Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Today's Blind Items - We Are Better Than They Are

You know those celebrities who think they are better than everyone else? Yes, it is most of them, but some are more open about it. You will listen to them in interviews talk about regular people and how they are not like regular people. There is that level that believes they are so special you should not be allowed to speak to them or look them in the eyes. The thing is, they have so many enablers and suck ups in their lives, that it just exacerbates the situation.

There is a final level that believes the world would be a much better place if it only consisted of A list celebrities and rich people. They do everything they can to flaunt the rules and laws and just live the way they want. There is the former A+ list mostly movie actor who still has A+ list name recognition who firmly believes that people from third world countries should be killed off before they take all the food. He espouses certain beliefs, that if actually followed would accomplish it. He has been joined in those same calls by several other celebrities who keep trying to get people to adopt their position. They know that higher educated people would never fall for it. Well, probably not anyway. They know the people who will be seduced by these fake facts are the ones they want to see eliminated from the earth.

There is the A list singer who does some acting who sexually assaulted an actress on a movie he was filming. This was during the beginning of the Harvey takedown. The singer didn't care. He flat out told the actress no one would believe her and that she should be grateful that an A lister even took an interest in her.

There is a permanent A list mogul married to a permanent A lister. They don't really even talk a good game or even do lip service. They stay quiet on purpose along with other A+ listers who never seem to speak out. They don't care. They want to be the ones running the world and don't really care about anyone else. 


MontanaMarriott said...

A list singer who does some acting= Timberlake?

Ice Angel said...

FYI-Mark Salling just committed suicide

MontanaMarriott said...

Mogul married to Perm A=Jay and Bey?

sandybrook said...

The last 2 Leto? and the mogul is Rupert Murdoch.

Stephe96 said...

Russell Crowe
Justin Timberlake
No idea. Trump?

Dallas Alice said...

Rest in hell, Mark Salling

hhstarr said...

A list movie actor- Tom Cruise?
A list singer-Justin Timberlake?
No idea on the mogul.

Samantha Willow said...

Then there's this: http://www.beaware.one/2018/01/29/nfl-lawyer-who-claimed-super-bowl-is-rigged-found-dead/

sandybrook said...

I'm going to say Mel Gibson for the actor so
3)Rupert Murdoch

filmfanb said...

Anyone think Mark Salling was about to name names for a plea deal and was offed. I think CDAN has altered my way of looking at things.

noseygal48 said...

I was thinking the same thing

Tricia13 said...

1)Charlie Sheen
2)Joaquin phoenix
3)Barry Diller/DVF

Monsieur Pocketrocket said...

TOTALLY Mel Gibson for the former A+ list mostly movie, he is the first person that came to mind!

longtimereader said...

You can see timberlake and murdoch being ultra duchey but jerry hall as well? explains why she married him.

Dallas Alice said...

Well, he was found in a river so it’s certainly possible.

Freckles said...

Jay and Bey, Leto, Murdoch I think the patriots are supposed to win the SB this year....

Bibi on the road to...... said...

I was thinking exactly the same thing.
This ring is huge: Hollywood-Business-Politics-Religion
OMG this is a big fuc*** thing.

sandybrook said...

Samantha the story you linked to has been discredited as the NFL doesn't employ anyone with that name.

delete account said...

Good riddance to bad rubbish imho about Mark Salling. And I don't care if that "offends" anyone on here...if people can come on here and defend that nasty skank Erykah Badu for her saying Hitler was good then I sure as hell have the right to say what I want.
Mel Gibson for the first part of this blind, which explains why he keeps coming back like a bad penny.

Anonymous said...

Who ever he was, you have NO right to bad mouth dead peopĺe, troll

cc423 said...

I like sandybrook's guess... Beyonce's husband just spoke out against Trump so I don't think it is him.

AvaCherryVanilla said...

How are these so-called elite supposed to make money if not for the "little people" who spend their pennies mediocre asses???? Their utopia would not last long.

Dallas Alice said...

Mark Salling was caught with THOUSANDS of child porn images and videos. No place in my heart for child predators. My condolences to his family for the hell he put them through.

Dana said...

He was a pedophile. So yea

Boldblonde said...

One less pedo to worry about. Good effing riddance.

jessorella said...

Going to have to think about the first few but I'd say the A list couple in the final paragraph is Beyonce and Jay-Z ("running the world").

Beans said...

As Samuel L Jackson Said, "Yes they deserved to die and i hope they burn in hell" kthx

ancoranonhocapito said...

I want to know what are the "fake facts". That's the only really important bit of information.


