! Uppers and recording devices go together like peas and carrots!

MovingOn said...

I've heard that Ellen is not like her public persona and that she generally treats non-celebs like shit. But...who knows. I have noticed, however, that Portia has been looking WAY off during appearances w/Ellen over the past year or so. Very glassy-eyed and fake frozen expressions.

I think they're probably both a-holes: one due to personality, the other b/c of drug addiction.

I admit, though, I'd listen to those tapes ;)

Unknown said...

If she recorded them in California she broke the law, unless they were in public with no expectation of privacy.

I never really liked Ellen but I started to dislike her when she dragged some rescue group through the mud because she adopted a dog from them and SIGNED A CONTRACT with a clause stating that if she didn't keep the dog, it had to be returned to the rescue. Then she gave it to her housekeeper and the rescue found out and took the dog back and Ellen started this smear campaign, weeping about how the housekeeper's kid loved the dog and was brokenhearted (after like, less than a WEEK?) ... apparently Ellen has a habit of adopting dogs and not keeping them.

OKay said...

Eh, I don't think Ellen's fans are completely unaware she's not all sweetness and light. And I'm not exactly at my best when I'm fighting with my spouse, either.

hothotheat said...

I disagree about the recording during a fight.

I haven't taken drugs in years but I have a spypen (lol, I know) on my desk and my iphone always out because I work with a Histrionic Narcissist. She now knows about it so she controls herself.

I agree Portia should just leave but its not that easy emotionally. Ellen was probably great in the beginning and turned controlling (as has been pointed on here before) and Portia stays because she wants things to be back they way they were.

VeeBee said...

I hate all the bad gossip that has trickled in about Ellen over the years, namely that she is a hyper-jealous control freak, especially in regards to Portia. They way I've read the stories is that everything was fine and great in the beginning. Portia was recovering from her ED and Ellen wooed her like crazy. But gradually Ellen exerted more and more control over Portia's life and career. Portia felt her world shrinking tinier and tinier. She stopped taking acting jobs, stopped seeing friends, stopped doing anything that might incite Ellen's jealousy. Ellen was constantly afraid someone would steal the 15-years-younger Portia away from her. Conversely, Portia was afraid she was getting too old for Ellen and started getting plastic surgery, botox, fillers, etc. to maintain a youthful look. After fighting with Portia Ellen redoubles her efforts to hold on to her with lavish gifts and extravagant spending but to Portia it's become like a gilded cage. She started drinking more and more and her ED is always right there, waiting to take over. My understanding is that the rehab is for alcohol and ED. I really, REALLY hope that all this bad stuff is not true because I really like them both and really want them to be well and be happy in their relationship.

Randaleese said...

VERY well said! I've no sympathy for either. Nor, do I sit here drooling at the possibility of one destroying the other.

Kat has left the building said...

@vee omg this is awful! I didn't know Portia suffered from erectile dysfunction.

di butler said...

1) I think recording & releasing people's private phone convos is beyond low, and I thought it even when it was that kooky visor wearing bitch and the old anal wart BBall team owner dude.

2) Ellen is a very good stand up comedian.

3) I don't watch tv shows like hers, but if you want to know how big of a bitch she is, plenty of them agree, it's stratospheric.

4) PDR has had boatloads of emotional issues. I don't think she needs to be calling the pot black.

Unknown said...

Exactly. That hooker/girlfriend to the old basketball team owner recorded him ILLEGALLY yet she wasn't prosecuted, nobody even criticized her for doing it (while she was basically on his payroll) ... and in fact the NBA was happy to use that illegally-obtained recording to strip his team from him. Maybe he deserved it but ... nobody had clean hands in that one.

Unknown said...

I eat dinner out of the frying pan when I'm alone. And then I LICK IT. I would hate anybody to record that through the window and post it on youtube!!!


SugarTitz said...

@prunella.. v stiviano recorded him legally and that's why they didn't sue her.. donald sterling wanted her to record their conversations b/c he was having memory problems and someone else was in the room too.. it was a LEGAL RECORDING PER CA

Unknown said...

@sugarbread, wow, I didn't know that!


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