Friday, October 03, 2014

Teresa And Joe Giudice Sentenced To Prison

The judge yesterday was not happy with Joe and Teresa Giudice. Teresa would probably have got no jail time or been able to serve her sentence under house arrest but the couple basically shot themselves in the foot and gave the judge no choice but to lock them away. Before handing down Joe's sentence, the judge threatened the couple with a perjury charge because they had omitted almost a million dollars of property from their financial disclosure statements which they had also filed almost six months late. The judge said that through their actions and their never ending habit of trying to manipulate and deceive that it was hard to be lenient on them. If they had filed the paperwork on time and been honest, the sentences would have been much lower.

Instead, Joe got sentenced to serve 41 months in jail which he will begin serving after Teresa serves her sentence of 15 months which she will start serving on January 5. If I were Teresa I think I would have started serving my sentence next month. Yes, she would miss these holidays, but would be home for them next year. The federal time off for good behavior is not like in states, especially like California and there is no assurance if she starts in January that she will be out until after the holidays next year. As for Joe? He says he needs rehab for a booze problem and he has to spend the next 18 months knowing he will be going to jail for 3.5 years. After he gets out, then he will find out if he is going to be deported back to Italy. 


FSP said...

But Enties, you kept saying she would not get jail time.

I say lock up all reality stars.

Unknown said...

good morning, cdan.

sucks to be poor, eh, guidices?

GatorGirl said...

I wanna feel bad for her but damn first of all who forgets to file taxes? And second I would like to live in a grand mansion but if you can't afford it don't lie to the bank just to keep up with your relatives or friends. Downsize bitch! (As said in my best Jesse Pinkman voice)

Courtney said...

They pled guilty and prosecutors were recommending 21 months for her so I don't know why he thought she wouldn't get any jail time

auntliddy said...

" take the key and lock them up...." Or YAWN.

Kno Won said...

I don't trust them. Delaying his sentence gives him plenty of time to return to Italy. They're crafty, manipulative people. If he can squirm out of it, he will. Like a snake.

Sunshine said...

Hey Teresa, your performance in the courtroom yesterday can be described by one word: "Bravo!"

Tricia13 said...

I am surprisd ., but pleased they had a no BS judge totally unimpressed by their TV cache or notoriety. Poor lil girls though...stuck with the alcoholic, philandering Dad when she goes to the country club jail. Oy vey...I can see the book titles now"my life ion the chain gang: how this skinny Italian turned the pokey into Fabulosity in just 14 months!"

bellaluna said...

So true.

Kat has left the building said...

On October 6, Andy Cohen will be taping A Very Special Watch What Happens Live starring......

Joe and Teresa Guidice!!!!! I am sooo excited!!!!!!

bellaluna said...

It's nice to finally see someone "famous" (read: notorious) getting what they deserve.

Too bad this doesn't happen on the regular.

trudi said...

Somebody with math acumen needs to start a body count of the divorces and jail sentences that are the Housewive's legacy. I can't count that high.

Andy Cohn should be so proud.

AKM said...

I still really like her cookbooks, not gonna lie.

Kat has left the building said...

AKM wherever she got those recipes from (her mother, right?) I think all Italians are the best cooks. I would take Teresa's advice on cooking anything!

Susan said...

AKM - I have one of her cookbooks, too. And I LOVE it.

Argh. Yeah. The lying in the past year is definitely what kicked them in the ass. According to a report on Radar, Teresa was completely snowballed by the omissions in the latest filings, but who knows? That could be spin. Although, I do think she is in the culture of the wifey just does what the husband says. That's how it is for a lot of old school Italian-American families. No disrespect. I am from an old-school Italian-American family. And that's just how it is.

I feel terrible for her children. At least they have a ginormous family who will help.

Interesting that she has to serve first.

I wonder if Joe and Teresa are going to make it out of this still married.

I wonder if their monstrosity of a home is going to sell.

