Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Blind Item #8 - Himmmm

In reference to #7, just because someone is guilty of something doesn't mean they were not purposefully humiliated by "the man." In this case, the actress in #7 was targeted by powerful people who got what payback they could. They wanted to shame her and discredit her and remind her they are still powerful and can make things happen you thought were long in your rear view mirror.


AvignonVagabond said...

Miramax productions

Alexandria said...

Ohhh...So she recieved some sort of a dead fish like in Godfather, "Rose McGowan sleeps with the fishes" or something like that?

Rinky said...

Rose McGowan and Harvey Weinstein using his contacts to smear her.

cc423 said...

Rose McGowan is now wanted on drug charges in Virginia. Convenient.

Truthseeker said...

cc423 Rose has been wanted in Virginia on these charges since January. This is not new, in fact the police have stated they have attempted to contact her to come back to the state and answer for the charges and have had no response. It just came to light now thanks to the reveals of Weinstein, THAT is not convenient, that was well contrived.

Krab said...

I think the point is, she really did leave the drug paraphernalia on a plane but it's only a big deal because of Weinstein.

irishyvonnedanceparty said...

Sometimes trauma victims resort to drugs as a form of self medication.

Himmmm said...

Interesting call "cc423", and "Nutty"'s guess in the last blind. I just wonder how long it'll take for you or others to track this to the source, working it backwards. It's less than six-degrees from the person who "made the call" to the person who released the hounds (or info). They're not even trying to be that sly so that it is unmistakable to the target as to why it is happening. Money and power can cross miles, ideologies, and political boundaries.

As I told my friend: Even paranoid people have enemies. It's like that old quote: "Conspiracy isn't a theory. It's a felony".

Jayne Townsley said...

Political boundaries.... @Himmmm. Is that a hint?

FlirtyChick74 said...

Are you suggesting the Clintons?

Jayne Townsley said...

It looks like WaPo reached out to see if the arrest warrant sent to them was legit.

WaPo is owned by Jeff Bezos who owns Amazon.

Still wondering about the political thing....

The Clinton suggestion by at @FlirtyChick is interesting since there was a blind about two women at an empowerment get together recently and the temperature between them was quite frosty. Guesses were Rose and Hil.

BayAreaGirl said...

@Truthseeker, these charges are definitely retaliatory. Rose initially taped an interview with Ronan Farrow in January but withdrew her consent after being contacted by Weinstein's legal team.


Also, Gov. McAuliffe received $57K in donations from Weinstein, which the Gov later donated to victims of sexual violence.

No self respecting DA would issue a warrant for something this minor unless they were using the charge as leverage.

Jayne Townsley said...

Also, I'm fuming that there's no mother fluffin' arrest warrant for Harv but his is brought up from January.

Somebody tattled.

Somebody who knew Rose was "in trouble" when it wasn't common knowledge.

Either someone in PD or someone close to Rose brought it to light.

Itttt said...

Hey Himmmm, random question. Was your choice of a handle selected at random (i.e. Lemme come up with some throwaway simple word/male pronoun, "Him" was already taken and so were Himm and Himmm but 4 m's was available?), or was the 4 m's to signify as you mentioned, 4 peeps that set up/use that account (4 males so to speak but not necessarily the case)? Or some other significance? Doubtful it's this but would love it if it held this significance - but when I see that word I think fondly of the Married with Children episode with Al couldn't recall the name of his favorite song of his youth, but only the tune + 1 word of the lyrics: "hmmm hmm Himmmm..". That was truly a classic; literally his Rosebud.

Anyway not looking for you to reveal anything that could help ID you/your team ;-) and keep up the outstanding work.

Jayne Townsley said...

Props to @BayAreaGirl for finding a money trail from that azz McAuliffe to Pervy Weinstein.

BayAreaGirl said...

For the last time, HRC was not at the Women's convention so the prior blind was not about her! I was going to attend until the idiot orgnizers decided to make Bernie the opening speaker.

"The organizers reportedly invited Senators Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand, as well as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to attend the convention — all of whom were unable to attend."


Jayne Townsley said...

@BayAreaGirl....I had not read that update. My apologies.

BayAreaGirl said...

Thanks roxy. If there's one thing I can do, it's research.

Ladylaw said...

I really want to be sympathetic about what happened but I get the idea, that notwithstanding what happened to her, she really is just nuts.

BayAreaGirl said...

@Ladylaw, I think ryguy made a very good point about victims self-medicating. You are never cured and just have to manage the emotions on a daily basis. Sometimes that managing falls a little short.

Glue said...

Thanks Himmmm & good point BayAreaGirl

kj said...

Hmmmmm!!! glad you are back. think about this: jeffrey epstein the billionaire with the island and the plane was huge buddy of bill clinton. clinton has at least 11 documented flights with epstein. in asia. all over asia. this is coming back to him but it will take some time. so rose will be re victimized by harvey and that group since she is standing strong. who is the governor of virginia until the election. terry mcaullife. big pal of the clintons. now go to politico.com and read the excerpt from donna brazie about the dnc. astounding

Sunny CA said...

Karky, I think about that exact episode, every time, too!


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