Guesser said...

Didn't people here predict Salling would die before he named names? He got a pretty good deal,would only have spent the minimum in jail, probably protected. No sympathy for what he did,but it didn't happen in a vacuum. He must have offered names.

Drumstixx said...

A list mogul Jaz Z and Beyonce

joshg g said...

Is this about population control?

Dallas Alice said...

Yeah, I think his deal was 4-7 years. He was probably squealing like the disgusting pig he was.

nancer said...

he was going to prison and didn't want to go? shit, is everything a giant conspiracy?

he wasn't found IN a river. he was found in a baseball field.

MaxineAlisha said...

@ Lau Ra He had over 50,000 CP photos and videos on his laptop. He deserves to rot in hell.

I too wondered if he was offed, or maybe he's just a fucking coward.

Dallas Alice said...

Wow, so he apparently offed himself near a little league baseball field.

Elle Kaye said...

That was my first thought reading about his “suicide”.

La-Juice said...

@samanthWillow- Snopes is reporting that NFL lawyer story as false.


MaxineAlisha said...

10:45 AM PT -- We're told police received a call to do a "welfare check" on Salling and somehow that led them to the baseball field where his body was found. We're told Salling had been dead for some time.

From TMZ

Unknown said...

Many "higher educated" people are quite attracted to the idea that the world should have fewer people, especially the poor and uneducated. Not many will admit they want to kill people to achieve that, of course; but they're openly in favor of other methods to achieve a "sustainable population." But what size do they think that is, and how do we get there? Problem is, you're never going to get the kind of population drop they want with birth control or even voluntary sterilization programs.

@Violet617, poor people don't have much to spend on whatever the elites are selling. The resources they're sitting on (especially in Africa) may be very valuable, however. The global elites know they need some of us, but they don't think they need a few billion of us.

Dallas Alice said...

Yeah, shame on me for taking anything DM says as even a shade of truth at first blush.

Doug said...

Snopes.com was discredited long ago and is totally unreliable.

Rosie riveter said...

Good riddance. Wish he could of been so considerate before he messed with kids.

More Cowbell said...

I think the A-list singer who acts is Timberlake.

Rosie riveter said...

Are you a parent @Lau Ra?
Tell us how you feel after that happens.
The only tragedy here is if he was murdered before he could testify against others.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

If it is Timberlake then its the Woody Allen movie he was filming Wonder Wheel

Alexandria said...

People are making stupid people famous and that's the result lol.

Timberlake for singer.
I like Beyonce and Jay-Z guess for A lister and mogul.

J said...

Dude had Naya Rivera before all that plastic surgery... but wanted kiddies instead.


Rest in peace.

Sal Salington said...

Good guess about the "fake facts" being anti-vaxxers, but in my experience it's actually the more educated who fall for that. Dunno why, but somehow they're more inclined to it.

J said...

I knew a girl at U Chicago, went on to Goldman Sachs, now she's a big anti-vaxx campaigner. Not that bright, despite her institutional pedigree.

Lalalisa57 said...

A+ list mostly movie actor: Clooney? Mostly movie but did Roseanne and ER
A list singer, sometime actor who sexually assaulted: Jared Leto
Perm A list mogul and wifey: Jay and Bey

jessorella said...

If the A-list singer was filming around the time of the Harvey takedown then that would be October-ish last year. As much as Timberlake would fit this description, the timeline doesn't match because he has nothing filming or post-production on IMDB at that time (Wonder Wheel had wrapped by then according to IMDB).

Sara, Making It Work said...

Trace Adkins for the singer.
He's got a couple movies coming out this year and seems like a total douche.

ancoranonhocapito said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ancoranonhocapito said...

@Sal, I think you're right. But if it's not anti-vaccines, what other "facts" people in poor countries might believe that actually would cause their undoing?

To be honest I don't think "uneducated" or "poor" people are that stupid, and especially not in countries where they are tuned into survival day by day, although I believe there's people who believe them to be. But they do are vulnerable to getting the wrong kind of help (as some of the blinds on here seem to have suggested as well).

So maybe it's the other way around. It's the belief in some vaccine or other form of cure which might in reality be designed to sterilize or harm in some other way masses of people. Still seems a bit far-fetched though, imagining that people really think this to be feasible on a scale of billions.

.robert said...

Someone with money wants it too:

plot said...

Absolutely Mel Gibson! His contempt for the Lessers is all over his movies and he learned it in the pre-Vatican 2 Catholicism that his father touted.