I can not wait for WWHL with the. Hanging head in shame, kind of. LOL.

Susan said...

^Snowballed by Joe. Sorry for MY omission. Need more coffee...

Wendy Williams in 12 minutes. Yay!

Kat has left the building said...

Naughty But Nice Rob just said they lied again!

"Teresa and Joe Giudice have already cut a deal to do a special “Watch What Happens Live: One-on-One with Teresa and Joe.”

Teresa FAILED to disclose is that she had a secret deal with Andy, when she begged the judge that she wasn’t that bitch for Bravo!


Pip said...

I feel awful for the kiddos. I hope Gia gets all the support she needs. She's been thrust into the spotlight at an early age, and now has to handle everyone knowing every dysfunctional thing that goes on with her family.

__-__=__ said...

Those poor kids. Best thing the judge could have done is give them both max time now so those kids can maybe get a bit of normal life in before their greedy parents are back on the street.

Unknown said...

anyone who looks at Joe Guidice and thinks "oo! SEXY!" is out of their fucking mind

Steven O said...

Yes, indeed, you ARE that reality bitch from Bravo, Teresa.

All Lace no Leather said...

Supposedly what pissed off the judge was finding out they had bought cars, furniture and construction EQ in the last few months, but didn't disclose it. It's like they thought they could pull one over.

Penelope said...

They are not the brightest of criminal minds. As Mr. Potter would say, "Happy New Year to you--IN JAIL!!"

Susan said...

Wendy Williams is bringing a legal expert in on Monday to discuss this mess. I feel like I've been punked, Wendy.

I wonder if Bravo is filming the aftermath for Jersey Housewives. They've got to be. This season has really focused on the Giudices' legal probs.

Who is advising these people?! I can't believe they bought so many luxury items in the midst of all of this. Wouldn't you be living more modestly til all the dust settled? Plus, they clearly do not have the money to support their lifestyle.

Sarah said...

I need a good, authentic tomato sauce. I want to recreate this wonderful warm goat cheese in tomato sauce with crostini I had in Chicago the last time I went. The sauce was killer

Sarah said...

Dammit guys, there are two of you saying she has good recipes. Now I'm intrigued, I'll have to scour ebay for one.

All Lace no Leather said...

I think it's scary that Joe will be the primary parent for the next 15 months. He seems to love his girls, but he doesn't strike me as really hands on. It might have been better for them to serve at the same time and let a relative raise the girls until Teresa gets out.

SugarTitz said...

sarah what was the restaurants name??
did you google the recipe??

they are liars and in complete denial that they are guilty. they think they are completely above the law..hands clapping, waiting for wendy in 4 hours.. sucks she used to come on at 9. but the show was pre taped thursday so it will be juicier on monday when she's had time to really go hard on them..

Anonymous said...

Sarah that sounds yum.

Anonymous said...

So sad....

witwritergirl said...

Married a very long time to an "old school" Italian. You just sign what they tell you to sign. Asking questions is not allowed. Sad, but (in my experience) true.

NomNom83 said...

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Still feel bad for the kids.

Count Jerkula said...

Fuck em, scumbags.

Fed time is said to be pretty easy. I wonder if they will do time in Ft. Dix/McGuire, like Crazy Cabbie did.

Susan said...

Sarah - I have a fresh tomato sauce recipe and a marinara sauce recipe on my blog: Jersey Girl in the Kitchen. (Sorry to be whoring my blog, CDANers. Just trying to help a sister out.)

I'm making the Neelys' broccoli soup today after I pick up my son from pre-K in 10 minutes. Now that's another reality TV mess that intrigues me.

I have the Skinny Italian cookbook. My son LIVES FOR her zucchini noodle salad. And he's 3. I'm not kidding you. I did not buy myself this book. It was a gift from one of my piano student families.

The Teresa Giudice FB page just posted a Fabelini event. Guess Teresa is going to keep on keeping on.

I wonder what she's going to look out sans hair extensions and makeup in the pokey. I'm going to hell.....

Scarlett Drawl said...

Joe still has to work out the charges for fraudulently getting a driver's license in his brother's name. He could be in jail 10 years before serving his 2 years probation and then be deported. It's a real blow to their family.

Susan said...

^look like. Damn it.

Sarah said...

It had a pretty generic name, I think it's called the Pasta Bowl in the Lincoln park area.
Not fancy, very affordable, if not cheap. Damn good food, authentic. The kind of place you can wander in wearing chucks and a tee and have a kick ass meal.

Lissa said...

Scarlett he got 12 months for that and gets to serve it concurrently with the other sentence.

Kat has left the building said...

I wonder if T will wife up for protection

car54 said...

Honestly, I think it is better Joe be the one to be home right now. I think he really was not the one who started the insane lifestyle--it was Teresa with all the delusional spending and he kept pulling shit to make it happen.
I hope he gets them settled into a more realistic place to live and takes care of selling the property to pay off some of the debt so that when she gets out it is in place.
I don't think she has the ability to do it herself.
He seems ok with the kids, and he'll have his mother and her parents, and I think he is really close to his brother and his family.
Poor little girls--they really probably have no memory of things before The Real Housewives blew up--so this has to be a scary time for them.

Sarah said...

Thanks, I'll check it out! this turn to cooler weather always takes me into the kitchen more

SugarTitz said...

oh so thats why t goes first.. charges still pending for joe.. yikes..


SugarTitz said...

its called the tuffo saporito sarah

Unknown said...

Federal good time is 1.5 of a sentence and they don't have to give you that if they don't want to do so. So the most she's going to get off is a month and a few days. She'll do most of her time. As she and her con thief husband should. These people made millions but felt the need to steal from every other American to the tune of 11 million which they aren't even going to have to pay back. Remember that when you watch the housewives or bravo they stole from you too. They had to know she was a broke ass guido with nothing - they had to know she and joe were doing something shady.

SugarTitz said...

sarah.. me no clicky but copy paste

Unknown said...

The reason why Joe needs alcohol rehab and wants it in his sentencing is that if you do the federal rehab program, you get 12 months off your sentence. Right off the bat it takes 25% of his sentence off the top. Con artists were told that by their lawyers. She would have requested it too but you have to be sentenced to at least 24 months to qualify.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SugarTitz said...

sarah.. couldn't find the recipe but maybe one of the super sleuths can

Nellie said...

Let's nominate this judge for President. After judges speech and she said she had nothing to do with tv, they then revealed they has exclusive with Bravo. I hope nobody watches the special. Judge take a bow.

MrsF2U said...

I'm ashamed of myself - I'd actually read that book! :-)

Maya Sambora said...

I read somewhere that because they are under contract with Bravo she was required to grant Andy the interview.

Studio54 said...

Alcoholism didn’t get them to where they are today. Teresa and her greed did. She’s the one that wanted the house, that all this greed and fraud stems from. Joe didn’t give a damn, he just wanted his affairs. He wanted to set up the Manzo situation for he and Teresa. He gives her a big house and family. She looks the other way at his numerous affairs. He never could afford the house, unlike Al Manzo. He could not have borrowed a cent without Teresa, he had to use her to get all the fraudulent loans. She knew the phony W-2’s for the phony jobs and income were so she could get her dream house. She’s the most culpable.

Studio54 said...

@unknown. I completely agree. How did these broke guidos get on this show to begin with? Bravo approached Caroline Manzo, who just packed the show with her relatives and their friends (Teresa). That's how she got on. They took Caroline's word for their wealth.

Unknown said...

Most of the fraud was before they were famous. It was reality TV that opened up the investigations into their money. Flaunting 7 million dollar home on TV when you have not paid taxes in 4 years does not help. They lied, defrauded and never intended to pay any money back. They figured they could just file bankruptcy and be tv famous.


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