Jodie Foster is in there, too. Her admission of anger over anything weak pretty much revealed why she so admires Leni Restenfahl and supports NOTHING, not LGBT causes, not women's movements, not a single cause other than herself. She's another one of those who read Ayn Rand and thinks she's a geeeeenius who must break the shackles the world puts upon her through the poor and the needy.

Also, I'm gonna get dogpiled here on CDAN but RDJ is also in this club.

The club isn't only Hollywood, btw. Many in our government at this moment feel the same Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell.

People with higher education are tending to support the idea of female control over their own financial resources which always leads to less children, more educated children and access to all forms of birth control. One could see why that is not popular with the Uber Wealthy Fascists (like Peter Thiel and Steve Bannon) because people with some economic power and education are more difficult to control and put down like dogs.

plot said...

'A+ list mostly movie actor: Clooney?"

Not Clooney. He is heavily involved in the war torn areas of Sudan, and doing a LOT of good work there though he doesn't crow about it much.

Eupheme said...


ancoranonhocapito said...

@plot: no, sorry but this doesn't reflect the blind at all. We are told that the target for this supposed desire of extermination are the poor and uneducated who "take all the food". I imagine here the masses of workers in Africa, Asia, South America, right? So if the plan was like you say to stop them from taking control of their own lives and resources, then this would only lead to them multiplying even more, wouldn't it. Then bye bye resources and celebrities don't smile.

Unless Enty themselves have misunderstood the maniacal plans of this Spectre of celebrities (pardon me if I laugh and vomit at the same time), the story here must be different. The LGBT feminist stuff is only for us privileged, so that we can feel a bit oppressed ourselves and less guilty or dead inside with all that we have. But this blind seems to rather be about the literal survival of billions. Not that I'm believing it at face value.

Then, another example of how these theories never pan out, and why reality is always more complex: why mass immigration into Europe would be so welcomed and encouraged by the very same elites (Soros, Hollywood, Pope etc) that are allegedly plotting such diabolical extermination? They very well know that an "Africanized" Europe will feature a much better sort of consumer, worker and political subject, from the point of view of corporations. So then, what would be the point of exterminating people elsewhere? The new Europeans would grow at an incredible fast rate and "take all the food" anyhow.

IanPhlegming said...

Former A+ mostly movies actor still w/ A+ recognition: George Clooney? Bruce Willis? [for the Mel Gibson guessers: What has he done that's not movies?]

A-List Singer, some acting: Tough one, if the timeline of the HW takedown is true. Neither narcissist JT nor satanic scumbag JL were shooting movies at the time, according to IMDB, unless "The Outsider" was doing reshoots somewhere that's not listed.

A-List Mogul and Mrs. Permanent A-List: Would it be Murdoch/Hall? Is there a bigger mogul than Murdoch? I would call him A+ but maybe Enty doesn't. If it's not Murdoch/Hall, wouldn't Jay/Bey also be A+? So many heartless scumbags with equally empty wives, it could be anybody.

Everybody wants to rule the world, but nobody seems much interested in doing a good job of it.

IanPhlegming said...

"Not Clooney. He is heavily involved in the war torn areas of Sudan, and doing a LOT of good work....."


Charming fellow, Clooney. Total fraud.

plot said...

"then this would only lead to them multiplying even more, wouldn't it."

It's unintuitive, I'm aware, but giving people more economic control over their own lives, in particular women, lowers the birth rate. Also, a large social services network does the same.

It's happened over and over again that areas with more citizen involvement, economically and politically, experience a leveling off of birth rates. 'Course, that isn't true for Russia where the overall poverty and lack of quality healthcare has caused a population slide over the last 30 years. That could be because Russians have at least a minimum level of education and awareness of their condition.

As resources become scarce and people are largely uninformed and poor, women and children are considered a commodity of men, by and large. The only thing a man can truly own is a woman and the children she produces. The more kids, the more he technically owns.

"The LGBT feminist stuff is only for us privileged, so that we can feel a bit oppressed ourselves and less guilty or dead inside with all that we have"

Or we have LGBT friends and loved ones we'd like to see happy and adjusted and not victimized by our government. Ya'think?

There are many ways that LGBT folks have survived in poverty, none of them nice, but they have.

"why mass immigration into Europe would be so welcomed and encouraged by the very same elites (Soros, Hollywood, Pope etc) that are allegedly plotting such diabolical extermination? "

Because Hollywood, Soros and the Pope don't represent a unified front on anything. No one does.

The diabolical extermination is mostly a hidden impetus behind ending things like Medicare, CHIP and foreign aid. Immigration is actually not much to these people of this mindset. They don't care if immigrants come for the most part. The immigrant things is used to produce fury and Outrage! in the native population, that is all. If the two parties of native borns and immigrants are ripped asunder, then they won't be fighting or even knowing about the Elite, will they?

Starry-eyed said...

Yes, most of these celebrities do-gooders do so as a front. It'd naive to think otherwise.

plot said...

"Yes, most of these celebrities do-gooders do so as a front"

The ones who show up wearing high fashion to charity events, you betcha.

Others are very committed to their causes which they don't tout with big gala fundraisers.

Jen Ty said...

Yeah if rich hateful people killed all the poor people who would harvest their food, do all their dirty work. Silly rich people, not their lazy trust funded kids. After all the white people in the South of the US were so lazy and cheap they stole people from Africa to do their work - the British were not much better, see Caribbean islands, poor white people can't handle the heat well then move or pay someone a decent wage to do the work.

Unknown said...

False. The NFL employs no one by that name, nor has anyone named Dan Goodes died in a “gangland” style execution in the state of New York. You can’t believe everything you read on teh internets.

plot said...


Work is disappearing. Everything is becoming automated at a pretty quick pace. Us little people aren't needed any longer for the wealthy to survive or even thrive.

The only way out is Universal Basic Income, but those who see us as weaklings and unworthies would rather we just disappeared from their perfect landscape that is for DAMN sure. Look at what's happening in our government since Citizen's United and learn.

lefthandscissors said...

Mel Gibson for the first, most def.

I'm gonna go with Timberlake for 2.

And clearly Bey and Jay for the last. They're the most self-absorbed mf'ers on the planet...

Hanniam said...

What about anti-GMO for the “facts” that would do damage? GMO crops have gone a long way toward reducing famine-inducing crop failures. That, along with anti-vax, which seems to go hand in hand with the whole superstitious “technology wants to poison us!” Attitude could kill a lot of people in the poorest and most crowded places on the planet.

Krab said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brayson87 said...

If you want to see them, look first at the person to the side of the loudmouth, then at the person standing behind that person. They really don't mind, they like to have their work appreciated and they know you can't touch them.

Unknown said...

Snopes is a complete joke. I feel sorry for anyone who takes them seriously. Just do 5 min of research on the people running that show. Lol

TownChica said...

Plea deal would have been offered before or during trial. He was done and ready for sentencing. He was another cowardly pedophile whole offer himself so as not to pay for his crimes.

Greenlight said...

I don't believe it would be Jay-Z and Beyoncé. While they do stay mute most of the time, when they do interviews and in their music, they reveal their political views and Jay-Z recently spoke out against Trump, so I don't think this blind is about them. Also, they are extremely philanthropic.

plot said...

"Snopes.com was discredited long ago and is totally unreliable":

According to whom? What has Snopes been wrong about?

"Snopes is a complete joke."

Same to you, please.

The players behind Snopes don't matter, btw, it's their articles that matter. What has been wrong? What NFL lawyer was killed? Tell us.

Amy said...

Mark Sailing had a family who regardless could not help loving him and are probably heart broken. I feel for them....they didn't do anything wrong. You don't just stop loving your child/sibling.

IanPhlegming said...

Again: Everyone please ignore @Plot. He is a professional distracter and way-layer. Do not engage. Pretend he is a ghost. He has been sent here to throw people off track, develop tangents, make things political, distort threads. Ignore him. Snopes is for dopes only.

plot said...


What do you think is wrong with Snopes?

Silver Cup said...

The third one quotes a Beyonce lyric, "run the world" and Jay had "Run This Town." That one is them.

VRWC said...

How does that mean it can't be them?

Fifi LaRue said...

Nope, not JayZ and Beyonce. Remember all the rumors/blinds about how they are about to go broke?
Broke ass people don't run the world.

Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall.
Murdoch owns all kinds of communications outlets around the world.

I'd marry him, too. He wouldn't be able to do anything, testerone gone.

Fifi LaRue said...

And, Y'All leave Plot alone. That commenter is an interesting voice here.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Oh, that's funny. Because I come from a third world country and I think the world would be better off without them. But okay?

doido said...

If the world were constituited only by rich people, the world would indeed be a better place.

And the people who treat celebrities like kings deserve be treat like subjects.

Todd Brink said...

@plot - ******eyes rolling******

Cheez Whiz said...

Hey Plot... people would listen to you more if you threw a few Dems into your rants, eh? As it is, it sounds like you spend lots of time on FaceBook, soaking up the propaganda.

I'm pretty tolerant of many different political viewpoints, but the one thing that triggers me is the true believers who think their side of the spectrum has all the answers, and the others are all twisted, evil f**ks. That just ain't real life, but about 50% of the population feels that the only righteous ones have a name that ends in (R) or (D). Pick your poison. It's just like religion...

It's closer to the truth to say that almost everyone in politics is out for themselves, and there are few answers to be had. I'm starting to avoid this place now, because I don't hang out where people just yell at each other about politics. Sad!

TwoDots said...

Agreed, leave Plot alone

Gator said...

Since when is Jerry Hall a permanent A lister?

BestMan said...

He was killed before he could give names. Enty will elaborate soon.

Unknown said...

Why no mention of Trump. He seems to fit perfectly except for the Hollywood connections.

Unknown said...

Everything about Clooney is fake and a lie, from his marriage, sexuality, to his so called charitable help.

Last time he spoke about Darfour was 5 years ago! He's a fashion-activist. We hate him here in Britain.

He made some big speech about how Britain should have no borders and shit, and then got busted for building a Fort Knox style wall all around his country side compound. Fucking hypocrite.
He announced he'd never live in the US under a Trump presidency, and then pissed off back to the US 5 minutes after the horrendous Manchester attacks.
He doesn't even know the difference between the Pantheon and the Parthenon, but tried to insert himself into British business.
He's a moron, whose career is over, nobody gives a shit about him anymore, he can't open a movie, he can't even sell Nespresso anymore. They hate him in Italy too.
He's a turd.

aseay said...

Agree. I’m not buying Leto at all. No way an A list. You don’t get to be an A list actor just because you wore heels, and it was not a good look. Prince could rock some heels, Leto, not so much.

Clark St. said...

Hey Enty: You don't "flaunt" rules, you "flout" them.

plot said...


Still faking that British identity?

"He made some big speech about how Britain should have no borders and shit, and then got busted for building a Fort Knox style wall all around his country side compound. Fucking hypocrite."

Not hypocritical at all. When was this big speech? where?

"He announced he'd never live in the US under a Trump presidency, and then pissed off back to the US 5 minutes after the horrendous Manchester attacks. "

Yet he continues to live, with his family, in the UK...

"He doesn't even know the difference between the Pantheon and the Parthenon,"

Do you?

"They hate him in Italy too. "

And you know all of them in Italy...

"Piss off to NK or Iran, you braindead libtard"

Suuuure, you're a Brit...

Court b said...

And on the off chance they are, that says nothing about us and our comments, and everything about them. This is probably not the site to point fingers, and get in goofy morality kick in support of dead molesters, your no saint, if you are defending dead molesters on a gossip site and name calling people who take the sides of victims.

Unknown said...

@plot: faking my British identity? Whatever makes you sleep better at night Lol

J said...

I am so sickened by the whole Salling thing. Remember that he might not have been the source of those images... People who do these kinds of things are still out there.

Unknown said...

But if there were no 'regular' people then there would be no 'A listers' they would be 'regular' people and there would be no one to brown nose them because they'd just be 'regular'

katsm0711 said...

No way! Plot is hilarious! Even on the rare occasion that someone takes his side, he does a 180 and discredits his original statement because he doesn’t want any help. It’s comedy gold!

Miss Gloss said...

The Super Bowl is for sure rigged. Come on.

Miss Gloss said...

I thought it seemed strange. People like Mark are vain sociopaths who don’t commit suicide.

plot said...

"The Super Bowl is for sure rigged. Come on. "


The reffing in FB, worse every year, proves it to me.

Doug said...

A guy named Brian Tuohy covers sports rigging. I don't follow him but have heard a couple of interviews. Very comprehensive coverage.

plot said...

Thanks Doug, I'll look into him.

My correlation is between natural disasters (or massacres) and which teams soon win sports championships. It's not 100% of course, nor immediately after an event. For me, the most obvious fixed win is the Japanese women winning the World Cup in 2011 a few months after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Houston Astros winning the world series after a hurricane destroyed whole segments of the city? Yeah, nothing to see there.

There are other motives for fixing wins of course. But if there seems to be large criticism of the government or a corporations in the offing, after a disaster, the best way to forstall that is a big sports win.

I want to know wtf New England has over the NFL refs and why they get away with it, though.

Dannette said...

You talk too much, my God the droning. Bzzzz yawn bzzzz yawn

Spudmonkey said...

Nothing FAKE in those facts, Noddy

kitten1979 said...

Um np sorry jt wpuldntw do that hes not that kind of person the illuminati is trying to bring him down find another pigeon cause this is total bs


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